Feminization-looking for some advice

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Feminization-looking for some advice

Postby Lucaseq » May 6th, 2014, 2:09 pm


Firstly, I have to say that feminization is a huge turn on for me. I've been dreaming about it since childhood, no matter how strange it sounds. I've been thinking about it for a while and now I really want to give it a try. I don't, however, be forced into wearing woman's clothes- I much more interested into the psychological aspects.

I'm already shaving my whole body- including legs- and it feels great. But that's basically all. Also, I sit every time I pee.

So, here is what I need help with: would you like to suggest which files should I listen to? I'm gay so files making me attracted to men aren't neccessary, but I've been thinking about making myself attracted to women, turning myself into a lesbian- what do you think?

Finally, I want to discourage myself from using my penis- I love to play with my nipples! But, in fact, I'm not sure whether a sissy should or should not touch herself down there.rnI'd love to hear your suggestions and take *orders* which files should I listen to.rnPS I can access only free files.
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Postby Endo » May 6th, 2014, 4:57 pm

Obviously, you're male. So, do you consider yourself "female"? That's one of the first steps. If you're an androgynous "female", at least you're female, right?

I can see that you're pretty dedicated to this, which is good. That will help in the long run.

There are 2 things you need to do for this to work out well for you.

1. You need to define exactly WHAT you want to become. That will dictate what suggestions you will want to look for in a file. Are you interested in MORE physical changes, or do you want your body to be roughly the same? Do you want more mental changes, as you've stated? "Becoming female" is pretty broad, do a bit of exploration on the subject, and if you already have, then please provide some exposition on the subject. This will also help you/us figure out whether your gender preferences.

2. You will need PRACTICE. I'm not sure how new to hypno you are, but if you are new, you'll want to spend a few weeks (months even) getting used to going under, accepting suggestions, exploring techniques, etc.

Once you've got ^^^all that^^^ figured out (and taken care of), then you can start the main leg of your journey. (You're already on the journey, coming here was part of the first steps.)

Figuring out what you want to be will help you decide how you want to treat your penis, (Do you want to be a female with a "large clit", or a femboy or a "shemale"?) which will also help you (and us) choose the right files for you.

Alternatively, [url=http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=12160]>>>HERE<<<[/url] is a guide for a self-hypnosis method that I (and others) have used to great success. With it, you won't need to worry about finding files with specific effects, trying to avoid other specific effects, or dealing with a potentially pushy or abusive "master".
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 6th, 2014, 10:33 pm

Lucaseq wrote:

Firstly, I have to say that feminization is a huge turn on for me. I've been dreaming about it since childhood, no matter how strange it sounds. I've been thinking about it for a while and now I really want to give it a try. I don't, however, be forced into wearing woman's clothes- I much more interested into the psychological aspects.

would you like to suggest which files should I listen to?

I want to discourage myself from using my penis- I love to play with my nipples!

I'll be glad to suggest some files I think may help you.

1) Feminine Conditioning by ViVe, which is available free on ViVe's website. The link to file on ViVe's website is http://www.vivehypnosis.de/?p=698.

This file makes whatever behavior you consider feminine more attractive. When you do these feminine behaviors, it conditions you subtly to display these behaviors more frequently. The file also conditions you to display stereotypical male behaviors less frequently. The changes happen gradually over the coming weeks and months. Since it happens slowly, you will most likely never be aware of it. It's only in retrospect that you realize how much you have changed! The file makes every behaviour feel very good and natural; you are therefore free of any guilt. So if you boil it down, it will change you into the perfect image of the female in your mind.

The file doesn't force you to do anything; the file makes feminine feelings, thoughts, and behaviors more attractive (so you do them more often) and masculine feelings, thoughts, and behaviors less attractive (so you do them less often).

I'm extremely femme now.

