Baby brain

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Baby brain

Postby cricri » August 24th, 2013, 3:20 pm

Hi, my name is Sophie and I use the account of my boyfriend.

I got some of questions.

So, the situation is:

About 6 months ago, when I was alone, I use his computer to discover what he try to hide from me. At first, I thought that he just love to wear diapers but, I found a document that explain his true wish. It was written like a story.

So, I done a lot of research and i decided to try on him "Baby brain". I have never believe in that but I make him listen to the file at night and some month later, I started to see him changing.

I don't know if he's playing a game but now, I have the impression that he have less than 2 years old of mental age. I don't know if he is playing a game (if so, he is a good actor) but I have a lot of difficulty making him to understand me. Also, he don't have to realize the situation.

My question are:

- Is he supposed to continue to regress after he stop to listen to the file? Because, I think he is continuing.

- is it possible to return him to normal? if so, where is the point of no return, if any.

- Which file I must use to return him to normal?

- How much time it take before he will become normal?

Thank you!! :oops:
Baby Girl
Posts: 6
Joined: September 27th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby mondaytuesday » August 24th, 2013, 10:09 pm

I read in your message that you had him listen to it nightly for months. I also read in your message that you discovered that to be regressed (probably made even more exciting by you making him to do) was his "true wish".

I am very similar to your boyfriend. We share the same dark wish to be done to us.

What we wish for in life, often times the universe conspires to make it happen. This is his true wish and that means that his conscious and unconscious mind had this mission to achieve. And he starting the process. You helped him by pushing him through a regression process with frequency and dedication.

So, here's my version of answers to your questions, Sophie.

- Is he supposed to continue to regress after he stop to listen to the file? Because, I think he is continuing.

Yes, his regression will continue until it hits the age point that his wish has been imagining. He will fluctuate from less than a year old to two years old. I doubt he will be able to include development of a three year old.

And, yes, his regressed state will continue after he stops the file. The file has designed and built a new sense of self for your boyfriend. And it was a self that he was desiring to be reduced to.

- is it possible to return him to normal? if so, where is the point of no return, if any.

I personally want to be made to regress down to two and less, but only for periods of time. I knew from the moment I made my true wish that I wanted my regressed self to be designed with the ability to leave on the command of a dominate "parent" figure. So, when I meet a guy or girl as wonderful as you, Sophie, they can control my regression to babyhood, but they can bring me back, too. To be honest, when I read stories similiar to what you two are going through, I feel helplessly pulled, like standing in the ocean and feeling the tide. The thought of being kept that way is something I don't have the processes to argue against. If that were to ever be cursed upon me by someone who gains pleasure or amusement in doing so, I would be unable to recover on my own.

In writing this, I just lost my own train of thought for, I don't know how long and didn't know I had phased out until I kinda woke up.

The file that you researched and decided on for your boyfriend is described as "This file will turn you into a baby. It will transform your brain into that of a baby. You will think you are a baby. You will babble like a baby. You will crawl. Baby's are very obedient and loyal to their mommy or nanny. You will have no control of your body. You will uncontrollably be forced to think like a baby. Your mind is changing and you can't stop it. The baby brain is to powerful. It is so easy to submit to it. And live an easier life. You will be turned into a mindless baby and you cannot help it or change it. Might need an induction, effect might be permanent. Inspired by "dog brain" by EMG, thanks EMG! for letting me using and adapting your script! Description is the original one, a little adapted;-) Disclaimer: Use at your own risk! "

It does not appear as if there was any exit strategy built into that hypnotic guide. His mind has been changed and transformed into that of a baby. His memory of being a grown up has been pushed aside by his new baby brain.

Think of him as your own personal caterpillar. You put him a jar and now he is your butterfly. You might want to start calling him your baby boy and drop the boyfriend title. It could help you transition into your new role as the owner/care giver of this adult man who is now living life through the perception that he is an infant. It is a perfect and complete method of dominating a man. The humiliation does a lot of crisis internally and then when he is hit again and again with the suggestions and the senses that a baby feels, he is quickly conquered. This file even takes speech away, more and more. He will be very happy, I imagine. I would be or am becoming or something.

- Which file I must use to return him to normal?

He has surrendered all of who he was to being a baby. That is what is happening and there is no stopping it. The baby's brain slowly becomes stronger and stronger and who he was slowly fades away. Who he was is disappearing into nothingness. Into simple infantile obedience and bliss.

You're option would be to write the person who made the file and see if you can purchase a reversal of some kind.

- How much time it take before he will become normal?

If somehow you are able to stop the process of regression that you and he have started and are now helpless to, then I would imagine the new adult version of your boyfriend would forever be removed from ever being able to go back to "normal" or a pre-regression state of being.

You see, my mind is being changed. His mind is being transformed into that of a baby. He and I find that memories of being a grown up is slowly pushed aside by our new baby brain.
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Postby mondaytuesday » August 24th, 2013, 10:55 pm


So, taking this link

You can see the record of your posts since 2006. After reading your six posts over six years, I see now that there's something not right here.

Is Sophie real person girlfriend or did you actually get the sex change in 2008 and is Sophie an alter personality. You were married once and tried this, how did that work out? What about when you gave yourself as an incontinent baby girl boyfriend for your girlfriend before? How did that work out? You wrote asking about not being able to stop the effects in 2007. How did you stop it then?

All the best to you.
Posts: 276
Joined: June 20th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby zzzzz » August 26th, 2013, 3:11 pm

Hi, I sent this via PM:

Hi cricri

I assume he is listening to the file, so maybe it is possible to let him listen to a file that takes away the effects?

I do not have such a file at the moment, I will have to make it with that voice, maybe I can use a general deprogramming file from someone

Also it is possible to take a hypnotic holiday and not listen anymore, already tried that?

Thanks for asking


I am adding now:

Also, since baby is loyal to mommy, it seems to me that mommy might take control and tell baby to grow up?

I will try to make a deprogramming file in the same voice, I will let you know when it is ready and I will post it then...

I think your friend really wants this, that's probably why...

Also you can try to go to a certified hypnotist

Good luck

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Joined: September 13th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby zzzzz » August 26th, 2013, 3:51 pm

please try:

Good luck!

Posts: 88
Joined: September 13th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby HypnotizeMike » August 29th, 2013, 7:35 pm

I would think it would be fairly easy to tell if someone was faking. I assume he has a job, car, responsibilities, etc. If he is able to set the alarm, go to work/school, eat food, do laundry or any other task, then he is only pretending when he is with you. If he hasn't left the house for days/weeks or done anything that a real adult would have done, then he might not be faking it.
Posts: 28
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