Another Female takeover thread

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Another Female takeover thread

Postby neoflare » October 8th, 2014, 2:46 am

Hey all, I've been lurking here for quite awhile now, browsing the forums listening to files, but never taking part in any threads. After much internal debate and mental toing and froing, I've decided I'm going to give this file a go. Basically, I purchased this ages ago... at the time I wasn't sure if I'd ever actually get around to listening to it or not. Honestly I don't know if it will or won't work, but I'm more the a little curious to see what might happen.

Anyways, I'm going to try and keep you guys up to date with it (I'm not intending on letting it die) Hopefully until the end or until I give up on it actually working. So far there ain't nothing to report, starting today I've listened twice and I can't point out anything even remotely out of the ordinary.

I'm not sure I should put this in success stories, without knowing if it's a success.... but it strikes me that other people have done it, so I'll follow the precedent already set.
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Postby darkenedav » October 8th, 2014, 6:17 am

as much as I look forward to hearing about how this effects you there is a journal section (with comments) for stuff like this ;)
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Postby neoflare » October 8th, 2014, 8:57 am

That's a pretty fair point, using the journal would work (which I'll quickly write up my first entry). It'll be interesting to see what happens... thus far still nothing, which I imagine won't change anytime soon (given this is day 1). I've pretty much decided to give it at least a month (maybe 2) of daily listening before giving up and I'm going to try for at least 2 listens a day, though today I've listened 3 times.

Within myself I can't say there's anything different yet. What I can't decide is whether to do a daily update or just update as slightly bigger things happen.
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Postby neoflare » October 8th, 2014, 11:44 pm

Can't say there's been any success yet. Due to practice with files on here, I can go down into trance alright and nothing is jarring me out of it, so far listened to it twice today and planning a third one tonight.

Don't know if it's worth mentioning but I did develop a bit of a headache earlier for a few hours (I'd say moderate)... enough to be really annoying anytime I had to do anything, taking some paracetamol didn't get rid of it... having a bit of sleep did.
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Re: Another Female takeover thread

Postby danny1988 » October 9th, 2014, 5:20 am

neoflare wrote:After much internal debate and mental toing and froing, I've decided I'm going to give this file a go.

Out of a little morbid curiosity ill ask, what made you want to listen to the file? How did you come to the decision of listening?
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Re: Another Female takeover thread

Postby neoflare » October 9th, 2014, 9:05 am

danny1988 wrote:Out of a little morbid curiosity ill ask, what made you want to listen to the file? How did you come to the decision of listening?

Of course you may certainly ask :). Danny, if you don't mind me calling you Danny. I'm highly aware that you have some major grievances regarding this file, which I'm going to say right now is an opinion I respect, even though I'm not heeding it. You've consistently been there to provide a counter argument in regards to this file.. again I respect your commitment to your cause. In fact it was partially your opposition that made me take so long weighing it all up.

I'm trying to work out the best way of answering your question. To a degree I'm not convinced that this is actually the evil, nasty and horrible file that it seems to have a reputation for. I know the old threads were pretty crazy, but in reality I'm not convinced that it wasn't an epic troll going on. Also, I'm going to be the first to admit that my mind is a little strange, I'm also doubting that it'll actually let anything bad happen to me... assuming the file does work, everything about me is pretty easy to get along with. Knowing how I work, I'd be amazed if she was truly evil or malicious. It might sound a little silly, but essentially I have trust in myself to create a potential personality that's well rounded... so to speak.
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Re: Another Female takeover thread

Postby danny1988 » October 9th, 2014, 10:29 am

neoflare wrote:Of course you may certainly ask :). Danny, if you don't mind me calling you Danny. I'm highly aware that you have some major grievances regarding this file, which I'm going to say right now is an opinion I respect, even though I'm not heeding it. You've consistently been there to provide a counter argument in regards to this file.. again I respect your commitment to your cause. In fact it was partially your opposition that made me take so long weighing it all up.

