Feminine Conditioning by ViVe

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Feminine Conditioning by ViVe

Postby OxyFemboi » March 9th, 2014, 9:14 am

I've been using Vive's Feminine Conditioning file for a while. It apparently has had a noticeable effect on me. My boyfriend broke up with me because he wanted a "masculine man", not a sissy. I'm sure I told him that I was a femboi when we got engaged! He must have noticed such minor clues as makeup, panties, and nail polish!

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else was using it and what effects it has had, if any that you've noticed and/or been told about.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on March 28th, 2014, 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby slyfox » March 9th, 2014, 2:43 pm

What happened to being a jock?
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Postby ViVe » March 9th, 2014, 3:01 pm

Hi! Hope you're not angry that my file cost you your engagement..... sorry.... :/

On the other hand... being not that long out of an 8.5 year vanilla relation in which bdsm was "don't ask, don't tell" which slowly killed me more and more... trust me - it doesn't work out if you can't be yourself!

The file should yield different results on different people as it doesn't have "fix" suggestions, but uses your own idea of femininity you have before listening... (and of course it changes with them if your idea of femininity changes over time... )
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 10th, 2014, 5:18 pm

What happened to being a jock?

Slyfox, apparently being a jock went by the boards after I listened a few times. Apparently being a jock is incompatible with my idea of femininity.

Well, that's not quite accurate. Ever since I listened to TrainTotalJock1 by mistake -- it was between two files on dreams I wanted to listen to -- in 2003, I have since been fascinated -- obsessed? -- with becoming a jock. However ... I had a BIG problem. Mom had Alzheimer's.

Mom's Alzheimer's progressed to the point where she needed a caretaker 24/7. The medications weren't working. Dad died in 1995, so there was only me to take care of her. [My brother lived 3,000 miles away and wanted nothing to do with the family.] She also developed a fear of going out of the house, so I couldn't leave the house. Once, she told me to leave and "enjoy" myself" -- I had books to return to the library -- and I allowed myself to become convinced. Ten minutes after I left, Mom called the police to report that I was missing. That eventually got sorted out ... but I didn't leave the house again till Mom admitted herself to a nursing home.

Being on call 24/7 meant that I couldn't listen to the files. I could see that I needed to take care of both my finances (and my house) and Mom's bills, medical problems, and such. I couldn't do that, write checks, and remember what Rxs she was allergic to while I was too dumb to spell my name,. So ... I had to break the "dumbness" conditioning.

Mom eventually put herself into a nursing home and I got to clean and de-clutter both houses. Mom's family were pack rats and Granddad built Mom's house in 1918. Three generations of clutter ... it took a year.

Mom died. I suspect my brother came to the funeral in 2010 just to make certain that she was dead.

I needed a new place (three floors with four bedrooms, a full basement, and a two bedroom apartment where the attic used to be was a bit too much room. I didn't go into some rooms for months.

I moved into a smaller one-bedroom apartment. I started listening to jock files again. I hoped that I could pick up where I was before. I couldn't. Nothing had any effect on me.

Apparently when I broke the "dumbness" conditioning in the TTJ files, I also broke the jock portion of the conditioning as well. Nothing has worked since.

So I was messing around on the computer and read about ViVe's "Dumbing Down" series. I checked out his website, found the files, and started listening. Then I noticed the "Feminine Conditioning" file and listened while I was in a "what the hell" mood. I can't be super-masculine [I never was that masculine as a kid], so maybe being super-fem would work.

Hope you're not angry that my file cost you your engagement..... sorry.... :/

Vive, I'm not sorry. I just glad I found out before either of our states made two guys getting married legal. I was in a relationship once where the other dude was repulsed by anything as "kinky" as tying me up ... besides all the other strange stuff that hypnosis has introduced me to.

I consider hypnosis to be the human mind's "install" program for fetishes and behavior.

