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kaylatgsunshine wrote:I was wondering how being under the influence of marijuana and similar drugs woud affect going into trance. If you guys don't want to answer, I'll understand
whoa_this_place_is_weird wrote:I know you have to be on drugs, I mean, who doesnt want to get pregnant or become a girl? Psh, youre a loser
whoa_this_place_is_weird wrote:I know you have to be on drugs, I mean, who doesnt want to get pregnant or become a girl? Psh, youre a loser
aeroue wrote:I get high almost every night before bed, then listen to lucid dream curse.
It has been working though taking a while, but hypnosis really isn't very effective on me, and yes I have tried listening to files whilst sober.
BTW for all your sterotype supporting fools it doesn't make you stupid and only makes you crazy if it's likely you will anyway. I got 2 A and 2 B at A level and im going to do an MA in philosophy after my gap year.
And BobbyS
As Sandy would put in a very long post :P
Don't talk about what you are not aware of.
Firstly weed is not 7 times stronger nor is it concentrated, although you can, I have never in many years of smoking encountered it.
Though some strains are stronger that is only through selective breeding and few people get weed that good.
Also even if it was true what does it matter.
Averagish beer = 4% X 7 = 28%
Is the average vodka at around 40% evil?
Also just because it is stronger doesnt mean you get more messed up, you smoke less...Who drinks their vodka in pints?
Also caffeine = bad, it blatantly can't help trance...surely
Jack wrote:I don't want to go off on a rant so...
Organize an effective system for teaching responsible drug use and standardization/labeling. Legalize all drugs.
I don't really want to hijack this thread, but: Didn't anyone learn anything from Prohibition?
aeroue wrote:hehe my cover is blown, i was enjoying my posing as an all around drug junkie :P
However I do agree with what you say, but consider this.
To smoke marijuana, you smoke marijuana.
To get drunk
You get some hops, you get some water, you come up with a way of keeping it at least near air tight preferably with a one way valve you wait a long time.
I don't know for sure but doesn't this suggest that weed came first :)
Your point is moot :P
What ever happened to separation of church and state?sandy82 wrote:It's a fair comment. It's one that our increasingly fundamentalist-soaked society won't buy, but (should I say: therefore) it's a fair comment.
That seems backwards to me. Even if it might be easier to study the effects of implemented policies due to a smaller population.sandy82 wrote:If/if the country is to have an effective anti-drug effort, then it makes sense to start with the most potent, most addictive, most destructive, and least prevalent drugs. PCP, in my view, falls into most of those categories.
Currently. However, were drugs legalized and assimilated into the system there would be much more controls on them. Labels for dosages. Leaf(book)lets of what to expect. People wouldn't have to go to the black market dealers to get your drugs. People wouldn't have to worry about policemen battering down their doors to arrest them. The prices would plummet(can you imagine paying $5 for an ounce of KB[that's a strain of high quality marijuana for those who don't know], and $3 of that being the tax paid to the federal government?), because there would be no more artificial inflation due to primarily religious laws. Also, drug use would then be out in the open, so people who have problems with using drugs(addiction) would be able to get help above the board. People wouldn't get fired for testing positive for drug use, so there wouldn't be a need to steal to support ones habit(again, remember the greatly decreased costs). People wouldn't get arrested for using drugs, so they won't lose their jobs, so they won't have to steal or deal drugs to pay for their own habits.sandy82 wrote:I generally share your view on victimless crimes. But heavy addiction to heavy drugs is not victimless. Heavy addictions, whether through the cost of treatment or through additional crimes committed to underwrite the continuing addiction, are not victimless crimes.
Bad idea. Any time the government is involved in anything.. they find some way to fuck it up.(The S.N.A.F.U. effect) Plus, this is a burden on the economy due to having to support such shelters.sandy82 wrote:The government would buy all narcotics in bulk, domestically or from Colombia or from Afghanistan--where opium poppy production has skyrocketed under "democracy". The government would open and maintain SHELTERS (FROM LIFE). A buffet line of free drugs and sufficient cots to handle those wishing to relax after tripping down the buffet. An increasing hunger would be accommodated. Experimentation would be no problem, nor would multiple addictions. Food and water would be the responsibility of the visitor. Finally, some would just lie on the cots and get increasingly large and varied hits. Food, what's that?
