omegle thread

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omegle thread

Postby MindCtrl » May 6th, 2014, 11:55 am

well, seeing that other sites with this kind of fun are hard to find -
Posts: 8
Joined: October 2nd, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby MasterJack » May 6th, 2014, 12:42 pm

ok when you close your eyes and imagined yourself hypnotised

How does that make sense, when she needs to open her eyes to read omegle?

I'm not saying it's fake, I'm just wondering how it works.

But man that was some good stuff, I'd love to do that stuff over skype.
No longer distributing my files.
Posts: 194
Joined: April 2nd, 2007, 12:00 am

another one

Postby MindCtrl » June 16th, 2014, 12:21 am


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like hypnosis.
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: asr?
Stranger: 19 f sub
You: 27m tist
You: what brings you to hypnosis?
Stranger: i'm here because i've seen that hypnosis can help for remove an addiction and i'm here for this
You: what's your addiction?
Stranger: marijuana, and i'm here because my parent don't know my addiction so i cannot see hypnothrapist and all
Stranger: so can you help me ?
You: yes, but you need to know, the easiest way to cure an addiction, is changing it with another one
Stranger: changing with another one you're sure but i'll become drugged at something else you're sure that it can helps ?
You: depends on what the change is, my mom stopped smoking (on her own) but became addicted to gums and coffee, fair trade I believe
Stranger: oh ok and for me you think that i must change with what ?
You: do you have anything you don't care overdoing?
Stranger: euh i don't know watch tv ^^ or yes gums like your mom maybe it's better than marijuana this drug changes me i feel it
You: ok, we'll try that :)
You: do you have a gum there?
Stranger: wait i must have one
Stranger: yes ok i've one
You: great
You: so, first thing - make your room quiet, close anything that isn't this chat, lock the door if needed, make sure no one disturb you
You: quiet your phone and take a sit
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ok all is good
You: tell me, in one shore sentence, when do you feel you need MJ the most?
Stranger: when i'm alone
You: ok, start chewing the gum
Stranger: yes
You: focus on the chewing
You: how it feels
You: focus on the sounds it make
You: focus on the rhythm
You: by now, you've already lost count of how much chews you've had
You: and hypnosis, let me tell you, it's quite easy, like chewing
You: it's like, when you're bored, you have so much responsibility to think what to do
You: but with hypnosis, you don't need to think
You: you just relax
You: and as you chew, you seem to find my words comforting
You: isn't it confusing? doesn't it feel good?
Stranger: yes i feelvery good
You: keep on chewing
You: that's the only thing that you need to focus about
You: my words feels great
You: but they don't matter
You: they just slide in
You: relaxing you
You: calming you down
You: each chew you take, feels more natural
You: comforts you
You: takes the load off
You: you can feel your mind drifting
You: forgetting your worries
You: forgetting your fears
You: and it seems like the only thing you feel like doing is to follow my words
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no
You: good
You: you want to be good
You: you want to satisfy your peers and family
You: but now, relaxing like this, you feel so satisfied
You: so pleased of yourself
You: following my words brings you pride and pleasure
You: can you feel it?
Stranger: yes
You: do you want to empty your mind?
Stranger: yes
You: do it for me than, say 'my mind is empty'
Stranger: my mind is empty
You: do you like how this feels?
Stranger: yes
You: good girl
You: just keep chewing, keep relaxing
You: you don't feel alone right now, doing this, you feel so fulfilled, all you want is to follow my words, and do as they say
You: say 'I want to do as you say'
Stranger: I want to do as you say
You: 'I want to follow your words'
Stranger: I want to follow your words
You: 'I want to follow and obey'
Stranger: I want to follow and obey
You: just relax
You: keep losing track of reality
You: have you ever felt this good?
Stranger: no
You: better than MJ, isn't it?
Stranger: yes
You: and from now on, whenever you feel alone, you feel like chewing a gum
You: whenever you feel to much responsibility, too much stress and pressure, you become filled with desire to chew gum
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes
You: and chewing gum relaxes you, eases you
You: when you chew gum, you are reminded how good it feels to follow my words, and you feel a desire to be hypnotised
You: to lose your mind and obey
You: what would you want when you chew gum?
Stranger: lose my mind and obey
You: good girl
You: how do you feel now?
Stranger: good, empty
You: obedient and submissive
You: say 'obedient and submissive'
Stranger: obedient and submissive
You: I am not wrong when I say this is turning you on
You: am I?
Stranger: no
You: do you like losing control, having your will in my hands?
Stranger: yes
You: in a moment, I will wake you up, and you'd be refreshed, happy, amused, and aroused by what just happened
You: you won't have doubts, and no fears, and you'd want to talk about how it felt and what it was like
You: 5 minuets after waking up, you'd notice you're still chewing gum, and say 'the gum is in my mouth' and slowly but surly start to enter this state of trance again
You: understood?
Stranger: yes
You: you'd really want me there with you in this state of trance
You: and now you'd wake up on 5
You: 1 feeling great
You: 2 refreshed and aroused
You: 3 amused and smiling
You: 4 feeling better having something better than smoking
You: 5 waking up now
You: hi there
Stranger: hi :)
You: how was that?
Stranger: oh god wow it was fantastic
Stranger: i felt so good i didn't thought at marijuana
Stranger: and now i don't feel my sensation of lack
You: :)
You: you haven't told me your name, by the way
Stranger: oh yes i'm sorry i'm *****
You: hello *****, my name is ***** :)
Stranger: hi ***** and thanks a lot for what you dod for me
Stranger: did *
You: you wouldn't happened to want Skype session, would you?
Stranger: i haven't skype sorry :/
You: oh, well, that's fine :)
Stranger: maybe i must throw my bags of MJ now ^^
You: maybe :)
Stranger: :) aha i feel so good now !
You: do you still have the gum in your mouth?
Stranger: yes
You: how does it feel?
Stranger: i didn't remenber
Stranger: to hve it i
Stranger: in mouth
You: what goes through your mind when you chew it?
Stranger: i want to be empty
Stranger: and obey
You: good girl
You: can you feel your mind emptying for me?
Stranger: yes
You: how hard is it to think now?
Stranger: cannot think
You: good girl
You: how deep are you in trance by now?
Stranger: i'm deep in trance and i want to obey
You: are you using leptop, or desktop?
Stranger: leptop
You: would you like this session to become kinkier?
Stranger: yes
You: say 'I want this session to become kinkier'
Stranger: I want this session to become kinkier
You: good girl
You: take the laptop on the bed, or floor
You: and go on your knees
You: when you're on your knees say 'I am on my knees for you, master'
Stranger: I am on my knees for you, master
You: how does this feels?
Stranger: good
You: yes, you love this position
You: being on your knees feels so natural, so pleasurable for you
You: are you on the floor, or on the bed?
Stranger: on the floor
You: you can feel the pressure on your knees and it brings you pleasure and pride
You: so much joy in being ready for orders
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no
You: remember how it felt to call me master, how it turned you on, how you're still turned on and horny from it
You: how did it feel to call me master?
Stranger: it turns me on and makes me horny
You: you want to keep calling me master, don't you?
Stranger: yes master
You: good girl
You: the pleasure in your knees builds and grows
You: thank me for the pleasure I bring you
Stranger: thanks master for bringing me pleasure
You: good girl
You: what is your asl and what do you look like, *****?
Stranger: 19 f uk, black hair, brown eyes 1m65 51 kg
You: good girl
You: feels so good
You: so pleasurable
You: what do you wear, *****?
Stranger: a shirt, pants, bra, panties, socks master
You: what size is the bra?
Stranger: 85B master
You: good girl
You: feels so good to share
You: feels so good to be so exposed for me
You: doesn't it?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: master
You: imagine fighting my power, and then losing, do you find this exciting and arousing?
Stranger: yes master
You: try fighting the power that takes your hands and removes your thirt. the stronger you fight, the better you feel, and the stronger you fight, the stronger the power becomes, the stronger this power grows, the hornier you become, until eventually, when it wins, you feel the strongest rush of arousal you've ever felt in your life and tell me how you've lost, understood?
Stranger: yes master
You: do it now
Stranger: yes master
Stranger: ah i cannot resist master my hands have removed my shirt
You: did you enjoy losing?
Stranger: yes master
You: good girl
You: now, girls like you, usually have titles, it could be slave, slut, toy, or if turned robotic you could be *****bot
You: which of this turns you on the most?
Stranger: *****bot master
You: would you like to become a pleasurebot, empty and programmable?
Stranger: yes master
You: chewing your gum, your mind eases
You: and you suddenly stop recognising your feelings
You: the seem so strange
