redneck transformations

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redneck transformations

Postby joe » September 22nd, 2013, 3:09 pm

i've been at this for awhile and ive seen a few things on here as well as on and etc... so i thought id start a thread here and tell my story.

is anyone into this, has anyone tried it? i've been slowly changing my life (with help from a boss) for a good couple of months now and it's really starting to take hold -- right now we're melding my two lives, so it's subtle and slow, which is good... we've even created an alter ego with a name for when i have the really extreme urges. at one point my facebook cover photo was the confederate flag, but that was too much too fast and i found myself kinda pulling back from it...

i've been at transformation fetish for a LONG time now, and i've gone through a lot of changes - i've been everything from the street trash type "wigger," i've tried to become a bodybuilding-obsessed jock - basically any stereotype which is classically unintelligent and hyper-masculine. if it had an edge of lower-class, so much the better.

these days, i've given up all my gear that can't be considered redneck to my boss and/or sold it on eBay. initially, this was frightening, since i've "purged" before and always regretted it. however, this time i know this change is for real and forever. i've been wearing a Mossy Oak camouflage ballcap, love wearing practical, workmanlike clothes, and i've even changed my job from working at a desk in a cell center to stocking shelves at a grocery store. my plans for the future involve saving up to buy a truck, then saving up to get my CDL, and then becoming a trucker. i've found myself curious about mudding and guns, drink beer and whiskey almost exclusively, and picked up smoking - Marlboro Red 100s - and i love all of it. there are still some things i'd like to change, but it'll happen, i'm sure of it. i even find my politics shifting from a more liberal bent to a conservative outlook (on certain issues) when i care at all about government, etc.

i guess this is just to say that, as a longtime transformation/hypnosis junkie, i've finally found a way to achieve real change. before, it was all
about satisfying the rush, going for extremes, then jerking off and feeling immediately conflicted and sometimes even backpedaling or purging, then just feeling truly miserable. this way, slowly adding to my existing life (and subtracting some, too) i can get to where i want to be. i don't know if i will ever be considered a "true" redneck, but i'm waiting for the day that someone i know sees me and says "you're kind of a redneck, huh?" i know i have a lot of work to do, but i'm confident i'll get there.

that's all i can think of at the moment - is anyone else out there interested in this sort of thing? what have you tried/is it working?

thanks for your time, y'all.
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Postby robindf1 » September 22nd, 2013, 3:30 pm

It's interesting, but I don't think I could get there. What about your thinking has changed, or your politics, more specifically, and why?
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Postby joe » September 22nd, 2013, 3:52 pm

robindf1 wrote:It's interesting, but I don't think I could get there. What about your thinking has changed, or your politics, more specifically, and why?

i don't really want to get into how my politics have been affected, because i believe a person's politics are their own. i also don't want this thread to be hijacked by a flamewar about my beliefs. they are what they are. i CAN tell you that i used to be very liberal, but never really knew why. i just always was. maybe it was the people i hung out with, i don't know. but my new beliefs are real to me, i feel them, they're a part of me like never before. whether thats as a result of the hypnosis and transformation, i don't know.
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Postby robindf1 » September 22nd, 2013, 4:29 pm

Alright, I can respect that, although I would appreciate it if you PM'd to me so that I may better understand while keeping things private. Might you elaborate more on how you know this change is real?
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Where do you go from here?

Postby salmonella » September 24th, 2013, 1:21 pm

What would you like to be permanently? What turns you on when you daydream about what you could be? Have you considered any of the following, or maybe begun on some of these changes?

Do you consider this a "blank slate" process, where you can change almost anything about yourself, with the only limits your imagination and desires? Or, do you draw back from really radical change because of the potential disruption in your life and lifestyle, for example, losing relationships with family, friends, job, social group/class?

Changes in appearance--haircut? Facial hair? Tattoos? muscles?

Changes in speech--jacked up profanity? Redneck/southern accent? Deeper voice?

Vices and habits--Cigarettes? Cigars? Chaw/Dip? Drinking more/less?

