The forced gay success thread...

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Alien4420 » July 3rd, 2013, 9:43 am

Ryan83 wrote:Done! On your recommendation I'm going to listen to Train Susceptible tonight and then the binaural version of CFG. :)

The only thing that bums me out is that I've been listening to Curse Stroke Sissy for the last week or so and out of nowhere I am suddenly developing feminine mannerisms. Which is amazing and I LOVE it. But now with this strip club thing coming up in two weeks, I really want to focus on CFG to try to make myself even more into guys in preparation. So I'm torn. But tonight I will listen to CFG and Train Susceptible, to be sure.

Also, this is the kind of thing (going to the strip club) that I would get excited about before than almost immediately, or at the very latest, the next day, cancel and get mad at myself and wonder what the fuck I was thinking and try to tell myself that I can reverse this. This time, I slept on it and could hardly WAIT today just thinking about it. I am so over the moon excited to go it's not even funny, and there's not a bit of doubt in my mind that I want to go and try this out. That's huge for me. So something's happening- whether it's the hypnosis or just pure acceptance, I don't know. Still not completely sure I won't want to reverse this still, but I'm definitely leaning toward no now.

Isn't Stroke Sissy intense? I'd never had any desire to act fem but I had the same reaction you did when I listened to it. What's more, the fem behavior is amazingly sticky, it seems to go right into your subconscious and trigger some quiescent female part and you find yourself doing the damnedest things, like swinging your hips as you walk down the aisle of a supermarket -- unconsciously, you just find yourself doing it. Even though I only listen to it occasionally I've found some of the effects sticky and permanent, Forex, I often have feminine gestures now, swing my hips when I walk, etc. It happens automatically and I'm surprised to find myself doing it.

It's been a while, but wasn't there a suggestion in Stroke Sissy about men and women? I edited the mentions of guys out so as not to create a conflict between it and Curse Forced Gay.

One thing I've noticed, if I didn't mention it -- I'm so much *happier* when CFG takes over totally! It's like all of the anxiety disappears and I start going crazy just seeing hot guys on the street, etc. I also get very at ease with my sexuality and don't mind at all telling people that I'm gay. But I still have traces of that voice that says you shouldn't have done this, it makes no sense. It all sounds a lot like what you're experiencing. I guess getting rid of it is a gradual process, Train Susceptible seems to make my trances deeper and better ever day, but it also seems to be an incremental process like Curse Forced Gay was. I'd say it's gotten me about 90% of the way so far.
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Postby Ryan83 » July 3rd, 2013, 8:19 pm

@samhash- That's really hard to say because everyone's different and I don't know if I started straight and became gay (or bi...I guess...but I'm not even sure of that) or if I was always this way but it was suppressed. All I know is, I have finally started (keyword there being 'started') to come around to mens' bodies (other than the cock which is the most amazing thing on planet fucking Earth...I already came around to that a long time ago) but I am losing a LOT of my resistance. Years and years of "I love wait, I hate it...I love it...I hate it..." have turned into "I am going to a strip club and I can't wait to have guys rubbing all over me OMG CAN WE GO TODAY?!" There's still a part of me that wonders if this is wrong, but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be.

@Alien- Put it this way- I don't remember ever, UNCONSCIOUSLY, having the occasional limp wrist. It just hit me last week or the week before- what the fuck did I just do? I couldn't believe it. And then sometimes I will put my hand on my chest in a very feminine way, like when a woman says, "Oh, I am SO sorry to hear that" and then puts their hand to their chest. Totally, completely without thinking, just did it. I don't remember that happening before. And I could have sworn I was swinging my hip while walking the other day but I'm not sure if I'm just misremembering.

I will say, I don't feel the least bit submissive, I don't feel like a sissy, but I definitely am starting to see these feminine traits popping up. It's either CSS or it's Curse Feminine Mannerisms, but I only did that one once or twice about a month ago and haven't even thought of them since, whereas I've been actively listening to CSS. So...I don't know. Now it's just this incredibly difficult choice, night to night, whether I listen to CSS or CFG. Since I have tomorrow off, I might do both (plus Curse Susceptible is now an absolute must prior).
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Postby Alien4420 » July 5th, 2013, 8:06 am

I had another one of those moments of doubt this morning, convinced myself that this was all nuts, it didn't make sense, etc. And then, an hour later, I realized I was going to listen to Train Susceptible and Forced Gay again. As if it wasn't already obvious that I'm not going to get out of this! So I'm back to focusing on making the process complete so I can be free to enjoy it. Every time I am, I feel happy and contented, and when I fight it, I just feel anxious and frustrated. I have to remind myself of that.