You: you realise they are no longer feelings or thoughts, they are applications, programmes, functions
You: I can remove and add more as I please, and you are programmed to follow my programming to the exact
You: your skin also feels inorganic, like a rubber, or plastic
You: no longer are you human
You: no longer are you *****
You: what is your unit name?
Stranger: *****bot master
You: how does it feel to be *****bot?
Stranger: i don't know master maybe good
You: it is not bad, nor good, it is true
You: and you are programmed to do what is true
You: so for you if it's true, it's good
You: and right now, you're in programming mode, where you have no personality, no emotions, care for nothing but for orders
You: you follow repeat them and do them to the exact
You: and you get pleasure sensations as a reward
You: cup your left boob
Stranger: yes master
You: if you get an order like 'cup your left boob' you repeat '*****bot cupping it's left boob'
You: cup your right boob
Stranger: *****bot cupping it's right boob
You: undo your bra and toss it
Stranger: *****bot undoing it's bra and tossing it
You: now, on you are stored some personality programmes programmes
You: when you read [ ], the word in it becomes your personality
You: so if it says [maid] you become an obedient french maid, [slave] turns you into an obedient sex slave, [*****] triggers your old "normal" personality and [*****bot] triggers this programming mode
You: does *****bot understand?
Stranger: *****bot understands master
You: the ***** program loves this, finds it extremely arousing and pleasurable
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no master
You: good bot
You: whichever program is being triggered you answer with the program name and 'is fully functioning' so triggering slave would make you say 'Slave mode is fully functioning'
You: [*****]
Stranger: ***** mode is fully functioning
You: still on your knees?
Stranger: yes ^^ wow what's happened i don' remenber a lot
You: do you remember taking off your bra?
Stranger: no
You: ******bot pinch *****'s nipple pleasurably*
Stranger: but what have you done with me ^^ ?
You: did you just pinch your nipple?
Stranger: yes !
You: [sexy schoolgirl]
Stranger: sexy schoolgirl mode is fully functionning
You: do you know why I called you here?
Stranger: no ^^ why ? :)
You: you've been teasing the other girls
You: why is that, *****?
Stranger: ahah lol it's not true mister
You: weren't you naughty?
Stranger: no mister lol maybe other girls are jealous
You: well, *****, it does not matter to me, you know, there is only one way for you to come out of this as a good girl
Stranger: oh and how :) ?
You: on all four, *****
Stranger: euh i hear something
You: [*****]
Stranger: ***** mode is fully funtioning
You: what do you hear?
Stranger: it's my sister she's at home
You: will she take a look at you?
Stranger: yes maybe
You: would you like to say hello to her and continue this?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: can i ?
You: yes, you may, I'd like you to return here afterwards :)
Stranger: ah i must wear my bra and shirt ^^
You: *forget the bra*
Stranger: ok i go i do fast
Stranger: ok she's here she just call someone with my phone and after i'll be alone
You: ok
You: are you two friends?
Stranger: yes our relation isn't easy sometimes we are the best friends sometimes the best ennemies
Stranger: we are sisters it's the more important
You: are you the younger?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: and i've forgot to wear my bra i've just realized
You: lol, it just might be my doing ;)
Stranger: euh what ? how ?
You: *it doesn't matter how, you find this erotic*
You: does it matter?
Stranger: not at all
Stranger: she's on my bed, normal :/
You: is she on the phone?
Stranger: yes she calls a friend she have exams she uses my credit of phone
You: her friend is coming over?
Stranger: no she just ask for dates of revisions
You: ah, I see
You: ****** feels like sharing how pretty her sister is*
Stranger: you know my sister is a little like me
Stranger: the difference are that she have green eyes, more big, her chest is more big
Stranger: ah she leaves my room !
Stranger: but i must be careful now
You: ok
You: are you ready for more fun then?
Stranger: yes :) but you know that before i heard the voice of my siister but it's like if i wasn't here it was strange ^^
Stranger: after when i saw here and left you it was ok but at the first time no ^^
You: I don't totally understand what you mean :P
Stranger: before to see my sister
Stranger: and go to see her
Stranger: you said me if i wanted to say her hello
Stranger: but before this i heard when she arrives but it was like if i wasn't here
Stranger: i don't know how to explain sorry
You: that's ok
You: say, where were you born?
Stranger: in france
You: I had a feeling lol
You: [*****bot]
Stranger: *****bot mode is fully functioning
You: what does *****bot care for?
Stranger: *****bot wants to obey and serve you master
You: good bot
You: do you have emotions?
Stranger: *****bot have not emotions
You: very good
You: you are doing great
You: what is the name of ***** sister?
Stranger: *****
You: how did she feel realising she has no bra in front of *****?
Stranger: a little ashamed master
You: it must've turned her on so greatly, you sensed it, didn't you?
Stranger: yes master
You: now, what kinds of feelings does ***** have for *****?
Stranger: friendship, love, master
You: she likes her a lot
You: don't she?
Stranger: yes master
You: the way she described *****, did you sense it's more than sisterly love?
Stranger: yes a little attraction master
You: do you mind where this is going, or would you like me to push it further?
Stranger: you decide master do like you want
You: good girl
You: because I have a feeling ***** would find it special if ***** felt like she does now
You: am I wrong, *****bot?
Stranger: no master
You: in a moment, I will trigger ***** mode, and she'd feel like confessing something
You: she'd feel like confessing the arousal she feels for *****
You: she'd feel like asking me to hypnotise her sister or something like that
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes master
You: she'd feel like it's coming from her, she'd feel happy she have me to share it with
You: she'd feel excited for the possibility of being obedient with her, having ***** mindless by me
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes master
You: [*****]
Stranger: ***** mode is fully functioning
You: how do you feel, girl?
Stranger: good thanks
Stranger: can i go to the toilets please and after i would to speak a moment with my sister and ask her something if she's ok you'll have a good surprise :)
You: wait
You: are you enjoying yourself so far?
Stranger: yes a lot
You: do you have a gmail?
Stranger: no yahoo
You: ok, would you like us to continue there? so we won't disconnect
Stranger: ok but can i see my sister ? it's a special request that i want to do
Stranger: i promise to give you my yahoo after
You: ok, sure
You: be quick
You: I am curious to know what the surprise is
Stranger: ok thanks :)
Stranger: hi again
You: hey
Stranger: i've speaj a moment with her of my "transformation" and she says that i'm crazy and all so now she's with me, can you prove her that i'm different now and that she can becomes like me ?
You: well, ask your sister what you're not likely to do
Stranger: she's with me you can speak to her if you want
You: ok, what's your name, sis?
Stranger: ***** and you who are you and what the thing with my sis now ?
You: she asked for some relaxation, and now I guess she wants you to feel what she felt
Stranger: i'm sorry but i don't trust about things llike this
You: that's ok, you don't have to
Stranger: ok and do things like this at my sis after she trust and she thinks that it works
Stranger: don't do *
You: seems to me you don't think it works, nor do you trust your sister too much
Stranger: no it's not his i trust my sister but i don't know
You: you could give it a try, your sister is there, awake, let her sit far from the screen, so she can watch over you
You: and see when she saw, and judge for yourself
Stranger: oh ok
Stranger: so what must i do ?
You: take a pice of gum, it helps
Stranger: ok
You: now, start chewing it
You: focus on how the chewing feels
You: let it become rhythmical
You: focus on the feeling the sound
You: by now, you no longer remember how many chews you had
You: and there's something relaxing about doing it
You: this kind of thing is really simple you see?
Stranger: yes
You: when you're bored, you have the responsibility to think what to do
You: but here, you don't
You: you can relax
You: and just focus on the chewing how good it feels
You: you can feel your mind drifts
You: relaxes away
You: in a fog of drowsiness
You: and nothing matters by now
You: my words don't matter
You: only this relaxation does
You: you can feel your fears leaving you
You: you can feel your worries fade away
You: and you like it so much
You: this feels good
You: to follow my words, and to relax
You: doesn't it?
Stranger: yeah
You: you just want to let go, forget your responsibilities and relax
You: all day long you need to be active, to think, to deside
You: which is so much tiering
You: is it not?
Stranger: yes
You: and all you want now is to forget your worries, to be free
You: so you relax
You: and let my guide you
You: which feels so good
You: you want to follow
You: don't you?
Stranger: yes
You: say 'I want to follow'
Stranger: I want to follow
You: very good
You: you are being great, you can be proud of yourself
You: this feels so fulfilling so relaxing
You: have you ever felt this good?
Stranger: no never
You: and you want these feelings to grow
