Make certain this is what you want, before you do it.....

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Make certain this is what you want, before you do it.....

Postby princesskimmy » September 10th, 2005, 10:33 pm

I've had questions about my gender for as long back as I can remember.

Am I meant to be a boy... a girl.... something in between the two.. and finally after much thought, came to the conclusion that I was meant to be female and was simply born the wrong sex.

Started doing a bunch of various feminization hypnosis files, both on this and other sites and after alot of time, there have been some definite changes.. or at if not my mind is conditioned to such a degree, that I'm convinced that there have been.

The problem is as follows... of late I've AGAIN been going back and forth and am now left wondering if I made the right choice. I'm back to thinking that being a guy, but one in touch with his femininie side was the way to go. (IE: not being afraid to wear the occassional dress or makeup, but still being a guy underneath it all) Might be too late to go back now though....

To name a few of the changes... 'slightly' budding breasts (as a reference point could likely fill most of a training bra.. so not much, but still noticable especially with my shirt off) My body is slightly more curvy and the biggest change of all, my buttox has a much more rounded feminine form.

In reflection I think I was a skeptic of sorts, that being the reason I got so involved with this stuff, before being 100 percent certain I truly wanted it. I felt it would be a fun escape of sorts, but in terms of actual physical changes?!? Simply did not think they were possible.....

I cannot stress enough.... PLEASE be certain this is what you want before diving into it, I've had to deal with major depression and social anxiety for most of my life.... and now find myself dealing with it again, all because I messed around with something, I should have researched more before getting into.
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Postby Ohka » September 11th, 2005, 12:55 am

I am sorry to hear that you are having a hard life and appreciate your input about the effects of these files.

I am in your situation in a way as well, wondering what I am either male or female but I tend to explore my feminine side through these files. Right now I choose not to listen to any of these physical changing files due to the fact they are more permanent effects.
Looking for someone to feminize me possibly but stilll confused about myself.
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Postby erika_davis » September 11th, 2005, 2:19 pm

Kimmy, your dilemma is very common with transgendered people, myself included. I've lost count of the times I purged my feminine wardrobe because of guilt or confusion. I've lost count of the times I beat myself up because of the conflict of my gender identity(s). I've lost count of the times this conflict has caused me to miss out on life experiences I should have had but that I suppressed. The guilt one feels because of this dilemma can be overbearing at times and can easily lead to depression. Not only guilt that you are letting your family or loved ones down, but more importantly, the guilt that you are not being true to yourself and not being the woman you really are.

Luckily, I feel I have resolved most of my conflicting gender issues. It feels so good to accept the realities of my gender and accept the reality that I am a woman. But, that takes time, so give yourself all the time you need. Celebrate the reality of your womanly hips, your budding breasts, and the joy you feel when you are at peace with your gender. Celebrate the reality of your being, of your gender, whether you decide to further explore the feminine side of it or not. We are all unique beings and us transgendered ones are very special.
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Postby chuckles » September 11th, 2005, 9:02 pm

The best thing you can do is figure out what you're most comfortable with before you try to enact changes. This is the same reason why they make you wait a year before actually getting the sex-change operation. Once your junk is gone, you can't get it back.

This was a dilemma for me throughout my life, and there was atime when I was certain I wanted nothing more than to be a woman. But I had a few realisations, one of them being that I am rather proud to be a man, even if I also want to be a woman. So opted to be a girl part-time.

Go with what you feel most comfortable with.
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Postby bobby12005 » June 24th, 2006, 2:22 pm

i to used the super female whammy before i realised what i was geting into, i really though at the time it was what i wanted, anyway long story short, after a few weeks i decided not to listen any more thinking the changes mentaly and physicaly would stop, this hasnt happened. that was a year ago and i still think about the file all the time, my nipples are always saw and i cant pee without sitting down. i have to fight the urge to listen again each day and it feels like its getting harder and harder, one day i fear i might give in. well i did make the choice to listen to file in the first place so ive got no one to blame but me.
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Postby panik100 » June 24th, 2006, 8:43 pm

bobby12005 wrote:i to used the super female whammy before i realised what i was geting into, i really though at the time it was what i wanted, anyway long story short, after a few weeks i decided not to listen any more thinking the changes mentaly and physicaly would stop, this hasnt happened. that was a year ago and i still think about the file all the time, my nipples are always saw and i cant pee without sitting down. i have to fight the urge to listen again each day and it feels like its getting harder and harder, one day i fear i might give in. well i did make the choice to listen to file in the first place so ive got no one to blame but me.

What changes did you want then as compared to what you don't want now?
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Postby bobby12005 » June 25th, 2006, 5:25 am

to b honest i dont know, at the time i really thought i wanted everything the file said it would do, but as usual my feeling changed or at least i started to dought that this was truly what i wanted, i feel split down the middle, half of me wants this and half is scared to death that i'll get it. it really does seem to b geting harder and harder not to listen to the file again so it would seem that i dont really have a choice in the matter, i guess time will tell.
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Postby yahnoh » June 26th, 2006, 9:28 am

I've been doing a lot of these files since before December 05. That's over six months. I've been doing curse hormone change, fem butt, ultra thin waist and recently added curst total feminization. but I'm still not seeing anything really.

I rarely miss a day where I don't listen to at least a few files.

I had small a cups before, that has not changed. I have a very male looking rear and really want to balance it out. Has anyone got any suggestions? (basically, i"m a size 10/12 on top and a 6/8 on the bottom)

I have no doubt that I want to be totally female. What am I not doing?

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