2) The Curse of the Teeny Weenie by Sarnoga. The link to the free file is: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys&act=fetch&nopage=1&link=10640

• Name: Sarnoga - The Curse of The Teeny Weenie Additional Types: Subliminal, Binaural
Description: This curse file will turn your penis into a teeny weenie and shrink your balls. This file just keeps on working. See comments for additional details.
Author: sarnoga ? Added On: 2011-07-03 Downloaded: 4808 Length: 49:00
Audience: Straight Men, Gay Men, TG M?F Effect: Curse Voice Gender: Male Voice Type: Human
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 4.2778 Total Votes: 18 Comments: 22
Permanent Link: Sarnoga - The Curse of The Teeny Weenie Favorite: Mark Favorite Report: Report File

The first comment by Sarnoga, the author of the file, sums the file up extremely well:

By: sarnoga
Posted on: 2011-07-03 14:48:12

Do not be deceived by the title. There is nothing small about this curse, except what it leaves behind. Listen and receive the curse. This curse will turn your penis into a teeny weenie and shrink your balls. Your weenie and balls are cursed to shrink when you listen to my voice, shrink when you play with your weenie, shrink when you rub your nipples, shrink when you get aroused and shrink when you sleep. This file just keeps on working. Your teeny weenie will not get hard, but it will become more sensitive as all the nerves will be concentrated into a much smaller area. Your weenie and balls will become so small that they shrink back into your abdomen. The center and focus of your sexual pleasure will move from your genitals to your nipples. As this happens you will begin to have extended nipple orgasms that will build in pleasure, intensity and tension, but to relieve the tension you will need to play with your teeny weenie and have a weenie orgasm. You become obsessed with listening to my voice, rubbing your nipples, and playing with your teeny weenie. You feel compelled to do so at least twice a day. Hearing my voice, rubbing your nipples, playing with your teeny weenie, and sleeping are the triggers that cause your balls and weenie to continue to shrink. Each time you do one of these things your balls and weenie shrink a little more until your balls and weenie are so small they have pulled back inside your body and the visible external part of your teeny weenie will be no more than a small wrinkled protrusion of foreskin. The effects of this file are cumulative and irreversible. As your balls and weenie shrink the pleasure of your nipple orgasms increase. The nipple orgasms become so pleasurable that all you desire is for your balls and weenie to shrink even more in the hope of maximizing the pleasure and duration of your nipple orgasms.

There are Forum Threads in the Success Stories Forum for both of these files. I suggest that you read them and decide for yourself if these files are for you.

My teeny weenie is currently 1.5 - 2.0 inches (depending on when I measure it) as a result of this file.
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Postby Lucaseq » May 7th, 2014, 8:22 am

Obviously, you're male. So, do you consider yourself "female"? That's one of the first steps. If you're an androgynous "female", at least you're female, right?

Well, I consider myself to be some kind of femboy, not a female. I think that it makes *some* difference.When it comes to what I want, well... the most important thing for me would be to become more feminine in mind and sex life. This means that I don't really want to wear girly clothes, makeup etc. At least not now :lol:
For example, I've tried Liann's "Living her dream" and "The most important thing". These files worked nice and I could really feel pleasure somewhere between my legs (prostate maybe?), but some of the suggestions didn't appeal to me- like voice change, for example.
So, to sum up, I think that I would prefer to become a femboy- not a crossdresser(okay, maybe from time to time), but a very feminine male.
When it comes to practice, I think that I'm not really new. Of course, sometimes I have trouble going into trance, but it's not as hard as let's say two months ago. It seems as I can turn my thoughts off (or make them really, really silent so even I can't hear them- my thoughts seem to become one with the voice, if you know what I mean).
@oxdude, thanks for the suggestions.
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Postby Endo » May 7th, 2014, 8:31 am

Okay. Since you mentioned your prostate, how do you feel about anal? There are plenty of file that address enjoying anal without mentioning gender or changes or anything, and there are plenty of files that address anal in conjunction with your gender.
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Postby Lucaseq » May 7th, 2014, 9:09 am

Well, anal is still quite a difficult topic for me. I'm often fantasizing about it, sometimes I even put a finger or two into my anus, but that's all. Moreover, I'm afraid of negative side effects and any feeling of pain takes all the pleasure away. On the other side, as you have probably guessed, I have almost no experience with it.
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Postby Endo » May 7th, 2014, 11:02 am

