zelda wrote
Would that involve physically changing skin color? If not it could cause problems for the listener.
I don't know if some physical characteristics can be changed. Some, like eye shape, might be affected. I'd love to see if that could happen; I rather think that Asian eyes are sexier.
If you have ever watched any of Obama's State of the Union Addresses, you might have noticed that John Boehner, the Caucasian Speaker of the House, has a darker skin color that President Obama, who is half-black and half-white.
There could be a suggestion that the person perceive himself as (whatever). However, as in the file where a person perceives his/her body as being transformed, it is suggested - ordered -- that the person not do anything that will endanger himself/herself. The example given in the files is that of flying. This isn't -- quite -- a quote; it's more of a paraphrase: "You may perceive that you have wings. You may remember yourself flying. You may make plans to go flying. But you will never do anything, such as stepping off the roof of a tall building, expecting to fly. You will not do anything to endanger yourself." A similar suggestion that a person "not do anything or put themself in a situation that would endanger themself" could be embedded in the suggestions.
For myself, I want to be able to perceive myself as a pure-bred Japanese version of my (mostly) Caucasian (I have some American Indian blood) self.