A Warning About Outkast!!! (Read this before talking to him)

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A Warning About Outkast!!! (Read this before talking to him)

Postby danny1988 » November 18th, 2013, 6:15 pm

Ok well, I am quite pissed at Outkast lets start off with that.

Yes we are on a site called Warp My Mind but that is no excuse for evil and down right discusting hypnotists.
If you think Outkast is a good hypnotist think again, he may very well be good at trancing people.
I have spoken to a few people about this guy all tranced by him all with frankly disturbing stories.

Some people have been hypnotised so they cant talk about him or what he does, which I think is part of the reason most of the stuff on this site is heresay. The only way is other hypnotists see their cries and pull them away from outkast. Quite honestly anyone who does this is amazing in my book.

About Outkast:
He is someone who does NOT respect your limits and just ignores them completely.
Does NOT have any form of moral compass.
Does NOT do what you want and only what he wants good if you want to be a dumb jock and totally under his control unable to escape i guess but most people go in for one thing and then their limits dont matter anymore.
Makes you totally under his control and then even tries to make you want to buy things for him.
Also when you just want to talk with him think AGAIN he will try and trance you every chance he gets regardless of your wishes.

I have spoken to people who are basically gagged and unable to escape unless some bright shining light can see the cries for help through the hypnotic suggestions.

Also I have spoken with him now I have a fairly good indicator or vibes of people and he honestly makes me feel sick to the stomach. I avoid him at all costs and I think everyone else should do the same.

Yes a lot of us want to be controlled, but control is one thing what outkast does is something completely different and quite frankly he is one of the most vile and discusting individuals ive ever encountered.

Also it just makes me laugh the way he posts topics on himself where he says hes not bad, oh no outkast you are bad your one of the worst people imaginable you use peoples desires and fantasies and turn it against them. For this you are right there with murderers in my opinion and I would not hesitate to show you how I feel in person.

Outkast frankly when I first saw him I thought he was misunderstood and well new to this.
Turns out hes just out to make peoples lives a misery and should be avoided at ALL costs.

Yes im mad, im fuming but ive finally had enough.

This is to warn anyone about this creep and my advice if you have him as a master or hypnotist find another before its too late!
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Postby Endo » November 18th, 2013, 7:05 pm

I'm going to bash on you a bit here, but don't take it personally. I'd write the same thing to anyone who leveled this serious a charge in the same manner at anyone.

1. You have no proof or admissible evidence. An example of this would be a chat log or email exchange, screencap would be best.

2. Your story is anecdotal at best, mostly hearsay, and none of it is cited. You aren't dropping any names, which means that people are probably unwilling to come forward, or don't exist.

3. You make statements about what he may have done to other people, without even a claim of what may or may not have happened to you.

There have been plenty of "Outkast is evil" threads, and none of them have amounted to anything. Neither will your's, if you don't have any proof or witnesses. Provide at least 2 of the above, and I'll delete this comment.
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Postby shadowguy » November 18th, 2013, 7:16 pm

Endo I was under Outkast at one point, and would gladly provide proof against him
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Postby Endo » November 18th, 2013, 8:31 pm

Then please do. Anyone with serious info about this, please step forward. If you want to change this situation, then provide evidence, and get a moderator's attention.

That's all I want to say about this, and I'm stepping out of the conversation.
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Postby rubbapig » November 19th, 2013, 6:00 am

Hey Danny... have u had a bad experience wiv him yaself dude? Why are ya so mad at him..wots he dun to u bro?

Ive bin talkin to, an bin tranced by outkast on an off for 18 munfs or so and neva had a probem wiv him. I get that hes young an kan sumtimes have a lot to say for himself.. but evil? Really?

Ya rite bout da dum jock bit.. it wos outkast that started me on that, and altho that wos goin off in a bit different direction than wos looking for at that time, I willingly submitted to his control and so accepted wot he wanted accordingly (a slaves role is to serve its Masters wishes not the otha way round). And far from that bein abusive - hes shown me sumfing that hadn't thort about, that have sinse grown into and chosun to continue wiv.

Im not currently under his control and kant comment on otha peoples expirences wiv him.. but my time under his control wos positive enuf .. and wud be happy to join those under his 'total control' - if indeed that's wot they are.
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Postby WatDo » November 19th, 2013, 7:20 pm

I've only had a few sessions with him. They weren't so bad and they were really fun at first, probably because it was the first time I ever had a hypnotist take me down using text/visual words over Skype. But he did keep trying to make me into a dumb jock when I kept saying that's not what I wanted. It did get kind of awkward, especially after I went back to read the files.

I won't trash on anyone because I suppose it was harmless enough from WHAT I HAVE SEEN, but I haven't been with him for too long to find out anyway. I can understand a hypnotist wanting to do his own thing. He's doing it for free and out of his time, so he wants a dumb jock. So of course those wanting to be dumb jocks will happily agree with what he's doing. Those not wanting to be dumb jocks. . . Well, they won't agree with him and might feel violated. Which they're allowed to feel that way.

