terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 13th, 2014, 9:18 pm


weenie orgasms and nipple masturbation? So which files should I listen to? there are so many! lol.

Since you understand where I am and what Im looking for, which files do you recommend? in what order should i listen etc.?

also, any other recommendations?

THANKS!!! :wink:
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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 13th, 2014, 9:34 pm


P.S. As far as "bisexuality" I think I'm at the place I wanna be. I'm pretty obsessed with big cocks. I'd say I was a full fledged "size queen".

Like I mentioned earlier I'm not in the least bit attracted to the male body. Muscles, angular features, and hair OMG hair is a HUGE turnoff!!! gag, lol. I personally wax my legs, shave pits, genitals, etc. The only thing I like about guys is the penis, I love that!!

Already, in a threesome with my woman I would do everything with a man short of kissing him, *ugh*. But besides with a female partner, I'd never do anything with a man.

If I was born 100% woman, I'd be lesbian. And my girl and I would go out and bring guys home on occasion to play with. That's where my bisexuality lies, and its perfect for me. :D
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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 13th, 2014, 10:12 pm


P.P.S. Her's what files I have so far:

7 Day Penis Shrink

Curse Penis Shrink

Curse Penis Shrink Allow Regrowth

Sarnoga - Teeny Weenie

But you say I shouldn't listen to the curse ones right?
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 14th, 2014, 1:27 am

HALF wrote:
I realized over the time that I've been fantasizing about it my penis has shrunk 2" on its own. (over a three year period) I started out a full 7" now I'm down to 5"

ever since I can remember, I wanted to wear woman's clothes. Now whats weird about this is that I grew up in a strict christian home and didn't even know how to have sex until I was a teenager. So this obsession with the female body and wearing woman's clothes is purely natural without much, if any, outward influence.

I can't add much to what Alien said about penis shrinkage. However, if you're serious about wanting to lose "only" an inch or two and not lose functionality, DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY CURSE FILES! You could "just" not masturbate for a long time; the maxim "use it or lose it!" applies in this case. An unused penis shrinks from disuse.

IF I were in your situation, I'd commission a custom file constructed so that I could only lose an inch at a time while I still retained total functionality. Yes, it's more expensive than downloading a free or Premium file. However 1) you keep all of your functionality and 2) you only lose as much size (length and girth) as you want.

You could go the other route and add size. I've heard that Busenman's Huge Hard Cock -- at http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/6988/Busenman---huge-hard-cock.php -- is wonderfully effective in this respect.

I do know a bit about expressing my feminine side. Wearing female clothing is natural. Clothing does not have sex. It may be labeled "men's" or women's" but ... when I buy it, it's my clothing. Some women buy men's clothing and wear it because it's comfortable.

If you want to get more comfortable in expressing your feminine side, there are many files on WMM that will help you do that. I have used ViVe's Feminine Conditioning with great effect. I can wholeheartedly recommend it
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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 14th, 2014, 2:31 am


Thanks for the reply. I like what you had to say about "women's" clothing. You are so right! And if I were thinking traditionally I'd say women have been "crossdressing" publicly for decades now! lol. Ever since the equal rights movement.

I do believe there will be a day when it may be hard to distinguish the male from the female according to today's standards. Men today are way more "feminized" then we were 100 years ago.

Even today greater numbers of women are attracted to a more feminine male. manicured nails, eye brows, hair, even women who prefer their men with shaved legs etc. Women are also more accepting of their men crossdressing.

Also, an alarming number of women in their 20's and younger consider themselves "bi" or "bi curious". adding to the acceptance of a male partner whose more feminine. I love this.

I've officially been single for the last 2 years but continued a "friends with benefits" relationship with my ex as shes also been single for that time. The sex was great but we didn't get along outside the bedroom. She wanted to continue the relationship but every time I tried I was reminded by her emotional issues on why we broke up. she's nuts, lol.

Our last "sexscapade" was last month. But she's dating someone now THANK GOD!!!! And so I'm excited to move on myself! I'm searching for a Bi woman who's into multiple partners and a "size queen" OH!, And preferably black :D . ALL of my sexual partners have been black and I guess its what I'm accustomed too.