On the positive side, I'm finding that the same discipline I'm learning to keep my critical mind/superego at bay in trance can be applied when I'm awake with similar effect.
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Postby Ryan83 » July 13th, 2013, 10:40 pm

I made plans tonight with my friend to go to a male strip club with her next weekend. It's done. This is happening. This time next week I will be sitting in a club while a naked man gyrates on my lap and in my face, his delicious, beautiful cock touching my body and making me wonder how I ever lived without it.

Tonight I listen to CFG to prepare. And over the next week. I'll report back on how it goes.
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Postby jacktag » July 16th, 2013, 12:03 am

I'm a 29 year old straight guy, but I find the idea of suddenly being turned gay and trapped that way permanently extremely arousing. Like discovering that as hot as women get me now, guys suddenly get me - both physically md emotionally - and knowing I can't change back, having to totally change my lifestyle. But frankly, I don't believe these mp3s can really do that. I tried listening to CFG a few times and just got bored.
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Postby AlanH26 » July 16th, 2013, 10:20 am

jacktag wrote:I'm a 29 year old straight guy, but I find the idea of suddenly being turned gay and trapped that way permanently extremely arousing. Like discovering that as hot as women get me now, guys suddenly get me - both physically md emotionally - and knowing I can't change back, having to totally change my lifestyle. But frankly, I don't believe these mp3s can really do that. I tried listening to CFG a few times and just got bored.

You sound very much like I was. I was the same age(ish) when I first listened to CFG and it did nothing for me at first. Then one day it just caught me and that was that. I've been absolutely gay ever since and I'd never go back. The thought of being with a woman seems alien to me and I can't remember why I ever wanted to be with a woman in the first place.
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Postby jacktag » July 16th, 2013, 2:20 pm

Can you tell me more about how it caught you? I just find listening to the file pretty dull and end up thinking about other things. I just have a hard time imagining that this could ever trap me. That I'd one day look at my girlfriend and find her unappealing while wanting a guy to put his dick in me.
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Postby AlanH26 » July 16th, 2013, 3:58 pm

Well I just kept at it and after a few weeks I noticed little changes. Things like staring at a guy's crotch when I was out or noticing his big arms. It was weird at first but the excitement of the change took over and my mind would soon wander and think about what it would be like to kiss another man.

I found that once I'd accepted that there were parts of men that I liked, I started to notice other parts: his lips, his thighs, his ass. More and more I'd fantasise about being with a man and I soon found that I couldn't see women in the same way. I knew they looked good but the thought of what was underneath the clothes was a total turn off. But, I found myself getting on with women better generally. And for some reason that I've still to fathom to this day, I started to feel and act camper. Before long I realised that I was only ever fantasising about men and had no sexual desires towards women at all. The realisation that I'd turned completely gay was one of the most liberating moments of my life. I wouldn't swap back for all the money in the world.

What I would say is that if you've got a gf, you should be careful. I had one when I first listened to the file. When you get to the stage where you can only perform when you're thinking about men, it's a worry. And then soon enough even that's not enough. If you keep listening to the file, and let it in, you won't have a gf in a few months' time. Or at least not in the same way. She might be a girl, girlfriend but she won't be your lover.
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Postby jacktag » July 16th, 2013, 4:24 pm

That's incredibly hot, but I still really doubt it could happen to me.

Did you ever try to fight the hypnosis and regain your heterosexuality?
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Postby AlanH26 » July 16th, 2013, 4:38 pm

Honestly, no. Once I realised that I liked men and I was becoming gay I found that I wanted to keep going. I loved the change because it made me feel like a totally new person. I was no longer a man who wanted a girlfriend then a wife and kids. I was a complete Queen who loved looking at men and who now would love to be a wife to a lovely man. The change was nerve wracking and exciting at the same time. And coming out to some girlfriends is still the most exciting and liberating thing I've done.

I know you say that it couldn't possibly happen to you but many have said that before and have turned to gaydom. I was a bit sceptical myself but here I am now. As gay as gay can be!
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Postby jacktag » July 16th, 2013, 4:42 pm

And this all happened in a few months? Did you have to do anything to get yourself into trance?

