An update on my jockification

This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

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An update on my jockification

Postby slyfox » January 5th, 2014, 10:46 pm

So it's been a few months, I haven't been around much, and a lot has happened. Despite not having done any hypnosis since...well I can't even remember, I'm still becoming more and more of a jock every day. I realize now that there's nothing stopping my jockification; it's totally inevitable.

I posted a couple pictures the other day. I don't know if it's obvious from them but I've put on more muscle. My goal is still to get as huge as I possibly can (without using steroids) and I'm well on my way there. I made a resolution to gain 15 lbs more muscle by the end of this year, and I know I can do it. I understand now how to control my diet and what kind of volume/intensity/exercises work best for me at the gym. A little experimentation goes a long way. I'm bigger AND I'm stronger. I just blasted through my squat max the other day like it was nothing. I'm like the fucking Juggernaut or something. There's no stopping me!

My interests are drastically changing. The things I would call "nerd interests" are either withering away or morphing to fit my new jock persona. For example: I used to be a big history nut; I still am a bit, but my interest in history is more like an interest in warfare or weird macabre shit. I still like reading books, but I get bored trying to read the classics I used to enjoy; I need action! Adventure! Suspense!

I spend less and less time on nerdy things and more on jock-related things. I read a lot about bodybuilding techniques and the science of nutrition and exercise (it's relevant to my goal of becoming a physical therapist).

I am obsessed with football. I read about what's going on in the football world every day. I get emotionally invested in games. I shout and jump around when my favorite team scores. You have to understand, this is all new to me. I used to think football was boring. I couldn't care less about it, and here I am wearing a 49ers jersey and still feeling elated because they beat the Packers today.

Other sports interest me too. I like hockey, and I'm starting to like basketball too (to the dismay of my girlfriend, who thinks watching sports is boring).

To me though, all these are superficial changes. The most important ones, the psychological changes, are what I'm interested in. The confidence, the masculinity, and the aggressive-assertive nature of a jock, that's what I'm interested in. And that's what I'm getting. I look in the mirror and I see a BIG guy. I'm fucking proud of my body and I like to show it off. I keep my back straight and chest high all the time. I can approach people without feeling scared about what I'm going to say. In the gym, I am LOUD and fucking proud of the stares I get because of it. I'm working my ass off and I'll be damned if I'm going to let the opinions of others stop me. I'm a MAN.

I'm fucking fed up with being submissive and effeminate. It's against my nature, now. I can't be a subby bitch and be a jock at the same time; a jock is too masculine, too dominant to let someone else control him. It doesn't make sense to me. I'm thrilled with these feelings, this need to be dominant, to be in control, to be on top, and to be aggressive. I crave it.

Related to that, my interest in other men has almost completely withered away. I think it's because I've always associated submissiveness with being gay, and now that I want nothing to do with being subby...I just lost interest. Chicks, however...good god. I see a nice pair of tits or a firm, round feminine ass and I insta-boner. The need to rut hits me every day and I fucking love the feeling. I feel like this is only going to get stronger as I grow, as the testosterone builds up inside me.

So...that's it for now. I may not be a dumb jock but chicks dig smart guys anyway. And a smart dude who can (one day) bench press over 300lbs? I'll fucking have them soiling their panties. ;)
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Postby rugbyjockca » January 6th, 2014, 11:32 am

Awesome post and congrats.

I feel the same way lately, except for the chicks part. Some of my best friends are women, but just can't see them as attractive.

That said, even though my tumblr is pretty much all ripped guys, I can't say that I want to fuck any of's weird, but it's like my sexuality is wired to my own growth and performance in the gym. I did legs today and all I can think of is how awesome my squats have been lately. I keep thinking back to the feel of power, the final thrust at the end and that gets my motor running.

I haven't done much with hypnosis myself lately, but I like to think that there were some files and hypnotists that helped lay the groundwork and get me started...

But I think the jock thing is one of the best fetishes out there because once it gets going, it feeds on itself. Once you have that first really good workout, that first awesome flex, that first time catching yourself in the mirror and thinking "Whoa, I'm fucking swole!" that first time is all it takes, and you're hooked.

And bros who are just at the beginning of the ride? Pay attention: you are in for the best fucking ride of your life.
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Postby bdmike » January 6th, 2014, 8:50 pm

Whoa, nice transformation, bro! Loving the arms and chest especially.
That's the reward a jock gets for putting in all that hard work in and out of the gym.

How long ago did you start getting interested in sports? Was it after listening to a certain file or did it start after you quit listening?
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Postby pechayre » January 8th, 2014, 1:53 am

Which file did you use to start this process, please?