Changes in sex/sexuality--More/less/no change/no sex/horndog? Straight/gay/bi/kink? Settle down with partner/spouse? Or long-term sequential fooling around?

Pastimes/hobbies/personal projects-- motorcycles? Hot cars? Bodybuilding? Boxing? Fight club? Hunting/fishing/guns?

Emotional/social--Hell-raising and rowdy? Aggressive and take-no-shit? Quiet and peaceable country boy?
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Re: Where do you go from here?

Postby joe » September 25th, 2013, 12:12 am

salmonella wrote:What would you like to be permanently? What turns you on when you daydream about what you could be? Have you considered any of the following, or maybe begun on some of these changes?

i like the simple life. i want to be a stereotype sometimes, but i find that it's easier to augment elements to my current personality and then slowly amplify them to the point where they drown out everything else. it turns me on to be convinced, persuaded, tricked or outsmarted into transforming. if i get an image in my head and then i'm able to align myself to that image, it's a turn-on. the ultimate turn-on is having someone notice and comment on the change. i've begun on some of the changes - i'll discuss it below.

Do you consider this a "blank slate" process, where you can change almost anything about yourself, with the only limits your imagination and desires? Or, do you draw back from really radical change because of the potential disruption in your life and lifestyle, for example, losing relationships with family, friends, job, social group/class?

yes, i consider it a blank slate process. i want to change nearly everything about my personality. i do draw back from some more extreme changes, though it's not out of fear for disruption - i've already lost some relationships as a result of the change. the bizarre thing is that i don't care - that's how badly i want this and how much i am willing to commit.

Changes in appearance--haircut? Facial hair? Tattoos? muscles?

i keep my hair short - always have. it's curly, so i can't do much with it. part of me wishes i could grow an awesome mullet, even though that's super stereotypical. i've let my beard grow out for nearly a year now - it takes awhile, and it's thin on the sides, but the goatee is a good two inches to two and a half long. i have some tattoos - i've fantasized about getting the Confederate flag tattooed on me, but so far that's just a fantasy. so far.

Changes in speech--jacked up profanity? Redneck/southern accent? Deeper voice?

i swear quite a bit as it is, but there hasn't been a change here. i've been letting a bit of an accent creep in when i can. i'm pretty good at mimicking accents, and so i play around a lot - especially at work - just joking with a Southern accent. deeper voice hasn't happened, though that'd sure be nice.

Vices and habits--Cigarettes? Cigars? Chaw/Dip? Drinking more/less?

i quit smoking last November, but picked it up again in July. switched from Camels to Marlboro Red 100s. don't smoke cigars, thinkin about trying Skoal longcut soon. i drink a lot as it is (when i'm not broke) and it's usually the cheapest beer accompanied by a shot of whatever whiskey is in the well. Jack Daniels, if i can afford it.

Changes in sex/sexuality--More/less/no change/no sex/horndog? Straight/gay/bi/kink? Settle down with partner/spouse? Or long-term sequential fooling around?

sexuality hasn't really figured into it.

Pastimes/hobbies/personal projects-- motorcycles? Hot cars? Bodybuilding? Boxing? Fight club? Hunting/fishing/guns?

this one is a work in progress. i'm curious about guns, and will eventually own some. i want to join the NRA. eventually, my goal is to own a pickup truck. i'm curious about mudding, and i'm really interested in hunting and fishing.

Emotional/social--Hell-raising and rowdy? Aggressive and take-no-shit? Quiet and peaceable country boy?

hard to say. i'm fairly easygoing as it is, so i guess i'd gravitate to the last part, but the first part appeals to me more as the fantasy.

these were great questions. thanks for your feedback!
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Postby joe » September 29th, 2013, 11:16 am

the toughest thing about this change is what i mentioned before, trying to augment my current life and personality with the changes im introducing. because this is to satisfy a fetish, when i feel the urge i need extreme changes, permanent and irreversible changes, that i cant come back from. thats the only thing that will satisfy the urge. alot of my outside life and personality depends on being a smart guy, the way i have been. im not sayin that rednecks are dumb, but i just like the idea of dumbing down. maybe i should rethink it from "dumbing down" to "simplifying" - life would be so much easier and better if my thought process was simplified. alot of the fetish also depends on the opinions/thoughts of other people, as i want and need people to notice my changes.

