Total beginner

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Total beginner

Postby trobt13 » June 28th, 2014, 5:04 pm

So I have had an interest in using hypnosis on others for a while and now begun to have an interest in using some of the files myself. I just found this web site and it really got me motivated to try both. Where do I begin? I have never been hypnotized before. I assume I need to find an induction that works for me? Any suggestions?

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Joined: June 26th, 2014, 12:00 am

Postby Endo » June 28th, 2014, 6:23 pm

It's not like there's some kind of puzzle-piece compatibility between you and certain files. It's more like "Hey, I kinda like this." After a while, you'll know what you prefer in files, such as voice gender, specific author's voices, etc. There are also some preference things you'll pick up in terms of binaurals, isochronic tones, "noise", and so forth. So it's not like some induction is going to not work for you, just that you may be relaxed more by certain things.

Personally, I'd go with a "training file" first. Not one of the ones that say "Train ____" and then it advertises that it will provide a personal change of some sort, but a file that is designed to make you more suggestible. Two good ones are "Bubble" and "Blank". There are several others, but those two are the most common and well-known. By listening to one of these types of files, you won't be approaching anything that's likely too difficult for you, like hallucinations.

Don't let your eyes get hungrier than your stomach. I've seen this happen (to myself, when I was a rookie subject) and to others. You start getting into tons of different files, and wanting all these different changes all at once, and you get burnt out on each file in turn because you're trying to push through some rather difficult stuff to achieve without the proper skillsets and practice levels. So, I advise against starting "effect" files for anyone getting into this. It's much better to delay your attempts at getting gratification until later.

After you've achieved some good practice (at least 3 weeks of daily trancing, one session per day), then you can look into some effect files with a better chance of succeeding. Now, these numbers can be different for everyone, so take that with a grain of salt.

Perhaps if you were to tell us your particular fetish(es), we could scrounge up some files of good repute in that area?
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Postby trobt13 » June 30th, 2014, 5:04 pm

Thanks for the info. Very helpful
Posts: 2
Joined: June 26th, 2014, 12:00 am

Postby ProfessorPig » June 30th, 2014, 11:14 pm

there are a lot of good hypnotists on this site and to some extent you do have to play around and find what you like and learn what, if any, parts of trance you need to work on.

i found chewtoys files to be incredibly helpful for improving my results with hypnosis and i often recommend his files to people starting out because all of the core files are really tame compared to a lot of other stuff out there. he creates and uses a rapid induction trigger in his first file that you need to master before you can move on to the others.

i think the one thing to always remember with hypnosis is don't listen to any files that have effects you do not want.

anyway, i hope you have fun and find some files that are right for you :)
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Postby Haxsaw » July 7th, 2014, 5:33 am

Dear Trobt13,
I have oddly written files that some really, really, really love. Otherwise, some hate me. My files deal with attempts at deep relaxation. I also push hard for improvement. Should you listen to one of my files, for example, I may tell remember better or else diet or exercise.
A file for a girl could be centered on one topic yet added telling you are and will be firmer in decision making abilities. I write this as more hard hitting facts, which they are.
I also mention God, from time to time. Some, a few at least, had been or else attended scheduled church services. I offer them files they too, can enjoy. The world is filled with many people.
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