How did it go the first time you did anything with a guy?
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Postby jacktag » July 16th, 2013, 4:51 pm

This is all really hot, btw. I'm definitely going to listen - but I don't honestly expect anything to happen.
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Postby AlanH26 » July 16th, 2013, 5:06 pm

Well it's good to try new things hun... Don't expect changes straight away. It might be a few weeks but if you read Dave's story when he started this whole thread years ago, you'll discover that after a few months he was living with his new boyfriend and was really happy. That can be you too!

Just keep us posted :)
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Postby jacktag » July 16th, 2013, 8:14 pm

I will. And I hope it works. I really think the hottest thing ever would be to realize one morning that I had turned myself gay and could never go back. I'll keep you updated. I'll listen once tonight. I really don't expect much though.
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Postby sr5 » July 16th, 2013, 9:58 pm

Hi, 30 y.o. male here. I guess unlike most of the guys listening to this file, I've actually had gay sex and would describe myself as bi, though my sexuality is fairly confused and confusing, which is maybe part of the reason i'm listening to it, to unconfuse it. The idea of having my sexuality changed like that also turns me on.
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Postby jacktag » July 17th, 2013, 10:33 am

Listened last night. Still nothing. Argh.
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Postby AlanH26 » July 17th, 2013, 12:43 pm

It'll take a bit of time Jack. Just give it some time.
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Postby Imperiator » July 17th, 2013, 3:45 pm

jacktag wrote:Listened last night. Still nothing. Argh.

AlanH is right, it's not going to happen overnight. Just relax, if you want it to happen then it will.
If you are still having problems listen to a induction file before you listen to fgc. I have heard good thinks about blank.
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Postby jacktag » July 17th, 2013, 4:08 pm

Ok. I'll keep at it. I may hate myself foe this one day - by I'm too tempted to see of this could really work.

I think it would be interesting to hear accounts of guys first gay experiences after listening for a while.
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Postby Korusi » July 18th, 2013, 8:39 pm

You should really keep a journal and mark it by day. This way you can keep track of the effects yourself.
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Postby jacktag » July 19th, 2013, 1:24 pm

That's a good idea. I started listening to this Blank to see if it would help. So far still nothing.
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Postby danny1988 » July 19th, 2013, 1:33 pm

jacktag wrote:That's a good idea. I started listening to this Blank to see if it would help. So far still nothing.

I follow both the straight and gay curse threads mainly because im curious. Now ive seen a bit of something that may help.
Try and watch some straight porn but focus on the hot guy or watch some gay porn and try and get aroused.
I read a similar thing on the forced straight topic and it worked for some people and it may help you :)
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Postby Imperiator » July 19th, 2013, 3:38 pm

jacktag wrote:That's a good idea. I started listening to this Blank to see if it would help. So far still nothing.

When do you listen? I have heard some people find it helps to listen before bed/falling asleep. As you are in a pretty relaxed state already.
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Postby jacktag » July 19th, 2013, 4:31 pm

Imperiator wrote:
jacktag wrote:That's a good idea. I started listening to this Blank to see if it would help. So far still nothing.

When do you listen? I have heard some people find it helps to listen before bed/falling asleep. As you are in a pretty relaxed state already.

I usually do listen right before bed. I'm not sure why there are no results. Maybe sexuality really isn't that malleable.
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Postby JoyofSub » July 19th, 2013, 5:26 pm

sr5 wrote:Hi, 30 y.o. male here. I guess unlike most of the guys listening to this file, I've actually had gay sex and would describe myself as bi, though my sexuality is fairly confused and confusing, which is maybe part of the reason i'm listening to it, to unconfuse it. The idea of having my sexuality changed like that also turns me on.

It is so refreshing to see this thread attract others who want to be gay. It seems that so many of the early converts were either just curious or defiant. Now, the file appears to be attracting exploratory spirits seeking new worlds to experience: which I think is wonderfully exciting. Obviously, each of us are here for our own personal reasons. Like you, I wanted to end the confusion.

