Curse: resist hypnotic suggestions

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Curse: resist hypnotic suggestions

Postby ckf » July 22nd, 2014, 7:49 pm

One of the issues i have with enjoying "forced" hypnosis (files like cursed forced gay etc) is that I know, in the back of my head, that I really do want it. That little thought waaaay sucks thes excitement and danger out of it.

So, my suggestion is a file - either a curse or a deepener - that tells your concious mind that hypnosis is against your will, or that you truly have no free will. That the only response of your concious mind is to fight it. Of course, the file will also tell your subconcious to be addicted to hypnosis, and to keep it's true desire and want a secret from the concious mind.

do y'all get me?[/i]
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Postby Endo » July 22nd, 2014, 10:10 pm

Well, then YOU would not actually listen to the files. Unless someone were to FORCE you to listen, you would not, and your conscious mind would resist going under, making the entire thing completely pointless, because suggestions would never actually reach your subconscious mind.
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Postby sleepyjosh » July 23rd, 2014, 9:08 pm

A good hypnotist once told me that he thought the whole idea of "forced" hypnosis absurd. He said it was like going to buy a bicycle, picking out one that you like, paying for it, and then telling the saleman that you won't take it with you unless he forces it into the trunk of your car, while you try to fight him off the whole time.
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Postby Milesx3 » August 16th, 2014, 6:15 pm

From what I've heard, your subconscious mind really does like hypnosis -- I've heard (and this may be BS, I don't know) that to wake people from some of the deepest trances, hypnotists actually have to threaten to take away your ability to go into a trance. I think that (assuming this is even close to true) this would make a resistance to hypnosis file cause a major conflict in your subconscious -- since it really doesn't want to resist -- and who knows what that would cause?
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Postby BobbyS » August 17th, 2014, 3:52 am

One of the best induction files I heard ended with a suggestion that you could choose whether to awaken at the end of the recording or remain in trance (in case you had another recording lined up for example).

Despite having nothing lined up, it was another quarter hour before I woke up...

Also, on topic, I don't see the point to this file - unless you want to quit hypnosis and feel awful about it at the same time.
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Postby lew897 » August 26th, 2014, 2:24 am

This might sound childish but it seems to me like that's exactly what curse files are meant to do. Because it forces you to do stuff you consciously cant control. What your asking is to just be against tranceing in general while tranced. I guess a type of amnesia would be in order. Or a trigger would be nice, and then afterwards your triggered to remember that you were watching gay porn and checking out dudes ass all week after denying to yourself that your gay. That would be an interesting file to try out.
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