EVIL file for a Woman

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

Moderator: EMG

EVIL file for a Woman

Postby awg125 » May 2nd, 2014, 9:54 am

A file, that brings a woman to, at any activity that wants to make, to ask her husband for permission.

For example:

She wants to take a shower.
She have to ask her husband: "Can I take a shower?"

If he says no, she has to stand up, naked with spread legs without moving 10 minutes.

If he says yes, he can tell her a condition.

For example: "Yes but only, if you shave your pussy hair and wear the next 12 hours a butt plug."

This must she do (whether she like it or not, no matter what it is).
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Joined: March 6th, 2014, 1:00 am

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