Anyways, sorry for going off on a tangent. I looked up those files you suggested :wink: thanks!!
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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 14th, 2014, 2:40 am


I also have the ability to modify any if the subliminals. I'm a professional musician and own a recording studio. So I planned on listening to the tracks first then omitting anything I didn't want in there.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 14th, 2014, 3:16 am

HALF wrote:
I'm a heterosexual male (i think) who's in love with women. I say "I think" because I have fantasies about being in 3somes with a woman I'm with and another man. But I'm not attracted to the male body in the least.

That sounds more "bi" than "hetero" to me. But each to their own definition of their sexuality.

HALF wrote;
I'm excited to move on myself! I'm searching for a Bi woman who's into multiple partners and a "size queen" OH!, And preferably black

I looked up those files you suggested ;-)

Everyone has their own turn-ons and fetishes. I love muscled dudes with little or no body hair and extremely femboi guys. I love the extremes; "normal" -- whatever "normal" is -- is boring.

I hope you enjoy the files I recommended.

You might be interested in EMG's Obsession -- the link is http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/5449/Obsession.php -- as well. The description is succinct: This file is really quite simple, all it does make you completely and totally obsessed with the next file that you listen to. Making it a personal obsession to get that file to work as well as it possibly can for you. If you're really serious about maximizing your usage of a file, you will want Obsession. This is a Premium file, so you need a Premium one-month membership (currently $9.95/month).

When I buy a Premium membership, I go through all Premium files -- there are currently less than 400 -- and download all files that might even remotely be of interest to me in the future. The only thing I lose is a bit of storage space on a flash drive. Okay, most of the storage space on one 32Gb flash drive. But still ... it's much cheaper than buying a one-month Premium membership for each new Premium file I want.
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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 14th, 2014, 3:40 am


Thanks on the Obsession recommendation!!

And I agree! "normal" IS boring wah, wah, waaaahhhh, lol. Its one of the reasons Ive never had a one night stand. Casual sex just seemed boring and regular. I've enjoyed having a partner to opening up to and you can't do that in one night stands.

I know, I know, I know, I have some bi tendencies. I just don't fully consider myself bi because I'm not interested in being in a relationship with a guy or having a one on one encounter with a guy. But enjoying having fun with their cocks with another girl present is A-OK in my book. I guess for some delusional reason, having a girl present makes it OK to explore that side of me. I'd be terrified to do it otherwise.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 14th, 2014, 8:01 am

HALFFEMALE wrote:Alien4420

P.P.S. Her's what files I have so far:

7 Day Penis Shrink

Curse Penis Shrink

Curse Penis Shrink Allow Regrowth

Sarnoga - Teeny Weenie

But you say I shouldn't listen to the curse ones right?

Definitely don't listen to the curse ones!

I'm not sure what 7 day penis shrink does, if it's temporary it sounds like it isn't what you want.

The one on that list that I listened to and that I think will do the job is Sarnoga- Teeny Weenie. It has the suggestions for nipple and weenie orgasms and it works a lot faster than the other penis shrink files plus gives you techniques you can keep using even if you don't listen. I *don't* recommend listening to it more than a couple of times if you just want to lose a bit. What I'd suggest is that you listen twice and then keep following the procedure *without listening more* until you've lost what you want, then stop. But there are no guarantees! If you're very susceptible to hypnosis you could keep going and lose it all even after a couple of listens. It wasn't designed just to take off a bit.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 14th, 2014, 8:02 am

HALFFEMALE wrote:Alien4420

P.S. As far as "bisexuality" I think I'm at the place I wanna be. I'm pretty obsessed with big cocks. I'd say I was a full fledged "size queen".

Like I mentioned earlier I'm not in the least bit attracted to the male body. Muscles, angular features, and hair OMG hair is a HUGE turnoff!!! gag, lol. I personally wax my legs, shave pits, genitals, etc. The only thing I like about guys is the penis, I love that!!

Already, in a threesome with my woman I would do everything with a man short of kissing him, *ugh*. But besides with a female partner, I'd never do anything with a man.

If I was born 100% woman, I'd be lesbian. And my girl and I would go out and bring guys home on occasion to play with. That's where my bisexuality lies, and its perfect for me. :D

Then no need to listen to the bi files. Sounds like you'd be happy with a shemale! But you could always listen with the bi files if you want to be attracted to male bodies and faces, they will do that.
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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 14th, 2014, 10:52 am


Thank you, Thank, Thank you!

