What works well for "rational" personalities?

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What works well for "rational" personalities?

Postby actofgod » August 19th, 2005, 11:43 pm

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for "rational" personality types. I've been trying hypnosis files for a while now but cannot seem to "go under" with any of the different inductions. I can feel extremely relaxed during hypnosis (where I feel like I am floating and sometimes have involuntary muscle twitches), but the suggestions never stick. I've tried simple ones like trigfreeze2, and others that I would really like to see results from, but no luck. I started practicing a lot with TrainSusceptible and Deepening, and have also tried other voices, but it just doesn't seem to have any effect on me. I suspect part of it is my personality; I tend to overanalyze things like this.

I am currently trying brainwave entrainment (not binaural beats, but pulses produced by the Neuro-Programmer 2 software) as a replacement for the standard "progressive relaxation" induction. I am using it to try to reach the appropriate mental state and then playing a suggestion file (sans induction). The software automatically plays the file after the appropriate brainwave frequency has been reached. Has anyone else tried this or something similar?

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Aside: If you'd like more info on brainwave entrainment the makers of NP2 have lots of info/research on their website. Start at http://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np/brainwaves.php. They also have some interesting research on subliminals; their conclusion is that they have no effect. All I know is that they have no effect on me. ;)
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Postby GrimIronMan » August 20th, 2005, 4:30 am

I had your same problem with muscle twitches and used to overanalyze. I used the file My-mind-is-happy and these problems were ended. I hope this helps.

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Re: What works well for "rational" personalities?

Postby makidas » August 20th, 2005, 7:24 pm

actofgod wrote:Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for "rational" personality types. I've been trying hypnosis files for a while now but cannot seem to "go under" with any of the different inductions. I can feel extremely relaxed during hypnosis (where I feel like I am floating and sometimes have involuntary muscle twitches), but the suggestions never stick. I've tried simple ones like trigfreeze2, and others that I would really like to see results from, but no luck. I started practicing a lot with TrainSusceptible and Deepening, and have also tried other voices, but it just doesn't seem to have any effect on me. I suspect part of it is my personality; I tend to overanalyze things like this.

I am currently trying brainwave entrainment (not binaural beats, but pulses produced by the Neuro-Programmer 2 software) as a replacement for the standard "progressive relaxation" induction. I am using it to try to reach the appropriate mental state and then playing a suggestion file (sans induction). The software automatically plays the file after the appropriate brainwave frequency has been reached. Has anyone else tried this or something similar?

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Aside: If you'd like more info on brainwave entrainment the makers of NP2 have lots of info/research on their website. Start at http://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np/brainwaves.php. They also have some interesting research on subliminals; their conclusion is that they have no effect. All I know is that they have no effect on me. ;)

Just F.Y.I., you're definitely headed in the right direction, Neuro-Programmer 2 is a very powerful piece of hypnotic software. In short, that program rocks. If you can use it at or near your computer, be sure to use the strobe function and just relax. I would also recommend BrainWave Generator with the Deep Mind VI preset (bwgen.com).
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby Psychomech » August 22nd, 2005, 7:15 am

I have been listening to the files here for months now... never went under but as soon as i tried them with neuro Programmer.... I went under the first time. Not only into a trance but a DEEP trance.
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Postby BobbyS » August 23rd, 2005, 5:51 pm

Try a bit of self-hypnosis - that way your mind can't wonder as it's too busy on performing hypnosis.
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Postby MikeWulf » August 24th, 2005, 10:00 am

I still have other thoughts slipping in during self hypnosis...
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Postby BobbyS » August 24th, 2005, 10:31 am

Then you're not concentrating hard enough. Seriously, count to ten right now and REALLY concentrate. If thoughts are still slipping in then I'm out of ideas.
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Postby maskedwomyn » August 24th, 2005, 12:31 pm

MikeWulf wrote:I still have other thoughts slipping in during self hypnosis...

