by obey_evolution » November 12th, 2013, 10:04 am
Based on some advice and info I've received, I am starting to think that you can't have penis/testicle enlargement at the same time you are working on breasts and hips. It comes down to testosterone needs to be reduced/constrained while estrogen and other female hormones are being used. If I had to guess, the person who started this thread figured this out (well ahead of me obviously) and isn't doing it anymore.
At this point, I have cobbled together my own playlist that I've been fine-tuning using existing files on this site. The files to avoid (for this shemale posting) seem to be the ones where they script for "Limp Clitty" or "no male parts". I'm still figuring out the difference between "Don't mention Testosterone changes" and "Stop producing testosterone" as I prefer the former but the latter may provide the best results. NOTE: I'M A TOTAL NEWBIE so I'm just experimenting here.
- FembuttGrowth Binaural
- Curse Milky
- Addictive Breast Play
- Curse Dream2Reality Breasts
- CycoMelody - Cursed Shaving (changing this to the NoBodyHair to protect eyebrowse and lashes)
- Shemale Binaural
- Breast Game MammyWhammy (but this one conflicts with shemale in some ways so I stop it at one point which means I can't trance deep...)
- Feminize Dreams (417 Hz + 528 Hz)
- Ultimate Isochronic Femination (at least I would but this MP3 doesn't play on my phone :-( Instead, I use these 4 but maybe I'm doing it wrong. ).
- Isochonic Feminization
- Progesterone Isochronic Tones
- Pi Minux 2
- TSA1215061618HU
I've been thinking about these ones:
- Super Female Whammy (another conflict with shemale goals).
- Curse Girlish Figure
- insanely sensitive nipples
- JJGreatBigBoobies
- MsJ - Feminine Foundations
Any experienced feedback would be really appreciated. Thanks!