i have lost some relationships due to this change in my life, and i actually dont really give a shit about it, sometimes it bugs me a little but then i think well people change thats what happens, life goes on, and everything settles down again. thats a huge relieving feeling, and hell i probly did myself a favor by getting rid of them, they were probably only holding me back.

if theres any interest ill keep posting my thoughts and stuff on this thread... questions commnts encouragement etc always welcome.
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Postby rugbyjockca » September 29th, 2013, 5:36 pm

I like the postings, but i feel like with some of these redneck postings there's a subtext that no one's bringing up, which is fair, because nothing will sour these boards like a good ol' dollop of racism. Because while politics are personal, racism doesn't happen in peoples' heads, it happens in real life, without consent, and harms people. So while it might be fun for us to engage in fantasy and transformation, if your fantasy is reinforcing a system of oppressing others, i have no problem with flaming anyone over that. But if we can keep that sort of thing out of sight on these boards, that's fine. No one's come out to say it explicitly, and i realize that compared to other things i've said this makes me a hipocrite, but i'm not gonna condone that sort of thing in any community i'm a part of.
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Postby danny1988 » September 29th, 2013, 5:43 pm

rugbyjockca wrote:I like the postings, but i feel like with some of these redneck postings there's a subtext that no one's bringing up, which is fair, because nothing will sour these boards like a good ol' dollop of racism. Because while politics are personal, racism doesn't happen in peoples' heads, it happens in real life, without consent, and harms people. So while it might be fun for us to engage in fantasy and transformation, if your fantasy is reinforcing a system of oppressing others, i have no problem with flaming anyone over that. But if we can keep that sort of thing out of sight on these boards, that's fine. No one's come out to say it explicitly, and i realize that compared to other things i've said this makes me a hipocrite, but i'm not gonna condone that sort of thing in any community i'm a part of.

If I could like your post I would :)
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Postby joe » September 29th, 2013, 7:17 pm

its a non-issue, as far as im concerned, but if people dont like it ill just stop posting. doesnt seem like theres much interest in anycase. just hard to find the right place online that helps me out with something this specific...
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Postby rugbyjockca » September 29th, 2013, 7:34 pm

Nothing against you, joe, or the redneck stereotype exactly, and it's not *just* things you've said....there've been a couple of posts from dfferent people hinting that they woud love to talk about that part of their kink, but they don't post because of the backlash they would get. I think it's cute when racists claim they're oppressed, but i don't have much patience for it. FYI, even in the south, the confederate flag is perceived by some as an extremely racist symbol, what with that side of the war wanting to keep on with the slavery and all. I know that for many eople the flag is a symbol for other things, too, but it can't be separated from its history. I want any racists to know that, yeah, their point of view will be met with backlash (from me at least) and to make it clear that ther instincts to avoid the subject are correct, but they aren't fooling anyone with their obfuscation.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » September 29th, 2013, 10:29 pm

Thanks for speaking up Rugbyjock. I too was really uncomfortable to the alluded attitudes that he "didn't want to discuss". I find it disturbing that someone would allude to such things and then hide behind backlash as a reason not to engage.

Perhaps there isn't anything but smoke here, but it appears there is more to the story. I for one know "rednecks" who are not bigots. It's entirely possible to be a good 'ole country boy without being hateful or dismissive of others. I know, I have them in my own family. Just because they're rough about the edges, not as cultured and like simple country life doesn't mean bigotry is required.
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Postby rugbyjockca » September 30th, 2013, 12:00 am

joe wrote:the toughest thing about this change is what i mentioned before, trying to augment my current life and personality with the changes im introducing. because this is to satisfy a fetish, when i feel the urge i need extreme changes, permanent and irreversible changes, that i cant come back from. thats the only thing that will satisfy the urge.