I think Outkast would be fine if he only contacted folks wanting to be dumb jocks, but he seems to reach out to ANYONE. Even if they're only in it for the fitness/muscle building/masculinizationn aspects and not wanting to be dumbed down.

It'd really be nice if we had more hypnotists who were willing to work with aspiring jocks or bodybuilders though. Only if they wanted to, of course.
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Postby martinbeds » November 21st, 2013, 10:31 am

I always thought that you could not be made to do things against your will while hypnotized. I have been chatting to Outkast for a few weeks now and he seems OK to me. So I can only say, take as you find.

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Postby outkast1728 » November 21st, 2013, 9:10 pm

yall starting shit about me, cut the crap, if you have a problem, talk about it calmly, state FACTS and be logical, dont go on rants, it only makes you seem childish.
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Postby Melk77 » November 21st, 2013, 9:49 pm

Some times, there's an emotion element to being hypnotised and the two aren't mutually exclusive. If a subject feels betrayed, it's heightened because they let you in their head and it isn't an easy thing to get over. Not saying whomever is right or wrong, just that you can't necessarily take emotion out of the equation..
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » November 22nd, 2013, 8:15 am

Although I have to admit that these threads are getting tired and old, I think, Endo, that your defense of Outkast is even more blind than the accusations against him.

I've been told that hypnosis is more intimate than sex. It's intimate on a highly psychological level, and some idiots like Outkast aren't sensible to a person's emotions or desires and simply think it's a game without consequence.

Not everyone likes being truly bent to another's will, as much as that seems to be a trope in this... "community". I'd be willing to bet that even the ones that claim they do more often than not have their own range of desires they want to fulfill. The ones that say they want to be molded entirely are usually quite ambivalent when it comes down to it and often run into limits like hitting rocks under a blanket of snow.

Raising awareness of Outkast isn't so bad if the idiot isn't going to change, and if he's still trying to scoop up every fish in the sea that wants to try hypnosis. You SEEM like a fucking moron, and this IS from what I've seen from you.

Go back to being a sub, dude. You were much more docile that way.

To all who might think of having their first experience with Outkast: You'll be selling yourself low and getting a low-quality experience on several levels, trust me.

And wow, if you're actually "trapped under his control" by this guy, then lol... Well, it's all willed by the subject in the end. I'm sorry if such a lousy tist and person has got you on their strings. That's just sad.
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Postby outkast1728 » November 22nd, 2013, 9:38 am

Can yall please let this go? I"m doing what i can to learn and be a better hypnotist but yall keep harassing me and assaulting me for the mistakes I've made and I can't get better with yall constantly telling everyone I don't deserve to be given a chance. Honestly yall were a good match for me and I"m sorry for doing things you didn't like and I apologize for any negativity that entered your lives because of me. Whether yall decide to forgive me or not, my conscience is clear because I'm truly trying to make amends. If yall cant let this go then I"ll have to go to emg to curb this vicious bashing of me and remove this thread.
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Postby EMG » November 22nd, 2013, 12:27 pm

Ok, it would appear that more than a few people have problems with Outkast, while others like him. Until I can setup further safeguards that allow users to rate their experience with various hypnotists I am going to leave this as it is.

Outkast, if you want your reputation to get better, observe the limits of the people you trance.

Everyone else, this is a buyer beware scenario, some people seem to like Outkast, others do not. Think carefully and make your own decision.

But the flame war ends here and anyone picking it back up will get exactly 1 warning.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » November 22nd, 2013, 1:07 pm

EMG wrote:
But the flame war ends here and anyone picking it back up will get exactly 1 warning.

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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » November 22nd, 2013, 4:56 pm

It's funny, how is this to be considered a "flame war" when the validity of claims made against outkast are actually validated by outkast!

And given the fact that he himself has created "warning" threads about others, doesn't he kind of get what he deserves, no?

Just from reading his own interaction here one can deduce he is a liar and deceitful. That's not flaming, that is a fact. Surely I hope not to invoke my 1 and only warning, but the problem itself seems more serious in nature than those reporting it!

It's of little consequence to me, as nowadays hypnosis/mind control is just a passing interest. But I do imagine that if I was in trance and someone went beyond what I was willing, there could only be the feeling of being violated. And that's a pretty strong reaction, and maybe why we see post's about him often.

Jus' a few thoughts...
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Postby Tangy » November 22nd, 2013, 6:17 pm

uw_onsterfelijk wrote:It's funny, how is this to be considered a "flame war" when the validity of claims made against outkast are actually validated by outkast!

And given the fact that he himself has created "warning" threads about others, doesn't he kind of get what he deserves, no?

Just from reading his own interaction here one can deduce he is a liar and deceitful. That's not flaming, that is a fact. Surely I hope not to invoke my 1 and only warning, but the problem itself seems more serious in nature than those reporting it!

It's of little consequence to me, as nowadays hypnosis/mind control is just a passing interest. But I do imagine that if I was in trance and someone went beyond what I was willing, there could only be the feeling of being violated. And that's a pretty strong reaction, and maybe why we see post's about him often.

Jus' a few thoughts...

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