Shrinking and Diapers

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Shrinking and Diapers

Postby foxbarking » July 19th, 2013, 5:12 pm

I wasn't sure if I should post this in the success sections because it is technically not a success yet. However, as I will regularly update the results I thought it might be okay to do so. I apologize if it is the wrong spot.

My friend Chris and I play a lot of chess games and whomever loses the game generally has to do something submissive for the winner. I went into this recent game where the one who lost would listen to a shrinking penis file and a diaper file on here and show the results as they happen. And of course this ended up being the first game I have lost in a very long time. :)

Anyhow I'm going to start that tonight and see what happens. I am currently 8.5" long and the thickness you can see for yourself. Here's what I am starting working with:
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Postby brownbobby » July 19th, 2013, 10:36 pm

Well, then! It looks like you have quite a fun road ahead of you! Have you made any decisions on what files you'll be selecting? From all reports I've seen, Sarnoga's Teeny Weenie files have been incredibly effective--either regular or Curse. As for a diaper "encouragement" file, it'd depend a lot on how far you're willing to go. Do you want to simply enjoy wearing diapers, enjoy wetting diapers, or find yourself needing diapers because of accidents?

Regardless, good luck on paying off this bet. I look forward to hearing how it goes!
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Postby foxbarking » July 19th, 2013, 11:00 pm

Sarnoga's teenie weenie curse file is the one I am going to use for shrinking. I have sampled a couple to see which one appeals and that does. I am going to do my first though listening tonight.

As far as diapers, I have not picked file yet. However, it's going to progress to me wearing them all the time possibly, so something that would force me to wear them to stop accidents if anyone has a suggestion.

And I was thinking it might seem slightly hokey, because it's sort of erotic story like to lose a wager and have to be punished in such away. But we both agreed to it in the beginning, which sort of means we were not averse to the ideas before the game :)

I'll keep you apprised of the results.
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Postby brownbobby » July 20th, 2013, 12:50 am

Ahh. It may sound like a story, but I've had friends who have done things like this before. :) I admit to being insanely curious for how this goes for you--make sure to keep us posted. From "doomed to diapers forever" to "likely forever find an urge to wear and wet them," here's my recommendations.

MindMaster Bladder Retraining
- Users report very efficiently and quickly losing all bladder control and wetting themselves uncontrollably, and becoming addicted to the pleasure of wetting their diapers. A very deep, sinister, and effective file. Costs money, but the effectiveness is incredible.

Sarnoga's Accustomed to Wetting - If you're willing to wear diapers at all times, you'll find yourself forgetting to hold it in to begin with. Not a curse, but requires a large commitment.

Sarnoga's Diaper Dependence 1 - This one's a fun inversion. You won't have accidents...instead, you'll find the only way you can empty your bladder fully is when you're wearing a diaper at home. If you'd like to move toward losing control, Diaper Dependence 2 will add accidents when at home (diapered or not!) and bedwetting.

Sarnoga's Every Good Boy Wears Diapers - This file just reminds you that every good boy wears diapers...and that the only acceptable place for what comes out of a boy's penis is into a diaper. :)

Sarnoga's The Diaper Does It - Wearing a diaper? You'll wet it helplessly. Not wearing a diaper? You're fine...unless you don't wear a diaper again for 10 days. Then you'll start wetting your pants. It'll just ensure that you'll always be in a diaper every once in a while. :)

Train Diaper Wetting - A mix of two EMG diaper wearing/wetting files. Will encourage diaper wearing and accidents while diapered, but full control otherwise. On the other hand...

Train No Bladder Control - Same as above, but you'll wet yourself, diapered or not.

Enjoy listening to Sarnoga's Teeny Weenie!
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Postby foxbarking » July 20th, 2013, 1:56 pm

Thanks for all of the suggestions. I haven't yet decided about which diaper file to listen to yet. Diapers are not exactly a totally new idea for me. The reason we agreed on the stipulations that we agreed on was because both of us were interested in small penis fantasies and diapers. The best way to describe it is that we are both completely interested in both fantasies, but have never put forth the commitment that the loser would have to put forth.