That's perfectly understandable, anal can make a lot of people nervous. If you want to advance on that front (as it can be verrryyy enjoyable) then the first thing you should obtain is an enema kit, and the second thing is a small dildo and lots of silicone lube. Go slow, go carefully, and you'll be fine. There aren't any real health risks associated with anal, assuming that you warm-up properly, use lube, don't force anything, and get everything cleaned out before hand. I had trouble with it at first, too, but now it's one of the most enjoyable ways for me to have sex now.
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Postby Alien4420 » May 7th, 2014, 11:42 am

I think anal is a great suggestion if you want to deemphasize your cock and be more like a woman. There are some files that make it so you can't get hard or masturbate your penis anymore and if you combined those with an anal orgasm file you could become a good little sissy who never touches her boy thing. I think you'll find that with the files and anal play you'll overcome your fear of pain. The prostate pleasure is just so great that I've never known anybody who didn't end up loving it. And as a sissy, you want to be the plaything of big, strong, masculine tops, right? And they're going to want to use that pretty girl hole of yours.

Also agree with Oxdude that you might want to consider Teeny Weenie, which has a lot of nipple play. It does involve penis play too but only when you're soft. So it's more like rubbing your clit and the orgasms from nipple and weenie play are very female orgasms, you build gradually and you can have them again and again. Plus your cock and balls shrink so again, more girl like without being a girl.

I'm not sure how the lesbian thing would work, there are certainly women who are into sissy boys but if you want to deemphasize your boy clit, I'm not sure what you'd do with them. Seems to me that being gay is right for a sissy boy like you. Only real men get to use women and prancing, effeminate sissy boys.

By the way, I've found that interests can change pretty radically with hypnosis so while you'll probably get the quickest effects building on your existing desires, whether overt or hidden, you will find that your desires change as you listen to the files, molding you in ways you didn't think possible. For example, I always wanted a girl's body -- just the body. I didn't want to act fem and I didn't have a desire to crossdress, when I tried it was like "Uh, OK" and it didn't do anything for me. Then I listened to Curse Stroke Sissy. I'm not mentioning it to recommend it -- it's pretty extreme since it makes you dress full time -- but Stroke Sissy had me acting fem and wanting to dress in no time. It was all I could do to stop before it made me dress full time. So I think that's an example of how a file can not only enhance what you already want but change what you want.

Not that you necessarily want or need to change -- being a femboi who doesn't touch her little clit actually sounds like a pretty good plan to me, particularly if you listen to something that leaves the useless organ limp -- just pointing out that the files will change you, so you have that option if you want.

Also, I've found that files lead into one another. As they change you, they lead you in related directions, like feminization files getting me interested in cocksucking which led to me listening to Curse Forced Gay. I'm a very different sissy now than I was when I started out. And sometimes that can take you in a more practical direction. I don't know that any of these changes are intrinsically better or worse, but some are more *practical,* e.g., for me, turning gay was a lot more practical than getting SRS. And the more practical a suggestion is in terms both of real life and your sex life the more likely it is to stick.
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Postby Lucaseq » May 7th, 2014, 12:08 pm

Well, I think that I'll give anal at least one more chance then. So, are there any files you would recommend? Teeny weenie seems to be a must (at least I see that it's considered to be a great file) and Vive's Feminine Conditioning seems really interesting too, but what else? Curse castration maybe? I know there's plenty of files, but what would you choose if you were me and had to pick it?

BTW Alien4420, you seem to really understand what I'm into :lol:
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Postby Alien4420 » May 7th, 2014, 1:41 pm

Lucaseq wrote:Well, I think that I'll give anal at least one more chance then. So, are there any files you would recommend? Teeny weenie seems to be a must (at least I see that it's considered to be a great file) and Vive's Feminine Conditioning seems really interesting too, but what else? Curse castration maybe? I know there's plenty of files, but what would you choose if you were me and had to pick it?

