Enchanted Keyboard revised

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

Moderator: EMG

Enchanted Keyboard revised

Postby FantasyRevan » October 18th, 2014, 11:25 pm

I listened to EMG's enchanted Keyboard hypnosis and found it to be a cool idea, and have continued listening but using the one Calimore uploaded with binaurals, however i have a short attention span. I don't know if it's even possible or would work, but i think a subliminal version would be cool, maybe not one stand alone, but one you could listen to while doing other stuff or when not listening to the original files, so that it reinforces them and makes them more effective. Anyway that's just my opinion, if it were possible to do that i think someone would already have made one, but even so im just putting it out there as an idea incase EMG or Calimore read this and would like an idea for there next file.
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Joined: May 6th, 2013, 12:00 am

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