What describes your situation the best?

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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What describes your situation the best?

Postby Endo » April 27th, 2014, 9:03 pm

Simply that. What describes your hypnosis situation and/or goals the best?

I'm conducting a little market research on gender/sex shifts in the community, as that seems to be the most common group of people on WMM. I'd like to do a series of files to help people change their bodies to match their ideal, change their personalities/mental traits, or both.

Obviously, this post assumes that you want to become more "female", as this is the Feminization sub-forum.

Please comment on what specific physical or mental changes you would like to see emphasized.
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Postby ParanoidLord » April 28th, 2014, 12:02 am

Naturally, there's going to be a lot of fear of transition, but having an erotic hypnosis site around can get people to feminize themselves rather more (and perhaps more subtly) than they would otherwise.

Personally, I figure it's happened to me. When I first discovered this site and the hypnosis scene, I was only interested in fantasy files. Now, however, I have a lot of submission and transition suggestions that I wouldn't have if my interests hadn't changed. I can't really experiment to the degree I want because I'm living with my family, but there's a good chance I'm going to end up female in the next 5-10 years, depending on how quickly I can develop financial independence.

Since my interests in feminization often revolve around female clothing (especially fancy formalwear), I'd lust after files that make it seem more necessary or pleasurable to acquire and wear.
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Postby Endo » April 28th, 2014, 7:39 am

Yeah, I might like to make a few changes myself, but I'm pinned down by family and financial stuff.

Thank you for the info.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 28th, 2014, 11:13 am

I see 58% of the respondents are in the same group we are -- wanting to become more female, but constrained by real-world circumstance. So what can be done about that?

A file can overcome inhibitions, and some of the files here have really helped me in that regard. But once it's no longer just about self-acceptance and the changes are going to cost you your family, your job, or your friends, that does no good.

This may sound heretical on a site devoted to mind warping, but what about a file that moves one in the opposite direction, that makes one enjoy a more practical approach?

Some files have had just that effect on me. First, Mistress Seductra made me want to be a shemale. Before that, I'd wanted a woman's body, had taken hormones and even talked about transitioning with my family and closest friends. But shemale is more practical than SRS, at least for someone like me who isn't transsexual, but just has a fetish for having a female body.

Then, I listened to Curse Forced Gay, and while I hadn't wanted all the effects I did want to be able to shift to the more practical realm of regular gay sex, rather than being a guy who could only get off on it if he imagined he had a woman's body. It took some doing, but it succeeded.

Now I'm listening to Teeny Weenie and fascinated by mounding which, really, turn me on because they're riffs on having a cunt instead of a cock.

So -- what if you could be hypnotized into desiring only the changes that you can practically fit into your life? You could for example be satisfied with being a shemale with B-cup breasts -- which you can hide -- someone who looks like a girl with her clothes off, but passes as a boy with them on.

Of course, that's just one possible solution for me, everyone's solution would be different.

At the same time, the file could help overcome whatever irrational hangups and fears you have about changes -- for example, when I think of mods, I imagine myself feeling humiliated when I go to see the doctor -- and maybe force the listener to make the feasible changes (s)he wants, just for fun.
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Postby Endo » April 28th, 2014, 12:40 pm

Personally, I think that if a person can't handle a change in YOUR life of this significance, then you shouldn't have them in your life, they will just drag you down and hurt you. I think trying to convey that to a listener would be very beneficial, sort of a first step that they'll have to take before they can confidently soldier on in their changes.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 28th, 2014, 1:24 pm

I agree completely. Truth is, what seems to happen most often is that someone starts listening to a file, realizes that the changes will cost them their marriage or their job, and backs out. But then you're back to an unsatisfied state in which the conflict between desire and real life continues to exist.
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Postby kslava » April 29th, 2014, 2:36 am

I wasn't sure how to answer this.

I was assigned male at birth. I realized I wanted to be a girl at age 7, came out at age 19, transitioned age 24. Starting using hypnosis around that time, which I think helped me to come out of my shell more and really finally do the transformation.

However, I still listen to become more mentally female, and I do plan to get surgery one day if I can afford it, and possibly make other small physical changes. So for me, it's both physical and mental.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 29th, 2014, 3:51 am

I'm copying my post from the Jocks and Masculinization forum over here. I should have posted it here, since it seems much more relevant.

