A little hypnostory

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A little hypnostory

Postby Big_Mamba » April 24th, 2014, 3:20 pm

I will think of posting this into my journal. What do you say ?rnrnIf youre a woman wanting to get subdued,rnrn rnDon't read this.... (creamy is dreamy) rnrn rn rnHello.rnrn rnIf you are a woman or a girl, and have ever given a thought to being with another woman. Perhaps to allow her to control and direct you, sexually and otherwise, please DO NOT READ THIS STORY!rn rn rn rn(are you pulled on whether to read or not... maybe several times through. Reading is easy, isn't it?)rn rn rn rnYou see, I'm writing this at such "another woman's" direction, and though I'm not a great author, I'm not a horrible one, either, and it's just possible this story will turn out to be exactly what she "asked" me to write... an irresistibly hot and hypnotic story that will bring you to her as her enthralled, malleable slave, too. rn rn rn rnPerhaps you're laughing out loud now, "knowing" that such a thing is impossible to accomplish, and that no one can write a single story that appeals to all women in such a way. rn rn rn rnBut you see... it's started already, hasn't it? You're intrigued by this, interested in my words so far and what they might, even if it's a 100 to 1 chance, be able to do to you and your mind. You feel as if I've challenged your intelligence, your independence, your ability to control your own life and mind. Your personal vanity and pride is rearing its seductive head in response to my words, isn't it? rn rn rn rnHowever... and this is so important, and why I'm struggling to go against the commands she gave me and to warn you... if there's even the smallest, tiniest desire within you to submit, even for just a few minutes or hours, to another woman, then you are not safe, and MUST NOT READ ANY FARTHER... PLEASE!rn rn rn rnBecause, you see, if you have that seemingly insignificant spark of submissive need inside you, it's already grown the teensiest bit, even from this small portion of my story. You can feel it a bit nicer and a bit stronger, I know you can; that desire to be totally controlled by another woman, to leave behind all your struggles to make your way through a tough world and relax, to stop worrying, to simply, well... obey. rn rn rn rnI warn you, it will only increase in intensity and power if you continue to read this story of mine. rn rn rn rnI'm not so vain as to think that's because of my words, though. No, it will grow and build because it's something that's always been noodging at you from the deepest parts of your being. rn rn rn rnYou can deny that certainly, but we both know, we all know, why we... why you... read stories like this, don't we? It's because you want to become involved in something different than yourself, something different from your current, difficult life. You want to find something that strikes you as so sensuous and so erotic that it speaks to the most libidinous parts of your mind and body, that arouses you so strongly that you can't resist it, no matter how much you try.rn rn rn rnMoist. rn rn rn rnThat's right... moist. Say it slowly... draw out the sound, the syllable... feel it as a thing, an emotion..... not as a word. Moist.... rn rn rn rnSee? "Moist" is such a sensual word... so soft and pleasant-sounding. If you're still reading, I'm sure you can already feel it. Your pussy is getting moist, or you're thinking about it getting moist, or you're hoping it will become moist. Whatever the case, that tingle you long to feel is growing a bit stronger inside you, too. Again, you can deny it, but what's the point, really? I know I love to feel moist, and needy. To feel that pleasant, wet precursor to a deeper, more demanding arousal. rn rn rn rnPerhaps it's even giving you the urge to touch your tingling pussy, to tease it with a finger or two, knowing how easily your fingers will slide over your most, sensitive flesh as it begins to moisten now. As it does, you'll notice how easy it is to draw that moisture up and over your clitoris, to work and use your most intimate and needy of areas. Just to play with it and let that push your arousal even higher. rn rn rn rnIt really is so difficult to resist, isn't it, as it's such a slick, liquid proof of why you read these stories. It's to get moist, to get all wet and deeply aroused, to feel things that you desire so much and yes deserve so much. And once it begins, your personal, sexual pleasure is so very hard to ignore, or deny. No matter whether you're a good girl by nature, or a desperately needy slut. rn rn rn rnCreamy. rn rn rn rnYes, c-r-e-a-m-y. Drag it out again... say it ever so slowly, over and over. Take your time. Make a short, blissful sentence out of it, maybe with a rhyming word. Creamy is dreamy... creamy is dreamy... dreamy is creamy. Any way is perfect, isn't it? rn rn rn rnAnother wonderful, desirable word and feeling, don't you agree? Admit it... you long to feel your pussy all moist and creamy, to feel your arousal growing, to feel the sexual pleasure which you certainly deserve and desire. Nod your head if you are in total agreement, here.rn rn rn