BDSM and Rape/Torture fantasies

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BDSM and Rape/Torture fantasies

Postby parallaxfx » April 18th, 2005, 8:10 am

I'm fairly new to hypnotism and haven't had a lot of success with it as of yet, but will keep at it in the hope that things will finally click for me.

I have some questions that the more experienced members may be able to help me with. Although I don't know what the actual content of the Male Rape and Torture files I find the concept intriguing and wonder at the success of others who may have tried similar ventures.

I would think the basic premise would be applicable to either sex and could be used to intensify the effect and enjoyment of heavy BDSM scenes. For instance, could one use hypnosis to 'transform' an ordinary room or basement into a torture chamber? Could the experience of being tortured on a rack be simulated by tying the 'victim' to a frame (or bed) and having the sound of a winch activate the sensation of being racked? Or is it possible to turn an iron rod, or even a kitchen spoon, into a red hot poker?

Have any of the members tried these, or similar, scenarios? Also, what is the safety of such games? And what safeguards could be built into the induction to ensure that safety? In particular, has anyone experience with the rape/torture fantasies offered here or used them as a 'template' for their personal experimentation?

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Joined: April 5th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby danmalara » April 19th, 2005, 12:24 am

You posted WAY to many questions!! Hold on a sec let me count...7!! That's 6 to many. Especialy when you are talking about a topic that not not everyine has had an expirence with. Narrow it down to maybe one question, and maybe you'll get a response.
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Postby parallaxfx » April 19th, 2005, 5:24 am

Thank you for the advice danmalara, I see your point... information overload. I'm afraid that I'm used to posting in BDSM related groups so I was trying to explain my full reasoning for those who might not be familiar with the type of scenes I was describing.

Actually, I would be happy to get some insight into any aspect of the above and put the pieces together later. But for starters I have been wondering if hypnosis can be used to safely 'mimic' types of play that would otherwise be physically damaging?

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Postby Cubeguru » April 19th, 2005, 1:21 pm

i`l take a crack at it .......yes you could make people believe that the place they are in is a torture dungeon.......yes you could use sounds and hypnosis to make people simulate the rack, but you could use numbers or anything(tapping, and triggers, like if they do something they get tortured)......and yes you could make them believe that anything could be a red hot i havent tried any of these things, but you try searching google for hypnosis, its mostly erotic hypnosis or psycologists selling their stuff..........the safetys are, well.....depends, you could only do it to people to want to, but be careful not to torture them into depression.....well, it could happen, the safeguards could be, that if they feel too much pain they immediately come out of it, and their could be one where they can set how painful, and for how long...... plus there is a program where you can write your own scripts and there is a few presets for inductions deepenings and endings, and there is a few suggestions, but you can write any scripts you want, here it is [url][/url] and plus you can find this link in the hypnosis links:Virtual Hypnotist.
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Postby danmalara » April 19th, 2005, 9:56 pm

wise ass, lets just answer all the questions and make me look bad. :evil: :lol:
My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me.
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Postby makidas » April 20th, 2005, 1:13 pm

awesome line cubeguru!!!
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Postby Cubeguru » April 20th, 2005, 1:52 pm

im just tryin to help some random dudes on the internet, because i have a lot of spare time.....a lot.... 8) thax for the complims thou, and im not bein a smart ass, it took me ages to find this site....and the more time you spend searchin the net the more you learn......sos danmalara, im not makin you look bad, but by postin you just did make yourself look bad, in other words, if you cant answer....dont

and how do you become a guru...... through EMG
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Postby parallaxfx » May 9th, 2005, 2:14 pm

Thanks for the input, Cubeguru. I changed my net service, so I've been offline for a bit...... just catching up on the postings now.
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