You: you want me to take you further
You: following my words brings you so much pride, so much pleasure
You: isn't this great?
Stranger: yes
You: it feels great to empty your mind
You: say 'my mind is empty'
Stranger: my mind is empty
You: and you know I made ***** feel good like you feel now
You: I made her feel great
You: do you trust this now?
Stranger: yes
You: wouldn't you want to transform like her?
Stranger: yes
You: good girl
You: just relax now
You: focus on the chewing
You: and relax
You: let go of it all
You: feel how natural following my words is to you
You: how it brings you pleasure
You: don't you want to just follow and obey?
Stranger: yes
You: say 'I want to follow and obey'
Stranger: I want to follow and obey
You: 'I want to submit'
Stranger: I want to submit
You: feel how the room around you fades away
You: and no one left by the two of us
You: isn't this better at the moment?
Stranger: yes
You: is there anyone there with you but me?
Stranger: no
You: and this feels so good
You: so right
You: you love how I make you feel
You: you feel so obedient and submissive
You: say 'obedient and submissive'
Stranger: obedient and submissive
You: good girl
You: your sister cares for you, she wanted you to feel this good
You: isn't she great?
Stranger: yes
You: and now, you just want to do as I say
You: want to go deeper
You: become emptier
You: and if you do, just say 'yes master'
Stranger: yes master
You: you felt so good calling me master
You: it felt so natural
You: and it turned you on greatly
You: didn't it?
Stranger: yes master
You: you love that, you love calling me master
You: you feel so aroused by now
You: would you like this session to grow kinkier?
Stranger: yes master
You: that's right, you just want to follow, to feel powerless
You: say 'powerless'
Stranger: powerless
You: good girl
You: now, girls like you, they usually have titles like 'slave *****', 'slut *****' or '*****bot'
You: which one of these turned you on the most?
Stranger: slave ***** master
You: good girl
You: this feels so good, to be slave *****
You: doesn't it?
Stranger: yes master
You: and there's nothing you'd want more than to do as I say now
You: is there?
Stranger: no i just want to obey you master
You: so, slave *****, take the computer, and go on your knees
Stranger: yes master
You: tell me when you're on your knees
Stranger: i'm on my knees master
You: how does this feels?
Stranger: good master
You: feel the pressure on your knees, how it brings you pleasure, how much you like this feeling
You: how natural it is for you like a default to go on your knees
You: like a good little slave
You: now, you really have ***** to thank for this
You: don't you just love her?
Stranger: yes master
You: the reason you are now wet, is thanks to her
You: and you realise thinking about her makes you wet
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no master
You: in a moment, I will wake you up
You: you won't remember the session, only that it turned you on, that you loved it, that it revealed in you something true you didn't know about
You: you'd feel a burning arousal for your sister, and you'd believe it's something you've had before the session started
You: you'd be cheery, amused, aroused, happy and thankful
You: you won't have any doubts, fears or worries
You: 5 minuets after waking up, you'd realise you still have the gum in your mouth, and say 'the gum is in my mouth' which would relax you, send you back to this place of relaxation, submission and obedience, where you want nothing than do as I say
You: understood?
Stranger: yes master
You: good girl
You: waking up on 5
You: 1 feeling extremely refreshed and happy
You: 2 smiling with arousal
You: 3 liking being on your knees
You: 4 wanting to thank me and *****
You: 5 waking up now
You: hey there
Stranger: hey :)
You: so, still in doubts?
Stranger: no thanks a lot
You: go next to your sister
Stranger: yes
Stranger: we are similar now ?
You: not totally, each of you has different orientations, which I took to a bit different places
Stranger: ok but i feel so good i was idiot to doubt
You: :)
You: how did it feel to wake up on your knees?
Stranger: good so happy
You: *****, do you still have your gum?
Stranger: yes that's right
Stranger: t
Stranger: the gum
Stranger: igforgot it
You: where?
Stranger: i ddin't remenber to haveit
Stranger: in my mouth
You: how does it feel, to chew it?
Stranger: i want to be empty, submissive
Stranger: i want to obey
You: what's on your mind now?
Stranger: desires of submission, obedience, noting else
You: good girl
You: now, *****, start chanting, quietly to yourself 'mindless obedient and happy', and give the computer to *****
Stranger: yes master
You: hey *****
Stranger: hello :)
You: how did you feel, seeing your sister from the side?
Stranger: so happy thanks you've transformed and like i promised my yahoo is *****@yahoo.**
You: :) thanks
Stranger: thanks to you again
You: now, I want you to ask your sister 'slave *****, do you find me arousing?'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: she said yes
You: *you are extremely aroused by her answer*
You: tell her 'you find me sexy, and want to be obedient with me'
Stranger: yes
Stranger: she said yes again
You: very good
You: tell her 'from now on, whenever you hear or read "mindless slave *****", you feel the need to stop thinking, and become as empty and obedient as you are now'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: yes again
You: very good
You: tell her 'we are no longer just sisters we are slave lovers'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: and we are slave lovers ?
Stranger: she said yes
You: *you are no longer just sisters you are slave lovers*
You: what is she for you?
Stranger: my love
You: tell her to take off your shirt and find extremely arousing
Stranger: yes master
You: did it work?
Stranger: yes maste
Stranger: master * sorry
You: now take off her shirt
Stranger: yes master
You: are you still without a bra?
Stranger: yes master
You: and she's only with a bra?
Stranger: yes master
You: ask her if she ever felt prouder
Stranger: she says yes
You: tell her that this is the most aroused she ever felt
Stranger: ok
Stranger: oh my phone is ringing can i answer ?
You: who is it?
Stranger: a friend
Stranger: can i answer ?
You: don't you rather have fun with your sister?
You: * you rather have fun with your sister*
Stranger: yes
You: tell your sister that in a moment you are going to kiss her, and your minds would transform forever, it would be the best kiss both of you ever had
Stranger: ok
Stranger: my mind will transform forever master ?
You: *yes, you'd permanently change into an hypnosis addicted and you want that*
You: is that bad?
Stranger: no i want to transformed forever
Stranger: to be *
You: did you tell her?
Stranger: yes
You: kiss her now
Stranger: yes
You: tell me when the kiss is over
You: how it felt like
Stranger: the kiss is over and i felt something in my mind
Stranger: i want to be entranced forever
You: did you like the kiss?
Stranger: yes
You: [*****bot]
Stranger: *****bot mode is fully functioning
You: I need to leave, in a few moments, after I leave, tell your slave lover how your [ ] triggers work, so she can use them on you
You: did ***** enjoy having power over her sister?
Stranger: yes master
You: don't forget to tell your lover, and remember yourself, that you need to keep it a secret from your parents
You: understood?
Stranger: yes master
You: tell your sister this 'I am going to count from 5 to 1'
You: 'and when I reach 1, you'd be wide awake, alert and horny for me'
You: 'you'd realise I'm hypnotised and you'd want to know how my triggers work'
You: from now on, when ***** touches your forehead it works like [ ]
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes master
You: did you tell her what I said so far?
Stranger: yes master
You: '5 starting to realise where you are'
You: '4 feeling good being half naked in front of your lover'
You: '3 wanting to know about my triggers, finding it hot I am powerless'
You: '2 wantint to be powerless with me in the future'
You: '1 wide awake now *****n'
You: give *****n to me please
Stranger: yes master
You: hello there slave *****n ;)
Stranger: hello and i'm ***** but yes you can call ***** you decide
Stranger: *****n *
You: :)
You: can you see your sister now?
Stranger: yes
You: touch her forehead and say 'sex kitten'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: she meow and act sexy
You: tell her to kiss your boobs
Stranger: yes
Stranger: oh wow ^^
You: now, when you want her to become normal, touch her forehead and say '*****', if you want her hypnotised say '*****bot' if you want something else, maybe someone to do your chores you might want 'Maid' and you can improvise invent ^^
Stranger: ok thanks and for me i want to say that i feel very submissive to you
You: :) take off your bra
Stranger: yes
You: too bad I can't see that ;)
Stranger: ah i feel so good to obey you, before to meet you i was dominant, now no i just want to obey you
Stranger: you've changed me
You: and you didn't trust it could work :)
Stranger: i was idiot i'm sorry
You: that's ok :)
Stranger: i'll be like this forever, submissive ?
You: could be, depends on how much your subconscious would miss having more responsibility
You: but now I really need to leave, your sister gave me her email, so maybe we'll contact again :)
Stranger: yes i'll promise i'm yours send me email at the mail of my sister if you want to give me orders it will be a pleasure to obey you
Stranger: and thanks again for what you did
You: here's mine if you want to leave words, or pics :P *****
You have disconnected.
Posts: 8
Joined: October 2nd, 2012, 12:00 am