To bring it back from my derail, I do want to say that this REALLY resonated with me...I'm undergoing the same sort of thing, where I have made a decision to pursue my fetish, even though my fetish is extreme by even my own standards. But anything less will never satisfy me. I need to be the dumb, horny muscle slut, and nothing less will do.
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Postby robindf1 » September 30th, 2013, 3:35 am

I'm sorry I asked. I thought maybe there would be a little homophobia--no more than the standard CFS post about how gay sex is disgusting to them now--but actual racism?

I feel dirty.
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Postby joe » September 30th, 2013, 1:18 pm

sfhole2stretch wrote:Thanks for speaking up Rugbyjock. I too was really uncomfortable to the alluded attitudes that he "didn't want to discuss". I find it disturbing that someone would allude to such things and then hide behind backlash as a reason not to engage.

Perhaps there isn't anything but smoke here, but it appears there is more to the story. I for one know "rednecks" who are not bigots. It's entirely possible to be a good 'ole country boy without being hateful or dismissive of others. I know, I have them in my own family. Just because they're rough about the edges, not as cultured and like simple country life doesn't mean bigotry is required.

the last part there is what im really goin for. i have to say i kinda skimmed rugbyjocks post but i got the gist of it ... my hypno kinda makes me fuzzy when i read a lot of bigger words. sorry bout the non response.
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Postby xavious » October 4th, 2013, 9:58 am

I do find it ironic sometimes how some people respond to subjects on a site called "Warp My Mind". I usually trust that everyone involved is in charge of their own autonomy, and if what they choose to do to themselves is to my taste or not it really doesn't matter, because they'll probably do it anyway. I know this is a discussion forum, but the pick-and-choose your morality game in the hypnotic transformation community really ticks me off sometimes.

If people are going to have a fascination with darker aspects of life, then the best I can do, if those things also intrigue me, is to try and be an intelligent guiding force that has fun. Bad people will find ways to do bad things with or without hypnosis, while decent people, in my experience, like to play with the fire in a safe and fun way.

This holier than thou attitude doesn't help anything.
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Postby rugbyjockca » October 4th, 2013, 8:16 pm

xavious wrote:

This holier than thou attitude doesn't help anything.

It's not "holier than thou" to be against racism, it's "being a decent human being."

And it's not "pick and choose" your morality, it's that two very important aspects of a free society are in competition: freedom of expression versus freedom from oppression. Any forum or community would have to struggle with issues like this. I see value in exploiting society's power discrepancies for eroticism, but I value peoples' right not to be judged by the colour of their skin much more.

This is the "jocks and masculinization" forum. I don't know where the "train yourself to be more racist" forum is, but I suggest people interested in that fetish go there instead.
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Postby Maleko7 » October 4th, 2013, 9:23 pm

This posting may give a bit more insight into one part of the redneck persona of nice and accepting people. If you made one friend, you had many. If you made an enemy, people knew you as a troublemaker.

Decades ago I lived the redneck life for a while. Depending upon which part of the country you are from, redneck means different things. While people in the Carolinas may smoke more (growing lots of tobacco there), in Kentucky and Southwest Virginia it was chewing tobacco.

I lived in Appalachia in a trailer that I rented, just down the road from those "look at the poor children who need our help" church videos. The land out there is not flat by any means of the imagination. We used to joke that all the horses and cows had shorter legs on one side to be able to balance on hillsides.

Saturday morning there would be coal miners lined up to register for "black lung disease" benefits because of the conditions in the coal mines.

With all of the coal being burned, the local store held a "white sale" but all the white things looked kinda dingy.

After living there for a while, I noticed my speech definitely took a turn for the worse, as most peoples did. You speak as others do, so as not to seem as you are correcting them. I don't remember any of them actually having a mullet, but perhaps some did. When in a group of my local peers, I too would use the colloquial "bottle of dupe" instead of a "bottle of Coca Cola ". We would go "up the mountain" or "up the holler (hollow)" and whether you wanted to or not, somebody was playing bluegrass.

One guy I knew named his pickup truck by painting its name on the side. He also hunted and brought fresh venison and fresh cow milk".

Speaking of cows, you do know that "cow tipping" is an urban legend? Just TRY to push one of those suckers over! Y'all ain't gonna do that, are yah?