I made a few minor changes.

I'm genetically male -- I have some of the right equipment dangling between my legs, though with the help of Curse of the Teeny Weenie, my balls have retreated into my body, leaving my ball sac empty, at least most of the time. I want to emphasize muscularity or at least some portion of it. I prefer the shape of a male model to that of the extremely muscular bodybuilders now competing in Weider's Mr. Olympia. I much prefer the shape of Bob Paris (circa 1988) to that of most Mr. Olympia contenders.

The adorable V-shape so prized by bodybuilders and male models is also a major component of one of the ideal feminine shapes: big breasts (currently size D, which I obtained with overdoses of herbs proven to aid breast development (Fenugreek and Black Cohosh, both available at GNC), a wasp waist, and wide hips. Think of a Marilyn Monroe-ish figure, not the skinny feminine ideal of the current age.

I also want the "dumb" portion of "dumb jock". Toning down my genius-size intellect (I am being humble, dammit!) is a major obsession. The obsession with sports, drinking, fucking, and other macho activities never appealed to me, even when I was obsessed during the last decade or so with becoming/being a "dumb jock".

Due to some friends coming out as trans, I'm considering whether I may be mistaken about my being gay. I never considered that I may have been a female in a male's body -- simply because that option wasn't available when I was agonizing over my sexuality/gender identity. The physical response of a gay guy and a pre-op M->F transgirl to an attractive male are identical. I was extremely fem during all my school years ... and trained myself out of (some of) it. I was always a "sissy boy" (see: Tea and Sympathy with Deborah Kerr).

Trans is a distinct possibility. I'm considering it and finding it extremely probable. So ... I'm probably a pre-operative M->F trans -- I currently define myself as a "gayromantic asexual androgynous genderfluid femboi". That's sort of akin to saying ~shrug~ when asked what sex I am or which sexual identity I prefer. (Can I choose "neuter"?) I want the muscular/toned body and the "dumb" portions of the "dumb jock" stereotype but am highly allergic to the uber-macho attitude exemplified therein.

However, if I'm trans M->F, after I have the operation, am I straight ... or gay? I can make a case for both ... and neither. Questions like this make me wish I was too stupid to think of questions like this.

The more I think about it, the greater the possibility is that I am Trans. I overanalyze ... everything! I overanalyze my analyzes of everything ... and this does become quite meta as well as recursive.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 29th, 2014, 4:29 am

Paranoid wrote:
I can't really experiment to the degree I want because I'm living with my family

Since my interests in feminization often revolve around female clothing (especially fancy formalwear), I'd lust after files that make it seem more necessary or pleasurable to acquire and wear.

You might be extremely interested in using Vive's Feminine Conditioning file (link: http://www.vivehypnosis.de/?p=698 ). It rewards you for more "feminine" behavior and penalizes you for "masculine" behavior as your mind defines "masculine" and "feminine". Wearing more feminine clothing would definitely qualify under "more feminine", so I think it might help you.

Assuming you know your sizes, eBay and similar sites are an option.

Endo wrote:
I might like to make a few changes myself, but I'm pinned down by family and financial stuff.

It's only financial stuff for me. Both parents are dead (Dad died in 1995; Mom in 2010). My only sibling -- an older brother who is basically has a SOB personality and, in my opinion, only came to our parents' funeral to make certain that they were dead -- doesn't give a shit about me. All my aunts and uncles are dead; both my parents were the youngest child. I never knew my cousins due to our twig of the family tree being cut off (a family feud -- I don't know any details -- on my mother's side; distance on my father's side).

I need to find out how I start the procedures that will enable me to get to the Gender Reassignment Surgery. I know there's a long, involved process. That's the extent of my knowledge.

Alien wrote:
A file can overcome inhibitions, and some of the files here have really helped me in that regard. But once it's no longer just about self-acceptance and the changes are going to cost you your family, your job, or your friends, that does no good.

This may sound heretical on a site devoted to mind warping, but what about a file that moves one in the opposite direction, that makes one enjoy a more practical approach?

Considering the "normal" -- a chancy word at best; used on a site like WMM, it definitely requires quotes -- person involved in mindwarping on WMM, a file to make one more practical would be the ultimate mind warp for most, if not all, of us.