You might be interested that in my sex dreams lately, I have a vagina.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on March 19th, 2014, 1:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby lew897 » March 18th, 2014, 1:07 pm

Ive only tried it once, and it really stuck on me so I didn't want to try again. But the sissy acceptance file was a nice balance of allowing me to indulge in being as sissy as possible and still being a regular guy. I will probably keep listening to it as long as I can, since its made me like and enjoy being a sissy. Ive done things this year alone that I have always wanted to do in my entire life!
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Postby ViVe » March 19th, 2014, 11:34 am

@oxdude - phew... good! You got me a bit worried here!

@lew897 - Yeah, it's more permanent and a bit more extreme! It also has the same positive subtext (you're ok the way you are and there will never be any guilt) but it's geared towards someone who wants to be openly more feminine!
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Postby lew897 » March 19th, 2014, 6:41 pm

I can definitely see the appeal for something like that, because even though I enjoy looking into girly things, dressing up, watching totally different movies, videos, music, etc. I do get a little tired of it all at times since it feels like Im sorta in between being a guy and sissy. It feels like being a sissy is a lot like work, which is a contradiction since being sissy is susposed to look effortless. And I feel like Im playing catch up. Id much rather just spend all my time in sissy mode. Which has the side effect of making me think that Im dumb. Which got me thinking that I should try Vives inverted bimbo. Which would be another contradiction of my previous contradiction, and two contractions cancel each other??
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 20th, 2014, 4:31 am

ViVe wrote:
@oxdude - phew... good! You got me a bit worried here!

I never meant to cause you concern. I was always a bit fem. Feminine Conditioning probably sped up the natural progression of things but didn't change my basic personality. I listened because I was interested in being more fem, not less.

ViVe wrote
It also has the same positive subtext (you're ok the way you are and there will never be any guilt)

That's why I love Feminine Conditioning so much. It's permanent, there's no guilt, no shame, no fear, and it's natural for me to do this. I desired to be more openly fem ... and I am. Thanks so much!

lew wrote:
It feels like I'm sorta in between being a guy and sissy. ... I'd much rather just spend all my time in sissy mode.

Well, that's what Feminine Conditioning is doing for me. I am spending more and more time in "sissy" mode, though I think of myself as more femboi than sissy. I am possibly even more female than male, though I still have to sort out if I am trans or just really loving being a femboi.

By the way ... that "looking effortless" bit? It takes a lot of effort to do the "effortless look", as you found out. Likewise, the "natural look" takes time and work as well.

IMy use of the Feminine Conditioning file has me assuming only those characteristics that I think of as female. If you are one of those who thinks that female = dumb ... I have known a lot of females. I have yet to encounter a "dumb" female who wasn't putting on an act, usually because she thought being "dumb" would attract the type of guy she wanted.

Maybe you should try the Inverted Bimbo file. I was never into being an oversexed horny person, so that has no appeal to me.
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Postby lew897 » March 20th, 2014, 7:48 am

I just feel dumb because everything is like learning how to do everything the opposite of what I did before. I didn't mean I think women who get into dresses and makeup are dumb. Its just hard for myself. Even after literally spending days, weeks, years learning how to be a girl. I have dressed up and read all of my sisters cosmopolitan magazines in my teens. Although, putting up an act is always hard to do in real life without there being some truth to it. Ive seen women make up every excuse in the book to get what they want. I am currently living with three! It just feels like I don't know where to spend my time learning about stuff. Ive had girlfriends who dressed in pink all the time but could school me in everything at university. So, Im just saying there are contradictions for myself. Not everyone in general just myself. The main reason I would like Success/Inverted Bimbo is because it already feels like Ive got sex on my brain and being in skirts would make me want to learn more. That's kinda hot to me. Plus, yolo. Addition I should try the Inverted Bimbo file. I was never into being an oversexed horny person, but I have been hypnotized to become one before. It does have its own acquired taste. Also, Izagata blog always makes me feel a little jealous and envious. Thirdly, studying and enjoying hypnosis for these past few years I really don't know where my beliefs are!
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 20th, 2014, 9:09 am

Lew wrote:
I just feel dumb because everything is like learning how to do everything the opposite of what I did before. I didn't mean I think women who get into dresses and makeup are dumb. Its just hard for myself. Even after literally spending days, weeks, years learning how to be a girl. I have dressed up and read all of my sisters cosmopolitan magazines in my teens.