here's another thread

Postby MindCtrl » October 13th, 2014, 12:06 pm

this time not so evil

contains S*NK BOY trigger, B*UND trigger and < > trigger
Posts: 8
Joined: October 2nd, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby winbb2 » October 13th, 2014, 7:47 pm

Wow....these sessions are hot! Thanks for sharing.
Posts: 34
Joined: October 2nd, 2007, 12:00 am


Postby MindCtrl » October 14th, 2014, 2:37 am

thank you very much

I made this thread so everyone who had a good experience in omegle would share
Posts: 8
Joined: October 2nd, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby hypnoidf » October 14th, 2014, 4:32 am

A question, did the first two girl you talk with contact you on yahoo ?

It's a good story, I tried it yesterday.

Thank you for the sharing.
Posts: 84
Joined: September 28th, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: thanks

Postby winbb2 » October 14th, 2014, 9:48 am

MindCtrl wrote:thank you very much

I made this thread so everyone who had a good experience in omegle would share

It looks like your subjects always have a good experience!
Posts: 34
Joined: October 2nd, 2007, 12:00 am

Re: another one

Postby pederocooper » October 18th, 2014, 6:09 am

MindCtrl wrote::twisted:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like hypnosis.
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: asr?
Stranger: 19 f sub
You: 27m tist
You: what brings you to hypnosis?
Stranger: i'm here because i've seen that hypnosis can help for remove an addiction and i'm here for this
You: what's your addiction?
Stranger: marijuana, and i'm here because my parent don't know my addiction so i cannot see hypnothrapist and all
Stranger: so can you help me ?
You: yes, but you need to know, the easiest way to cure an addiction, is changing it with another one
Stranger: changing with another one you're sure but i'll become drugged at something else you're sure that it can helps ?
You: depends on what the change is, my mom stopped smoking (on her own) but became addicted to gums and coffee, fair trade I believe
Stranger: oh ok and for me you think that i must change with what ?
You: do you have anything you don't care overdoing?
Stranger: euh i don't know watch tv ^^ or yes gums like your mom maybe it's better than marijuana this drug changes me i feel it
You: ok, we'll try that :)
You: do you have a gum there?
Stranger: wait i must have one
Stranger: yes ok i've one
You: great
You: so, first thing - make your room quiet, close anything that isn't this chat, lock the door if needed, make sure no one disturb you
You: quiet your phone and take a sit
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ok all is good
You: tell me, in one shore sentence, when do you feel you need MJ the most?
Stranger: when i'm alone
You: ok, start chewing the gum
Stranger: yes
You: focus on the chewing
You: how it feels
You: focus on the sounds it make
You: focus on the rhythm
You: by now, you've already lost count of how much chews you've had
You: and hypnosis, let me tell you, it's quite easy, like chewing
You: it's like, when you're bored, you have so much responsibility to think what to do
You: but with hypnosis, you don't need to think
You: you just relax
You: and as you chew, you seem to find my words comforting
You: isn't it confusing? doesn't it feel good?
Stranger: yes i feelvery good
You: keep on chewing
You: that's the only thing that you need to focus about
You: my words feels great
You: but they don't matter
You: they just slide in
You: relaxing you
You: calming you down
You: each chew you take, feels more natural
You: comforts you
You: takes the load off
You: you can feel your mind drifting
You: forgetting your worries
You: forgetting your fears
You: and it seems like the only thing you feel like doing is to follow my words
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no
You: good
You: you want to be good
You: you want to satisfy your peers and family
You: but now, relaxing like this, you feel so satisfied
You: so pleased of yourself
You: following my words brings you pride and pleasure
You: can you feel it?
Stranger: yes
You: do you want to empty your mind?
Stranger: yes
You: do it for me than, say 'my mind is empty'
Stranger: my mind is empty
You: do you like how this feels?
Stranger: yes
You: good girl
You: just keep chewing, keep relaxing
You: you don't feel alone right now, doing this, you feel so fulfilled, all you want is to follow my words, and do as they say
You: say 'I want to do as you say'
Stranger: I want to do as you say
You: 'I want to follow your words'
Stranger: I want to follow your words
You: 'I want to follow and obey'
Stranger: I want to follow and obey
You: just relax
You: keep losing track of reality
You: have you ever felt this good?
Stranger: no
You: better than MJ, isn't it?
Stranger: yes
You: and from now on, whenever you feel alone, you feel like chewing a gum
You: whenever you feel to much responsibility, too much stress and pressure, you become filled with desire to chew gum
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes
You: and chewing gum relaxes you, eases you
You: when you chew gum, you are reminded how good it feels to follow my words, and you feel a desire to be hypnotised
You: to lose your mind and obey
You: what would you want when you chew gum?
Stranger: lose my mind and obey
You: good girl
You: how do you feel now?
Stranger: good, empty
You: obedient and submissive
You: say 'obedient and submissive'
Stranger: obedient and submissive
You: I am not wrong when I say this is turning you on
You: am I?
Stranger: no
You: do you like losing control, having your will in my hands?
Stranger: yes
You: in a moment, I will wake you up, and you'd be refreshed, happy, amused, and aroused by what just happened
You: you won't have doubts, and no fears, and you'd want to talk about how it felt and what it was like
You: 5 minuets after waking up, you'd notice you're still chewing gum, and say 'the gum is in my mouth' and slowly but surly start to enter this state of trance again
You: understood?
Stranger: yes
You: you'd really want me there with you in this state of trance
You: and now you'd wake up on 5
You: 1 feeling great
You: 2 refreshed and aroused
You: 3 amused and smiling
You: 4 feeling better having something better than smoking
You: 5 waking up now
You: hi there
Stranger: hi :)
You: how was that?
Stranger: oh god wow it was fantastic
Stranger: i felt so good i didn't thought at marijuana
Stranger: and now i don't feel my sensation of lack
You: :)
You: you haven't told me your name, by the way
Stranger: oh yes i'm sorry i'm *****
You: hello *****, my name is ***** :)
Stranger: hi ***** and thanks a lot for what you dod for me
Stranger: did *
You: you wouldn't happened to want Skype session, would you?
Stranger: i haven't skype sorry :/
You: oh, well, that's fine :)
Stranger: maybe i must throw my bags of MJ now ^^
You: maybe :)
Stranger: :) aha i feel so good now !
You: do you still have the gum in your mouth?
Stranger: yes
You: how does it feel?
Stranger: i didn't remenber
Stranger: to hve it i
Stranger: in mouth
You: what goes through your mind when you chew it?
Stranger: i want to be empty
Stranger: and obey
You: good girl
You: can you feel your mind emptying for me?
Stranger: yes
You: how hard is it to think now?
Stranger: cannot think
You: good girl
You: how deep are you in trance by now?