Generally my experience with diapers has been limited because I am extremely pee shy. At school I either have to find a bathroom way off somewhere that no one goes to or wait until everyone leaves before I can even pee in a urinal. I've always actually wanted to succeed in using a diaper, it just has never happened yet.

My friend Chris got obsessed with an erotic story involving a guy with a small dick being made fun of a lot. Once he told me "I wish I had a small weiner like the guy in the story." Then we measured him at about 4 1/2 inches and found out he did :) But that began out mutual interest in sph things and shrinking. Being that he is only half my size, he's really hoping the shrinking works so he can tease me for being smaller. I'm sort of mixed between looking forward and being apprehensive.

But I did listen to the teenie weenie file last night. I'm going to stick with it because I found it very fascinating. I'll let you know if there are any changes.
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Postby foxbarking » July 21st, 2013, 7:47 pm

Although I have listened to the file a couple times a day (sometimes it has the effect that makes me want start it over immediately when it ends) for the past three days, it definitely seems different. My erection doesn't seem as hard as it usually is and it does seem slightly smaller. I'm not ready to assume anything has happened other than just suggestion. I am extremely susceptible to hypnosis and suggestion, so currently it is somewhat likely I am making myself believe a small amount of shrinking has occurred.

I'm a psychology student so while I do these things I almost feel like I am watching a movie behind the scenes. Like part of me is turned on enough by the idea of shrinking and is convincing myself it's working.

Funny thing happened today, though. My friend Chris (the chess partner) brought me a bag of diapers. He noticed I have been putting off the diaper part of the loss and exchanged my underwear for them. I went along with it because honestly it turned me on more than I ever have been turned on before.
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Postby robindf1 » July 21st, 2013, 8:09 pm

Have you tried to measure your cock? If you're curious about what's happening, that's the only way...
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Postby foxbarking » July 21st, 2013, 8:50 pm

I don't have a ruler or tape measure at the moment. It's been too hot to walk to the store (I don't have a car right now), but I figure I'll do that tomorrow. My measurements have always hovered around 8.5 inches, but I'll buy a tape measure and look at it tomorrow. I'll probably have to lose at least an inch before I convince myself it's anything other than me convincing myself.

Chris wants me to keep updating so I will. I had been putting off the diaper thing as long as I could so he picked one for me. I will be starting with another Sarnoga one, "Putting on diapers" I believe it is called. I'm in a diaper now and I can't change it until he comes over later today with a tape measure to measure my cock. I'll update and get a picture later on today.
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Postby brownbobby » July 23rd, 2013, 12:19 am

Ooh...another excellent Sarnoga file. Honestly, pretty much anything Sarnoga does is superb, and Putting on Diapers should have been in my suggestion list--it's a spectacular intro file, and I'm sure Chris will enjoy catching you in your diapers. ;) Also, hearing Sarnoga's voice even more should help with...other things. Keep us informed!
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Postby foxbarking » July 23rd, 2013, 2:21 am

I actually lost some length. It seems kind of fast though and as far as I know, it might be the placebo effect. Chris measured it and took a picture. He's going to send it to me tomorrow to post here. I measured in at a hair under 8 inches when I am generally steady at 8.5. I told him I didn't think it had anything to do with the file and he said that we'll see. I hope to get that pic posted tomorrow.
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how long

Postby cloudrider07 » July 23rd, 2013, 7:23 pm

how long do you have to listen? Is there a size that when you shrink to you will stop?
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Postby foxbarking » July 23rd, 2013, 8:08 pm

On the particular file it lays out the criteria that causes the shrinkage: ie hearing Sarnoga's voice, getting turned on and a couple other things. Also the file seems to be quite addictive which is likely a result of the suggestion. You would stop shrinking,I assume, if you avoid the criteria.

I've been listening four or five days and appear to be smaller. However, I am a research psychologist so I am a bit skeptical whether it is actually shrinking or if it is a placebo effect. I was actually never aware of the hypnotism fetish until my buddy Chris introduced it to me. It came up in a wager we made over a chess game and since we both have a shrinking fetish, we decided to test my skepticism by making listening to the files the losing part of the wager.