I understand. I really do. We all have learning curves; some are steeper than others. Cosmo is not necessarily the final word on anything.

Lew wrote:
The main reason I would like Success/Inverted Bimbo is because it already feels like Ive got sex on my brain and being in skirts would make me want to learn more. That's kinda hot to me. Plus, yolo. Addition, I should try the Inverted Bimbo file. I was never into being an oversexed horny person, but I have been hypnotized to become one before. It does have its own acquired taste. Also, Izagata blog always makes me feel a little jealous and envious.

YOLO, indeed! If you want it, go for it! I meant to say that certain types of files can hold only theoretical interest for me. To explain: I'm epileptic. My medications -- which do a great job of controlling my seizures -- also cause my testosterone production to be almost non-existent. My sex drive and my ability to get and/or maintain an erection are almost zero. So doing files that require sex hormones is a waste of my time. Not anyone else's time. Just mine.

Lew wrote:
Studying and enjoying hypnosis for these past few years I really don't know where my beliefs are!

Been there, done that. I've been doing hypnosis for so long that I don't know what my original beliefs were. I am fairly sure that I wouldn't be who (or what) I am today without hypnosis.

I have kept a journal sporadically through the years. I can open it and find out what I was thinking (or the hypnosis files I was doing) years ago. It's never to late to start one. It doesn't have to take a lot of time, either. You could do it online. When you start a new file, it helps to copy the original description and your reason for doing it into your journal. Adding a copy of the file -- some websites I've used have vanished over the years -- is also helpful.
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Postby lew897 » March 25th, 2014, 12:17 am

Okay, cool. Thanks for the suggestions. Looking back at my previous self, my main quests show just choosing one direction and heading that way with full gusto. Now, its very flexible and disciplined at the same time. Mostly, just based on myself. The behavioral changes that I want I just listen once a week, and the trance training everyday. I guess its off topic, but I think I was just in a fit.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 25th, 2014, 3:39 am

lew wrote:
Looking back at my previous self, my main quests show just choosing one direction and heading that way with full gusto. Now, its very flexible and disciplined at the same time. Mostly, just based on myself. The behavioral changes that I want I just listen once a week, and the trance training everyday.

I have had my best success when I concentrated on one area -- or several related topics that were all aspects of one area -- at a time. An example of what I mean by "several related topics" would be the files I'm using now: Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie,smaller2's Shrinking -- the Control Panel for your Height, and EMG's Curse Prepubescent. They're related since they all concentrate on shrinking my body, though in slightly different ways. Teeny Weenie concentrates on one specific body part; Shrinking is more of an all-over proportional shrinkage; Curse Prepubescent works to shrink you to before you started puberty.

Prepubescent's working to shrink me to before a specific event (puberty) took place is different from shrinking me to a specific height (Shrinking) or a specific penis length (extremely short). However, it doesn't seem to conflict at the moment. I consider all of these to be curse files. Though Shrinking is not labeled as a curse, I doubt the lost height can be regained.

I suggest the use of Reinforce when you're strapped for time. Even though it has the disadvantage of reinforcing every file you ever listened to, if you concentrate on the file(s) you're currently using, it probably will reinforce those files more than any others. Using Reinforcer -- I suggest using a cheat sheet so you can remember what you want reinforced -- you can work with every file every day.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 25th, 2014, 3:58 am

This is an update of what's been happening.

I bought an Epilady on eBay. For those of you who don't know, an Epiady is a hair removal system which uses a rapidly rotating coil that you bring into contact with your body hair; the Epilady grabs the hair and pulls it out,; this hopefully includes the root. If the root is pulled out, the hair will not regrow. Sounds painful? It is.

Since its arrival on March 17, 2014, I have been using it to eliminate all of my body hair. Most of it is gone. (Yes, there too. Quit wincing.) I will finish the last area (my thighs) in another day or so. Unfortunately, I found out -- painfully -- that it does not work well with facial hair. I need to find another way to eliminate that. My body should have about as much hair as a prepubescent -- except for the beard and mustache -- in a day or so.

