bad thoughts

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bad thoughts

Postby Kendra_W » August 15th, 2014, 8:46 pm

Lately I have been having bad thoughts, like the need to kill myself. I have not listened to any hypnos in the last 2 weeks and seem to have lost interest in listening to them.

My question is: do thoughts of wanting to kill oneself originate in the conscious mind or the subconscious part of the mind? (I am trying to figure out what is causing the suicidal thoughts and address the underlying issues instead of being forced to take a third medication. I currently take 2 different kinds of antidepressants.) Thanks.
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Postby lew897 » August 15th, 2014, 9:59 pm

That's probably a problem left for your doctor Im susposing. You could use Bandlers technique of having any of your thoughts run backwards and have circus music playing in your head. Or Shinzen Youngs technique of putting your focus in your feet, closing your eyes, and every few seconds saying same or changing. I put my focus in one foot. There is the laaazy jedi question Elephant Whisper of saying, when x happens what would you like to happen? Your answer and say is there more to that? And just keep going with that. I would say these are the three that I go to for just about everything in my life. I hope you do realize what a miracle your life is considering the infinite amount of possibilities that occurred to bring you into life. Just thinking about my grandparents and parents makes me wonder how its possible since all my grandparents are from different countries!
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Postby lew897 » August 15th, 2014, 10:01 pm

I would also suggest all the Derren Brown videos on the youtube. His work really explains hypnosis quite entertainly and amazingly.
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The power of asking for help

Postby Plaat » August 15th, 2014, 11:02 pm

Thanks for asking for help, even if this is an unusual place. Hypnosis is no substitute for meaningful relationships with others. Stay in contact with people. I'll guess the thoughts are likely subconscious, your aware these thoughts of death are bad, which sounds lucid and any conscious exercises which help you see the worth in yourself and others are valuable. positive introspection, listing traits, reasoning yourself out of fears and depression. These are things to do; but your need the help of a professional. You've gone to a Md for meds, have you gone to a Dr(psychiatrist) for talk therapy or non medication treatment? I'm educated that one needs both. I read an article in UNTE reader (a magazine) about it during the winter so check that out a a starting point.
Last edited by Plaat on August 15th, 2014, 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby diode168 » August 15th, 2014, 11:02 pm

You've posted this in the fem forum. One thing many of the files do directly or indirectly is drop the testosterone level. This does lead to depression in it self never mind if that person is already on anti-d's.

It's best to speak to a expert on this matter.
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Postby arron » August 16th, 2014, 3:08 am

Kendra_W if your haveing these thoughts i dont think it would be wise for you right now to do hypnosis unless its done by a pro (at lest for the time being) i would speek to your doctor tell him about these thoughts and feelings your haveing, there is help out there for u but please try to rember most inportantly that life is worth liveing things might seem bad right now but rember ur friends your famliy the ones u hold dear talk to them speak to someone i know it might seem hard but people will lision people will help theres allways away and comeing here and asking advise is a good step dont give in no matter how bad things get becauses THINGS will get BETTER

trust me ive been there i know how it feels (i tryed to when i was 15) i got help years ago its hard at 1st but each day it gets easyer im 29 now and life is alot better there allways gonna be a bump in the road but your not alone please rember that

i relly hope this helps u and please stay safe i know i dont know u but i know u can do it
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suicidal thoughts

Postby mistresssurrender » August 16th, 2014, 5:14 am

suicidal thoughts can be a side-effect from taking certain anti-depressants.
It is essential you go to your doctor and say how you feel.
No hypnosis till you see him/her.
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Postby kslava » August 17th, 2014, 8:32 am

Speaking as a person who has dealth with chronic major depression for years -- and mostly I do a great job of managing it without meds, but I've had counseling in the past and done a lot of work on this in the last decade -- everyone here has really great suggestions, and please do take their recommendations seriously to seek out professional help, reach out to people around you who are caring and respectful, and consider the possibility that more than one anti-depressant can cause complications. Seek out a doctor/psychiatrist/counselor about this.

That being said, no one answered your question yet.