If you're worried about shrinking too much, though, I would suggest not doing it because all of the variables that may cause shrinking to happen are not easily avoidable, as many of the other posters in other threads have indicated.
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Postby foxbarking » July 27th, 2013, 12:39 am

Sorry for the update delay. Chris was supposed to send me the picture he took measuring and has not done it yet. When I get that, I will post it. In the meantime I took a picture five minutes ago and you can see it here:

I can only estimate the difference, but since I started at 8.5" and this looks like in one week I have lost a bit over three inches. As you can see, the head is not as fat as it used to be either. I am not extremely hard, but this was the best I could get it to.

As far as how this makes me feel is I think I realized the fantasies are much hotter than the realities. But regardless, the idea is still turning me on. I always was the guy with the big and thick cock , so this is giving me feelings I have never had before. In high school, I was a bit of a pretty boy but it is amazing how people in the locker room treat you differently when they realize how huge your dick is. Also, knowing that anytime I was about to have sex with a new partner, knowing that if they liked size, they would be happy. Losing those sorts of things are kind of intimidating.
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Postby mondaytuesday » July 27th, 2013, 9:59 am

foxbarking, you are an inspiration. What an incredible and fast transformation you are experiencing. The alterations you are now enduring, due to losing at chess is profound. It's very arousing. Arousal equals regression. Regression equals arousal.

Destiny has put a friend in my life. I have served as a Coach for him during his experiences with the teeny weenie curse. He was familiar with my results and changes because I was posting under the "terrible success" discussion under success stories.

It's a mutually exciting friendship because I enticed him to help me out some with my fantasy of being forced to feel the humiliation and simultaneous submission that comes from a grown adult man who is cursed and commanded to regress, be infantilized, etc.

We've moved on to some next phase goals that I am Coaching him with now. And I'm frightened and excited to share that he has developed an true interest and enjoyment in forcing me to regress. I may have created a monster, in fact. I've made it known that I want to be the experimental subject matter for someone who may find humor or interest in putting me through regressions and babying, then back up again. Then the thrill and horror of going down again. He's enjoying it and he's getting stronger over me. I'm glad to have met such a friend.

So, brownbobby, I will re-download those files you recommended. They are all great. I am also going heavy with the MM Baby Train Series. I've felt a compulsion to get as much time in with a variety of infant behavior, baby brain, etc. files in order to have fertile soil for my friend and his wicked fun he is going to have with me. And I am finally getting to be the victim, on occasion, to a fate that has chilled and enticed me now for a long time.

Wish me luck!
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Postby foxbarking » July 27th, 2013, 6:24 pm

Thanks for your kind words, mondaytuesday, and I wish you happiness and success as well.

My situation is ironic in a way because my relationship with my first boyfriend was exceedingly vanilla and one of the early introductions to kinkiness was through friends who were into SPH. At first I thought it was bizarre as hell, but I don't convey those things to people who have different interests than me. I wanted to try being on the receiving end, but felt I never could be, being that I am close to three standard deviations above the mean penis size. However, a friend decided to put me on the receiving end and it was great. I was also diapered at age five for a punishment and had thoughts about those lingering.

Chris and I always make bets over chess games, so this may only be the most extreme thing we have bet but it is in the line of many other things.

The most interesting thing is that I am definitely the Ric Flair of chess. This is not to say that I am the greatest chess player of all time, because I am actually terrible. But like pro wrestler Ric Flair, I am not above using any method fair or not to win. If a crotch shot would help me win a chess game, I'd use it ;) So this time Chris did not only win, but he won against the dirtiest chess player he'll ever meet :) But seriously, he is aware of who I am and in spite of that, I am willing to go along with the consequences.

The shrinking idea turns me on and sets off butterflies in my stomach, so that may play some part in the softer erections, but only time will tell.
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Postby robindf1 » July 27th, 2013, 7:19 pm

How does having a smaller penis feel? Do you feel like you're below average, and how does that affect your image or self worth? Do you feel any intense pangs of regret? Can you work yourself to full hardness, or do you cum in a semi hard state? Can you cum at all?
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Postby brownbobby » July 30th, 2013, 1:09 am

I hope it's not too terrible of a surprise that the Teeny Weenie file has worked so well. Sarnoga's hypnotic talents are excellent, and the sheer number of people who have found success at his hands is astounding. Perhaps most interestingly of all, your weenie's likely to get even smaller as you go--are you ready for it? :p

The lingering thoughts about diapers also make sense--it was an experience around five years old that cemented my love for them as well, although only within the past few years have I finally come to terms with it. Embrace it for what it's worth--there's nothing illegal about diapers, after all--and ride the experience for all it's worth. Who knows? Maybe you'll find that the perfect home for your new weenie is inside of some thick, absorbent padding.