I plan to go over my body once a month for a few months to eliminate any stray -- or regrowing -- hairs. But I should have absolutely no body hair afterward. The feeling of an Epilady going over an area of skin without body hair is very like that of a delicate massage. It's only when body hair is seized and pulled out that there is any pain.

I absolutely adore how my hairless body looks ... and I haven't said that in a long time!
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Postby Ryan83 » April 1st, 2014, 7:25 pm

I started this file yesterday. I listened last night and today. I am really going to stick with it. I really hope this works. We'll see.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 1st, 2014, 9:27 pm

Ryan wrote
I started this file yesterday. I listened last night and today. I am really going to stick with it. I really hope this works. We'll see.

If you stick with it, you will see changes. Definitely! Changes are not necessarily going to be noticeable to you at the time. I suggest keeping a diary or journal so that you can see where and when the changes started happening. I can look back to before I started listening and say, "Huh? Yeah, I acted that way, but this feels so natural that I could swear that I've always felt this way!"
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 11th, 2014, 3:19 am

I haven't posted here in a while, so thought I better update what I'm doing.

I've been buying stuff on eBay for a while. Who hasn't? Lately I've bought some really sexy skirts and blouses. Well, one skirt arrived yesterday. I tried it on, looked in the mirror, and told myself, "yeah, you're cute." Then I took another look .... got out one of my new blouses, put it on, and corrected myself. "No, I'm not just ... 'cute'. Damn, I'm fucking sexy." Then I spent half an hour posing and turning myself on ....

I feel pretty ... http://youtu.be/L7BQRGXFLJs

Anybody who wants to buy me a skirt or blouse, please PM me for sizes. :lol: :oops: :-D
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 12th, 2014, 3:02 am

I've been wearing the shirts and pants I was wearing before I started using smaller2's Shrinking -- Control Panel For Your Height. I've lost three inches and the loss have been proportional, so I'm a scale model of what I looked like when I was three inches taller. I lost size in my chest and waist and inseam as well as in height. My shirts and pants are extremely baggy now. The pants are a bit long, too. Since I've been using the Feminine Conditioning file, I've bought some women's clothing. I bought some blouses on eBay recently. The package of twelve blouses (one lot, all the same size) just arrived. A pack of five skirts should arrive in the next week or so.

I tried the blouses on. I didn't have makeup on or lipstick. I had just gotten out of bed. I barely had my hair combed or face washed. Nevertheless, I put on a fashion show for myself. Ten of the twelve blouse fit wonderfully. The other two were slightly small and were the only two that buttoned. I'll shrink into them. (That still sounds weird when I write it ... or think it.)

These blouses fit ... quite well. They aren't snug or tight-fitting. Nothing was what you'd call "form-fitting. They aren't spandex, so they do conceal. However, there is no doubt about my sex. It is NOT male. Hell, I had to keep reminding myself that "Dude, your eyes are UP HERE!' With two size D headlights -- I deliberately overdosed on some herbs (mostly fenugreek) continuously for a few months; as a result, my breasts grew --prominent in the non-baggy clothing, and no bulge showing in my panties and skirt -- I'm using Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie as well ... and my weenie is extremely teeny (1.5 inches long and still shrinking) ... and my balls may have vanished -- well, I definitely am not male. No fucking way ...! No wonder I've been getting compliments on this properly fitting blouse (which looks sorta like a guy's tee) I bought a week or so ago. And why I keep thinking I need to tell people: *clears throat* "Ahem! My eyes are up here!"

When I get clothing that fits properly -- after I stop using smaller2's [b}Shrinking[/b] file; why waste money on clothes that will only fit for (maybe) two weeks to a month? -- there's going to be lots of doubts as to whether I am male or female. I guess this is what they mean by genderfluid. If I wear baggy clothing, I look ... well, male-ish. (After all, I have shaved off all my body hair.) When I wear properly fitting clothing, I'm definitely female (except for the actual teeny male bits still between my legs, that is).