Alien wrote:
someone starts listening to a file, realizes that the changes will cost them their marriage or their job, and backs out. But then you're back to an unsatisfied state in which the conflict between desire and real life continues to exist.

Been there done that ... came back later and found out all I had lost was time and being content from when I rejected it to when I embraced it. However, since I wasn't ready then, would I have been eager to embrace the changes? Maybe I had to go through what I did to appreciate the changes ... all the changes.

kslava wrote:
I still listen to become more mentally female, and I do plan to get surgery one day if I can afford it, and possibly make other small physical changes. So for me, it's both physical and mental.

Yes, I'm not where I want to be yet, but I can see the goal in the distance.

I really hope the surgery is covered under Medicare/Medicaid. That may be the only way I can afford it ... unless I have a rich uncle I don't know about. Considering I'm the family genealogist, that's unlikely. I wonder if Kickstarter could be used to finance GRS?
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Postby Alien4420 » April 29th, 2014, 9:59 am

oxdude wrote:
Alien wrote:A file can overcome inhibitions, and some of the files here have really helped me in that regard. But once it's no longer just about self-acceptance and the changes are going to cost you your family, your job, or your friends, that does no good. This may sound heretical on a site devoted to mind warping, but what about a file that moves one in the opposite direction, that makes one enjoy a more practical approach?
Considering the "normal" -- a chancy word at best; used on a site like WMM, it definitely requires quotes -- person involved in mindwarping on WMM, a file to make one more practical would be the ultimate mind warp for most, if not all, of us.
Alien wrote:someone starts listening to a file, realizes that the changes will cost them their marriage or their job, and backs out. But then you're back to an unsatisfied state in which the conflict between desire and real life continues to exist.
Been there done that ... came back later and found out all I had lost was time and being content from when I rejected it to when I embraced it. However, since I wasn't ready then, would I have been eager to embrace the changes? Maybe I had to go through what I did to appreciate the changes ... all the changes.

I'm not so hot on the idea of "normal." I think society requires a diversity of behavior, just as it requires a diversity of genes. Partly that's because society benefits from a certain amount of specialization -- a drill sargeant and a minister have different personalities, and each fulfills a role. Partly I think it facilitates social evolution -- the evolution of memes.

But, of course, in practice, there are behaviors that society can't or won't tolerate and those of us who are several SD's from the mean have to face that. And that's where I think change in the normative direction is beneficial.

I actually know a couple of cases in which I've been changed in precisely that way, with good effects. The first was when Mistress Seductra changed me to want to be a shemale. Before that, I'd always wanted a woman's body. But I'm not TS, not fem, don't feel I'm a woman inside. It was essentially a fetish, a part of my sexuality. So while I seriously considered it, to the point of consulting a psychologist who specialized in such matters and discussing it with family and friends, I decided against it. It brought with it too much that I didn't want.

Being a shemale, on the other hand, is something I could already manage, having taken hormones at a very young age. :-) My only regret is that this came too late in life to change my life.

Forced Gay is another example of a file that helped me accommodate reality. The only way I'd been able to envisage sex with a guy before was pretending I had a female body. I'd tried drunken gay sex as a teen and while it was physically pleasurable I felt no attraction for the guys at all. In act, I was pretty homophobic, even when I tried *not* to be. Forced Gay changed that and gave me a more practical outlet for my sexual needs, as I was too old by then to be attractive as a shemale.

I suppose you could say the same thing about Teeny Weenie. It's really a riff on my original desire to have a pussy, but it's more practical than getting SRS and transitioning to live as a woman.

So maybe the best thing to do is to do the minimum. To divert the river of personality a little bit rather than have the Corps of Engineers rechannel it into a concrete sluice by becoming a bland model of normative "mental health" that has more to do with what middle-class psychologists consider sinful than anything else.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 29th, 2014, 4:26 pm

Alien, what you have done is work out an extremely practical, workable compromise between your fetish and your needs.

Me? I think I need to go further. I think that I need to talk with someone who understands my needs, wants, and desires, who can point me in the directions I need to go. That may be the psychiatrist that I heard is involved in the process. This may -- or may not -- involve gender reassignment surgery. It probably will, but that's not quite definite ... yet.

What I need right now is self-confidence. I love the women's clothes I have and wear them in my apartment but ... not outside (yet). The ones I wear can be mistaken as men's clothing at first glance; that is why androgynous is included in my description of sexual orientation/gender identity.

