Shiney new person looking for a 'tist

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

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Shiney new person looking for a 'tist

Postby yesterdaysrepeat » September 19th, 2013, 8:43 am


I'm fairly new to this site, and to the whole world of fetishes, really, so I'm probably a little vauger then is helpful about what I'm looking for, mostly because I'm not absolutely sure entirely of what I -am- looking for, aside from a hypnotist type person. I've had a facination with hypnosis, particularly being on the receiving end, for a good number of years now, though, which is what brought me to this site.

I honestly don't have any really specific fetishes regarding hypnosis, in terms of 'themes' or the like, and my interest in erotic hypnosis is relatively new, though I've been listening and watching things online to try and hypnotise myself since I've had internet. I do know the handful of things that I -don't- like, however, which I suppose is a start. I'm not into incontinece, feminization, or bodily fluids, but aside from that I'm pretty willing to try most things. That section of hypnosis aside, I'm also just generally interested in hypnosis itself and the health and psycological aspects of it, just to throw it out there. I do have an interest in the concept of brainwashing.

Ah, as for myself, I'm a transman, and mostly asexual. Which probably sounds a little odd, given the site I'm posting this on, but hey. The tiny part of me that -isn't- entirely asexual is oretty close to being gay, so I'd probably be looking for a male hypnotist, though that isn't set in stone or anything. I'm looking more to be on the sub side of things, though, to be quite honest, I'm at least a teeny tiny bit nervous. Maybe even a little bit nervous.

Along that vein, I'd be looking to actual talk and get to know someone a little before getting into anything. If we meshed well and all, then I think I'd be looking more for someone who can, at least occasionally, do voice chat type stuff. I've tried mp3s and videos and such for years, but they never really seem to work. Figure maybe voice and video chat would be a bit different, maybe.
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Joined: August 15th, 2013, 12:00 am

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