No induction needed ?

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No induction needed ?

Postby GAYTTO » September 7th, 2005, 10:39 pm

There are several inductions in the files.
I identified two of them.

The first one proposes to feel the relaxation starting from the feet, ankles, thights, stomach, chest, know the drill.

The second one is my favorite : "all you have to do is listen to my voice"... you know the lyrics I think. This one is working pretty well for me.

I'm not yet addicted to hypnosis. I don't listen to the files on a daily routine. Well, I want to keep that as a hobby, or more like a entertainment. I generaly "do hypnosis" once or twice a week.

When I do so, I listen to a file starting with the second induction I mentionned. Then I realized that I could follow a curse or listen to a another file, without listening to the induction of the second file. I start directly with the suggestion. And I can enter the trance very easily, as if I had listened to the induction.

That leads me to the questions of this post :

1) How does it come I can do that ?
2) Is an induction sufficient to prepare the mind, to relax it ?
3) With some exercices (the usual stuff, relax the body, slowing the breath, empty the brain...) do you think you could achieve a trance without the help of an induction ?
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Postby MikeWulf » September 8th, 2005, 3:27 am

1. After leaving a trance with the 1-5 wake up, your mind doesn't entirely wake up. So it's basically able to go under very quickly because it is already a part of the way there. Plus, you sound like a very suggestable person, so that can help.
2. Depends on the induction and the person. If you feel that you are going sufficiently deep enough, then that is all that matters.
3. Self-hypnosis doesn't have to have a file to guide you. This is also known as meditation ;)

One word of warning. The way you descirbe it you are basically having two seperate ideas pumped into your head, one after the other, in the same trance. This can be pretty stressful for the mind and you might find it not taking to well to the suggestions. I suggest to keep the files to a day each. Better than that I suggest that you stick with one type of file and when you feel good that it works well, to move onto another.
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Postby cardigan » September 8th, 2005, 9:35 am

When you have trained going into trance for a while, you don't need an induction. But I find that it helps to have a ritual to follow. But because trance is as natural a state as being awake, you can put yourself under in a few seconds, if you concentrate on it. Again - believing it is possible will help a lot.

I heard a hypnotist (on video) tell his students a story: this biker came to see him and wanted him to make him stop smoking. They had never seen each other before, and the subject had never gone to a hypnotist before. The hypnotist was in a bit of a hurry that day, so he just said - "OK - sit down in that chair, because that's where all the changes take place. Now shut your eyes and go into a trance immediately, cause you know how." - the biker protested and said "I don't think I can do that". But the hypnotist just replied "That's because you're thinking! Stop it" - and almost immediately the subject went into a very deep trance, and he was subsequently cured from smoking. The way he was cured was rather funny too, but since this is not the subject here, I won't tire you with that now. The point is - we all know instinctly how to go into a trance, because it's a natural thing for anybody to do. But we do it on an unconscious level. The moment we start to think about it, it becomes impossible to do. So don't think! Just do it.

I can put myself in a usable trance in about ½ minute, I think. But I usually listen to an induction, that I recorded for myself, which takes about 5 minutes.
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Postby nicosali » September 22nd, 2005, 10:38 am

I dont need an inducton but it helps that the first file you listen have an induction. I remove the induction of the second file because I dont need it and I am very deep at that point. And what do you mean GAYTTO with not addicted to hypnosis? I thought you only could become addict only if the file says so. I do hypnosis everyday like 2 or 3 hours but I have no problem to stop for several weeks.
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Postby MikeWulf » September 23rd, 2005, 1:46 am

Hypnosis is never addictive unless you want it to be so.
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