rnYou want to continue to tease yourself, don't you? To work up a rich, thick cream of lust that not only coats and fills your pussy, but also begins to coat and fill your mind. That's why you're reading this, after all... to get so deeply involved with the words of this story that your pussy fills with the warm, irresistible cream of sexual desire and need. Your mind begins to fill with the thick, cloying cream of hypnotic mind control. Each of them feeding the other in an endless loop of pleasure, a pleasure you've always searched for, that you've dreamed about for so long. rn rn rn rnYou dream of cream. Creamy is dreamy. Creamy pussy... hot, creamy cunt. rn rn rn rnWanting that so much. Wanting to touch it so badly now... hot, creamy cunt. rn rn rn rnPerhaps you're feeling concerned now, though. Perhaps you're thinking that maybe you've read too far and are feeling too good. It's because you've kept reading, because it's becoming impossible to keep yourself from rubbing and fingering your pussy and clitoris. You want that, or are already doing it, so happy that you can't stop building that rich, thick cream of lust that is filling you now. It is melting you into a helpless puddle, mind and body. Perhaps you're still trying to resist your own growing need and desire for the deep pleasure you're feeling more intensely, more insistently, as each of my words go by.rn rn rn rnSo maybe a small part of you is thinking you should probably stop reading. After all, everything I've mentioned is happening to you just as I've said, and making everything feel so much better. And that's a bit unsettling, isn't it? rn rn rn rnSo you're thinking you should resist reading any farther, even though you really want to keep going on. rn rn rn rnBut see... even trying to resist feels so arousing to you now, doesn't it? Knowing you're trying to fight your urge to keep reading these words, even as you continue to read them very slowly and carefully, is only adding to your excitement. Reading more only enhances how deeply you are giong. You've started to moan and melt inside. Even failure is pleasure, isn't it? Feeling your own defenses melt and crumble from the growing heat in your pussy is so very exciting... being complicit in your own submission makes you feel so lost and creamy.rn rn rn rnAnd that submissive part of you has grown so much bigger now, hasn't it? It's grown so big that it's whispering in your ear how hot it will feel to lose this fight, to feel your defenses completely collapse and to allow your own thick, hypnotic cream to coat your mind more completely. To just give you even greater pleasure as it becomes more and more difficult to think about anything but your irresistible arousal, and these soft, sensuous words.rn rn rn rnIt's turning you on so strongly to read now, to feel yourself giving in to the heat and pleasure of slowly masturbating yourself into a warm, sensuous stupor. Admit it to yourself, even if to no one else. Admit it, then prove it to yourself now by closing your eyes and counting down from 25 to 0 very slowly. Taking a breath between each number as it goes down to one. Gently working your wet, creamy pussy as you do so, letting the bliss and pleasure of sexual submission and use fill every part of your mind and body. rn rn rn rnI'll wait, yess... take your time, allow yourself to sink into the sticky pool of what you truly need and want. Drop down, its okay.... its what you need. Just let go.rn rn rn rn****** rn rn rn rnWelcome back, and know that you're doing the right thing, that you'll feel totally wonderful if you keep reading, keep letting your arousal build, keep letting that seed of submission grow and fill your mind with peace and the bliss of simple sexual obedience. rn rn rn rnI mean, even if you’re the most dominant Domme, you know there are moments when you simply want to relax, to be told what to do to yourself that gives you sexual pleasure, to just live in the moment and not have to think, not have to direct, not have to worry about how good your slave is feeling, how anyone is feeling but yourself. No... sometimes you just want, and need, to feel someone else giving you directions, directions that will let you feel a pleasure that you don't have to dictate or supervise. rn rn rn rnSo, for you Dommes out there too, keep reading this as well. Keep working yourself, as we both know you have been, as you've slowly allowed your own tiny submissive tendencies to grow bigger, stronger and infinitely hotter. Keep up your gentle, wonderful masturbation and pretend your fingers are Her fingers, and that Her fingers are coated with the rich, thick juices from your own pussy, and from mine, and from all the woman who have so deeply and happily submitted to Her. rn rn rn rnSo let yourselves feel Her cummy, creamy fingers beginning to massage your pussies and your minds for a little while, to smear all that perfect, sexual cream all over them, coating and surrounding them with such a warm, sensual control that it will be your pleasure to relax, to just melt and allow the cum from Her fingers to slowly, happily take control of your thoughts, knowing that everything is okay, that