The good news is that you don't have to reach a deep trance for the files to make a difference in your life. Pick a file that encourages a preference or a type of behavior that you don't have but that you wouldn't be terribly upset if you acquired it. Then listen for a reasonable period of time everyday for months. It took about six months before i stopped wearing pants and started to really prefer wearing skirts and dresses. One day i suddenly noticed that even though nothing was working as far as i could tell, my behavior and my preferences had changed. One success will help build your belief that hypnosis does work for you and that will help with your focus, your trance, everything.

the masked womyn
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Postby MikeWulf » August 25th, 2005, 12:52 am

Why do people use hypnosis to do thigns they could do them selves? It doesnt make sense. I don't need hypnosis to wear a dress or to suck a cock or to call someone Master.
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Postby missypuss » August 26th, 2005, 8:10 am

Then perhaps you just "Dont Need" Hypnosis period Mike...
Ever considered that as an answer to your question??
And in response to actofgod .. I found my first few experiences with hypnosis the same as you but then I listened to "susceptable" a few times and found that things were happening with the other files..
I guess you just got to want it!! :twisted:
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Postby MikeWulf » August 26th, 2005, 11:56 am

I wan't hypnosis to do the things that I cannot do myself.
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Postby missypuss » August 26th, 2005, 12:06 pm

Such As?? :?:
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Postby BobbyS » August 26th, 2005, 12:33 pm

Just taking a wild guess here but I assume he means things like physical hallucinations, perceived sensations and hypnosis-induced sexual hijinks (e.g. TrigOrgasm, CurseCCP).
I have to say I agree with him - what is the point of hypnosis to 'make' you cross-dress? If you wanted to, you would, if you didn't want to, why are you listening to the file and if it's because you're too nervous, just use a general 'lowered inhibitions' hypnosis file from the web - you'll also have a better idea of what it is you really want too.
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Postby MikeWulf » August 27th, 2005, 10:58 am

BobbyS wrote:Just taking a wild guess here but I assume he means things like physical hallucinations, perceived sensations and hypnosis-induced sexual hijinks (e.g. TrigOrgasm, CurseCCP).
I have to say I agree with him - what is the point of hypnosis to 'make' you cross-dress? If you wanted to, you would, if you didn't want to, why are you listening to the file and if it's because you're too nervous, just use a general 'lowered inhibitions' hypnosis file from the web - you'll also have a better idea of what it is you really want too.
Say it like it is!
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Postby GrimIronMan » August 28th, 2005, 6:34 pm

BobbyS wrote:Just taking a wild guess here but I assume he means things like physical hallucinations, perceived sensations and hypnosis-induced sexual hijinks (e.g. TrigOrgasm, CurseCCP).
I have to say I agree with him - what is the point of hypnosis to 'make' you cross-dress? If you wanted to, you would, if you didn't want to, why are you listening to the file and if it's because you're too nervous, just use a general 'lowered inhibitions' hypnosis file from the web - you'll also have a better idea of what it is you really want too.

The point is that some people want to do it, but just can't bring themselves to do it. For instance, some people want to crossdress, but have fears, like getting caught, or something. Some people may just be too nervous. Or maybe they like to be forced to do stuff. No matter what it is, they see hypnosis as a way of accomplishing this. Sure, there might be other options, but hey: think for a second. Free stuff that gives you what you want. Sounds like a pretty good choice to me.
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Postby BobbyS » August 29th, 2005, 4:51 am

I follow but I thought if you couldn't bring youirself to do it, that means the file wouldn't work - because your subconscious doesn't agree with it.
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Postby MikeWulf » August 29th, 2005, 9:27 am

That is right, Bobby. Your concious and subconcious can even disagree.
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Postby GrimIronMan » August 29th, 2005, 3:51 pm

I didn't say that: maybe their just scared to do it, but really want to. Ever had something like that happen to you? You want to work out but you can't make yourself because it's too boring? Stuff like that.

BobbyS wrote:I follow but I thought if you couldn't bring youirself to do it, that means the file wouldn't work - because your subconscious doesn't agree with it.
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Postby sandy82 » August 29th, 2005, 8:47 pm

GrimIronMan wrote:I used the file My-mind-is-happy and these problems were ended. I hope this helps.

I've indirectly heard of that file before on this site.

"My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me."

Sounds like an interesting file. Where did you find it?
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Postby missypuss » August 30th, 2005, 10:25 am

I think that file came from someone called Daffydoc...?
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Postby Phoenix-D » August 30th, 2005, 10:42 am

sandy82 wrote:
GrimIronMan wrote:I used the file My-mind-is-happy and these problems were ended. I hope this helps.

I've indirectly heard of that file before on this site.

"My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me."

Sounds like an interesting file. Where did you find it?

Its in the "files by others" section here actually.
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Postby sandy82 » August 30th, 2005, 12:11 pm

On August 29 sandy82 wrote:
On August 20 GrimIronMan wrote:I used the file My-mind-is-happy and these problems were ended. I hope this helps.

I've indirectly heard of that file before on this site.

"My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me."

Sounds like an interesting file. Where did you find it?

