Cum Torture

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Cum Torture

Postby sdued » October 27th, 2012, 6:55 am


I have been listening to this file for the last 2 days multiple times as I really enjoy the idea of being made to orgasm again and again while I am totally helpleess. Anyway I seem to be having some success. I had previously have been listening to EMG's Curse Succubus so I have become conditioned to his induction. I downloaded the one with binaural beats and this works even better on me. I black out nearly every time I listen to it. So I lined up succubus and cum torture on my mp3 and must have fallen asleep as I came to and nothing happened so I replayed cum torture again. This time I managed to stay conscious through it but really felt like my legs were stuck during the file. I was getting impatient for the file to end. When it finally did my whole body felt as if it was truly stuck and I laid there waiting to see if there was going to be any sexual excitement. All of a sudden I could feel the pleasure growing and growing more and more. It got to the point I felt like I was going to orgasm and I thrust my hips forward which I think broke it off a bit as I did not orgasm but very close. This is the closest I have been to getting a file to work and I could definetly feel like I was about to orgasm. (Don't know about getting 3 in a row but) My body felt like it was stuck but I think I could move if I really tried. My subconscious seems to be listening to EMG more now as during the induction it feels as if I am being forced to go under. It feels as though I have no control of my consciousness and even if I resist I still go under. Every time I listen to EMG induction I find I can not open my eyes until he tells me to wake up, the muscles around my eyes just don't seem to work. I am excited about this progress and I hope I can get to a point where I am totally helpless while I orgasm multiple times even if I struggle. Sorry about the wall of text just thought I would record my progress. Has anyone else tried this file with any success?

Thanks for reading :lol:
Will update any future success
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Joined: November 8th, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby sdued » October 27th, 2012, 5:41 pm

So I have tried this file a couple more time since my original post. This morning I had a good trance while listening and upon wakening decided to just wait to see if anything happened. My body felt stuck but probably could of moved if I really wanted too. Within the first minute or so I could feel pleasure slowly growing for probably 30 seconds then seem to subside. Another minute passed and I could feel it start to grow again gradually. I can't feel any stimulation only the pleasure. It seems to come in waves and I was not sure if it would last or not. All of a sudden I can feel my heartbeat incresase along with the pleasure and I started to tense my body. Another minute passed and I felt like I could not breathe, it was like my body was trying to force this orgasm out (with a little help from my conscious mind). My penis was in a full spasm for what seemed like a minute then I finally managed to ejaculate. 8O From the end of the file till I finished was about 10 minutes. After that I was done and I got up and had a shower. I don't know how I would ever get through 3 orgasms like the file suggests. It also says that it will be an intense experience and it will not be easy to orgasm. I would have to say I agree with this 100%

This file really seems to be working on me but in saying that I did consciously help it along as much as I could however I do not think I could ejaculate through conscious though alone. My goal is to get to a point where I can just lie there after the file is finished and know the file will work without trying to help it along.
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Joined: November 8th, 2011, 1:00 am


Postby darkenedav » October 28th, 2012, 2:47 am

sounds like you've had a lot more success than most :) keep it up ;) {badum tch}
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Joined: July 15th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby wandering76 » August 29th, 2013, 9:18 am

I started this one a few days ago. The first two times I had no results at all and thought to maybe give up then. Instead I decided to give it another chance. I'm glad I did. Now I haven't had an orgasm yet but after the third listen as soon as he counted to 5 to wake up my cock got hard and it was an unusual feeling. It was like it was a balloon and somebody blew it up. Then I could feel the sucking and playing. But then it quickly ended.
The next time it lasted longer and I found I was getting more sensation especially when I started to moan. Then beg for it. I still haven't cum but the last time I did it I had a tonn of precum all over me.
I'll be trying it again today and continue to do so.
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Joined: July 19th, 2013, 12:00 am

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