Depression is both conscious and subconscious. If there's a history of depression in your family, it's possible there's a genetic chemical imbalance. That doesn't mean it's necessarily conscious or subconscious. And the thoughts can be either. You can determine which one they are. If it's more of a feeling, it may be more subconscious, just general depression. If you are actually planning things (buying rope, cleaning house, writing letters), these are major warning signs. If this is the nature of your situation, seek help immediately. Suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255.

If it's more subconscious, a feeling of depression/suicide, with thoughts here and there, but no actual planning or physical activity toward that direction, it's not as conscious as subconscious.

Bottom Line:
If you have ANY suspicion that hypnosis is playing a role in this depression, stop immediately and do not do any hypnosis again until you seek help.

Lastly, whatever we listen to, whatever we see, whatever environment we put ourselves into, we are programming our brains. Change your environment as best you can to reflect positive and happy things.

Here's some things you can do to program your brain without any hypnosis:

Change your music/movie viewing:
About a decade ago, I eliminated the parts of my DVD and CD collections that had sad or depressing movies/songs. I kept a few angry ones to occasionally let out rage, but otherwise, my collection reflects that of a happy well-adjusted person, and it has helped me move in that direction.

Avoid news:
Stay away from news. News/media is a massive and pervasive ball of negativity. If someone else in your house turns it on, go to another room, listen to some good relaxing music or a feel good movie, or get out of the house.

Avoid negative people:
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media and the internet at large is a psychiatric morass. Real life social interactions are not far off either when it comes to how people express negative emotions. If you have people who are expressing lots of negative emotions, avoid their content. Unfollow them on Facebook, or as I do, avoid the newstream on the home page entirely (I unfollow everyone I make friends with). Only visit the profiles/timelines of those people you know will portray things in positive ways. Even if the happiness seems superficial, give it a chance. At least it's happiness. Then once you have that, look for more genuinely happy people. But any happiness right now is better than nothing. Network to more and more positive people.

Find nature:
It's been proven in a hundred ways and studies that getting out to nature helps the human spirit and mind in ways that scientists are still figuring out. Even sitting under a tree in a yard or a park can really help. Going for a walk also helps, which leads me to:

Walking and moving about is proven to reduce depression. I'm not exactly sure about the chemical way it does this, but I know there is science to back this up, not to mention my own experience. Go out and walk somewhere. If you can go walk in nature, you're doubling the experience. If you can do that with beautiful relaxing or inspiring music, you're really helping.

Advice From My Mother #1
When I first moved to the big city, and I was depressed and crying at the loneliness, I called my mom asking what was I going to do to feel better and get through grad school, and so forth.

Her answer: "You always figure something out. You'll be okay." As much as we hate to hear this when we're depressed. It is true, so true. Use it as comfort. When you're feeling positive and happy, remind yourself of this, so that your depressed self can know that this clouds will pass. As Stephen Fry said about depression, it's like the weather, there will be cloudy days, but even after a couple weeks of clouds, there will always be sunny days. See the full quote at the bottom.

Advice From My Mother #2
When in doubt, sleep it off and make the intention of waking up happier. Know in your heart that things will be better. As soon as you wake up, get up and go about your day. Do things. Be active. And when the day gets the best of you, go back and sleep it off (note: if it's before dinnertime, just do a quick nap to restart).

Seek help immediately. Talk to friends. Seek professional help (I consider them like paid friends, haha).

Here's what Stephen Fry has said on the matter of depression:

"Here are some obvious things about the weather:
It's real.
You can't change it by wishing it away.
If it's dark and rainy it really is dark and rainy and you can't alter it.
It might be dark and rainy for two weeks in a row.
It will be sunny one day.
It isn't under one's control as to when the sun comes out, but come out it will.
One day.
It really is the same with one's moods, I think. The wrong approach is to believe that they are illusions. They are real. Depression, anxiety, listlessness -- these are as real as the weather -- AND EQUALLY NOT UNDER ONE'S CONTROL. Not one's fault.
They will pass: they really will."

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