I once attempted to lead a strictly straight life. It was never a comfortable or satisfying role for me. Eventually, those emotions suppressed during my formative childhood years reasserted themselves and I began to privately accept and express my transsexual nature. The internet allowed me to find and entertain men as a fem-submissive. Through them and other T's, I discovered sexual pleasures that women could never bring me. Yet, I was mercilessly plagued by an attraction to women though I had no interest in having sex with them. Whereas, I wanted sex from men, though I was rarely ever electrofyingly attracted to them.

I wanted CFG to put an end to this. I wanted to be gay: strictly gay. CFG is not for anyone interested in being Bi. Listen to the script. It is deliberately designed to destroy heterosexual interests. It intends that "YOU are not going to be straight anymore. You're going to be completely and utterly GAY: completely and utterly dedicated to sex with MEN". And though you may have listened to it multiple times, perhaps even for a week or two and are now filled with doubt and disappointment because you don't feel the flames, be assured, if you continue on this course, you will be gay. You are no exception. You are not immune. You will be exclusively GAY, GAY, GAY.

Regardless of the reason you are following the file, you are, in a manner, creating a garden. It is a garden that has always been with you, but obviously,since you are here, it is likely to be in some stage of disuse and disrepair. Most likely, it is plagued and overrun by the ubiquitous and inveterate pest, straight-weed. By listening to CFG you will begin cultivating this garden: enriching its soil, planting seeds of gay-sustenance and removing the in-hospitable, gay-choking straight-weed. With just a little patience and diligence the seedlings will begin to sprout. In time they inevitably develop, mature and bear fruit. You will soon find all the nourishment you seek in your garden. And even if you, in the past, had once looked with abhorrence upon such a garden, believing its fruit to be unsavory, you will now be thrilled by its fabulous growth and intoxicated by the taste of its riches. You will forever wonder how or why you ever tried to find happiness or sustenance with a few paltry weeds. The thought of ever leaving will be inconceivable. And never a weed will appear there again.

Patience and faith are essential. A number of people have mentioned that a gay conversion is erotic. I thought so too, and I still do: However, it pales in comparison to the actual awakening and experience of being gay. I look at the distance I have traveled since I started listening eight months ago and I am amazed and elated. And, of course, absolutely gay.

I would never foist this file upon anyone, but since everyone here either consciously or sub-consciously desires to be gay, I encourage all of you to listen with the attitude of a gardener who knows that his garden will soon flourish provided he tends to its needs. Keep listening, and if you need any encouragement to begin or continue, I would be happy to provide what I can.

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Postby sr5 » July 20th, 2013, 2:17 am

I dreamt I was naked with a man last night.

JoyofSub wrote:
sr5 wrote:Hi, 30 y.o. male here. I guess unlike most of the guys listening to this file, I've actually had gay sex and would describe myself as bi, though my sexuality is fairly confused and confusing, which is maybe part of the reason i'm listening to it, to unconfuse it. The idea of having my sexuality changed like that also turns me on.

It is so refreshing to see this thread attract others who want to be gay. It seems that so many of the early converts were either just curious or defiant. Now, the file appears to be attracting exploratory spirits seeking new worlds to experience: which I think is wonderfully exciting.

Yes! I've already gotten cock up my ass and mouth, but there's so much more I'm curious about exploring. Stuff like a romantic date with a man. Being fucked like a bitch in heat. Going into a hotel holding hands with a man. I could go on...
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Postby danny1988 » July 20th, 2013, 6:00 am

sr5 wrote:I dreamt I was naked with a man last night.

JoyofSub wrote:
sr5 wrote:Hi, 30 y.o. male here. I guess unlike most of the guys listening to this file, I've actually had gay sex and would describe myself as bi, though my sexuality is fairly confused and confusing, which is maybe part of the reason i'm listening to it, to unconfuse it. The idea of having my sexuality changed like that also turns me on.

It is so refreshing to see this thread attract others who want to be gay. It seems that so many of the early converts were either just curious or defiant. Now, the file appears to be attracting exploratory spirits seeking new worlds to experience: which I think is wonderfully exciting.

Yes! I've already gotten cock up my ass and mouth, but there's so much more I'm curious about exploring. Stuff like a romantic date with a man. Being fucked like a bitch in heat. Going into a hotel holding hands with a man. I could go on...

Having never listened to either of these files, I will offer my point of view im pansexual gender doesnt really matter to me anyway.