Yeah I'm actually not easily susceptible to hypnosis. In fact I've downloaded some files to help with that for this situation. I'm going to take a listen to teenie weenie today to see what I wanna keep and omit.

Alien wrote
"Then no need to listen to the bi files. Sounds like you'd be happy with a shemale!"

Actually, I could do one on one's with a shemale. But I'd rather BE the shemale in a relationship with a female. I don't think I could be in a relationship with a shemale.[/u]
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Postby Alien4420 » April 14th, 2014, 1:12 pm

Yeah, if you edit Teeny Weenie you should be able to make it safer. You can take out the compulsion to listen, though, and the more extreme suggestions about shrinking to the size of an infant, etc. He takes you through a whole sequence of ages so it's easy, e.g., you could just leave in you'll shrink to the size of a 12-year-old.
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Postby HALFFEMALE » April 15th, 2014, 12:06 am

Once I modify a hypnosis file someone else created can I upload it? Or do I need that persons permission, etc.?
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 15th, 2014, 5:05 am

HALF wrote:
nce I modify a hypnosis file someone else created can I upload it? Or do I need that persons permission, etc.?

I don't have a definitive answer. What follows is my best guess as to protocol.

Courtesy -- I almost wrote "common courtesy" until I realized that courtesy is not that common any more -- requires that you notify the author that you first modified the file for your personal use and now desire to upload it for use by others. You should ask the original author's permission to upload it.

When you upload the file, you need to mention that your file is a modification of XYZ's file; an explanation of why you made these modifications is useful. This should be done in the description. Mention of the original file's title and/or author is almost mandatory.

As an example, someone modified EMG's TrainTotalJock2 by taking out about five minutes of EMG's original file. That section, which talked about going into a bar and picking up females, was not critical to the file's purpose of making you into a Fratboy/Jock. Those sentences, as noted in the description of the new file, limited the file's use to straight males. Those sentences were edited out because "gay guys want to be jocks, too." The file, renamed TrainTotalJock2--NoStr8, acknowledges the original file title.

By the way, the TrainTotolJock2-NoStr8 file is missing. It was either erased or was taken down ... but the description is still there and people are still trying to download it. It would be a public service to edit TTJ2 (again) in the same manner and re-upload it.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 15th, 2014, 8:40 am

HALFFEMALE wrote:Once I modify a hypnosis file someone else created can I upload it? Or do I need that persons permission, etc.?

There are quite a few example of people doing just that with free files and I haven't seen any complaints. It's customary to credit the original author and I agree with Oxdude that that's the courteous thing to do. It's also required, technically, to avoid copyright violation.

That being said I'm sure it would be appreciated. Some modified files have been of use to many, e.g., Curse Forced Straight.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 15th, 2014, 9:26 am

Alien wrote
Some modified files have been of use to many, e.g., Curse Forced Straight.

HALF wrote:
I also have the ability to modify any if the subliminals. I'm a professional musician and own a recording studio. So I planned on listening to the tracks first then omitting anything I didn't want in there.

HALF, since you have the ability to modify various files, could I make a request or two?

My first request is to modify the TrainTotalJock2 file in the manner I related in my earlier comment so that TrainTotalJock2-NoStr8 could be available to all of us again?

My second request needs a bit of explanation. Marian wrote in the comments to CursePrepubescent: I have the file slightly changed, in particular removed the curse and the \"if you are a women\" part... I don't mind the curse part but the doubled "if you are a man/if you are a woman" set of commands irritates me. Could you edit the file so it only refers to one sex ... in my case, male?

Well, technically I'm ... sorta ... male. I have a really small weenie -- currently 1.5 inches and shrinking -- thanks to Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie and a (mostly) ball-less ball sac. I'm more femboi than purely male at this point. I also have size D breasts courtesy of some herbs -- Fenugreek and Black Cohosh -- I deliberately overdosed on for a few months which I bought at GNC. I'm sort of half-and-half right now and don't want to sacrifice any of my femininity. I guess I'm genderfluid or androgynous ... whatever.
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Postby MayTong » April 15th, 2014, 10:16 am

I've been trying the same with herbals and was curious what your dosages were? also how long did it take for them to become noticeable?

I've been taking a combo called Natural Curves and Black cohosh with Saw Palmetto to reduce testosterone
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Postby Alien4420 » April 15th, 2014, 12:44 pm

oxdude wrote:HALF, since you have the ability to modify various files, could I make a request or two?

