For people who had trouble having any success.

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For people who had trouble having any success.

Postby antisammy » October 13th, 2013, 12:43 pm

I had a bit of difficults to see any results and didnt find anything with the search.
Thats why I thought I try and make a thread for people having problems to get into trance/see any success.
I just want to say that I'm very new, discovered this beautifuly place 4 days ago. So somebody please correct me if I write something wrong, its just how I experienced the last 3 days.

Now first what I did wrong:
I tried to start with an induction 1x and then go over to EMGs "Gold time" File.
It makes every women appear naked and in gold with a trigger.
Maybe this works for some people first try, but I found out this is much too difficult.
You should try to find something more easy to start out with.

I thought "trance" means blacking out.
I realized that maybe its just "very relaxed". So relaxed you could even black out during a file. But in the beginning if you are just very calm and at peace this is enough.

Just go with the flow and dont try to hard.
If you feel like swallowing or scratching its fine. Just dont let it disturbe you and go back to being relaxed.
Sometimes my mind wanders of. So just concentrate on the voice again,its fine. Each time you get better.

If you cant get any success immediately dont get confused.
When I listened to cardigans "Virtual Plug" I could only get a reaction at the end of the file. Even if he said I can already feel something 5 Minutes earlier. I doesnt matter, dont think or judge. Worst case you build the foundation for the next listening. At least something will get stuck in your mind, even if you dont notice.

This is how I achived it. Took me 3 whole days though:

Listen to EMGs Induction + Deepener repeately. I listened like 3-4 times with a few hours breaktime between. Go refresh and do something else. Otherwise you cant focus.

Feel yourself relax. I could feel myself get heavy feet and arms. At the end it was like getting out of bed in the morning.

Listen to Lutz "Bubble Induction" 3 times. Again with around 2-3 hours breaktime inbetween.

Make playlist with Lutz "Bubble Induction" and Cardians "Virtual Plug" File.
Listening to bubble gave me the same reaction like EMGs induction but I felt more heavy and relaxed.
At the start of virtual plug my body was already relaxed from bubble so I guess this helps much.

Sounds weird but at the end it was like my butthole was itchy.:mrgreen:
I thought maybe its just my pants touching.

Same as Day2 but also listened to EMGs deepener + induction.

After that a playlist with EMGs deepener + "Virtual Plug".

This time I could feel something vibrating in my ass.
But still I was a bit sceptical. "Maybe it was just the sofa..did it really work?".

I made another breaktime and repeated.
This time I could definitely feel something.
It was vibrating and pulsating. Weak but definitely there.
Only 1-2 minutes after the end of the file so not long. But suddenly 10 minutes later when I stood up one more time I could feel the plug in my ass before fading away.

Hope this helps anybody who has problems to get results.
I think if you cant see any reaction many times its bad because you get more doubt After all you must simply accept what you are told and believe it.

Good luck!
Posts: 3
Joined: October 9th, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby Desmond » October 13th, 2013, 2:07 pm

hmm, sounds interesting, I'm always having trouble with it because I never seem to go deep. I occasionally manage to get to a point where I feel a sinking feeling, but then I think about the feeling instinctively and then it kinda fades. Also, my patience does go short sometimes so if it doesn't seem to be working, all I can think about is trying to reach the end of the file.
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Joined: August 12th, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby lew897 » October 13th, 2013, 6:35 pm

I would have to say that its very natural and is a skill. Sometimes, Ill slip into deep hypnosis during breakfast. Others, Ill go into trance while listening to files. When I first started out listening to files, I could easily go into light trances, but I didn't really experience anything, but I kept with it. Although, overall I didn't know where to focus, my mind, my body or both. I think in the beginning I had various misconceptions about relaxing. With only my interest to keep me going. The main factor is how open in general you are, as well as being aware of what is working and whats not. So, just keep going. Id suggest re enforcer since it allows you to focus on using your mind to improve everything that you've listened to.
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Joined: June 8th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby antisammy » October 14th, 2013, 12:24 am

lew897 wrote:Id suggest re enforcer since it allows you to focus on using your mind to improve everything that you've listened to.

Thanks for the suggestion.:) Where did you find one?
Couldnt find anything in the files.
Posts: 3
Joined: October 9th, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby lew897 » October 17th, 2013, 1:51 pm

Its actually called reinforcer maybe that's why its not found. But if its not here then its probably in hypno files.
Posts: 234
Joined: June 8th, 2010, 12:00 am

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