You don't make it clear whether you mean drug treatment as in they get drugs for cash-only or they can get treated for addictions on a cash-only basis. I'm assuming the first one. I think it should be both.sandy82 wrote:1. Drug treatment would be available at hospitals on a cash-only basis.
This policy would never work. We need those literature majors to do the heavy lifting, teaching, and cleaning. Plus, who else is going to work at the local landfill disposing of all those bodies the shelters you proposed generated?sandy82 wrote:2. A system akin to Selective Service would be introduced. Physics majors with 4.0 averages at "name" universities would be forbidden access to shelters. They would be deemed draftable in case of a national emergency. Literature majors with 3.5 averages or lower from "extra" universities would be encouraged to use the shelters.
The question is.. what is a victimless crime? Or even more succintly.. what is a crime? And I would submit a definition that I believe I've posted in the Idle Chatter forum once before, in some form: A crime is any act by any individual or group that violates the personal freedom(s) of any other individual without that individuals' consent or the consent of the individuals' guardian.sandy82 wrote:Here's the corollary. Drug use is a victimless crime as long as the drug is free and readily available to the addict, with no time or amount limits.
I think you remember a lot of my views on the educational system. Personally, I say lower the age of consent to 16.sandy82 wrote:Teaching responsible drug use. A useful prophylactic, not in R/L so much as in restrospective CYA debates. The public schools in this area now teach responsible sex. Many of the high schools--even some of the middle schools--have day-care centers, for the illegitimate children of these middle-class suburban students.
What you're talking about seems to me to be cases of murder(corpses in dumpsters). The NOK should be notified and an investigation begun. Btw, If consensual crimes were legalized, this would free the police force do what it's actually there for: protect people from non-consensual crimes(like murder, rape, burglary, assault, GTA).sandy82 wrote:Under the prevailing philosophy, people now have to pay for parking at national parks and forests. Using the same arguments, government would probably look for ID on the dumpster corpses and send the NOKs a bill for transportation to the landfill.
*nods*sandy82 wrote:(From what I understand, most marijuana users don't proceed to stronger, heavily addictive drugs. I have heard that 90 percent of cocaine users started on marijuana, but that illogic tells you a lot about the person using it. You can't argue causation backwards. After all, 100 percent of cocaine users started out on milk. So, recreational marijuana use is not endorsed, but it is not a source of the FAN above.)
In an earlier post today, sandy82 wrote:I have toyed with an idea in my imagination. It would provide pleasure. It would cut out the narcotics kingpins. It would reduce crime. It would make redundant social workers in no position to help themselves, much less others. It would indirectly improve the school systems. This "fantasy notion" [FAN] would incorporate your proposal for standardization and labeling.
Jack wrote:I agree with gork. You really know how to make people laugh, sandy. It's a sad day when we consider Clinton as being one of the best examples of a president we've had in the past 20 years. Dubya being the worst. Compare them to men like Benjamin Franklin and George Washington and what do we come up with? A joke.
aeroue wrote:If that is true then....(guesstimate)somewhere above 10<?<30% of people have very out-dated brains...
I suppose it shouldnt be funny but im finding it hilarious...
Wonder what one i have, is it possible to find out?
joecamel wrote:im sure everyone has heard of robo-trippin on cough syrup (tussin) (DXM)before ..... DXM is a dissassociative and basically shuts ur senses down in higher doses. its probably not all that safe but u'll trip balls and im sure ur mind will be very warped after listening to whatever file u feel like listening to.
OMGWTFBBQ wrote:joecamel wrote:im sure everyone has heard of robo-trippin on cough syrup (tussin) (DXM)before ..... DXM is a dissassociative and basically shuts ur senses down in higher doses. its probably not all that safe but u'll trip balls and im sure ur mind will be very warped after listening to whatever file u feel like listening to.
"For those of you who just skim articles, I will make my message clear. Do not use DXM. You have been warned. If you’ve done research on it, you know many people have horrible experiences with it, and the euphoric highs that are so exalted are rare. Stick to booze and weed, they’re safer.
With the cursory paragraph out of the way, let me begin. I first found out about DXM from, while looking through the drug section. It was very interesting to know you could get “high” from cough syrup. I checked my medicine cabinet and (thank God) I didn’t have any of the right kinds. For the next two months I off and on researched DXM, going through Erowid, totse, and other internet sources. I knew the risks, and thought I would have fun. I couldn’t have been more wrong."
Sounds like a VERY bad idea from that article.
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