If I ever get a camera, I may post pictures. Promises, promises ...
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 13th, 2014, 7:55 am

I just added one small fillip to my hypno file listening pleasure. I just downloaded EMG's Obsession -- which turns the next file you listen to into an (what else) Obsession -- and I've played it before these files which I'm currently using : ViVe's Feminine Conditioning, Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie, and smaller2's Shrinking -- Control Room For Your Height.

This should be fun ....
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Postby bostonmarc » April 15th, 2014, 2:08 pm

I have a question does Girling Up alone work? Or is it a reinforcement of Feminine Conditioning?
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 16th, 2014, 1:37 am

boston wrote:
does Girling Up alone work? Or is it a reinforcement of Feminine Conditioning?

That's an extremely good question. I don't have an answer to it. I listened to the file once between listening to Feminine Conditioning so I can't use my (contaminated) non-existent experience to guess at an answer.

The instructions for Girling Up are:
This file is a little bonus – it’s a masturbation loop quite like the “dumbing down”… but this is girling up! Loop this file and play with your little clitty… and reinforce the (reward) conditioning… or just use it on it’s own… the pleasure you feel while listening will come back any time you behave feminine… doesn’t matter if it’s a feminine thought, taste like listening to music or reading something feminine, displaying feminine gestures and mannerisms, wearing feminine clothes or whatever else girly you do… and it will condition you to behave this way more frequently! Use headphones!

The instructions imply that Girling Up can work alone: just use it on it’s own… the pleasure you feel while listening will come back any time you behave feminine … and it will condition you to behave this way more frequently!. I thought it was a reinforcement file for Feminine Conditioning. That may not be the case. The instructions make it sound as if it's an independent file similar to the Dumbing Down files.
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Postby bostonmarc » April 16th, 2014, 12:34 pm

I have only made it through the file once a couple of half listens. I will report back here if I start adding this to the playlist. Thanks.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 17th, 2014, 3:23 am

boston wrote:
I have only made it through the file once a couple of half listens. I will report back here if I start adding this to the playlist. Thanks.

I forgot to add this to my last post. It's my impression -- I also think that ViVe stated somewhere -- that Feminine Conditioning is more potent -- more effective -- than Girling Up. However, I think we could add people who are using Girling Up to the thread. Girling Up is a similar file on the same subject by the same artist/hypnotist, Vive.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 10th, 2014, 11:26 pm

I started this thread and haven't posted in it for about three weeks. It's not that I didn't want to. I didn't have time.

I had a pimple on my left ear. Well, I thought it was a pimple. When I went to my GP for my regular appointment, I asked him to look at it since it hurt every time I put my earphones on (mostly to listen to hypnofiles) or slept on my left side. The doctor looked at it, then said, I can't be sure but I think this could be cancerous. I'll make an appointment to have a specialist look at this and remove it. (Mom had extremely fair skin; so do I. Mom had several skin cancers removed. I have been wondering when the skin cancers would begin showing up.)

Meanwhile I've been busy with other files and with real life. I have been getting more fem ... but it's really hard to give specific examples. It feels like I've always done these things this way ... and that I've always been this fem.

I got more sexy clothing. I have never been embarrassed to go into the women's department, look at the clothing, and buy it from a woman or a guy ... a fucking cute guy. I look at guys and think how sexy they are, how much I'd love them inside me ... and how cute some of them would be in some of the clothing I have. I look at women and think Damn. I wonder where she got that outfit? Better yet, where can I get one like it?

I need to get my ears pierced. I saw these cute earrings ... :-D
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 19th, 2014, 1:47 am

boston wrote:
How is everybody's Sunday?