My first request is to modify the TrainTotalJock2 file in the manner I related in my earlier comment so that TrainTotalJock2-NoStr8 could be available to all of us again?

My second request needs a bit of explanation. Marian wrote in the comments to CursePrepubescent: I have the file slightly changed, in particular removed the curse and the \"if you are a women\" part... I don't mind the curse part but the doubled "if you are a man/if you are a woman" set of commands irritates me. Could you edit the file so it only refers to one sex ... in my case, male?

Well, technically I'm ... sorta ... male. I have a really small weenie -- currently 1.5 inches and shrinking -- thanks to Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie and a (mostly) ball-less ball sac. I'm more femboi than purely male at this point. I also have size D breasts courtesy of some herbs -- Fenugreek and Black Cohosh -- I deliberately overdosed on for a few months which I bought at GNC. I'm sort of half-and-half right now and don't want to sacrifice any of my femininity. I guess I'm genderfluid or androgynous ... whatever.

It's really easy to make simple edits in Audacity, which is free. I've done this many times myself to suit a file to my needs. Adding suggestions is harder, but you can sometimes you can piece together phrases from the file to get the suggestion you want.
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Postby bassbandit » April 15th, 2014, 3:50 pm

To those who have had success can you give some idea of the time taken to see changes or to loose it altogether.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 15th, 2014, 7:46 pm

You'll see changes almost immediately. Some of these are just that you stop getting as hard but I've seen some reports of people who lost a bit of length after listening only once or twice and then stopping. You'll see significant changes on the order of weeks. At may be 5 weeks you drop below 3" and pretty much stop getting hard but of course precise times will depend on you/how often you listen etc. I have the sense that further shrinkage proceeds more slowly over a period of months, at least that seems to be what's happening to me, but I'm curious about that myself.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 16th, 2014, 1:52 am

bass wrote:
o those who have had success can you give some idea of the time taken to see changes or to loose it altogether.

An excellent question! I lost a lot of length in the beginning three weeks and now I apparently have hit a plateau where my peepee is varying between 1.5 inches and 2 inches. I'm sure further shrinkage is in my future but ... I don't know when my peepee will start shrinking again.

As Rachel Maddow (The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, Monday to Friday, 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm eastern time; midnight - 1:00 am; 4:00 am - 5:00 am) says concerning an ongoing story: "Watch this space!"

May wrote:
I've been trying the same with herbals and was curious what your dosages were? also how long did it take for them to become noticeable?

I used Fenugreek (two bottles at GNC for about $ 20.00). The dosages were minimum two capsules three times a day up to five capsules two times a day. I saw results within a month. Of course I was extremely overdoing on it; the directions on the bottle said to take one capsule a day. Several months later, after growth was established, I used Black Cohosh (two bottles at GNC for about $ 20.00) as a change and used three capsules twice a day for a month. The directions said to take one capsule a day.

I do not take a testosterone suppressor. My epilepsy medications do a wonderful (sarcasm is dripping off my words and puddling on the floor) job suppressing my testosterone levels. Nobody ever bothered to mention this side effect to me. I found it out when I had to research drug interactions with a newly prescribed drug.

The family motto is Anything worth doing is worth overdoing!

I currently have size D breasts.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on April 17th, 2014, 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 16th, 2014, 3:08 am

Yo, dudes

I just saw this on my Facebook news Feed.


Is anyone here interested in entering?
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Postby Cheton90 » April 16th, 2014, 4:46 am

Hi to everybody.
I followed for a while this post but i never posted because i'm too shy.
I decided to do the big step of listening to sarnoga's teenie weenie.
I have a 10cm soft and 18cm hard dick and i want it to disappear.
Then i want my balls to get tighter and i want them to be painful (because of the tightness).
I tried twice listening sarnoga's file and the erections are a bit weaker.
Let's see future developments.

PS: i'm uncut so lets see if my dick will become a tiny useless shar pei.
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Postby bostonmarc » April 16th, 2014, 5:01 am

Yo dudes, we need to field a team and head to Brooklyn....
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 16th, 2014, 5:06 am

cheton wrote:
Hi to everybody.
I followed for a while this post but i never posted because i'm too shy.
I decided to do the big step of listening to sarnoga's teenie weenie.
I have a 10cm soft and 18cm hard dick and i want it to disappear.
Then i want my balls to get tighter and i want them to be painful (because of the tightness).
I tried twice listening sarnoga's file and the erections are a bit weaker.
Let's see future developments.