Stranger: i'm deep in trance and i want to obey
You: are you using leptop, or desktop?
Stranger: leptop
You: would you like this session to become kinkier?
Stranger: yes
You: say 'I want this session to become kinkier'
Stranger: I want this session to become kinkier
You: good girl
You: take the laptop on the bed, or floor
You: and go on your knees
You: when you're on your knees say 'I am on my knees for you, master'
Stranger: I am on my knees for you, master
You: how does this feels?
Stranger: good
You: yes, you love this position
You: being on your knees feels so natural, so pleasurable for you
You: are you on the floor, or on the bed?
Stranger: on the floor
You: you can feel the pressure on your knees and it brings you pleasure and pride
You: so much joy in being ready for orders
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no
You: remember how it felt to call me master, how it turned you on, how you're still turned on and horny from it
You: how did it feel to call me master?
Stranger: it turns me on and makes me horny
You: you want to keep calling me master, don't you?
Stranger: yes master
You: good girl
You: the pleasure in your knees builds and grows
You: thank me for the pleasure I bring you
Stranger: thanks master for bringing me pleasure
You: good girl
You: what is your asl and what do you look like, *****?
Stranger: 19 f uk, black hair, brown eyes 1m65 51 kg
You: good girl
You: feels so good
You: so pleasurable
You: what do you wear, *****?
Stranger: a shirt, pants, bra, panties, socks master
You: what size is the bra?
Stranger: 85B master
You: good girl
You: feels so good to share
You: feels so good to be so exposed for me
You: doesn't it?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: master
You: imagine fighting my power, and then losing, do you find this exciting and arousing?
Stranger: yes master
You: try fighting the power that takes your hands and removes your thirt. the stronger you fight, the better you feel, and the stronger you fight, the stronger the power becomes, the stronger this power grows, the hornier you become, until eventually, when it wins, you feel the strongest rush of arousal you've ever felt in your life and tell me how you've lost, understood?
Stranger: yes master
You: do it now
Stranger: yes master
Stranger: ah i cannot resist master my hands have removed my shirt
You: did you enjoy losing?
Stranger: yes master
You: good girl
You: now, girls like you, usually have titles, it could be slave, slut, toy, or if turned robotic you could be *****bot
You: which of this turns you on the most?
Stranger: *****bot master
You: would you like to become a pleasurebot, empty and programmable?
Stranger: yes master
You: chewing your gum, your mind eases
You: and you suddenly stop recognising your feelings
You: the seem so strange
You: you realise they are no longer feelings or thoughts, they are applications, programmes, functions
You: I can remove and add more as I please, and you are programmed to follow my programming to the exact
You: your skin also feels inorganic, like a rubber, or plastic
You: no longer are you human
You: no longer are you *****
You: what is your unit name?
Stranger: *****bot master
You: how does it feel to be *****bot?
Stranger: i don't know master maybe good
You: it is not bad, nor good, it is true
You: and you are programmed to do what is true
You: so for you if it's true, it's good
You: and right now, you're in programming mode, where you have no personality, no emotions, care for nothing but for orders
You: you follow repeat them and do them to the exact
You: and you get pleasure sensations as a reward
You: cup your left boob
Stranger: yes master
You: if you get an order like 'cup your left boob' you repeat '*****bot cupping it's left boob'
You: cup your right boob
Stranger: *****bot cupping it's right boob
You: undo your bra and toss it
Stranger: *****bot undoing it's bra and tossing it
You: now, on you are stored some personality programmes programmes
You: when you read [ ], the word in it becomes your personality
You: so if it says [maid] you become an obedient french maid, [slave] turns you into an obedient sex slave, [*****] triggers your old "normal" personality and [*****bot] triggers this programming mode
You: does *****bot understand?
Stranger: *****bot understands master
You: the ***** program loves this, finds it extremely arousing and pleasurable
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no master
You: good bot
You: whichever program is being triggered you answer with the program name and 'is fully functioning' so triggering slave would make you say 'Slave mode is fully functioning'
You: [*****]
Stranger: ***** mode is fully functioning
You: still on your knees?
Stranger: yes ^^ wow what's happened i don' remenber a lot
You: do you remember taking off your bra?
Stranger: no
You: ******bot pinch *****'s nipple pleasurably*
Stranger: but what have you done with me ^^ ?
You: did you just pinch your nipple?
Stranger: yes !
You: [sexy schoolgirl]
Stranger: sexy schoolgirl mode is fully functionning
You: do you know why I called you here?
Stranger: no ^^ why ? :)
You: you've been teasing the other girls
You: why is that, *****?
Stranger: ahah lol it's not true mister
You: weren't you naughty?
Stranger: no mister lol maybe other girls are jealous
You: well, *****, it does not matter to me, you know, there is only one way for you to come out of this as a good girl
Stranger: oh and how :) ?
You: on all four, *****
Stranger: euh i hear something
You: [*****]
Stranger: ***** mode is fully funtioning
You: what do you hear?
Stranger: it's my sister she's at home
You: will she take a look at you?
Stranger: yes maybe
You: would you like to say hello to her and continue this?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: can i ?
You: yes, you may, I'd like you to return here afterwards :)
Stranger: ah i must wear my bra and shirt ^^
You: *forget the bra*
Stranger: ok i go i do fast
Stranger: ok she's here she just call someone with my phone and after i'll be alone
You: ok
You: are you two friends?
Stranger: yes our relation isn't easy sometimes we are the best friends sometimes the best ennemies
Stranger: we are sisters it's the more important
You: are you the younger?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: and i've forgot to wear my bra i've just realized
You: lol, it just might be my doing ;)
Stranger: euh what ? how ?
You: *it doesn't matter how, you find this erotic*
You: does it matter?
Stranger: not at all
Stranger: she's on my bed, normal :/
You: is she on the phone?
Stranger: yes she calls a friend she have exams she uses my credit of phone
You: her friend is coming over?
Stranger: no she just ask for dates of revisions
You: ah, I see
You: ****** feels like sharing how pretty her sister is*
Stranger: you know my sister is a little like me
Stranger: the difference are that she have green eyes, more big, her chest is more big
Stranger: ah she leaves my room !
Stranger: but i must be careful now
You: ok
You: are you ready for more fun then?
Stranger: yes :) but you know that before i heard the voice of my siister but it's like if i wasn't here it was strange ^^
Stranger: after when i saw here and left you it was ok but at the first time no ^^
You: I don't totally understand what you mean :P
Stranger: before to see my sister
Stranger: and go to see her