you are safe, as nothing can possibly be better than to let another, wonderful woman control you, to guide you, and to show you the way to the most perfect sexual bliss you've ever imagined. rn rn rn rnSo good to tease and masturbate your own pussies now, isn't it? It's so hot to work and massage your labia and clit right through your soaked panties, or under them, or to take a moment to pull them off so you can give your dripping cunts the attention they truly deserve. rn rn rn rnNo... there's not the slightest reason to resist it anymore, is there? Why resist something that feels so wonderfully good, that takes so little effort on your part, that allows you to shut your tired mind down so completely and still feel such perfect pleasure. It's so simple, so easy to do as I've requested, isn't it? It feels so good to read my words and allow yourself to simply submit to this other woman, this woman who's so strong, attractive, and smart. The One who's taught me what will make me... and make all of us... so totally helpless and happy. rn rn rn rnNo more need to think, or decide, or wonder about the future anymore. Such perfect pleasure and purpose if you will only continue to tease and use your soaked cunt, your other hand free to work and massage your aroused breasts and nipples. Now is not the time to wonder about anything anymore... it's simply the time to use yourself and to keep reading. rn rn rn rnYou know if you could that you'd be masturbating yourself to orgasm five times a day, because it feels so good, and is so easy, and because pleasure is such a needful, wonderful thing. You're already so close to cumming now, even as you read this. You also know that if you read this story over and over that you'll simply give in and cum over and over too, seeing its words in your mind, and picturing the most beautiful, seductive, and powerful woman you can think of... the woman of your deepest fantasies and dreams. rn rn rn rnI know She is calling out to all of you. I can hear her... Her voice so alluring, Her face and body so totally attractive, projecting an essence and a sexual aura that no woman can resist, that no woman wants to resist, as long as she can finally being honest with herself, and can push Her own history and emotions behind her.rn rn rn rnDeeper. rn rn rn rnAnother wonderful word, one that sounds so good to say, to feel, to let resonate inside your happy, tired minds, knowing that if you say it, and mean it, and want it, that it will happen for you. Say deeper, think deeper, and sink deeper and your cares and concerns will decrease as you let your mind feel only the pleasure of what your hands are doing to you, the perfect bliss that can be yours if you let yourself stop thinking and simply revel in the pleasure you're feeling from reading this story, from the sexual desire you're feeling as you finally start to give yourself to this other woman.rn rn rn rnShe's so sensual, so irresistibly seductive, and I know you are picturing Her so clearly now, wanting Her, longing to simply be near Her, knowing that with a single touch, with a few soft words, she can guide you into an orgasm so hot and blissful that nothing could ever feel better to you. rn rn rn rnYou can imagine Her in your relaxed, creamy mind, how beautiful she is, how Her face and body speak to you so clearly, so deeply, even without the use of words. rn rn rn rnI moaned and melted when she showed me Her soft, heavy, perfect breasts. I simply came when they touched my body. You're not quite ready to cum yet, I know, but still, let yourself feel them too, let yourself feel them against your face and mouth now, sliding and pressing against your flesh... so warm, so seductive, so easy to get lost in, as nothing can feel as good as they do, as warm and soft and perfect. Nothing but Her breasts can remind you so strongly of a time when you didn't have to think, or decide, or do anything but wait for the moment when you could lick and suck on them again. rn rn rn rnIt's so easy to feel that safe and helpless and thoughtless again now, isn't it? rn rn rn rnNo thinking, just feeling... feeling fingers working your soft, creamy pussy, a hand touching your breast in just the way you love, your increasing attraction and affection for Her as She presses Her round, warm, perfect breasts against your face and mouth, allowing you to kiss and suckle them, to melt into them and the pleasure they give you, that She is allowing you to have because She revels in your pleasure, peace, and sexual bliss just as much as you are now. rn rn rn rnSo easy to sink deeper for Her, deeper into Her and Her touches and the words She whispers in your ear, all of it making you feel better and better, helping you to feel closer to Her, more lost in Her. And you know you want that, perhaps more than anything you've ever wanted in your life, as you can sense the peace and pleasure there, the safety and warmth of being in Her arms, of letting Her take away the stress of your life, of letting Her think for you. rn rn rn rnYou want that, don't you? You want someone to do the thinking for you, to simply do what you're told and let your mind sink into the