PS: i'm uncut so lets see if my dick will become a tiny useless shar pei.

Welcome! Here's hoping that your effects are all that you could possibly hope for!

10 cm = 4 inches
18 cm = 7 inches

Which version are you using? Sarnoga has two versions: one is curse version -- Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie -- and one is a non-curse version -- Sarnoga's Teeny Weenie. I believe the two files are identical except for the permanence suggestions and one's (lack of) desire to quit listening.
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Postby jayjett » April 17th, 2014, 6:56 am

Alien4420 wrote

Yeah, if you edit Teeny Weenie you should be able to make it safer. You can take out the compulsion to listen, though, and the more extreme suggestions about shrinking to the size of an infant, etc. He takes you through a whole sequence of ages so it's easy, e.g., you could just leave in you'll shrink to the size of a 12-year-old.

can a person really go to infant size using this?
how long would that take
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2014, 8:24 am

Well, Diamondlight went to 1.5" flaccid and 2.5" hard in about 5 weeks. Foxbarking went to under 1.5" in about the same time. I still have 2-1/4" soft but I listened irregularly so I guess it will take more time.

Anyway, after the initial rapid loss, you continue to lose length, but more gradually. After about 4-1/2 months, Foxbarking reported that he basically didn't have a dick anymore.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 17th, 2014, 8:50 am

Alien wrote
after the initial rapid loss, you continue to lose length, but more gradually. After about 4-1/2 months, Foxbarking reported that he basically didn't have a dick anymore.

So if I keep listening until the end of August, I should end up with only a hole to piss through? I can live with that schedule, though I wish I could advance the timetable. :-D Maybe if I listened more often ...?
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2014, 9:11 am

I've been wondering about listening more often. Diamondlight listened three times a day rather than two and he got a bit tipsy in the evening, a couple of guys have said that helps. I don't remember how often Foxbarking listened but I think it may also have been three times a day.

Anyway, I'm psyched, reading Foxbarking's comment again was really hot and made me realize how much I now want to lose it all. I got frustrated when I seemed stuck at 2-1/2" but now I think that was because I never went more than two or three weeks before coming. So the question is how do I keep that from happening again? The suggestions and compulsion to listen seem to be working again, I tried getting hard and coming to porn and kept losing my erection and having weenie orgasms which is amazingly frustrating. Also, when I went through a rough patch a few days ago I couldn't stop listening. But I'm still afraid I'll slip up.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 17th, 2014, 9:20 am

Alien wrote
reading Foxbarking's comment again was really hot and made me realize how much I now want to lose it all. I got frustrated when I seemed stuck at 2-1/2" but now I think that was because I never went more than two or three weeks before coming. So the question is how do I keep that from happening again? The suggestions and compulsion to listen seem to be working again, I tried getting hard and coming to porn and kept losing my erection and having weenie orgasms which is amazingly frustrating. Also, when I went through a rough patch a few days ago I couldn't stop listening. But I'm still afraid I'll slip up.

Switch to the Curse of the Teeny Weenie version, bro. Only way to keep you listening for ever and ever ... and ever ... world without end ... amen.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2014, 9:44 am

You're so right, but I'm still to scared to listen. I thought about asking on the email slave thread for someone to trigger me to listen but chickened out with that too. Is there a temporary dumbness file? Maybe if I listened to something like that . . .
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 17th, 2014, 9:48 am

Alien ... uh, yeh, ther is a temporayr dumbness file ... i think its called EasyIdiot ... search Idiot ... there's a "cure" fie so u wanna downlode that too ... the eprson who recorded it plaied it ovrnite and it was gud thta s/he left computer on to WMM caus for got password ... u mite wanna downlode Cure TW be4 u play teh file

or ...

u culd lissn to a IM slave fil an giv sum1 u trust ur emale ... me may b? an i kan tel u to lissn 2 teh Curse
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 17th, 2014, 9:53 am


u culd also lissn to EMG's OBsession file ... makes teh next file u listen to an obsession ... so you NEED to lissn ...