Good luck, and I hope you keep seeing results and feeling the thrill!
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Postby foxbarking » August 1st, 2013, 6:16 pm

Hey all, sorry for the recent lack of updates. I've been moving and haven't had internet access. I'm about to conk out, but when I get up I'll let everyone know what is going on.
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Postby foxbarking » August 3rd, 2013, 6:12 am

robindf1 wrote:How does having a smaller penis feel? Do you feel like you're below average, and how does that affect your image or self worth? Do you feel any intense pangs of regret? Can you work yourself to full hardness, or do you cum in a semi hard state? Can you cum at all?

It feels very odd. Having a big dick was always incorporated into my identity by my friends. The ones who saw it spread it around and it got me a lot of attention at the bars and such. So now I actually feel below average even though I only have 4 1/2 inches left. That is a lost of 4 hard inches in a relatively short amount of time.

More than anything, that much loss has dampened my skepticism about how these files work and I do feel some pangs of regret. I wasn't totally convinced the shrinking would be anything but an illusion and I am not really sure if there is any reversing. So, there is regret but I am not going to stop.

For the first time ever, Chris's dick is bigger than mine and that feels odd. He insists on doing the measuring so I let him. He has said some things to me that are exciting, but very overwhelming as well. For example:

"We need to measure it so I'll give you about half an hour because I know you have to find it first."

"Good thing you are in diapers since you have baby dick."

"We're going to shrink it until you have nothing left."

But as odd and somewhat regretful as it is, it is still a major turn on.

As far as diapers, we have replaced all of my underwear. It's still hard to wet them, but I can do it. I've been wearing only the diapers a few times when Chris is hanging out.

Oh and he hasn't beaten me once at chess since then, so I have him doing some humiliating things too. That is why this works for us, because it's bets and not a master/slave thing. He takes a college PE course and when the fall semester starts, he has to hit himself in the balls in the middle of class when everyone can see. Hehe.
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Postby foxbarking » August 8th, 2013, 3:17 am

Had an interesting evening and thought I would mention it before bed. Chris just changed my diaper for me and it's all I get to wear to bed. However, he has lost and had some wagers to live up to. He is now in diapers too :) among other things. Chris will have to lightly rub the inside of his diaper with icy hot (very light) and wear it all day like that.

However, we put up a wager that was inspired by an email I got from someone about babysitting. I lost. So for a four day weekend, his sister is going to be my babysitter and she will be here at noon to change my diaper.

Size wise, I am steady at 4.5 inches and still trying to get pics.
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Postby robindf1 » August 8th, 2013, 12:02 pm

foxbarking wrote:Had an interesting evening and thought I would mention it before bed. Chris just changed my diaper for me and it's all I get to wear to bed. However, he has lost and had some wagers to live up to. He is now in diapers too :) among other things. Chris will have to lightly rub the inside of his diaper with icy hot (very light) and wear it all day like that.

However, we put up a wager that was inspired by an email I got from someone about babysitting. I lost. So for a four day weekend, his sister is going to be my babysitter and she will be here at noon to change my diaper.

Size wise, I am steady at 4.5 inches and still trying to get pics.

Oooh. Do you feel like it's not changing? I personally believe that first it gets limp, so it appears to shrink, and then it actually starts shrinking. Also, I feel sorry you can't seem to have any luck with pics. =(
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I love the babysitting bet you lost!!!

Postby mondaytuesday » August 8th, 2013, 9:53 pm

I love the babysitting bet you lost!!!

foxbarking-you two guys are incredible. I love the tone being this back and forth with fate. It's inspiring.