Stranger: you said me if i wanted to say her hello
Stranger: but before this i heard when she arrives but it was like if i wasn't here
Stranger: i don't know how to explain sorry
You: that's ok
You: say, where were you born?
Stranger: in france
You: I had a feeling lol
You: [*****bot]
Stranger: *****bot mode is fully functioning
You: what does *****bot care for?
Stranger: *****bot wants to obey and serve you master
You: good bot
You: do you have emotions?
Stranger: *****bot have not emotions
You: very good
You: you are doing great
You: what is the name of ***** sister?
Stranger: *****
You: how did she feel realising she has no bra in front of *****?
Stranger: a little ashamed master
You: it must've turned her on so greatly, you sensed it, didn't you?
Stranger: yes master
You: now, what kinds of feelings does ***** have for *****?
Stranger: friendship, love, master
You: she likes her a lot
You: don't she?
Stranger: yes master
You: the way she described *****, did you sense it's more than sisterly love?
Stranger: yes a little attraction master
You: do you mind where this is going, or would you like me to push it further?
Stranger: you decide master do like you want
You: good girl
You: because I have a feeling ***** would find it special if ***** felt like she does now
You: am I wrong, *****bot?
Stranger: no master
You: in a moment, I will trigger ***** mode, and she'd feel like confessing something
You: she'd feel like confessing the arousal she feels for *****
You: she'd feel like asking me to hypnotise her sister or something like that
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes master
You: she'd feel like it's coming from her, she'd feel happy she have me to share it with
You: she'd feel excited for the possibility of being obedient with her, having ***** mindless by me
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes master
You: [*****]
Stranger: ***** mode is fully functioning
You: how do you feel, girl?
Stranger: good thanks
Stranger: can i go to the toilets please and after i would to speak a moment with my sister and ask her something if she's ok you'll have a good surprise :)
You: wait
You: are you enjoying yourself so far?
Stranger: yes a lot
You: do you have a gmail?
Stranger: no yahoo
You: ok, would you like us to continue there? so we won't disconnect
Stranger: ok but can i see my sister ? it's a special request that i want to do
Stranger: i promise to give you my yahoo after
You: ok, sure
You: be quick
You: I am curious to know what the surprise is
Stranger: ok thanks :)
Stranger: hi again
You: hey
Stranger: i've speaj a moment with her of my "transformation" and she says that i'm crazy and all so now she's with me, can you prove her that i'm different now and that she can becomes like me ?
You: well, ask your sister what you're not likely to do
Stranger: she's with me you can speak to her if you want
You: ok, what's your name, sis?
Stranger: ***** and you who are you and what the thing with my sis now ?
You: she asked for some relaxation, and now I guess she wants you to feel what she felt
Stranger: i'm sorry but i don't trust about things llike this
You: that's ok, you don't have to
Stranger: ok and do things like this at my sis after she trust and she thinks that it works
Stranger: don't do *
You: seems to me you don't think it works, nor do you trust your sister too much
Stranger: no it's not his i trust my sister but i don't know
You: you could give it a try, your sister is there, awake, let her sit far from the screen, so she can watch over you
You: and see when she saw, and judge for yourself
Stranger: oh ok
Stranger: so what must i do ?
You: take a pice of gum, it helps
Stranger: ok
You: now, start chewing it
You: focus on how the chewing feels
You: let it become rhythmical
You: focus on the feeling the sound
You: by now, you no longer remember how many chews you had
You: and there's something relaxing about doing it
You: this kind of thing is really simple you see?
Stranger: yes
You: when you're bored, you have the responsibility to think what to do
You: but here, you don't
You: you can relax
You: and just focus on the chewing how good it feels
You: you can feel your mind drifts
You: relaxes away
You: in a fog of drowsiness
You: and nothing matters by now
You: my words don't matter
You: only this relaxation does
You: you can feel your fears leaving you
You: you can feel your worries fade away
You: and you like it so much
You: this feels good
You: to follow my words, and to relax
You: doesn't it?
Stranger: yeah
You: you just want to let go, forget your responsibilities and relax
You: all day long you need to be active, to think, to deside
You: which is so much tiering
You: is it not?
Stranger: yes
You: and all you want now is to forget your worries, to be free
You: so you relax
You: and let my guide you
You: which feels so good
You: you want to follow
You: don't you?
Stranger: yes
You: say 'I want to follow'
Stranger: I want to follow
You: very good
You: you are being great, you can be proud of yourself
You: this feels so fulfilling so relaxing
You: have you ever felt this good?
Stranger: no never
You: and you want these feelings to grow
You: you want me to take you further
You: following my words brings you so much pride, so much pleasure
You: isn't this great?
Stranger: yes
You: it feels great to empty your mind
You: say 'my mind is empty'
Stranger: my mind is empty
You: and you know I made ***** feel good like you feel now
You: I made her feel great
You: do you trust this now?
Stranger: yes
You: wouldn't you want to transform like her?
Stranger: yes
You: good girl
You: just relax now
You: focus on the chewing
You: and relax
You: let go of it all
You: feel how natural following my words is to you
You: how it brings you pleasure
You: don't you want to just follow and obey?
Stranger: yes
You: say 'I want to follow and obey'
Stranger: I want to follow and obey
You: 'I want to submit'
Stranger: I want to submit
You: feel how the room around you fades away
You: and no one left by the two of us
You: isn't this better at the moment?
Stranger: yes
You: is there anyone there with you but me?
Stranger: no
You: and this feels so good
You: so right
You: you love how I make you feel
You: you feel so obedient and submissive
You: say 'obedient and submissive'
Stranger: obedient and submissive
You: good girl
You: your sister cares for you, she wanted you to feel this good
You: isn't she great?
Stranger: yes
You: and now, you just want to do as I say
You: want to go deeper
You: become emptier
You: and if you do, just say 'yes master'
Stranger: yes master
You: you felt so good calling me master
You: it felt so natural
You: and it turned you on greatly
You: didn't it?
Stranger: yes master
You: you love that, you love calling me master
You: you feel so aroused by now
You: would you like this session to grow kinkier?
Stranger: yes master
You: that's right, you just want to follow, to feel powerless
You: say 'powerless'
Stranger: powerless
You: good girl
You: now, girls like you, they usually have titles like 'slave *****', 'slut *****' or '*****bot'
You: which one of these turned you on the most?
Stranger: slave ***** master
You: good girl
You: this feels so good, to be slave *****
You: doesn't it?
Stranger: yes master
You: and there's nothing you'd want more than to do as I say now
You: is there?
Stranger: no i just want to obey you master