BTW Alien4420, you seem to really understand what I'm into :lol:

Well I hope some others will chime in because I know there are lots of files out there that would be of use but I'm not familiar with most of them. But some files I have listened to --

I'm thinking you don't want to listen to Curse Castraton if you listen to Teeny Weenie because there are some contradictory suggestions, e.g., Curse Castration puts you in an imaginary chastity tube while Teeny Weenie forces you to masturbate but makes it impossible for your dick to stay hard while you do so you don't ejaculate, you just have weenie orgasms that satisfy you for a moment and then leave you ready for/wanting another.

Sarnoga's Eunuch Slave Curse is another castration file, but it's more hard core, it makes you want to find a master who will have you castrated physically. I had to listen to this a couple of times as a punishment and I'd thought it hadn't had an effect but now it's like I can't get it out of my mind. I think if you listen for a while you'll probably end up losing your balls which a good little sissy shouldn't have, at least one guy actually went through with it. Hot but dangerous. :-)

Curse Penis Shrink -- this file of EMG's makes it impossible to get hard for 9 months and then you can retrigger it for another 9 months and so on. Your cock and balls will shrink from disuse. Teeny Weenie shrinks you faster. With T-W you'll see a lot of shrinkage in the first 4-5 weeks, I'm only 2-1/2" long now and my boy clit is really rubbery and limp, while my balls are really shrunken and gradually moving back inside my body where the file says they'll eventually end up. The left one has actually disappeared inside me a couple of times! But as I mentioned above, TW does make you masturbate your boy clit, so you might prefer Curse Penis Shrink if you never want to touch your vile thing again.

Check out Sarnoga's Sissy Boy Training. There are a few files in the series -- I've listened to the first one once, which is a change file and as I recall makes you more fem and submissive, and also Teenage Sissy Boy, which is fantaay in which you become Sarnoga's teen boy bitch at home but when he takes you outside, you have to dress as a girl so everybody thinks he's your GF and knows he fucks you. I'm thinking the first one might be pretty close to what you're after -- my memory is vague but you can listen to it once to make sure.

Also, someone recommended Sarnoga's Taking it Up the Butt to me, it's a good complement to Teeny Weenie although it seems a bit extreme in that if you listen a scond time you'll *need* something up your butt to cum. I love the idea but it seems kind of inconvenient! I know there are some less extreme anal orgasm files if you do a search, but I've never listened to them.

I just *loved* Teenage Boy Bitch 1 and 2. These may not be what you're looking for because they're a story rather than a change file, and also because they don't make you fem. But what they do is insidious because while they seem to be just stories but they're changing your personality while they do. Basically, they make you a fucktoy for guys, a total bottom, and you start to feel that the only way you can have male friends is by letting them use you. A straight guy who listened to them would end up gay without even knowing that that was going to happen! :-) I listened to these once and they had a huge effect on me. They'll make you into a true submissive. As with the other Sarnoga files, strong stuff.

"G File" -- this file of Sarnoga's basically gives you whatever you want! So if you have a dream about being a certain type of sissyboi, say, it can make it come true.

Miss Squidgy -- this file confirms you in your sissy beliefs, but only if you're really, truly a sissy inside. It makes it impossible to get hard for women which probably isn't necessary for you. It also makes you want to wear panties.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 8th, 2014, 5:57 am

One comment on anal: to make it painless, all you need to do is concentrate on pushing out when someone is trying to enter you from the rear. It's counter-intuitive, but it's true. Your body relaxes your anal sphincter (yes, there are about fifty other ones; "sphincter" is a medical description of a type of muscle) when you are trying to push out a big one while you're sitting on the toilet. If you try to resist, it's painful. If you try to push, it's painless.
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Postby Lucaseq » May 9th, 2014, 2:29 pm

After listening to some of the files mentioned above, I've made my list (prioritized in this order):
Feminine Conditioning- it's really interesting file, makes me feminine in the way I want it to;
Curse of Teeny Weenie- tiny cock definitely isn't really masculine, also the file itself is really addictive. Not to mention playful nipples;
Sarnoga's Sissy Boy Training series- I'm not sure if I'm gonna use all of the files, but some of them are very interesting, this one with panties for example. Although I'm not really into wearing them, the rest of the file is great. So, maybe soon I'll have to buy a pair of panties for myself...
Sarnoga's Teenage Bitch Boy- I'm still trying to decide whether I should use them or not.