I will say this, guys do something that girls rarely do for me but it can happen. The feelings I get for them are amazing and beautiful. Like im currently talking to a guy, I really like him and I think about him all the time and the thought of just snuggling up to him watching a movie or just laying there togeather in each others arms the emotions are lovely and make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
I wish you luck on your journey :)
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Postby hypnoslave85 » July 20th, 2013, 12:29 pm







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Postby Korusi » July 20th, 2013, 7:43 pm

jacktag wrote:That's a good idea. I started listening to this Blank to see if it would help. So far still nothing.

Just make sure to post it in the journal section of the website that way we all can see it.
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Postby Alien4420 » July 24th, 2013, 7:14 pm

hypnoslave85 wrote:WOW I JUST LISTENED TO:







Blank? I never heard of that one!

I can say after having listened to the susceptible/forced gay combo for maybe six weeks now that the effect keeps getting stronger and stronger. My trances in both get progressively deeper and my tendency to analyze and come out of trance gradually subsides. Best of all, the moments of anxiety that I experience when I hit a suggestion I'm resistant to -- which in my experience means the suggestion won't "take" very well -- are 90% fewer and milder.

In effect, everything Susceptible suggests will happen is happening, including the gradual improvements in trance. Can't get more specific than that because of the amnesia suggestion in the file. All of this translates into my waking behavior, and it applies to non-EMG files as well. I'm becoming a better and better hypnotic subject, to the point at which I feel I have to be *very* careful about what I listen to.
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Postby Alien4420 » July 24th, 2013, 7:35 pm

jacktag wrote:Can you tell me more about how it caught you? I just find listening to the file pretty dull and end up thinking about other things. I just have a hard time imagining that this could ever trap me. That I'd one day look at my girlfriend and find her unappealing while wanting a guy to put his dick in me.

Jacktag, sorry I didn't see this earlier, haven't been on for a while. But I think Alan's experience pretty much sums up my own. The main difference is that I did try to fight it.

OK, so the way I got into it was that I had a longstanding interest in feminization. I'm not fem but for whatever reason I've always been turned on by the idea of having a woman's body. I also got turned on by the idea of being mind controlled by a dominatrix and that led me to Mistress Seductra and Mind Mistress. And Mind Mistress put the idea of wanting to suck cock into my head. So at some point, her files led me to want to try Train Sex Men, and TSM led me in turn to try Curse Forced Gay.

OK, so I didn't read the comments about CFG and being stuck and such until *after* I'd started listening! And when I read them, I got seriously scared and decided I'd stop listening before the effects were permanent. But when I tried, two months had elapsed and I couldn't shake it. I tried Curse Forced Straight and it was horrible, it felt like icebergs were clashing in my brain. I tried the bi files. I tried just letting CFG wear off. The best I was able to achieve was being straight for a day or two, then it would go away and my cock would wilt just as CFG says it will, which was worse than nothing at all. Or else I'd find myself listening to CFG without wanting to, also because of a suggestion in CFG. It was like I was a robot. Really freaky experience.

Some others who waited too long to fight it had similar experiences.

Lesson: Never underestimate the power of hypnosis! And if you do listen to CFG for a few months, don't try to fight it then, just accept and embrace it as the file says you should, because if you fight it you'll just end up wasting energy and time.

I should add that the gay stuff itself was/is really hot and exciting. My problem with the file was that I never wanted to lose the ability to do it with women. I thought I could ignore the suggestions and end up bi, but it didn't work out that way.
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Postby ikilledthehobo » July 28th, 2013, 8:47 am

So, I posted a little while ago, talking about the effects of the file and whether or not it's working. Well, two days ago I listened to it on loop for like 4 times total, and yesterday and I had an urge that seemed completely natural; to meet a guy on Craigslist, like, immediately. I was emailing two guys, but they both backed out, which was a major bummer. I was completely ready to meet up with them and see where things went. So I listened 2 more times yesterday, and already once today. I think the file is finally taking a real hold on me, and I love it :D
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Postby JoyofSub » July 28th, 2013, 11:52 am

ikilledthehobo wrote: I think the file is finally taking a real hold on me, and I love it :D

Wonderful! That was nearly a month ago since you last posted. Have you been listening daily since then? Have you included Train Susceptable with your CFG sessions? If not, you should try it. Alien4420 is right; it will enhance your ability to trance and thereby augment the effectiveness of CFG.