If you guys would find it amusing or a devious thrill, I open myself up to any dares you want to hurl my way.

I can't wait to hear about your babysitting adventure!

I'm so glad both you guys are in diapers now!
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Postby foxbarking » August 9th, 2013, 12:09 am

robindf1 wrote:
Oooh. Do you feel like it's not changing? I personally believe that first it gets limp, so it appears to shrink, and then it actually starts shrinking. Also, I feel sorry you can't seem to have any luck with pics. =(

I definitely feel like it's changing. And you are correct. There seems to be a high correlation in limpness and shrinking. It makes the effect make more sense to me and I am beginning to think I'll be under 4" in no time.

Sorry for the lack of posting pics. We have been taking them, but we've been using Chris's camera phone. He keeps telling me he'll send them to me, but he hasn't yet. When he comes over tomorrow I will just have to take his phone and post them myself. He's rather absent minded. There are about six measurement shots that he hasn't sent me.
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Re: I love the babysitting bet you lost!!!

Postby foxbarking » August 9th, 2013, 12:24 am

mondaytuesday wrote:I love the babysitting bet you lost!!!

foxbarking-you two guys are incredible. I love the tone being this back and forth with fate. It's inspiring.

If you guys would find it amusing or a devious thrill, I open myself up to any dares you want to hurl my way.

I can't wait to hear about your babysitting adventure!

I'm so glad both you guys are in diapers now!

Well Chris and I have been pretty good friends for a long time. We both are generally more submissive types, which is why we can do these bets where the loser will enjoy the submission. We're pretty close and because of that, we play a lot, but we decided not to date for fear in losing the friendship. As I mentioned before, he has had to do plenty of humiliating things himself.

As far as today, I went to sleep and woke up around noon. Chris's sister got here around that time and I was waiting for a diaper change. Because I hadn't wet it much (because as I have mentioned, that is not easy for me to do) she decided I'll keep it on until it gets soaked. I actually still have it on at the moment and although it is pretty wet, I'm not getting a change yet. I am sure it will have no structural integrity.

Chris, being the ass that he is, told Laura that he and I used to play with chastity. So she told me to to retrieve my device, which is a Curve due to my previous big size. She decided it would be cool to put it on me and have me sleep in the diaper. It's nothing I could be forced to do by a bet, but I relented because the idea made me very turned on. So I got my wet diaper slipped down and Laura starting making fun of my dick. She got the device locked on and said, "I don't think your cock can even come in contact with the cage." Locked it and pulled the diaper back up

She is putting me to bed after this post. She will be here all hours of the next three days. Here's hoping for a change in the morning.
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Postby mondaytuesday » August 9th, 2013, 12:29 am


I've got an email with what I hope will be similar commands for me, from a friend of mine. I've been told not to read it until bedtime.

Here goes nothing...
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Life AFter The Teeny Weenie Curse

Postby mondaytuesday » August 9th, 2013, 4:00 pm

The previous symbol of my manhood and adult status.

Photos taken today
It's happening to me. More and more, I only have a teeny weenie and a baby scrotum, with small testes inside. Even without continually using the curse files and the MM baby training files, etc., it keeps happening. My desire to be given regression commands that I have no control over or will to resist, is driving my once matured male sexual characteristics to atrophy. I'm an adult and cannot be a baby all the time, but I'll often be reminded of my true existence by seeing and feeling my weenie.
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Re: Life AFter The Teeny Weenie Curse

Postby diapertime » August 9th, 2013, 8:41 pm

mondaytuesday wrote:"BEFORE"
The previous symbol of my manhood and adult status.

Photos taken today
It's happening to me. More and more, I only have a teeny weenie and a baby scrotum, with small testes inside. Even without continually using the curse files and the MM baby training files, etc., it keeps happening. My desire to be given regression commands that I have no control over or will to resist, is driving my once matured male sexual characteristics to atrophy. I'm an adult and cannot be a baby all the time, but I'll often be reminded of my true existence by seeing and feeling my weenie.

You need to shave that tiny peewee to make it more baby like.
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Thank you

Postby mondaytuesday » August 10th, 2013, 8:52 pm

Good advice.

I have now shaved the area around my newly developed baby bits.

