Pueraria mirifica

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Pueraria mirifica

Postby Sober » January 10th, 2012, 3:30 pm

two questions:

1) does it work?

2) where is the best place (and cheapest) to get it if you live in Europe?
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Postby pennyT » January 11th, 2012, 11:57 am

Like OMG! Yes PM works! I been taking all sorts of herbal stuff to grow my boobies and they seem to work to some extent but I found some PM stuff in a vitamin shop when I was in another town on business so I am thinking, why not try it? What's a girl got to lose, like right? So I bought a couple bottles and went through one and on my second. Still taking my other herbs too but I can tell this stuff like for sure is making a difference. My boobies ache more and my nipples are starting to really itch and it drives me wild as they rub against my shirt or bra during the day!

But nobody sells it around me where I live at :( There are like tons of places that sell it online but I keep seeing where some is like fake an stuff.

How do you know where to get the real stuff cause I want my boobies to get bigger and bigger like for sure.

Anyhow if you get real stuff it does work!

lovin my boobies...

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Postby jan » January 23rd, 2012, 9:23 pm

Yes, pueraria mifurca definitely works. I bought some PM breast cream off eBay, and it was mailed from Thailand. I applied it nightly, and after a few days, I started to feel it. It makes your breasts so sensitive and they feel so sexy that its hard to stop stroking them - and hard to stop using the cream.

I have since bought more, and am now at the point that I can't do it any more without people noticing, if they have not already. It affects clitty-functioning too, just as regular hormones would, so be careful.

You can order it from eBay or even Amazon, and it beats black cohosh or any of those other herbals hands down.
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Postby RobynCd39 » January 24th, 2012, 8:35 am

Will let you know. I just started last week on the PM...powder & cream. Do need to take some baseline photos.
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Postby Ritulia » November 10th, 2013, 6:20 am

It really works especcially Ainterol pills. Take 2 pills per day and you will see the first results in a month or two. Do not take with the other herbs. It will decrease the effects of PM.
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Postby jan » November 10th, 2013, 6:42 pm

I never bought Ainterol, but many people have liked their products.

Always take things slowly, and give your body 7 days free of any PM every month. Bear in mind that as your breasts get bigger, your orgasmic ability gets smaller.
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Re: Pueraria mirifica

Postby Liann » November 13th, 2013, 3:39 pm

Sober wrote:two questions:

1) does it work?

2) where is the best place (and cheapest) to get it if you live in Europe?

1) YES, it works but it is overpriced.

2) Online from Amazon.com. It is shipped worldwide from Thailand and China.

PR is a close cousin of Kudzu Root, which has most of the same properties and is cheaper. Black Cohosh is fairly cheap and worldwide available. There are a variety of herbals with phytoestrogen molecules.

http://fixmybreasts.com/ is a helpful information source which is not just a shill website to sell you a particular brand of something.


There is no physical difference between male or female breast anatomy: the only differences are due to sex hormones, postures, exercises, and shaping clothing.

The best way to achieve large pendant female breasts is to lactate, which either males or females are capable of doing. There used to be a scarcity of information, but recently there is a deluge.

"Adoptive lactation" is where somebody other than the birth mother is wet nursing the infant. Look it up.

Lactation mobilizes the entire body fat which is recycled on a regular basis. Since pollutants and carcinogens can get stuck in fat cells for years or decades, lactation releases these for disposal as it mobilizes the fat for milk butterfat. Women who have breastfed one child have much lower risk of breast cancer than women who never were pregnant, so lactating for a few months not only gives great breast shape but has lifetime health benefits as well.

Common foods, herbs and health store supplements for lactation or breast growth are: Oatmeal, fennel, fenugreek, Black Cohosh, Soy foods, red clover, Blessed Thistle, Milk Thistle....
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Postby Ritulia » November 17th, 2013, 4:33 pm

By the words of Dr Garry Gordon at weblinar Pueraria Mirifica 13/10/2013, PM estrogenic activity is 3000 times higher than soya isoflavones and 1000 times higher than red clover. So that is why 500 mg of Pm is like 2 mg estradiol in Proginova. www. gordonresearch.com See weblinar here.
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Postby jan » November 17th, 2013, 9:44 pm

I'd like my doctor to prescribe PM twice a day for me:) Not sure he's right that men should do that, though. He's an ostepath doctor, which gives me pause. His talk sounds more like sales and marketing than scientific reporting.

I like PM, and I think it is more effective than any other herbal concoction I ever tried. If my erotic compulsions had free rein, which they don't most of the time, I'd be on them pretty much full time.
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Postby shanon » January 18th, 2014, 2:48 am

ftc v vital dynamics , this court case proved p.m. to be useless ,placebo effect can be very powerful simple stimulation by massage increases sensitivity this may be what you feel
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Postby jan » January 18th, 2014, 9:23 am

I believe you are vastly overstating the legal charge and settlement of this case. It certainly did not 'prove' that PM does not work. Failing to have experimental scientific proof of an effect is not the same thing as proving that something does not work.

It looks like the company made claims that it could not sustain. They said there were no side-effects, and there can be. They made it very hard to get the refund they promised. As the settlement states (http://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/cases/2002/12/vdicmp.pdf):

COUNT I (Unsubstantiated Claims)
18.Through the means described in Paragraphs 13 and 14, Defendants
have represented, expressly or by implication, that:
a.Isis will enlarge a woman’s breasts by one cup size or more;
b.Isis works by stimulating breast cells to regenerate the
growth process;
c.Isis strengthens connective tissue to lift the breast;
d.Isis tones and firms the breast;
e.After six months, most women will maintain their increased
breast size without continued use of Isis and the remainder of
women will maintain the increase in size by taking Isis on a light
maintenance program;
f.Isis has a high success rate; and
g. Isis is safe and has no negative side effects.
19.Defendants did not possess and rely upon a reasonable basis that
substantiated the representations set forth in Paragraphs 18 (a) through (g) at the time the representations were made. Therefore, the making of the representations set forth in Paragraph 18, above, constitutes a deceptive practice, and the making of false advertisements, in or affecting commerce, in violation of Sections 5(a) and 12
of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 45(a) and 52

Again, all I can tell you is that PM worked for me. I stopped taking it because I needed to stop growing. PM does not just provide a placebo effect.

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