Isn't it marvelous when those gay sensations wash over you and your heart embraces all of it? Many of us who reach this stage encounter a yo-yo affect: where doubt or fear or denial of some means and measure rises up and rains on our gay parade. Some try to cut-and-run, others weather out the storm, recognizing that it is part of the two-steps-forward-one-step-back part of the process.

Personally, I think you have the correct approach. Once the gay light radiates within, go share the light and joy and find a man; or in your case, two. After all, they're not like fish; There are no limits.
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Postby ikilledthehobo » July 28th, 2013, 3:51 pm

I actully only used train susceptible once, and I havent been listening daily. But I have been listening multiple times a day for the past week. Just today, I've listened 5 times already. I've just finally accepted that I will be happier if I am honest with myself. And to be honest, I'm like really craving cock. I'm ready to go. I've come out to one of my friends. Now, to find a man. I will keep listening, and will update about my search lol.
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Postby Alien4420 » July 28th, 2013, 7:50 pm

JoyofSub wrote:
ikilledthehobo wrote: I think the file is finally taking a real hold on me, and I love it :D

Wonderful! That was nearly a month ago since you last posted. Have you been listening daily since then? Have you included Train Susceptable with your CFG sessions? If not, you should try it. Alien4420 is right; it will enhance your ability to trance and thereby augment the effectiveness of CFG.

Isn't it marvelous when those gay sensations wash over you and your heart embraces all of it? Many of us who reach this stage encounter a yo-yo affect: where doubt or fear or denial of some means and measure rises up and rains on our gay parade. Some try to cut-and-run, others weather out the storm, recognizing that it is part of the two-steps-forward-one-step-back part of the process.

Personally, I think you have the correct approach. Once the gay light radiates within, go share the light and joy and find a man; or in your case, two. After all, they're not like fish; There are no limits.

"Yo-yo effect" is a great way of putting it. Train Susceptible is snowballing -- my trances are getting deeper at an amazing pace, and CFG is keeping pace. And guess what? This morning I woke up dead set on hypnotizing myself into being straight again. Completely convinced I was going to do it. And then I found myself listening to Train Susceptible and CFG again!

I think at that point something clicked. I've never found I *had* to listen to CFG except when I tried to escape. And for the last few days, I've known that I couldn't stop. And that knowledge reduces my remaining resistance because I know there's nothing I can do to change course.

Anyway, what with one thing or another, CFG had a spectacular effect today and I was feeling horny and gayer than I've ever felt. Plus all the stuff about women is finally taking full effect, though I'm a bit hung up on the bit about visualizing cocks -- when I start to visualize cocks, it makes me horny and I start to get hard!
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Postby rigsby » July 29th, 2013, 11:50 am

This little experiment I'm running with CFG might be giving me a way to improve my gay-dar.

First, some background: a few years ago, one of my bros taught me a trick about talking to women in whom I might be interested. The trick is to (inconspicuously!) think about what it would be like to have sex with her, and think about it at the same time you're interacting with her at that first meeting. If the attraction is mutual, she'll flirt; if not, she'll be distant (but probably still polite). This trick actually works fairly well, and it doesn't require any risky behavior.

The other day, when I was out with friends in a busy area, I found myself people-watching, as I usually do, and that's when it hit me. I caught myself, for the first time ever, looking at a random guy going by and thinking what it might be like to have sex with him. Now, I'm no stranger to gay dates, but in the past I had always set them up online; this was the first time I ever looked at a completely unknown dude in that context. The few, rare guys who did anything for me were always people I already knew something about.

So I got to thinking that, if I applied this trick to guys I spoke with as well as girls, it might be an effective way to identify how 'available' they are. I'm going to have to try it some time soon.
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Postby danny1988 » July 29th, 2013, 12:30 pm

rigsby wrote:This little experiment I'm running with CFG might be giving me a way to improve my gay-dar.

First, some background: a few years ago, one of my bros taught me a trick about talking to women in whom I might be interested. The trick is to (inconspicuously!) think about what it would be like to have sex with her, and think about it at the same time you're interacting with her at that first meeting. If the attraction is mutual, she'll flirt; if not, she'll be distant (but probably still polite). This trick actually works fairly well, and it doesn't require any risky behavior.