Also I shaved the hair from under my arms.
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Postby foxbarking » August 15th, 2013, 2:21 am

I figured you guys deserved an update and I am sorry that I haven't been able to give you one until now.

Laura babysat me through Monday morning. She kept me in diapers the whole time and did my changes for me. Although she seemed like she had an enjoyable time out of it, she let us know it would only have been a one time thing. That is fine though. Chris and I talked about it and next time I need a babysitter, he is just going to do it himself.

A little note about Chris. He will be joining me in shrinking his dick too. He was pretty sure of himself the other day and lost a bet back to me. Although the wager for my loss would have been cool, since he put his dick on the line, I annihilated him :) He starts tonight.

Okay, my dick is rapidly getting smaller. I have some pictures on my camera and will post them tomorrow. Chris wanted me under four inches before the end of the weekend and he got his wish. He has me listening to it a couple times a day, and as you will see in the pictures tomorrow, I am now under three inches. My dick can get a little firm, but not hard.

He told me we might go ahead and stop at two inches, but I am very curious if I can see it get as small as possible. How far down do readers think I should go?
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Postby drk1 » August 15th, 2013, 3:25 am

I would have been tempted to give Chris a penis growth file to see if he could have got up to your previous size and what psychological effect it would have had on him to have a large penis. Maybe it is something that you could try later if you have him listen to the non-curse version of teeny weenie
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Postby foxbarking » August 15th, 2013, 3:30 am

That is a great idea. I'll bring that up to him later today. Thanks :)
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Postby foxbarking » August 16th, 2013, 12:33 am

These aren't the best pictures in the world, but they are better than not having any.

Under five inches for the first time in my life. That is a flash drive next to it.

Between four and five

Less than four

Less than three
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Wondering about Chris

Postby mondaytuesday » August 23rd, 2013, 11:32 pm

drk1 wrote:I would have been tempted to give Chris a penis growth file to see if he could have got up to your previous size and what psychological effect it would have had on him to have a large penis. Maybe it is something that you could try later if you have him listen to the non-curse version of teeny weenie

Wondering about Chris, did he join you in the penis shrinking or did you go with him getting your old size and possibly larger?

I wonder if it will have a psychological effect on you, if your friend starts to grow in the opposite direction as you. Seems that it might make your shrinkage more rapid and permanent.

I'm in diapers 24/7 now. Just take them down for number two in the potty. I don't have a teeny weenie anymore, I have been informed that I officially have baby bits. They belong in a diaper. I belong in a diaper. I go about my day as an adult man, but my vulnerability to regressive or toddler/infant behavior curses is now out of my control.

The transformations that I seek to be wickedly forced upon me is making me happy beyond belief.

The period of time that I was in recess away from diapers is now over and I'm glad to be so cozy back in them. Even if they make more and more a man who can be regressed by any parent figure who tells me their wicked regressive wish for me to take as real and true for me.
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Postby mondaytuesday » August 25th, 2013, 11:47 am

I stopped listening to teeny weenie a few weeks ago, I have been listening to the MM Baby Series and that has a lot of the same intent with the sex organ being altered.

I am still noticing more shrinking of both my penis and scrotum. It's not reversing itself and it's not stopping.

I took these last night when I noticed it during a diaper change.
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Postby psiboi1977 » August 25th, 2013, 9:27 pm

It's so tiny! And so cute too! Looks like a little button...can't wait to see how small it continues to get! Great job!
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Postby mondaytuesday » August 25th, 2013, 9:56 pm

How humiliating...button? Oh goodness, I'm really screwed up probably.

As much as it is embarassing to hear your compliments, it is even more arousing to hear them. Button. That fills me with joy.

Thank you, very much.

I'm not sure that it will continue to get smaller. But I feel it will. I am powerless to stop it now and I don't think I would if I could

So tiny and cute, too. Ahhh

groan...Thank you for saying great job, too. I feel better after reading your post.

It will be cool to see how much further it converts back to how it was when I was two years old the first time.
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Postby foxbarking » August 26th, 2013, 5:51 am

Sorry for the response delays. I'm studying for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and I sometimes lose track of the days.