Also, a funny fact. After listening to teeny weeny for two times, I could actually feel a difference- instead of trying to stay semi-erect all the time, my penis seemed to stay flaccid most of the time. I won't have much time to listen to the files in the upcoming week, but after then, I'll start to listen to them on a daily basis.

On the other side, I still need a nice file that would encourage me into anal and maybe discourage me from touching my boystick.

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Postby Alien4420 » May 9th, 2014, 2:56 pm

I think you have to be careful since touching your boy stick is part of Teeny Weenie. You don't want to introduce conflicts between files since conflicts will weaken the effects of the files.

Truth is, after five or six months of listening on and off to Tweeny Weenie I'm losing the inclination to touch my own boy stick. I don't know why, maybe because it's so tiny and useless and limp. I can still get weenie orgasms but now it's like I'll go all day without the urge to do so, even though I'm constantly obsessed with sex and even leaking cum.

Otherwise, I'd focus first on TW and feminine condition and add other files as you have the time and inclination. If you listen to too much at once you'll overload and some of the files won't sink in. Also if you're short on time you want to give priority to your primary files. I think you can always leave sissy boy, boy bitch, g file, and the others for when you're curious and have a spare moment. Also once TW is in it has suggestions so that any sarnoga file will make you shrink.

BTW, what you've noticed about being less hard right away seems to happen to everyone. It's one of the cool things about the file, you start seeing effects almost immediately, even though some of them are just that you aren't getting as hard anymore. But you're in for an exciting ride, in fact, it wouldn't be so bad just to focus on Tweeny Weenie for five weeks because that's when the most rapid shrinkage occurs.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 9th, 2014, 7:38 pm

Lucaseq wote:
After listening to some of the files mentioned above, I've made my list (prioritized in this order):
Feminine Conditioning- it's really interesting file, makes me feminine in the way I want it to;
Curse of Teeny Weenie- tiny cock definitely isn't really masculine, also the file itself is really addictive. Not to mention playful nipples

I still need a nice file that would encourage me into anal and maybe discourage me from touching my boystick.

Alien wrote:
I think you have to be careful since touching your boy stick is part of Teeny Weenie. You don't want to introduce conflicts between files since conflicts will weaken the effects of the files.

Otherwise, I'd focus first on TW and feminine condition and add other files as you have the time and inclination. If you listen to too much at once you'll overload and some of the files won't sink in. Also if you're short on time you want to give priority to your primary files.

I totally agree with Alien. Your two primary files -- the ones you really want to concentrate on -- should be Feminine Conditioning and Curse of the Teeny Weenie. Teeny Weenie has suggestions about touching your boystick (I love that term!), so your other files shouldn't have suggestions concerning your boystick.

You don't want to overload your mind ... or have conflicts between file suggestions. I know there aren't any conflicts between Feminine Conditioning and Teeny Weenie. For now, just use the two primary files. Other files can be used later, if needed. You can't change everything you don't like about yourself at once.
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Postby Lucaseq » May 10th, 2014, 8:04 am

Thanks a lot.
As I've said before, I won't have much time in the upcoming week, but right after then I'll start my trip. I'll keep you updated on my progress.
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Postby Alien4420 » May 10th, 2014, 8:21 am

oxdude wrote:Teeny Weenie has suggestions about touching your boystick (I love that term!)

Me too. :-)
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 10th, 2014, 1:01 pm

Lucaseq wrote:
As I've said before, I won't have much time in the upcoming week, but right after then I'll start my trip. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

There are Forum threads for both Curse of the Teeny Weenie -- for TW, the not-quite-obvious title is terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie -- and Feminine Conditioning -- for FC, the duh-extremely-obvious-facepalm title is Feminine Conditioning by ViVe. They are both on the first page of the Success Stories Forum. Or you could continue posting here. Or you could post in both places, though that does get tiresome, since it will mostly be the same people reading and commenting on your updates.
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