I learned to stay away from certain things made from pig parts that were unrecognizable and yes,many a meal included ham and biscuits with white flour (country) gravy. There are STILL people making their own moonshine out there.

So, it may be a bit more complicated being a redneck then you think.
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Postby xavious » October 5th, 2013, 10:51 am

rugbyjockca wrote:
xavious wrote:

This holier than thou attitude doesn't help anything.

It's not "holier than thou" to be against racism, it's "being a decent human being."

You're saying this on a site called "Warp My Mind". Let that sink in. You are saying that "mine/many others twisted ideas on hypnosis and manipulation is fine, just not THIS particular one".

Also, I don't see where anyone suggested actually HURTING anyone, which, you could easily argue happens already with the physical and mental bondage people are put through with hypnosis. That is what this very site is ABOUT.

It's difficult to discuss the negative aspects of things like jockhood/rednecks (which I do consider to be similar to aspects of jocks) if you're going to shut down all discussion because it makes you uncomfortable.

This is a site where people relish the dark, the twisted and the subverse. You can't simply demand that people don't discuss the parts that don't appeal to you personally.
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Postby robindf1 » October 5th, 2013, 11:04 am

People get annoyed when others berate them for their fetishes because their fetishes concern only themselves. Any negative effects affect the people being hypnotized. This is a different ballgame. It's racism. It affects other by default. Once you have that frame of mind, you cannot reasonably control what you might say to other people about other races, what subtle things you might do to clue them in that you are racist, and all of that.

No one likes to hear about something like this. Being dumb or being a jock or having someone take over your mind is sexy! It has this element of danger and change to it that's absolutely wonderful. What's sexy about racism? Nothing.
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Postby xavious » October 5th, 2013, 1:27 pm

People also find dumbing down questionable and I believe others may have even shared their concerns in the past regarding its use as a hypnotic fetish, so please don't act like this is any kind of special case. Clearly people find aspects of things fascinating that you do not and who are you to arbitrarily decide what is and isn't valid to them? You're hypocrites.

Any of the aspects we deal with could easily alter and even ruin a persons life, that's part of the draw for many of them. To act like something is a special case is naive when we are talking about questionable hypnotic fetishes on a questionable hypnotic fetish site.
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Postby rugbyjockca » October 5th, 2013, 1:46 pm

Nope, sorry, stupidity and racism are not the same thing. As pointed out, racism BY ITS NATURE harms other people. One can be stupid and might hurt others as a result. One cannot be racist and not hurt others, by definition. My freedom ends where another's begins. Further, i'd rather be a hipocrite than a racist.
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Postby xavious » October 5th, 2013, 2:05 pm

You're clearly projecting here.

Racism alone means nothing unless a person acts. The moment you would cause actual harm to another person is where I care. Simply discussing racism won't do that any more than dumbing down, bondage or anything else would.
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Postby rugbyjockca » October 5th, 2013, 4:52 pm

Next time, try supporting your statements with facts. Research is showing that peoples' biases affect their decisions, whether they are aware of those biases or not. Research also shows that even small comments/remarks (called "microaggressions") can have negative effects on their targets, again even without them being aware of it. Look up "stereotype threat" in the psych and social science journals.

Basically, when you roleplay being a racist on the weekend, you are priming yourself to make subtle racist decisions during the week. It may be as little as a muttered under-the-breath comment, but it will have an impact on the outside world.

I'm not sure where your diagnosis of my "projecting" is coming from. Do you learn most of your psychology from television? I've learned my psychology from school and books.


Talking about racism isn't the issue here. I think people should learn and talk about racism more (not here, necessarily), but promoting it is.

There are a LOT of activities that turn people on that I'm not comfortable with, but I don't care about those, because they don't by-and-large have an impact on the outside world, but SOME activities cross a line. I use the idea of consent as a guideline, and racism doesn't ask for (or receive) consent. Our current social reality does not allow us to play with that toy without causing actual harm.
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Postby CalMark » April 3rd, 2014, 12:59 pm

Racism can be done in an intelligent way, actually. Racial science and IQ tests tell us all we need to know. Go from there. That's what I do.
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