Entrancement help

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Entrancement help

Postby Tigataga » November 5th, 2013, 3:14 pm

I've been listening to numerous files on the site for a little while now, and don't get me wrong, there are a lot of awesome MP3s on here, but my only problem is I have trouble falling into trance, I'll try and explain my experience and see if I can get any advice.

First of all, whenever I try to be hypnotised, my 'relaxed and comfortable space' is always my bed in my bedroom, I can't find anywhere I'm more comfortable than lying down on my bed, but with that, it tends to leave me feeling a little sleepy no matter of that outcome.

Second, most files I use tend to use the slow relaxation process from toes to head, in some circumstances, I don't necessarily feel relaxation so much as tingling in my feet and sometimes my calves, I don't know if that's relaxation or not as a lot of people refer to it as a warm sensation, but it's always cold. Also, when it comes to emptying my mind, I never seem to be able to, I always have something going on in my head and I can't get it to quieten.

Third, I've attempted some youtube videos with the spiral or certain files telling me to keep my eyes focused, but I'm naturally a fidgety person and I am never able to look directly at it for too long (especially not the spiral, it just too much seems like those things on tumblr designed to make you see like you're on LSD or whatever).

I guess in a way it works, because I'm instantly turned on whenever I start listening to a file, but then again, I'm not sure if that's a plus or not, I mean, whatever I'm hearing after anyone else would usually be in trance, yeah, it's hot as hell, but it's not really sinking in the way it should. The most I've ever gotten out of trance is like my body trying to fight my opening of my eyes despite my mind obviously in defiance of whatever the hypnotist is saying.

I've never been hypnotised in person, I don't know if there's anyone even in the general area of where I am who is a hypnotist, male and looking for male slaves (just FYI details) and don't really know how I'd go about looking for them, aside from on here of course. But in any case, it leaves me with few other things I can attempt to know if it's simply me or not, but with all that's in place I'm fairly sure it's me.

I've had an entire day or two where I've had 'training' files playing constantly in the background, playing music and watching TV and stuff like the file indicated, but still nothing, I get that this is something that's supposed to take a while, but it's been a while indeed now and I'm not an impatient person just, I could really use something like this.

I'm not sure if it's important, but while doing some research into this, I came across an ask or two notifying they were aspergic or autistic. I'm aspergic, or at least have tendencies or it (I don't know what level I'm at, I keep getting different diagnoses), does this in any way affect my ability to be entranced?

Thanks if anyone can help.
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Postby ProfessorPig » November 5th, 2013, 4:11 pm

sounds like its working ok. files can work even if you don't experience all the suggestions. the body sensation suggestions are there to tell if the subject is responding to given suggestions and to make the subject feel more comfortable. its important to remember that most people go in and out of trance states regularly throughout the day.

its very rare that i am ever able to fully clear my mind. there are tricks that you can do like repeating everything the hypnotist says but i am able to think of about two other thoughts at the same time as i listen and repeat what the hypnotist says. you need to find what works for you, and that may change based on the time of day or how you're feeling.

many times i just let my mind wander and day dream about whatever i like. i know my subconscious is still able to listen to the file and absorb what is said because i have experienced physical sensations that are described in the file while daydreaming. for me a heavy trance feels about the same as being stoned but there are many just as effective lighter states of trance where you may not be aware that you have even slipped into trance.

the subconscious is unpredictable. suggestions that you think may not be working can suddenly pop up later when your mind is able to handle them and accept them.

if you are looking to further your trance training i suggest you check out chewtoys files. they probably helped me the most with learning to be a better subject
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Postby wohermiston » November 5th, 2013, 5:15 pm

If you know that your mind tends to wander, and that you are fidgety, you should try and find ways to solve those issues before you begin trance.
Erickson talks about a paitent that must pace back and forth. And he deals with that by letting him pace if he allows Erickson to guide him about the room. It is interesting. he keeps taking him by a chair, and telling him he can sit if he wants too, but if not he can keep pacing. eventually the guy sits down, and trance work begins. So, try to think of normal ways in your life routine where you feel truly, naturally relaxed, and follow that with your trance work and see what happens. You can be your own guide. there is a file called "tranquility" here which is a good relaxing file as well It is in the self help category.Goodluck.
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