fuk teh spellin
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Postby bostonmarc » April 17th, 2014, 10:42 am

oxdude wrote:Alien ... uh, yeh, ther is a temporayr dumbness file ... i think its called EasyIdiot ... search Idiot ... there's a "cure" fie so u wanna downlode that too ... the eprson who recorded it plaied it ovrnite and it was gud thta s/he left computer on to WMM caus for got password ... u mite wanna downlode Cure TW be4 u play teh file

This one sounds interesting think I will give it a spin and report back in the DD Forum.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2014, 11:45 am

Well that Easy Idiot file looks like it could do the trick and looks hot besides:

By: Baggart
Posted on: 2010-04-02 16:47:56

Well basically I played it overnight and I couldn\'t read anything, I couldn\'t think, and it felt like there was a danger filter on my mind, so I couldn\'t stop myself doing stupid things. It took me ages to start the cure up because I could barely use a computer. I have a password on my account so thank god I left it on overnight and didn\'t use a mp3 player :P

Probably have to wait until the weekend to listen, I have to do something tomorrow. Also I'm already an email slave so I guess anyone could force me if they wanted. But when I think about asking I still get really scared.
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Postby bostonmarc » April 17th, 2014, 2:26 pm

Baggart is the author and I assume tist of the file, Easy Idiot. Listened for an hour so far.... :twisted:
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Postby jayjett » April 17th, 2014, 2:49 pm


when you said listen to much can shrink you to a infant were you serious
If a person was the size of a infant what does that do to your mind if you are that little
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2014, 3:39 pm

bostonmarc wrote:Baggart is the author and I assume tist of the file, Easy Idiot. Listened for an hour so far.... :twisted:

You'd better let us know what the results are while you still can!
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2014, 4:14 pm

jayjett wrote:Allen

when you said listen to much can shrink you to a infant were you serious
If a person was the size of a infant what does that do to your mind if you
are that little

Yep, I was being serious. I didn't believe this file worked myself until I read the threads and looked at the photos in the gallery. You can get as short as a newborn although the head doesn't seem to shrink as much as the shaft. Your shaft pretty much disappears.

I just snapped some photos, here's what I see when I look down now, you can see that most of the shaft is gone and the loose skin is wrapping around the head:


And here's what happens when I masturbate:


These are sitting, I'm stlll about 2-1/4" when I stand up, but several guys who have listened longer than I have have lost pretty much everything. As for what it does to your head, as far as I can tell, everyone who's listened for a while is happy with the results, particularly the guys who are into the baby stuff. I didn't want to lose everything when I started, but now I do. Even if you didn't want the results at first, you end up liking them because the file changes you so that you do.
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Postby bostonmarc » April 17th, 2014, 4:25 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
bostonmarc wrote:Baggart is the author and I assume tist of the file, Easy Idiot. Listened for an hour so far.... :twisted:

You'd better let us know what the results are while you still can!

So far no problems. Listened for about an hour this afternoon. I don't think I will listen much more today. Will pick it up tomorrow unless I wake up too dumb to get on the computer.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 18th, 2014, 10:43 am

Alien wrote:
I just snapped some photos, here's what I see when I look down now, you can see that most of the shaft is gone and the loose skin is wrapping around the head:

I love the pix, bro! Your teeny weenie is so sexy! It's as cute as mine!

I guess I'm an "anti-size queen"!

Boston wrote:
So far no problems. Listened for about an hour this afternoon. I don't think I will listen much more today. Will pick it up tomorrow unless I wake up too dumb to get on the computer.

Extremely kewl feeling, isn't it, bro?

jay wrote:
when you said listen to much can shrink you to a infant were you serious
If a person was the size of a infant what does that do to your mind if you are that little

I suspect I'm going to get extremely subservient to other dudes. After all, manhood is tied to and wrapped up in our cock size. It's really hard for me to think or write words like "cock" or "dick" or other words relating to big penises. Mine isn't. It's hard to imagine another dude who has an enormous cock, since he's obviously much more of a man than I am, so I'm sure I'd feel extremely subservient to him.

The Falcon calenders I have of naked dudes with fucking big cocks are already making me extremely uncomfortable, bro. More "Yes, SIR!" and less "Oh, yummy!"
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Postby ShrunkenMaster » April 18th, 2014, 3:08 pm

I listened to it today. No shrinkage as of yet and I can definitely still have an erection, but I definitely could and still can feel some tingling down there and playing with my nipples felt really good afterwards (although no orgasms).