My current need is a file that gives me the willingness to wear the clothing I love -- and look wonderful in -- outside my apartment and the self-confidence to be able to ignore any snide comments I hear. I want a file that will boost my self-confidence enough that I will willingly ignore others' criticisms (and praise, for that matter). Others' opinions shouldn't matter in this. Surprisingly, they do ... at least right now. I want their opinions not to matter in this context. I'm not doing it to cross-dress. I'm doing this because these very feminine clothes feel much more comfortable than the male clothing I'm so accustomed to.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 29th, 2014, 5:16 pm

oxdude wrote:Alien, what you have done is work out an extremely practical, workable compromise between your fetish and your needs.

Me? I think I need to go further. I think that I need to talk with someone who understands my needs, wants, and desires, who can point me in the directions I need to go. That may be the psychiatrist that I heard is involved in the process. This may -- or may not -- involve gender reassignment surgery. It probably will, but that's not quite definite ... yet.

What I need right now is self-confidence. I love the women's clothes I have and wear them in my apartment but ... not outside (yet). The ones I wear can be mistaken as men's clothing at first glance; that is why androgynous is included in my description of sexual orientation/gender identity.

My current need is a file that gives me the willingness to wear the clothing I love -- and look wonderful in -- outside my apartment and the self-confidence to be able to ignore any snide comments I hear. I want a file that will boost my self-confidence enough that I will willingly ignore others' criticisms (and praise, for that matter). Others' opinions shouldn't matter in this. Surprisingly, they do ... at least right now. I want their opinions not to matter in this context. I'm not doing it to cross-dress. I'm doing this because these very feminine clothes feel much more comfortable than the male clothing I'm so accustomed to.

I know what you mean. I've wrestled with that in one form or another all my life. And always the result was uneasy compromise. Having my mom ask me if I'd shaved my eyebrows (I said I hadn't though I obviously had) and if I was gay. Taking hormones and hoping no one would notice. Oh, that worked out *really* well, LOL, I had long hair and with my feminized face even though I was dressed as a guy I was "ma'm'd" more often than not. Mostly, not really knowing what to do, how to fit in -- turning down overtures, including people I loved, because I was too naive to know how to interact with them sexually and too shy to raise the subject.

Then, when I listened to Curse Forced Gay, I struggled with that, remembered all the times some guy at work had gone on about faggots . . .

Well I don't have an easy answer and I still wrestle with this all the time -- what will they see at the doctor's office, that sort of thing. But, for what it's worth, I found that seeing a psychologist who specialized in this sort of thing and was herself bisexual helped, not so much because she changed me (she didn't) but because she had had experience with others in my situation. I was also able to rely on her e.g., when I told my family and friends that I was thinking of getting SRS, simply because I was able to pin it on *her* -- as in ----- says I'm a transsexual.

She was also encouraging in a practical way, assuring me that I'd find a partner, giving me advice on where to meet guys who might be interested, telling me that I'd pass -- though she also said that she has to tell some people that no, they shouldn't do it, because they *won't* pass and it will just be too difficult for them.

There are after all compromises we have to make and as you know I ended up compromising, though as you said my particular compromise likely wouldn't work for you.

Anyway, I agree that there's a need for such a file. It isn't an easy thing to change, we're social animals and so we feel strong pressure from the group. But, the way I look at it intellectually is that there are a lot of guys doing this, living as shemales or trans women, and while things are in practice very difficult for them owing to employment discrimination and the difficulty of finding solid partners they do manage, we accept them as who they are. So it is possible.

I've found that EMG's Freedom from Mental Bondage helps with this stuff, it's aimed more at the messages we learned when we were growing up (you're a boy, you can't dress as a girl, etc.) but that's important and there are some suggestions that help you in the here and now. I also did some work with hypnofiles that I made for myself. I was resistant to the suggestions but curiously I had enormous success with a suggestion that I'd like being called a faggot! Now I love it when someone goes on about faggots.

And, of course, real life experience can help. Something may sting the first time but once you realize you've survived it it's easier the next.

So I think it can be done but, as you say, the resources to do it hypnotically seem to be pretty scant. Maybe someone else here knows of some files that have been written specifically to bolster the self confidence of someone in transition?