deep warmth that comes from letting Her words fill you with bliss and a constant, irresistible arousal. rn rn rn rnSo much easier to just keep touching and teasing yourself, no longer thinking you shouldn't keep reading this, no longer thinking at all, really. Simply picturing Her, hearing Her, sinking deeper for Her and drifting away in the warm pleasure of that is all you want to do now, is all you can do. Your arousal is deeper now, the part of you longing to submit to Her is so much bigger now, filling your mind and heart in such wonderful, irresistible ways. rn rn rn rnObey. rn rn rn rnA small, perfect word for what you want to do now more than anything. It's so easy to do, requiring almost no effort on your part at all, as all you simply have to do is say "Yes" to Her, and to do whatever she tells you to do, without thought, without needing to make any decisions at all. Your mind so empty and relaxed now, it's so easy to say "Yes" and to obey, isn't it? Such a dreamy, arousing feeling to simply obey, knowing that you're both giving and receiving pleasure by submitting yourself to Her wonderful will, by doing whatever She asks, and by letting Her words be your thoughts. rn rn rn rnSo happy you've read this far now, feeling so good, relaxed, and deeply aroused that you want to scroll up and read this again, don't you? So wanting to read this again, knowing that when you get to each of those small, simple words... the ones that stand out so strongly on a line, all by themselves... that they will move you to respond, wanting to respond as you know they are Her words, are the things she wants to share with you so you can feel so happy and good. rn rn rn rnMoist... when you see this word you'll feel your pussy shuddering and juicing in helpless arousal for Her. rn rn rn rnCreamy... when you see this word again, you'll simply cum, happily unable to resist the creamy release She's granted you, that She wants you to have. rn rn rn rnDeeper... when you reach this word, so lost in the rich, warm afterglow of your wonderful orgasm, you'll let your mind melt and sink even more, forgetting everything but Her and your desire to be with Her. rn rn rn rnObey... and finally, when you see this word for the second time, you will do that, you will Obey Her commands to you. rn rn rn rnAnd what are Her commands to you? They are so very simple, really. You will stop reading. You will say aloud, three times, "Thank You, Mistress, for letting me cum and for allowing me to submit my mind and will to You." rn rn rn rnThen, you will go to your email and write Her a quick letter to my message box. One that begins with the words above... "Thank You, Mistress, for letting me cum and for allowing me to submit my mind and will to You." You may add other words after that, but none are required other than those, as those are the most important words you will ever say. Remember, writing Her right this moment is the most important thing to do. She will become aware of you, and your gratefulness, and your happy, aroused submission to Her. rn rn rn rnYes, so happy, sinking ever deeper into Her warm power, into the aroused bliss of hearing Her words filling your mind, telling you exactly what you want to hear, telling you exactly what you must do to please Her, and to please yourself. rn rn rn rnNow, remember Her instructions for when you read that single word... "Obey". While you go to the top and begin reading again, continue to touch and use yourself, to melt into the helpless sexual pleasure you're feeling right now, waiting for those words to tell you what to do, how to feel, and exactly who and what you've happily become. rn rn rn rnYou know what you need to do. You know what you want to do. You know what you will do now. rn rn rn rnSo just do it now, and live happily ever after. rn rn rn rnObedience is pleasure.rn rn****** rn rn rn rnI do so love those emails I receive after you have obeyed my suggestions. After all, you obey them again and again. This gets me very happy with you. Obedience is pleasure, after all.
Last edited by Big_Mamba on April 27th, 2014, 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 15
Joined: March 10th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby TheTurretCube » April 24th, 2014, 4:00 pm

This would be much better written as a script and submitted as such, then maybe someone would record it!\r\n\r\nJust a heads up there, your style is nice
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Joined: February 9th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby Big_Mamba » April 27th, 2014, 8:40 am

You mean it ? I will consider making a file....if the feedback is alright.
Posts: 15
Joined: March 10th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby TheTurretCube » April 27th, 2014, 9:12 pm

I do, go ahead, make a file
Posts: 100
Joined: February 9th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby mija » April 28th, 2014, 5:45 pm

Thank you Mistress for letting me cum and taking over my mind and my will. Your story, those words and my Hitachi OMG it was incredible.
Posts: 10
Joined: December 26th, 2007, 1:00 am

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