Thank you.
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Postby rigsby » January 8th, 2014, 12:46 pm

Congrats to both rugbyjock and sly!

I'm still training as well, although I lapsed a bit with last month's holiday eating. Now I'm back to my regular routine at full blast.
Strong mind, strong body
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Postby koushiro » January 8th, 2014, 1:37 pm

Darn that's just hot. I've been trying to work on jockifying myself too, just that I've not had ANY progress whatsoever. I think my nerdy interests are just too much in the way. That and seems like the person I'm working with insists in an all-or-nothing situation, which really dampens things. Any thoughts or suggestions? Or can someone introduce me to someone I can work with? i'm contactable via skype @ koushiro_izumi.
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Postby ryuk1 » January 8th, 2014, 3:33 pm

khhhhhhhhhhhhhh funy jack
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Postby slyfox » January 8th, 2014, 9:00 pm

Addendum: Well crap, turns out I was wrong about not being interested in guys any more. It's just that my interest has changed. I'm still in favor of women, but I have lingering gay fantasies that I shouldn't avoid or feel ashamed of. I'm still feeling dominant, and that's the important part. Remember, dudes, even though you're trying to change into a different person, it's still important to be comfortable with who you're going to be.

A couple of you guys are interested in knowing what files I used for my jockification. I've never used any files; they don't work very well for me. I have done hypnosis with a couple hypnotists, both were very good. I know one wishes to remain anonymous, I don't know about the other one. Please don't ask me who they are.

bdmike: it was last year, actually. Liking football was part of my original jock hypnosis programming. It started out as a mild interest and gradually built up from there the more I watched.

rigsby: yo, most bodybuilders use the holiday binge as an excuse to bulk up. Just sayin', bro. ;)

koushiro: I know exactly what it's like to try to work with someone who is all-or-nothing. That's part of the reason why I stopped doing hypnosis altogether. I got burned out on it because someone I was working with had a demand that I couldn't agree to and he wouldn't back down on it. I tried to compromise but it didn't work. Sometimes you have to just step back and assess the situation and determine for yourself whether it's worth it to keep going or to look elsewhere. If you already have the seed in you, that need to be a jock, then a little push from anywhere, even from within yourself, is enough to get you started. Meditate a while on who you want to be and what steps you can take to become that person.

How strong are these nerdy interests of yours if they're getting in the way? They're just interests, bro. Don't let them rule you. Don't be afraid to change them, especially if you are trying to change for the better (because honestly, being a jock is WAY fucking better than being a nerd, amirite?). When I started college, I wanted to be a history teacher: fucking nerdy as hell, right there. Now I've totally changed my path in life. I plan to become a personal trainer, open my own gym, and work towards becoming a physical therapist. Meanwhile I'm bodybuilding. If you had told me five years ago that I would have done something like this, I would have thought it was a joke. Don't be a pussy, bro. Make those nerdy interests your bitch!

Take the time that you would normally spend doing nerdy things and use it to do jock things. Go lift heavy shit at the gym. Watch sports or check the ESPN website. Think about sex. Have a beer if you're old enough. The point is to get your mind off those nerdy things. The less you think about them, the less space they take up in your mind, and the more space is available to fill with jock thoughts and interests.
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Postby Sentinel » January 10th, 2014, 4:55 am

slyfox wrote:
(because honestly, being a jock is WAY fucking better than being a nerd, amirite?).

Hey now, let's not be too hasty! :p

I worked with Sly for a while (dunno if I'm one of the two he mentions). I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad to see a jock leave subbing behind, but it's great to see the transformation worked out for you!
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Postby joecomp2000 » January 10th, 2014, 3:30 pm

slyfox wrote:
rigsby: yo, most bodybuilders use the holiday binge as an excuse to bulk up. Just sayin', bro. ;)

this is not totally true

I knew a guy a couple of years ago that did not go to Christmas dinner with his family because he would eat bad...he was one contest a way from turning pro..(when he was busted for steroids) ..his next contest was months away ...and he was not dieting yet

the wife and kids went to the in-laws . he stayed at home watching the Mr O on dvd...
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Postby slyfox » January 10th, 2014, 8:30 pm

Sentinel wrote:
Hey now, let's not be too hasty! :p

I worked with Sly for a while (dunno if I'm one of the two he mentions). I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad to see a jock leave subbing behind, but it's great to see the transformation worked out for you!

Yeah, you're one of them ;) Maybe being a geek works for you, but for me it's gotta be jock all the way! Thanks for the support!
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