The other day, when I was out with friends in a busy area, I found myself people-watching, as I usually do, and that's when it hit me. I caught myself, for the first time ever, looking at a random guy going by and thinking what it might be like to have sex with him. Now, I'm no stranger to gay dates, but in the past I had always set them up online; this was the first time I ever looked at a completely unknown dude in that context. The few, rare guys who did anything for me were always people I already knew something about.

So I got to thinking that, if I applied this trick to guys I spoke with as well as girls, it might be an effective way to identify how 'available' they are. I'm going to have to try it some time soon.

:) Sounds good would be interested if this file does improve your gaydar hehe. Would very much like to know if it works mine is crap ^^

Funny at uni walking around I always noticed the guys walking around campus, a lot more than girls. Girls were white noise if that makes any sense but guys made me turn my head. I actually walked into a lamppost once checking out a cute guy xD That hurt lol.
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Postby JoyofSub » July 29th, 2013, 6:44 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
Train Susceptible is snowballing -- my trances are getting deeper at an amazing pace, and CFG is keeping pace.

After eight months of fairly consistent listening, I too have found that my CFG sessions improved after using Train Susceptable as a precursor. I can only imagine that anyone, regardless of their skills at entering a deep trance, will benefit from this file. However, if you're trying to locate this file via the search engine, I would suggest spelling susceptible with an, not ...ible. I couldn't find it any other way.

I have also implement the use of Theta Wave tones.

"Theta brain waves, measured at 4-7 Hz, are the brain state of REM sleep (dreams), hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking. Theta is the border between the conscious and the subconscious world, and by learning to use a conscious, waking Theta brain wave we can access and influence the powerful subconscious part of ourselves that is normally inaccessible to our waking minds. While in the Theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing, and growth - it is the brain wave where our minds can connect to the Divine and manifest changes in the material world."

By listening to either Theta Isochronic Tones (preferred) or Binaural beats you can self-induce a hypnotic state. I listen to these tones for 15-60 minutes before and also during my CFG sessions. They can be extremely effective.

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Postby Alien4420 » July 30th, 2013, 7:55 pm

JoyofSub wrote:
After eight months of fairly consistent listening, I too have found that my CFG sessions improved after using Train Susceptable as a precursor. I can only imagine that anyone, regardless of their skills at entering a deep trance, will benefit from this file. However, if you're trying to locate this file via the search engine, I would suggest spelling susceptible with an, not ...ible. I couldn't find it any other way.

I have also implement the use of Theta Wave tones.

"Theta brain waves, measured at 4-7 Hz, are the brain state of REM sleep (dreams), hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking. Theta is the border between the conscious and the subconscious world, and by learning to use a conscious, waking Theta brain wave we can access and influence the powerful subconscious part of ourselves that is normally inaccessible to our waking minds. While in the Theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing, and growth - it is the brain wave where our minds can connect to the Divine and manifest changes in the material world."

By listening to either Theta Isochronic Tones (preferred) or Binaural beats you can self-induce a hypnotic state. I listen to these tones for 15-60 minutes before and also during my CFG sessions. They can be extremely effective.

Good point -- the name of the file itself is misspelled, so it makes sense that you'd have to type "susceptable" to find it.

I've listened to some hypnofiles that use theta wavesbut wasn't sure whether they actually made my trance deeper. Would be hard to tell now with CFG because every day it becomes noticeably deeper from listening to Train Susceptable

As this has happened, I've had plenty of opportunity to experience the changes and see how they correlate to what I experience the next day. The key seems to be whether my superego is engaged or not. I've found that it can be engaged during trance without conscious thought. And when that happens, the suggestion doesn't take. I can tell it is because I become a bit anxious. When it's disengaged, I don't react emotionally even to something I've been resisting. Interestingly, this is all independent of whether I'm thinking consciously or not.

It's easy for me to go into deep trance but it's been harder for me to stay there, since I'm highly analytical. Every change, in my own state or the file (a new sentence or thought) tends to pull me out of trance -- even the experience of feeling myself falling into deep trance. But I've gotten a lot better at suppressing it when I do start to come out of trance.