Busy. I'm Secretary of my apartment building's Resident Council, so I spent most of it decorating the building's public spaces for the upcoming holidays (Memorial Day, Flag Day, Father's Day, Fourth of July). They all -- thankfully -- use the same color scheme of red/white/blue. It was a lot of work, but ... Hey! Free pizza! And the President is gay, so I acted extremely swishy. As an example, Ron (the prez) gave me a red-white-and-blue lei; I *giggled* and asked if it came with a condom, then patted his cute ass (because I couldn't reach his groin).
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Postby Stacie5959 » May 19th, 2014, 7:22 pm

ViVe wrote:Hi! Hope you're not angry that my file cost you your engagement..... sorry.... :/

On the other hand... being not that long out of an 8.5 year vanilla relation in which bdsm was "don't ask, don't tell" which slowly killed me more and more... trust me - it doesn't work out if you can't be yourself!

The file should yield different results on different people as it doesn't have "fix" suggestions, but uses your own idea of femininity you have before listening... (and of course it changes with them if your idea of femininity changes over time... )

I just found this thread and found your site. I was very impressed with the layout and Flac offerings.
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Postby ViVe » May 25th, 2014, 6:44 am

@Oxy: I'm really glad it worked out so well for you and I could help you a little bit finding yourself! :)

Still have to ask... so how did the story with ron go since then? Do i have to make a file to get you there? :P

@Stacie: Thanks! Glad you like!
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 26th, 2014, 11:23 am

ViVe wrote
Oxy: I'm really glad it worked out so well for you and I could help you a little bit finding yourself! :-)

Still have to ask... so how did the story with ron go since then? Do i have to make a file to get you there? :Razz:

Alas, I don't think Ron is interested in me. He talks a good game but ... Ron's more interested in being a tease than he is in putting out. Too bad ;-) He is cute, though, so I will tease back whenever I have the chance. Maybe he will finally take the hint.

A file to make me confident enough to wear my girly clothes in public might be helpful. I'm sure that will come in its own time.
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 10th, 2014, 2:00 pm

I have a great, fun relationship with a dude, cagemeplease. [Note: cagemeplease is not his username on this site.] He asked me to pick a few hypnofiles for him to listen to. I suggested a few, specifically Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height and Feminine Conditioning. These are the relevant portions of our PMs.

cagemeplease wrote about 1 month ago
do femininization really work? Or is there one that will make me totally jump the fence into a true gay male right now i think about males and them controlling me and i like the idea

oxyfemboi wrote about 1 month ago
Yes, femininization works. I'm extremely femme now. I used ViVe's Feminine Conditioning -- available here: http://www.vivehypnosis.de/?p=698 -- expect results. It's subtle; it doesn't say what is feminine or masculine. Your subconscious already knows that. It just conditions your subconscious to like doing feminine things and detest doing masculine things. You will see changes when y9ou look back over a few months time. You won't recognize your old self.

cagemeplease about 1 month ago
Thank you i will do as you say i will check out the feminine file thank you for coming into my life

cagemeplease wrote written 29 days ago
i listened to the feminine file and made a appointment to get my eyebrows shape and my feet and and hands done
i never thought this would do this to me and i find my self seating down to pee. And i have been thinking about adding some eye liner too and lip gloss.
Before i started that file i always thought what i would look like as a female

cagemeplese wrote written 28 days ago
I get it now you are making me turn into a female i should be mad at you but when i think of not being a female my mind like my feelings gets stronger as a female and its like when i denied the feeling they just get stronger and i
Guess i should be thanking you instead of being mad at you so thank you last night i fell asleep listen to both files it loop about 4 times
I'm in the bathroom looking in the mirror and the mirror is bigger and i feel that i should be shaving all of my facial hair off and put some makeup on i look at my naked body and i still see my dick and this it really happening to me i think i want more of you brainwashing me please
love you wolfy

cagemeplease wrote[/b] written 28 days ago
Is there a file that will install a new name like a girls name my name is Shawn right now .

I can't think of a girls name for me maybe you can for me and if you do when we tall call me that name and when you let me to send my number to you and we talk on the phone please call me that name

oxyfemboi wrote written 28 days ago
You could use the feminine version of your name, Shawn: Shawna.

cagemeplease wrote written 27 days ago
Please start calling me shawna

Yes, this file works ... :twisted:
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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