Is it normal to have slight pain/discomfort in your penis and testicles?

I feel kinda scared, but also horny.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 18th, 2014, 3:35 pm

Yep, tingling and slight pain & discomfort totally normal. Means it's working for you!

It takes a while to start getting the nipple orgasms, I'm not sure why. At least it did for me. My nipples have gotten bigger,, floppier, and really sensitive. Also I had to experiment some to find the best ways to tweak them.
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Postby ShrunkenMaster » April 18th, 2014, 3:42 pm

Thanks, Alien.

The tingling is really getting pleasurable down there now. I feel jittery all over. Unbelievable effect after just one listen.
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Postby bostonmarc » April 18th, 2014, 3:55 pm

surGeonGG wrote:Thanks, Alien.

The tingling is really getting pleasurable down there now. I feel jittery all over. Unbelievable effect after just one listen.

Welcome surGeonGG let us know how you progress :D
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 18th, 2014, 4:08 pm

SurGeon wrote:
The tingling is really getting pleasurable down there now. I feel jittery all over. Unbelievable effect after just one listen.


It gets better.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 18th, 2014, 4:29 pm

surGeonGG wrote:Thanks, Alien.

The tingling is really getting pleasurable down there now. I feel jittery all over. Unbelievable effect after just one listen.
Amazing, isn't it? And what Oxdude said -- it just gets better. I think your prostate swells. You'll be horny all the time and you'll get waves of pleasure, body rushes. You'll have weenie orgasms multiple times a day and the nipple orgasms will reduce you to jelly. It all calms down eventually as your testosterone levels fall and your prostate shrinks back down but it never goes away, at least it hasn't for me.

Don't forget to snap some pictures, with a ruler -- even if you don't post them they'll help you gauge your progress.
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Postby ShrunkenMaster » April 18th, 2014, 4:47 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
surGeonGG wrote:Thanks, Alien.

The tingling is really getting pleasurable down there now. I feel jittery all over. Unbelievable effect after just one listen.
Amazing, isn't it? And what Oxdude said -- it just gets better. I think your prostate swells. You'll be horny all the time and you'll get waves of pleasure, body rushes. You'll have weenie orgasms multiple times a day and the nipple orgasms will reduce you to jelly. It all calms down eventually as your testosterone levels fall and your prostate shrinks back down but it never goes away, at least it hasn't for me.

Don't forget to snap some pictures, with a ruler -- even if you don't post them they'll help you gauge your progress.

That's good to hear. I feel like I could get addicted to this. How long have you been at it?

How about those of you who have been at it the longest and fully regressed? Does the tingle, horniness and nipple orgasms last?

Also, how many of you are on Testosterone replacement therapy?
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Postby Alien4420 » April 18th, 2014, 6:15 pm

I started roughly 3 months ago but it's hard to say what that figure means because I didn't listen continuously. Originally, I saw these threads and got so horny I couldn't resist listening, but I didn't want to lose it all so I only listened a couple of times. Anyway, over the next few weeks, I shrank a lot and was blown away by the results. Eventually Mistress Squirrel got me so horny I promised to listen regularly if I stopped shrinking, and at some point I started listening twice a day with a couple of interruptions.

I'm curious too about what's happened with the long-term listeners. I know at least two guys are on HRT, but I don't want to start on that yet because I suspect that it would slow the penile atrophy -- though I imagine it would have the opposite effect on my balls.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 18th, 2014, 11:36 pm

surgeon wrote
I feel like I could get addicted to this. How long have you been at it?

How about those of you who have been at it the longest and fully regressed? Does the tingle, horniness and nipple orgasms last?

Yeah, it's addictive. I've been at it only about a month. I'm one of the newer dudes using the file. I am not on hormone therapy and currently don't plan on starting any type of male hormone therapy. I might be trans so I'm not ruling out female hormones.

From the posts I've read on the thread, hormone therapy does not reverse any of the changes ... in case you were planning on that as a Plan B. It's effectively a curse; it's not reversible under any circumstances.

Playing with your nipples gets to be more and more fun ....

Alien wrote:
Don't forget to snap some pictures, with a ruler -- even if you don't post them they'll help you gauge your progress.

The pictures will also help you remember what you once had. It does get harder and harder to remember that you were once big ... well, bigger.
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