It would certainly be great if binaurals et al could help, although at the rate things are progressing and my trances are becoming more reliably deep, it may turn out to be unnecessary.
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Postby samhash » July 31st, 2013, 12:57 am

This file worked really well on me. I was able to relax and drift off with no issue at all, very relaxing to listen to. I don't remember much about the file at all, but i feel good about it. I have not followed it up with a trance file yet, but just thought i would share my experience so far.
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Postby ikilledthehobo » August 3rd, 2013, 12:11 pm

Back for another update. I've been listening regularly for the past few days again, and things feel completely different. I've been speaking to a very nice man on craigslist who is willing to get together and just sit down and chat, see if anything clicks, and we can go from there. He's very busy, so not sure when we will meet. But I'm very excited!
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Postby rigsby » August 6th, 2013, 12:49 pm

And an update of my own. My identification as bi hasn't changed, because if anything, CFG has made me hornier for both men and women! My mind seems totally disinterested in the suggestions about not being able to please a woman.

However, one very nice effect the file has had is that I'm MUCH less anxious when interacting with gay guys for the first time, especially guys I meet online. As a result, I can "filter" for more compatible matches when I meet them in person.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 8th, 2013, 7:48 pm

In my experience and that of at least one other person here, loss of interest in women seems to be one of the slowest parts of CFG. Though in my case I never wanted it so tended to reject the suggestion. Sometimes even now I notice a perverse effect -- I'll listen to the file and then find myself hornier for women. But it doesn't last more than a day at most, and then if I try anything, I'll start to go too limp and just end up frustrated.
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Postby JamesW » August 9th, 2013, 6:36 am

listening to this file on and off for a few years now. definitely a yo-yo effect. havent got up the courage to meet with any real guys but did get the irresistable urge to order a couple of really life-like dildos. I am a bit obsessed with them now. definitely not something i would have done without the file
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Postby avalon69 » August 11th, 2013, 11:11 am

I've been listening to the fille for about 6 weeks, I think I'm turning now... I'm starting to love men's big hard bodies, I'm not so much loving soft titties anymore :-) x
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Postby rigsby » August 11th, 2013, 12:48 pm

I can't believe there have been so many changes in less than a week, but they all arrived pretty much at once at caught me completely off guard:

1. As of my last post on this thread, gay porn didn't arouse me; I just felt neutral about it. Now it actually turns me on. And of course, thinking about men's cocks when I masturbate is now the fastest way to get me to come.

2. When I'm out among crowds or at home watching TV, I find myself admiring various men much more often than I ever did before.

3. Freakiest of all: Occasionally I get a random thought in my head about stopping this or undoing it, and when that happens, my anxiety level just skyrockets. (Not fun.) I've stepped in with my conscious mind, telling myself just to ride out the changes, and when I do, I'm completely relaxed again.

As I said before, I've accepted the gay aspect of my sexuality for years, but it was never very strong. I honestly thought that there was no possible way to strengthen it, but clearly there was. Trippy, but very very cool.
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Postby AlanH26 » August 13th, 2013, 12:00 pm

avalon69 wrote:I've been listening to the fille for about 6 weeks, I think I'm turning now... I'm starting to love men's big hard bodies, I'm not so much loving soft titties anymore :-) x

Told ya!! :D
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Postby Ryan83 » August 13th, 2013, 10:49 pm

I'm pretty sure I'm about to come out to my first friend as officially gay. I've said "I might be gay" or "I think I'm bi" but never "I'm gay. I'm sure this time." But...I'm pretty damn sure at this point and I don't WANT to go back, which is amazing.

If she's online right now and responds to my message then I will probably tell her. If not then I may or may not change my mind later.
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Postby AlanH26 » August 13th, 2013, 10:56 pm

Ryan83 wrote:I'm pretty sure I'm about to come out to my first friend as officially gay. I've said "I might be gay" or "I think I'm bi" but never "I'm gay. I'm sure this time." But...I'm pretty damn sure at this point and I don't WANT to go back, which is amazing.

If she's online right now and responds to my message then I will probably tell her. If not then I may or may not change my mind later.

Once you've done it, coming out is amazing. You can't take it back though. Once you're out to someone, you're out. I came out to a girl friend of mine when I was drunk and horny for men but still at the back and forth between men and women stage. I loved what I'd done when I was feeling gay but regretted it when the straight feelings kicked in. Then of course I became fully gay and it was all cool.

Coming out is once of the best things you'll ever do. Good luck honey x
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Postby rigsby » August 14th, 2013, 12:04 am

Don't forget to tell your friends that you're the same guy in every other way. Because it's the truth.
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