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Postby Alien4420 » March 22nd, 2014, 7:27 am

Oh, also, I found a number popped out of my head when I listened to Cycomelody's file, 4'-11". I don't know where it came from either. I'd given up on that file, but after reading about your success, I may give a shrinking file another try after I'm done with Teeny Weenie (or perhaps it would be better to say after it's done with me).
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 22nd, 2014, 8:20 am

Alien wrote:
The tiredness could be due to Teeny Weenie, it can be a consequence of low testosterone levels ... you've been responding quickly so maybe yours have already dropped? Once you're done shrinking, you can go on testosterone supplements, at least two guys have done that. It doesn't seem to reverse the shrinkage.

My testosterone levels are already low due to side effects of the epilepsy medications I've taken (and continue to take) to control my seizures. Since I started with low T levels -- which my doctors want to ignore; I'm not counting on getting any testosterone supplements from them -- I may have started with an advantage. My extreme susceptibility to hypnosis may have helped as well.

I don't want to reverse the shrinkage. I did have eunuch fantasies as a teenager. Robots, werewolves, eunuchs were all grist for my overactive (and thoroughly warped) teenage imagination.

Alien wrote:
I found a number popped out of my head when I listened to Cycomelody's file, 4'-11".

I have not found any problems using both files -- Shrinking and Teeny Weenie -- together. They seem to work well together; after all, they are both shrinking files. Curse Prepubescent also is in the same class of shrinking files, so there should be no conflict between any of them.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on March 22nd, 2014, 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby smaller2 » March 22nd, 2014, 8:42 am

Tingling like sensations are normal when the shrinking is active. It occurs at a cellular level. Everyone started from one cell and the cells multiplied until it brought you to your adult height. Your body had fewer cells before and worked just fine, thus you can have fewer cells in each part of your body and shrink right down to your target size, whatever that may be.

There is a trigger in the file to shrink you at least 1/4 of an inch every hour. When feel it, my guess is the concious and subconcious mind are working together, your whole mind shrinking your whole body down smaller and shorter and lighter.

If you have a significant other that are intimate with, the triggers in my file of pleasure with the shrinking, you may find to become more noticable during intimacy. When getting physical pleasure, with or without a partner, you may find that shrinking gives you pleasure, and pleasure causes you to notice that you're shrinking again, that cycle building within you, building in intensity as your body slips away smaller and smaller... culminating in what i call a shrinkgasam
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 22nd, 2014, 9:19 am

smaller wrote:
Tingling like sensations are normal when the shrinking is active. It occurs at a cellular level.

I wish I'd have more tingling sensations around where my abs should be and less in my legs ... although I have been thinking that I want to wear a size eight shoe. I'm currently a size eleven; size 11.5W in one athletic shoe where 'the shoe size runs small, so order the next half-size up".

I wish that you had included a suggestion that the first "unnecessary" cells to eliminate should be fat cells. I've tried to suggest this to my subconscious; I don't know how successful I've been (yet).

smaller wrote:
When you feel (the tingling), my guess is the conscious and subconscious mind are working together, your whole mind shrinking your whole body down smaller and shorter and lighter.

I feel tingling much of the time. I always feel it before falling asleep and when I'm not focused on doing something. I wonder if I can induce it? I'll try later.

smaller wrote:
When getting physical pleasure, with or without a partner, you may find that shrinking gives you pleasure, and pleasure causes you to notice that you're shrinking again, that cycle building within you, building in intensity as your body slips away smaller and smaller... culminating in what i call a shrinkgasam.

I have no significant other at the moment. He broke up with me when I reported on my positive experiences with ViVe's Feminine Conditioning file. Apparently he wants a masculine boyfriend. Fembois need not apply.

I have noticed that I get extreme pleasure in contemplating the shrinking of both my body and my penis.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 25th, 2014, 6:42 am

I figured out my proportion of shrinking (63/72 = 7/8.) and from that, have calculated various other proportions which I'm going to use to predict my future clothing sizes when I'm finished shrinking. I will post the sizes later. The accuracy of the predictions should be interesting.

The other proportions are (7/8.)^2 (squared) (approximately .75 = 3/4) -- useful for things like belts, waist sizes, inseams, neck sizes, etc -- and (7/8.)^3 (cubed), (which is approximately .67 = 2/3) (which is good for volume, and probably weight). [If you want to see the six- and nine- digit decimals, go to the other thread on this file.]

Sorry for the strange use of decimals in a fraction, but apparently 8 ) defaults to 8) otherwise.
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Postby smaller2 » March 25th, 2014, 6:06 pm

Yes, its fun to know the math and how light you are going to get in comparison with the vertical loss in height!

Please keep us posted with updates of heights and experiences of your shrinking down, tinier and tinier.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 25th, 2014, 7:19 pm

smaller wrote:
Please keep us posted with updates of heights and experiences of your shrinking down, tinier and tinier.

I will. I usually copy my posts int eh other forum on Shrinking to this site. I forgot this time. I'll remedy that right now.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 25th, 2014, 7:22 pm

I took a few measurement the other day. When I got up, I was 5'10". I took various measurement during the day; the smallest I got was 5.9.5" when I was exhausted and about to go to bed. My normal variation in height is approximately one-half inch, from 5'9.5" to 5'10".

As I stated earlier, the proportion I expect to shrink is (target height/starting height): 63/72 or 7/8. That translates to:
Measurement in one dimension (examples: inseam, neck): 0.875000000 (exactly seven-eighths)
Measurement in two dimensions (example: waist): 0.765625000 (about three-fourths or 3/4 )
Measurement in three dimensions (example: volume): 0.669921875 (about two-thirds or 2/3 )

Knowing these proportions allows me to calculate the various clothing sizes I should buy when I am done shrinking. I will list my probable clothing and body sizes later.

