Hypnotist's wet dream or nightmare?

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Hypnotist's wet dream or nightmare?

Postby BobbyS » July 23rd, 2014, 5:17 pm

Apologies if someone has already drawn attention to this, but there's a lady in the States who wants to become the ultimate Barbie - fashion, surgery, the works.

This includes bimboisation hypnosis.
Daily Mail story: [url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2562870/I-want-people-treat-like-plastic-sex-doll-Woman-hypnotherapy-make-brainless-like-Barbie-spending-25-000-breast-enhancements.html[/url]

Where it gets interesting is the column from a certified hypnotherapist:

Would be interested to hear people's thoughts on this - especially any certified hypnotherapists.

I'm sure the guy's comments are motivated in part by presenting the professional face of hypnosis and stories like this do damage that in the view of the general public.

Personally I'm of the live and let live mindset (obviously - I use this site!) - if it's what she wants, then it's not really anyone else's business.

That said, for such an extreme suggestion, I'd like to think the hypnotist carried out some kind of check to make sure she was mentally sound of mind before carrying out the hypnosis - considering her hypnotherapy is over the internet thus unaffected by regulation.
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Postby BobbyS » July 23rd, 2014, 5:30 pm

Also, as a side note - I love the use of bimboisation (as a temporary suggestion), but the actual physical transformation she's gone through...

Yeah, that really doesn't do it for me.
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Postby Endo » July 23rd, 2014, 7:52 pm

As one of the commenters on your first link said: "That's a pretty rough 38." Bimbofication is one of the primary fetishes of this site, along with feminization, masculinization, and several others. People REALLY want to change their gender to either fall more in line with gender stereotypes or to move to a place where they are recognized as "the other" gender.

Personally, I find intelligence and self-reliance far sexier than any sort of brainless body-flaunting, but that's just me.

Personally, I think the Hypnotist's assault on this woman was sparked more by his particular flavor of politics (notice the strong feminist sentiment in the last paragraphs?) than his particular job. Even the title alludes to that, saying that she's a "Disgrace to women". He speaks grandiosely about progress and equality, but is it really "equality" when he's condemning a woman's agency and personal choice? It's like saying "You HAVE to be everything we idealize women to be, otherwise you're a disgrace! No choice for you!" And then he appeals to the state in order to lock away a "hypnotherapist" who could easily be one of "us", just some "punk off the street" who knows a little hypno. Sure, let's lock away a man who consciously chose to go along with what someone with agency desired. Let's lock away someone just because they decided to do something that offended someone else's politics and worldview. Well, too fucking bad. There's a lot of shit that's going to offend someone, doesn't mean it's HURTING anyone. Despite the image that metalheads have as being super aggressive and violent, hair-on-chest men, you don't hear about "Mass assaults after metal concerts".

I really don't think he gives two shits about the "face of hypnosis" when most people don't even thing it's a legitimate thing. Someone I met ON THIS SITE thought this was all make-believe, and didn't think a 'tist could help a person change anything in their life.

As an amateur 'tist ("A punk off the street with a little hypno", in my own words), I'm disgusted by this "Certified Hypnotist". If everyone with a fucking piece of paper on their wall were this arrogant and spiteful of anyone else with a piece of paper on their wall who went against the first paper-on-wall-fucker's worldview, we wouldn't even have walls or papers to put on walls. (That was a pretty convoluted sentence, sorry.) This shitfaced asshat of a fucktard has either NEVER done any reading on philosophy, agency, or morals, OR forgot it all LONG LONG AGO. This woman CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE OF HER OWN FREE WILL to go down this path, and NO AMOUNT OF HYPNO could force her down it. You don't get to blame the 'tist who helped her when you know perfectly well that you can't FORCE ANYTHING ON ANYONE through hypno. And don't go trying to pin some sort of "Undoing of mah progressive feminisms" on this woman, either. You want EQUALITY?! THEN ACKNOWLEDGE HER CHOICE! SHE'S A FUCKING ADULT WHO MADE AN ADULT CHOICE! Regardless of where her choice lands her, you DAMAGE your cause by not allowing a female to hold CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER ACTIONS.

I'd like to punch this shitbag in it's face. At this point, I'm too mad to acknowledge that it is a man, because a MAN would allow a WOMAN to hold responsibility for her own actions.
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Postby TheTurretCube » July 24th, 2014, 11:21 am

Endo, it's the Daily Mail, that scumbag company exists only to aggravate you. We're talking about a newspaper that constantly attacks video games, music, anything they can, and then fills it's pages with celebrity horseshit and gossip. I wouldn't take anything they say in high regard.

I agree wholeheartedly with the "Live and let live" mentality. This was her life descision, she wasn't forced into it.
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Postby Endo » July 24th, 2014, 12:04 pm

Lol, I'm thoroughly aggravated.
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Postby BobbyS » July 24th, 2014, 1:41 pm

Personally, I find intelligence and self-reliance far sexier than any sort of brainless body-flaunting, but that's just me.

That's precisely the turn-on for me. Seeing an intelligent, self-reliant woman lose all that and surrender to dumb, drooling pleasure.
It's also the reason why I only like it to be temporary though - no fun if you can't turn it on at will and lose that intelligent person forever! :lol:

He speaks grandiosely about progress and equality, but is it really "equality" when he's condemning a woman's agency and personal choice?

Very true. It's a side of some strains of modern feminism that infuriates me.

There's a difference between saying: "Actually, women can do these things just as well as men." and saying "Therefore these things are the ONLY things women should do, because we feminists approve of them."

I really don't think he gives two shits about the "face of hypnosis" when most people don't even thing it's a legitimate thing.

Maybe, but despite being the hypno fan and kinkster that I am, I have to admit, stories like this don't help lend hypnosis much credibility in the public eye.
We're still fighting to convince people that actually THEY'RE the ones in control when they're hypnotised and that a standard session does not end with them clucking like a chicken.

it's the Daily Mail, that scumbag company exists only to aggravate you. We're talking about a newspaper that constantly attacks video games, music, anything they can, and then fills it's pages with celebrity horseshit and gossip. I wouldn't take anything they say in high regard.

Maybe. But in fairness to the Daily Mail, this story is played fairly straight down the line. It is what it is.
It's the hypnotherapist writing in the Times and Democrat that's getting all judgemental.
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Postby cardigan » July 31st, 2014, 1:55 am

As a certified hypnotist myself I have trouble understanding why any person would choose the path that this woman has chosen. Why not instead choose a path by which you can grow and excel as a human being - instead of the opposite? We'd certainly be able to help her do that instead.

But as it has been pointed out - she's an adult making an adult decision about her life, and she has every right to do it. I guess it's not a worse decision than people deciding to permanently alter their appearance in other ways - like the cult of lizard people, that get their tongues split, have fangs and horns implantet - and so forth. They turn themselves into "freaks", but it's a free world and their choice to make. I just hope for her sake, that she will appreciate and like the choice she has made - and continue doing so for the rest of her life - because of the irreversible nature of it.

Personally I don't see the difference between wilful body mutilation and wilful mind-mutilation. She's not doing anything illegal. Nor is the hypnotist assisting her. Even people who wilfully get both legs amputated - and the physicians helping them with this aren't doing anything illegal - immoral perhaps but not illegal strictly speaking. The doctor is violating his hipocratic oath, but he might argue that by removing the perfectly functioning limbs - he's helping the person to become much more happy and perhaps preventing him/her from committing suicide or throwing himself in front of a train to cut off the legs himself or something.

I wouldn't help the Barbie person myself. It would go against my own ethics. But I don't blame whoever would.

Just my two cents.

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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