Missypuss, I like your answer better, but Phoenix-D is right. "My-mind-is- happy" is available on this site. It had escaped my attention. It lasts for a total of one minute and 2 seconds. It has been downloaded more than 20,769 times. (I think the first 20,000 downloads were made by the same guy...who didn't realize he was making a copy to his hard drive. He later had to buy a new computer, but he was happy when he paid for it. :wink: )

Must be a powerful tape: 62 seconds reportedly solves problems and changes lives.

Phoenix-D, I didn't ask the question clearly; and I apologize for the confusion. I should have asked GrimIronMan where he found the file. You see, he joined the site on July 31. Three weeks later, on August 20, he wrote that this short tape had ended his problems. A remarkable achievement for someone who says he has visited this site only under the user name, GrimIronMan. Wouldn't you agree?

With your indulgence, Phoenix-D, let me rephrase the question to GrimIronMan.

Where did you find the file, "My-mind-is-happy"?

I'm sure it must be popular and readily available at other sites. And for a tape that has had such an impact on you, GrimIronMan, I'm sure you remember where and when you got it. Perhaps at the "hypnotic wishes" website.

(By the way, verb tenses are important.)
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Postby GrimIronMan » August 31st, 2005, 5:27 pm

Yes, verb tenses are important.

As Phenoix-D mentioned, it was from this website. I was still in training to be more susceptible to hypnosis at the time, and I decided to try it. It worked quite well. I'm pretty sure it was that, because I had just added it that day. I reccomend this to people who are also still in training, along with the ones you should be using, namely Deepening2 and SublimTrainSusceptible. And yes, I think in the file description, EMG does say that it came from another website. If it's hard to believe, try it out. Its pretty intresting. They may have used NP2 (Neuro-Programmer 2). If they did, I'm definitaly buying something soon.
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Postby MikeWulf » August 31st, 2005, 6:22 pm

I am going to agree with Deepening2 and SublimTrainTrance. The first is one of the better induction records and the content is sound. The subliminal is effective and conveniant.
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Postby Yourplaything » September 1st, 2005, 6:27 am

Right well downloaded "My Mind is Happy" now do I just listen to it or chant along?
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Postby sandy82 » September 1st, 2005, 9:36 am

GrimIronMan wrote:Yes, verb tenses are important.

As Phenoix-D mentioned, it was from this website. I was still in training to be more susceptible to hypnosis at the time, and I decided to try it. It worked quite well. I'm pretty sure it was that, because I had just added it that day. I reccomend this to people who are also still in training, along with the ones you should be using, namely Deepening2 and SublimTrainSusceptible. And yes, I think in the file description, EMG does say that it came from another website. If it's hard to believe, try it out. Its pretty intresting. They may have used NP2 (Neuro-Programmer 2). If they did, I'm definitaly buying something soon.

Remarkable. And, as you said, all in three weeks.
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my mind is happy.mp3

Postby fmob » September 3rd, 2005, 3:11 am

missypuss wrote:I think that file came from someone called Daffydoc...?

Oh no, it's from someone called Mind Mistress. Her site is http://adult.hypnoticwishes.com .

That file was a Christmas gift from her to her slave girls.

From page http://adult.hypnoticwishes.com/updates2002.shtml :

December 25
A special Yule gift for My slave girls, right click here to download 'my mind is happy.mp3'(971Kb), and save it to disk. It will be here today, and gone tomorrow... (best heard with headphones, it's stereo)

Merry Christmas!
Mind Mistress

December 26
And gone today... (gift link removed)

Can't be Christmas every day... still, I have more goodies in preparation...
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Postby Yourplaything » September 3rd, 2005, 5:42 am

Also I suggest if you have Virtual Hypnotist trying the induction "Seven Plue Or Minus Two" it worked a treat for me :D
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Postby missypuss » September 3rd, 2005, 8:56 am

That is also on this site..
One of the Robot File inductions I think you will find??
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Re: What works well for "rational" personalities?

Postby goldragon_70 » October 3rd, 2005, 1:26 pm

actofgod wrote: I suspect part of it is my personality; I tend to overanalyze things like this.

This statement tells me allot. When I would meditate I would have this problem, and couldn't get anywhere. Subjections one relax, the worse thing that could happen is it doesn’t work (worse things could happen). Two maybe use an induction file to take you under and let you're mind drift for a while, to get use to it. Three maybe repeat the words in the main part of the file to give you mind something to do besides listen. And four don’t analyze the words, but envision with them to see, what you want the file to do.

Just my two cents.
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