I personally liked the idea of having Chris listen to the growth files, because it would definitely have a profound effect on me psychologically. Chris, on the other hand, was not too keen on the idea. When we started doing these sexual things, he was the naturally submissive one and didn't care as much for any sort of dominant role. It was only though the chess bets that I was able to convince him to try it out. And even then, I am technically still the one in control because he sucks at it and has only genuinely defeated me about 5 times....the main bet of these posts being one of those times. He has, instead, begun listening to the shrinking files as well. I'll try to get him to post here, but he's likely to be hesitant.

Interestingly enough, MondayTuesday, I know you said you switched files, but I am beginning to think it doesn't matter anymore what is listened to. It seems, for me at least, to continue having an effect laid out in the file that arousal itself continues the shrinking process. But your pictures looked very nice...psiboi1977 was right about it looking like a button. I hope it keeps shrinking, though, cause I am sure we'll all love to see it even tinier than in those pictures.

I'm likely to be caught up with you before too long. I'll post some pictures later on, but the process is happening very fast. I assume it has something to do with the arousal = shrinking part of the curse. I'm not really the type of gets who gets aroused, quickly has an orgasm and is done. I tend to enjoy dragging those sort of things out and keep myself on a good edge for record being 16 hours once although I was sore for bout two weeks afterwards.

As far as the diapers go, my strict childhood potty training seems to be winning out. But that's no shock. I am the king of the pee shy people anyway. But I've been listening to the file that emphasizes enjoying putting them on, and I have been. I have some coming in the mail on Friday with a Teddy Bear print and am looking forward to them.

Anyway, Chris will be visiting later today. We'll get some pics and I will try to convince him to post. Basically, if I am somewhat forceful about it, he'll give in, so we'll see.

Oh, and enjoy the button penis :) They are very useful...sometimes helping scientists check out their new microscopes :)
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Postby robindf1 » August 26th, 2013, 9:23 am

Maybe have him listen to a file to make him more dominant as a punishment!
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Postby mondaytuesday » August 26th, 2013, 1:28 pm

Good Heavens-Watch Out for Creeps Injections in dark alleys at night!

I came across this very short film, a horror story that someone has made, probably by editing it at the Starbucks after a two day shooting schedule.

An ABDL Daddy with evil intent and a need to deny the loss of his own child.

It's short and worth a watch for guys like us as hoot or a spook.
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Postby foxbarking » August 30th, 2013, 1:50 am

This is what I have left. This is at biggest.
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Postby robindf1 » August 30th, 2013, 8:26 am

Damn. How small is that? Any chance for some measuring tape? Any friends comment on your "bulge" being small?
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Postby foxbarking » August 30th, 2013, 9:15 am

Well that would be under an inch and a half. That picture is after fondling it for a little while. Before doing so, it was just the head and the sides of the shaft were worked slightly over the head, almost trying to cover part of it. I cannot make it grow any more than that.

In fact, it was getting this small when it was soft for a couple weeks now, but I was able to still get it hard up to almost three inches. The lack of erections then kicked in and this is as big as it gets now.

I think the part of the file that was most successful was how it made being aroused a variable in shrinking. I am very much into sort of chastity and very long sessions of edging and keeping myself aroused. In fact, assuming it is possible to get under that one inch threshold has me very worked up pretty much all day. I want it to happen right now because i think the sexual surge will be overwhelming when I see it that small :)

I don't think it has been apparent to anyone because I have been wearing diapers and they make a decent bulge under my jeans. In fact we ordered some with teddy bear prints and are awaiting them from UPS today.
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Postby drk1 » August 30th, 2013, 3:18 pm

congratulations on your success. How you feeling now you have lost all those inches. Has it made any changes on how you behave and how is Chris coping with being the 'big' guy?
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Postby robindf1 » August 30th, 2013, 6:39 pm

foxbarking wrote:Well that would be under an inch and a half. That picture is after fondling it for a little while. Before doing so, it was just the head and the sides of the shaft were worked slightly over the head, almost trying to cover part of it. I cannot make it grow any more than that.

In fact, it was getting this small when it was soft for a couple weeks now, but I was able to still get it hard up to almost three inches. The lack of erections then kicked in and this is as big as it gets now.

