by joecomp2000 » August 17th, 2013, 8:48 pm
steroids and ped can cause drops in natural test production.. leading to E.D. However it is not uncommon to happen naturally as a person ages.. I have naturally low T ( testosterone ) and I didn't ever take roids, testicular trauma or opiates ( why opiates cause low T is beyond me ) and those are the top 3 reasons
Plant sterols are just as dangerous as any Orals , tricking the body into to the effects of higher testosterone... however my warning is it causes the spike.. the body reacts and you do not have a post cycle therapy to bring your natural system back..
you can argue that steroids are better only cause we know more of what problems they cause then the plant sterols..
While on the subject ...Low T is more dangerous than you think .. a study compared a 5 year study divided men into 3 categories , all normal level T but since normal T varies from 350 to 1100 there was a bottom 1/3, middle and top 1/3. there is 5 times the mortality rate of bottom third compared to top third.. the problems associated with low T include depression , memory problems ,obesity , diabetes , and heart problems... etc
If your friends has ED .they may have low T
I am not pushing this, but I do feel better . it is not a huge dose , just enough to put me back in balance