I've had an interest in hypnotism for a few years now, and I've had some success putting other people into trance, but when it comes time to listen to a file, I can never seem to quite get there. I've tried few different inductions for a few weeks at a time each, but it seems like even the slightest distraction snaps me right out of it no matter what. Even when I'm parroting back the hypnotists commands, or listening to binaural files, or using any number of tricks to get myself to relax, I'm always completely aware of everything around me.
The file I'm currently listening to is EMG's Blank with binaural effects. I tend to fall asleep during it though, and the trigger phrase doesn't work when used on me.
I asked my partner a few years ago to try to put me in trance, and apparently I did go under then, so I know that I CAN be hypnotized.
Does anyone have any tips for helping me to go under? Are there any suggestions for inductions that I should give a try if I'm having trouble?