I think the part of the file that was most successful was how it made being aroused a variable in shrinking. I am very much into sort of chastity and very long sessions of edging and keeping myself aroused. In fact, assuming it is possible to get under that one inch threshold has me very worked up pretty much all day. I want it to happen right now because i think the sexual surge will be overwhelming when I see it that small :)

I don't think it has been apparent to anyone because I have been wearing diapers and they make a decent bulge under my jeans. In fact we ordered some with teddy bear prints and are awaiting them from UPS today.

Heehee, cute. I think your next step should be showing off your seven inch loss to your friends. They may not notice it at first, but...~

Also, how is your diaper progress goin'? Wetting okay?
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Postby foxbarking » September 1st, 2013, 4:24 pm

drk1 wrote:congratulations on your success. How you feeling now you have lost all those inches. Has it made any changes on how you behave and how is Chris coping with being the 'big' guy?

The feeling of having lost so much is one that is hard to convey. On one hand the entire thing has been very exciting, with not nearly as much apprehension as I may have expected there to be at first. As a psychologist i sort of understand how this can work so I am, as yet, not totally convinced that it is permanent. Once I actually noticed the shrinking was actually happening, I felt some sort of fluttering and some minor fear sort of set in.

The biggest thing for me is that I flux in and out of submission. I get tired of it after a while and that hasn't happened yet. When it does, it will probably freak me out.

As far as Chris goes, it's hard to say. He wasn't keen on listening to the growing file and has listened to the shrinking one, although there hasn't been much of a result yet. It's likely that if he doesn't shrink at all, that might bother him more than shrinking, I'll let you know. :)
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Postby foxbarking » September 1st, 2013, 4:33 pm

robindf1 wrote:Heehee, cute. I think your next step should be showing off your seven inch loss to your friends. They may not notice it at first, but...~

Also, how is your diaper progress goin'? Wetting okay?

May not notice it? Chris has started those little sph type jokes with me. I showed him your post and his comment was "Well, you will have to dig around for it."

His idea is for me to hook up with someone I had before all of this an gauge their response to the change. Kinda nervous to do that, but I agree it seems like the right next step. I'll let you know if it happens.

Yup, the diaper wetting is getting easier. I've been wearing the ones with the bear prints on them. I am also still listening to the file and wondering if any more shrinking is possible.
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Postby foxbarking » September 5th, 2013, 5:17 am

I just got woke up by Chris, who is fulfilling the role of babysitter. He wanted to check my diaper to see if I needed a change. I did, so he changed me an went back to bed. I'm really enjoying this part of it all, so I wanted to update that.
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Postby Sober » September 5th, 2013, 7:01 pm

so after undergoing such intense changes, would you recommend these to other submissive types?
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Postby foxbarking » September 6th, 2013, 12:04 am

Sober wrote:so after undergoing such intense changes, would you recommend these to other submissive types?

Yeah, I think I would. It's a big mix of different feelings, however, and you should be aware of how emotions will affect them.

For me, being submissive and having a slight SPH fetish, it was been odd. Having an almost 9 inch dick, which many people knew about and that I have been happy with an losing at least 7 inches was a scary thing. Although it took me a while to believe it was happening, when it did it was a bit more complicated. The smaller and smaller my dick got, the more the idea both freaked me out but turned me on also. There is a strong hit to my psyche because I always loved hearing peoples reaction to seeing my big dick and now, it's just the tiniest thing and doesn't get hard. I get all those sexual urges, but my dick doesn't grow so it's confusing and futile.

As far as the diapers, that was the one I was apprehensive about. But now I am only wearing diapers and being baby sat by my best friend, who is technically slightly younger than me. Right now, I am sitting here in just my diaper, which Chris is going to change in about 10 minutes and make me go to bed. But as weird and somewhat humiliating that it is, the thrill of the whole thing is mixed in. I would recommend.
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Postby biggerfatter » September 6th, 2013, 2:11 am

Wait I'm confused, since you only shrunk your penis do you fully use the diaper? Or only for number one? If I missed it I'm sorry but I wasn't sure. Are you becoming babyish or is this just a necessity if you will?
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