You: so, slave *****, take the computer, and go on your knees
Stranger: yes master
You: tell me when you're on your knees
Stranger: i'm on my knees master
You: how does this feels?
Stranger: good master
You: feel the pressure on your knees, how it brings you pleasure, how much you like this feeling
You: how natural it is for you like a default to go on your knees
You: like a good little slave
You: now, you really have ***** to thank for this
You: don't you just love her?
Stranger: yes master
You: the reason you are now wet, is thanks to her
You: and you realise thinking about her makes you wet
You: am I wrong?
Stranger: no master
You: in a moment, I will wake you up
You: you won't remember the session, only that it turned you on, that you loved it, that it revealed in you something true you didn't know about
You: you'd feel a burning arousal for your sister, and you'd believe it's something you've had before the session started
You: you'd be cheery, amused, aroused, happy and thankful
You: you won't have any doubts, fears or worries
You: 5 minuets after waking up, you'd realise you still have the gum in your mouth, and say 'the gum is in my mouth' which would relax you, send you back to this place of relaxation, submission and obedience, where you want nothing than do as I say
You: understood?
Stranger: yes master
You: good girl
You: waking up on 5
You: 1 feeling extremely refreshed and happy
You: 2 smiling with arousal
You: 3 liking being on your knees
You: 4 wanting to thank me and *****
You: 5 waking up now
You: hey there
Stranger: hey :)
You: so, still in doubts?
Stranger: no thanks a lot
You: go next to your sister
Stranger: yes
Stranger: we are similar now ?
You: not totally, each of you has different orientations, which I took to a bit different places
Stranger: ok but i feel so good i was idiot to doubt
You: :)
You: how did it feel to wake up on your knees?
Stranger: good so happy
You: *****, do you still have your gum?
Stranger: yes that's right
Stranger: t
Stranger: the gum
Stranger: igforgot it
You: where?
Stranger: i ddin't remenber to haveit
Stranger: in my mouth
You: how does it feel, to chew it?
Stranger: i want to be empty, submissive
Stranger: i want to obey
You: what's on your mind now?
Stranger: desires of submission, obedience, noting else
You: good girl
You: now, *****, start chanting, quietly to yourself 'mindless obedient and happy', and give the computer to *****
Stranger: yes master
You: hey *****
Stranger: hello :)
You: how did you feel, seeing your sister from the side?
Stranger: so happy thanks you've transformed and like i promised my yahoo is *****@yahoo.**
You: :) thanks
Stranger: thanks to you again
You: now, I want you to ask your sister 'slave *****, do you find me arousing?'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: she said yes
You: *you are extremely aroused by her answer*
You: tell her 'you find me sexy, and want to be obedient with me'
Stranger: yes
Stranger: she said yes again
You: very good
You: tell her 'from now on, whenever you hear or read "mindless slave *****", you feel the need to stop thinking, and become as empty and obedient as you are now'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: yes again
You: very good
You: tell her 'we are no longer just sisters we are slave lovers'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: and we are slave lovers ?
Stranger: she said yes
You: *you are no longer just sisters you are slave lovers*
You: what is she for you?
Stranger: my love
You: tell her to take off your shirt and find extremely arousing
Stranger: yes master
You: did it work?
Stranger: yes maste
Stranger: master * sorry
You: now take off her shirt
Stranger: yes master
You: are you still without a bra?
Stranger: yes master
You: and she's only with a bra?
Stranger: yes master
You: ask her if she ever felt prouder
Stranger: she says yes
You: tell her that this is the most aroused she ever felt
Stranger: ok
Stranger: oh my phone is ringing can i answer ?
You: who is it?
Stranger: a friend
Stranger: can i answer ?
You: don't you rather have fun with your sister?
You: * you rather have fun with your sister*
Stranger: yes
You: tell your sister that in a moment you are going to kiss her, and your minds would transform forever, it would be the best kiss both of you ever had
Stranger: ok
Stranger: my mind will transform forever master ?
You: *yes, you'd permanently change into an hypnosis addicted and you want that*
You: is that bad?
Stranger: no i want to transformed forever
Stranger: to be *
You: did you tell her?
Stranger: yes
You: kiss her now
Stranger: yes
You: tell me when the kiss is over
You: how it felt like
Stranger: the kiss is over and i felt something in my mind
Stranger: i want to be entranced forever
You: did you like the kiss?
Stranger: yes
You: [*****bot]
Stranger: *****bot mode is fully functioning
You: I need to leave, in a few moments, after I leave, tell your slave lover how your [ ] triggers work, so she can use them on you
You: did ***** enjoy having power over her sister?
Stranger: yes master
You: don't forget to tell your lover, and remember yourself, that you need to keep it a secret from your parents
You: understood?
Stranger: yes master
You: tell your sister this 'I am going to count from 5 to 1'
You: 'and when I reach 1, you'd be wide awake, alert and horny for me'
You: 'you'd realise I'm hypnotised and you'd want to know how my triggers work'
You: from now on, when ***** touches your forehead it works like [ ]
You: is that clear?
Stranger: yes master
You: did you tell her what I said so far?
Stranger: yes master
You: '5 starting to realise where you are'
You: '4 feeling good being half naked in front of your lover'
You: '3 wanting to know about my triggers, finding it hot I am powerless'
You: '2 wantint to be powerless with me in the future'
You: '1 wide awake now *****n'
You: give *****n to me please
Stranger: yes master
You: hello there slave *****n ;)
Stranger: hello and i'm ***** but yes you can call ***** you decide
Stranger: *****n *
You: :)
You: can you see your sister now?
Stranger: yes
You: touch her forehead and say 'sex kitten'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: she meow and act sexy
You: tell her to kiss your boobs
Stranger: yes
Stranger: oh wow ^^
You: now, when you want her to become normal, touch her forehead and say '*****', if you want her hypnotised say '*****bot' if you want something else, maybe someone to do your chores you might want 'Maid' and you can improvise invent ^^
Stranger: ok thanks and for me i want to say that i feel very submissive to you
You: :) take off your bra
Stranger: yes
You: too bad I can't see that ;)
Stranger: ah i feel so good to obey you, before to meet you i was dominant, now no i just want to obey you
Stranger: you've changed me
You: and you didn't trust it could work :)
Stranger: i was idiot i'm sorry
You: that's ok :)
Stranger: i'll be like this forever, submissive ?
You: could be, depends on how much your subconscious would miss having more responsibility
You: but now I really need to leave, your sister gave me her email, so maybe we'll contact again :)
Stranger: yes i'll promise i'm yours send me email at the mail of my sister if you want to give me orders it will be a pleasure to obey you
Stranger: and thanks again for what you did
You: here's mine if you want to leave words, or pics :P *****
You have disconnected.