Shrinking may be the ultimate body modification. I have encountered yet. I could get very addicted to this. I have noticed some really cute outfit for both boys and girls -- I am also using ViVe's Feminine Conditioning) -- in the department store ads lately.

I've noticed some strange missteps -- literally -- lately. When I was in the bathroom, I exited and walked to the kitchen in the dark. As usual, I put out my right hand to turn on the light, didn't find it, took another step ... hit the door jamb with my left shoulder ... and still couldn't feel the light switch! When I finally got the light turned on and got back in position with my shoulder touching the door jamb, my right hand was about two inches from the switch!

I did this twice during the same day and once more yesterday. Obviously my stride length -- and "normal" -- has changed. My apartment is the same size when you measure it, but definitely bigger in according to how I perceive it.

I found this formula on several web sites, so it seems to be universally accepted:

Estimate by Height
These are rough estimates, but useful to check your results by the other methods:
Females: Your height x .413 equals your stride length
Males: Your height x .415 equals your stride length

Stride length at 6'0" = 72 x .415 = 29.88 inches
Stride length at 5'10" = 70 x .415 =29.05 inches

That loss of (approximately) an inch -- I seem to be taking an extra step every ten to fifteen steps, so it might be more -- in my stride adds up over the day. Everything seems further away because everything is further away!

My world has grown and is getting larger with each inch I lose! This is soooo cooooooool! I'm extremely thrilled!
Last edited by OxyFemboi on March 28th, 2014, 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 26th, 2014, 4:33 pm

smaller wrote:
awesome details! before long you might not pass for a grown up, because you're a shrunk down lol but really thanks for the updates and I look forward to your continued posts.

I'm not sure I will be able to pass as a grownup if I do get down to my target height. My Driver's License says I'm six feet, zero inches. This could get complicated trying to explain to the DMV, "I shrunk nine inches, really. How? I went to bed. When I woke up, I was nine inches smaller." ~shrug~

I did some quick calculations and comparisons with the "little boys" sizes. I might be able to shop in the boy's department ... or the girl's department, which is a real possibility since I'm using ViVe's Feminine Conditioning file as well and am a femboi. I love dressing as a girl. I'm doing some fairly unnoticeable makeup now. I've removed most of my body hair, everything except my beard and mustache. My skin is way too sensitive to use The Epilady I bought on my beard and mustache. Yes, I did down there ... DON'T WINCE! It's not your groin ....

I chatted with a Facebook femboi friend earlier today. I mentioned using this file. He's extremely interested. He's six feet six inches and really wants to be shorter; he mentioned six feet zero inches. I hope he gets the results I have so far. I mentioned this forum and asked that he contribute if/when he uses the file.

I have noticed some small variations from the perfectly proportional duplicate of myself. My ears are starting to get pointed, like an elf's or a Vulcan's ears. My mouth is wider. I used to have a small mouth; now it's much bigger. There are a few other details like that.

Who knows? Maybe I'll get the girlish figure I want: breasts, thin waist, wide hips. You know, the curves guys make when they're talking about someone who's built ... that figure. It does seem to have picked out some minor things I wanted but never mentioned and decided to grant my wishes.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 26th, 2014, 4:36 pm

oxdude wrote:
Maybe I'll get the girlish figure I want: breasts, thin waist, wide hips. You know, the curves guys make when they're talking about someone who's built ... that figure. It does seem to have picked out some minor things I wanted but never mentioned and decided to grant my wishes.

That adage of "Be careful what you wish for ... you might get it."? Guess what? I may have gotten the "wide hips". I was sort of semi-awake when I felt my pelvis slip into a new, wider configuration. It sort of ... moved ... in three distinct stages and then settled in. I measured my waist and hips this morning. They're still the same size, but I swear ... they are wider and flatter! Really. No, I'm not drunk. Damn it, I wish I had a camera.

I am beginning to suspect that reality is a LOT more malleable that I thought it was. Considering how malleable I thought it was before, that's scary.

I just looked at my body in the mirror closely. A lot more closely that before. My beard seems ... much less dense. (Maybe I should start a Forum on Curse Prepubescent.) My eyes seem ... less blue ... more green. If I end up with green eyes -- another unspoken wish -- and red hair -- well, I have moaned to various friends about how I felt cheated that I got Mom's fair skin (burns but doesn't ever tan) but not the red hair -- I'm going to be fucking celebrating. I'm wondering if I'm hallucinating this. If so, I don't wanna wake up. If not ... oh fucking WOW!

With all the other stuff going on to report on, I almost forgot to include the update I came here originally to share: My new height is now sixty-nine and one-quarter inches -- 69.25 inches. I measured three times before reporting this. The measurement was done when I first got out of bed, when I should be my tallest.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 26th, 2014, 6:42 pm


I first saw the general topic of getting smaller in this thread. It fascinates me.

I started a Forum dedicated to smaller2's Shrinking file so I could report on my progress with his file. I anticipated making some philosophical comments as well. I hoped that by having a Forum dedicated to Shrinking, some other people who had tried it --- or who might be inspired to try it -- would join in the conversation.

I have copy-and-pasted my comments to both Forums. That has resulted in many unnecessary notifications and a lot of confusion -- at least for me -- on where somebody commented on something.

I will continue to report my progress. However, all of my future comments on this subject will be in the Forum I started: Shrinking--Control Panel For Your Height. I hope you continue to follow my progress there.
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Postby STCL » April 21st, 2014, 9:02 am

I wonder what happened to all the other people who used to comment in this thread... Maybe they got too small to use a keyboard X3
Current height: 6'1"
Goal height: 5'7"
Starting height: 6'2"
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