And finally, there's the question of how far one really has to go. Suppose a woman had to dress up as a man for one reason or another -- a school play, say, or to drive out the British or rescue her boyfriend in an opera. Would she freak out over that? Your femininity is likely genetic and not something that can or should be hypnotized away -- but you could hypnotize yourself to see it as going out in drag.
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Postby Endo » April 29th, 2014, 7:54 pm

kslava wrote:I wasn't sure how to answer this.

I was assigned male at birth. I realized I wanted to be a girl at age 7, came out at age 19, transitioned age 24. Starting using hypnosis around that time, which I think helped me to come out of my shell more and really finally do the transformation.

However, I still listen to become more mentally female, and I do plan to get surgery one day if I can afford it, and possibly make other small physical changes. So for me, it's both physical and mental.

I truly apologize for not putting up a situation for both mental and physical changes. Thank you for your input, and I wish you the best in your future.

Alien, Oxdude, thank you both for your replies and your conversation with each other. This is a motherlode of information which will benefit me greatly in the writing process.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 29th, 2014, 8:35 pm

I'll be eager to see what you come up with. One of the things that strikes me about this conversation is how disparate our needs are, e.g., Oxdude being mentally female, me being mentally male but sexually female. Quite a challenge to help us all! But welcome and appreciated.
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Postby Endo » April 30th, 2014, 12:29 pm

Yeah, I think a lot of what I come up with will be similar to stuff already on this site. My goal is to create a "build your own path" series that anyone can use to obtain their specific goals without having to worry about interfering suggestions or having to take a highly stereotypical path.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 1st, 2014, 4:39 am

Alien wrote
I've found that EMG's Freedom from Mental Bondage helps with this stuff, it's aimed more at the messages we learned when we were growing up (you're a boy, you can't dress as a girl, etc.) but that's important and there are some suggestions that help you in the here and now.

I've looked and haven't found Freedom from Mental Bondage or any similarly named file yet. Of course I'm getting really strange results -- like "Showing 1 to 22 of 11 Files" -- so it could be a software fault ... or a user error.

As for friends in the area supporting me, I tend to be a loner; I am, in person, quite painfully shy. If you're at all familiar with Myers-Briggs Types, I'm an INFP ... and extremely introverted. I'm not quite phobic ... but I'm probably close. Groups of two or three don't bother me, but ... crowds? Please!
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 1st, 2014, 5:09 am

Does anyone know if the SFHypno - Shrink Vocal Cords file is worthwhile? The description in intriguing:

Name: SFHypno - Shrink Vocal Cords Price: $10 Buy Now
You deserve to have the beautiful, feminine voice that you've always wanted, and now this file will give it to you by shrinking and tightening your vocal cords more and more every day. As you listen to this file, your voice will become higher and higher until you sound as feminine as possible. The change will be both mental and physical, so it will be very hard to undo - make sure you want your voice to be much higher than it is now before you start listening to this file.
Author: sfhypno ? Added On: 2013-05-26 Downloaded: 22 Length: 19:11
Audience: Straight Men, Gay Men, TG M?F Effect: Permanent Voice Gender: Male Voice Type: Human
Average Rating: 0.0000 Total Votes: 0 Comments: 0

Twenty-two (22) people have downloaded it, but there is no rating (0.0000), no votes, and no comments have been left.

If it is worthwhile, I will probably buy it; this is something that I will probably need in the near future.
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Postby poetzero » May 1st, 2014, 5:47 am

I ticked off "Male, looking to appear more physically female."

As I am in my mid 50's, out of a relationship for over 8 years, and a cross dresser pretty much all my life (now even more so), I feel as though altering my body at this point doesn't really matter all that much.

Since I joined WMM in '06, I have concentrated on the TrigWoman file. It works flawlessly well right now. But lately, when I listen to the trigger file (looped 5 times), I've started to add a few things after to listen to. They are IsochronicFeminization (looped up to 4 times at my discretion), My Breasts (another isochronic file), and Mistress Squirell's "I will stretch your breasts." file. These really enhance the initial trigger for me. The feelings I experience are immense. Eventually, I plan to enhance my hips, waist, and butt.

My philosophies are partly shaped by Genesis P Orridge, (Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV) And the term he uses, "Pandrogyny."
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