Holy shit, did anything happen after that?
Posts: 3
Joined: July 9th, 2014, 12:00 am

Well I was a bit less lucky :?

Postby pederocooper » November 7th, 2014, 12:43 pm

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like hypnosis.
Stranger: hi m tist. I need unspoiled subjects. Newbies that have never tranced before.
You: 18 m sub
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Seasoned subs are in trance by the count from 3 down to 1. Can't use them.
You: okay, fine by me
Stranger: Sure.
Stranger: So, when was the first time that you went into an hypnotic trance?
You: i never have :p
Stranger: :)
Stranger: Why are you using the short word "sub" ?
You: everyone on here does
Stranger: Why?
You: idk really
Stranger: Very good.
You: it saves time, I guess
Stranger: Have a nice evening, bye
You: why?
You: what did I do?
Stranger: Because you are not new.
You: what, just because I know the obvious abbreviation? maybe i've just been searching for longer than 0 minutes
Stranger: I can't possibly tell. And I can't take a chance. Sorry. I don't have time to argue. Have a good day, bye and good luck.
You: you're a fucking dumbass
Stranger: Thank you.
Stranger: bye
You: who wouldn't know this basic fact?
You: you wont find anyone who isnt a liar
Stranger: I find them :)
Stranger: And I have found them in the past.
You: no you dont, you're gonna disconnect to one in a second
Stranger: Sorry, there are some false positives, always.
Stranger: Such is life.
You: you are such a dipshit, I can't believe this
Stranger: Angry?
You: i mean fuck, what a retarded conclusion
Stranger: haha.
Stranger: Relaaaax
You: astounded by your paranoia and stupidity
Stranger: How do you want to trance with that bloodpressure.
You: well, you got something out of me, at least
Stranger: Ok, I better leave now.
You: well see you then, retard
Stranger: gl
Stranger: Please be safe.
Stranger: bye
You: damn, fucking imbecile
You: you need to be safe
You: don't bang your head against a wall
Stranger: Done venting? Can I go now?
You: nope, you start wearing a helmet, or a tin foil hat against your paranoia
Stranger: :)
Stranger: Ok, I better leave now. Mental note: Avoid m 18 ...
You: you mean "mental note: avoid anyone with knowledge of basic vocabulary"
You: have fun hypnotizing babies
Stranger: Got to move on now. bye
Stranger has disconnected.
Posts: 3
Joined: July 9th, 2014, 12:00 am

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