I'm trying to work out the best way of answering your question. To a degree I'm not convinced that this is actually the evil, nasty and horrible file that it seems to have a reputation for. I know the old threads were pretty crazy, but in reality I'm not convinced that it wasn't an epic troll going on. Also, I'm going to be the first to admit that my mind is a little strange, I'm also doubting that it'll actually let anything bad happen to me... assuming the file does work, everything about me is pretty easy to get along with. Knowing how I work, I'd be amazed if she was truly evil or malicious. It might sound a little silly, but essentially I have trust in myself to create a potential personality that's well rounded... so to speak.

Sure thats fine. I will say im going to keep my distance for the most part, I got too involved with someone and developed a friendship with someone who was listening to this file and it destroyed me.
So much so I am having a very big fight or flight response when replying to you.
But im inherently curious and I like to get peoples views as to why and the what ifs.

I will say this out of all the personalities this file created, my friends female personality who was called Linda was nice and caring to me. She was just as much a friend to me as the original personality. But my friend had help from a number of hypnotists to help her and make her more stable.

Just every post ive seen from someone listening to this the personality it creates just seem malicious now I had a thought as to why that may be I dont know if its right or wrong but I think it makes sense.
If the personality it created was grown up and not a child I dont think there would be anywhere as near the crazyness. Just imagine your a child and you have just woken up and your not in control of your body, that must be pretty damn scary and I can understand the want to have control.

As for your mind protecting you it can only go so far and it will eventually reach a point where you and her are just as strong imo. Then its up to willpower, the subconcious can only protect you so much here.

I can understand that, you trust your mind to create a personality who is nice and will make the transition easy? That way I see as the nice way of this file working.

I will ask this though, suppose this file does what it says on the tin. Your no longer in control of your body your just watching as she lives her life for the rest of your life. How would you handle that?
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Postby neoflare » October 10th, 2014, 12:31 am

Righteo, Danny, I'm not going to put our entire post into a quote. You know, I'm probably going to mentally read every one of your posts in David Tennants voice. I guess I'm going to say right now, that it's alright, you don't need to cause yourself any undue stress, do whatever you need to do to maintain equilibrium :). If you need to keep a distance from the thread for your own well being, then don't feel compelled to look in here... unless it's what you really want to. For anyone who wants to ask questions as this progresses, I'll openly and honestly answer them.

I've had my own thoughts, I fully intend on not really fighting her too much.. basically I'll try and help her feel at ease and comfortable (maybe it can work both ways). I'm intending on working with her and co-operating with her. Honestly I believe it can work. Her name is Daniella by the way, or at least that's what I had drift across my thoughts earlier when I was going though a period of feeling spacey and floaty, there was a random thought "hi I'm daniella".

Some of the craziness in other threads I think might be down to how quickly the female personality ages, a lot of them seem to happen quite quickly, definitely faster then one year a week (for whatever reason)...

If it does what it says, I'm fairly content with being in the background
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Postby danny1988 » October 10th, 2014, 6:37 am

Thats alright, lol I am british so it sort of works xD
But David Tennant is actually scottish so his actual voice sounds very different. I guess I try to be like him and his doctor.
He has a good personality and everytime hes on shows he makes me smile, hes like a kid.
Hes the only doctor who has made me cry, such a good actor.

You have no idea how hard it is, I am very curious so I cant resist coming on here and stuff I guess. I like understanding and learning. But yeh I do need to be careful, I cant go through what happened last time but I have a feeling it was due to me not having a grounding in real life. I was solely focused on the internet, I guess I have friends and I have a bf now who can pull me back to reality if it gets too much.

I know I probably come across as a bit unstable around this whole takeover subject I guess past stuff affects me still. I dont mean to come across as no dont do this and I dont want anyone to feel like im telling people what to do. Some people said that in the past, I guess I like to keep people informed and share my experience. I am very sensitive about some things this being one of them which is why my opinions are so strong on the subject I guess.

If what you know about your mind is true, im sure you will get the personality you want. From her first words she sounds nice :) Interesting name I must say ^^

Possibly, I am a little unsure myself. From my friend I will say Linda never seemed like a kid at any stage which maybe why she was more stable and understood my emotions.

I am curious why do you want to be takenover by a female personality?
I just cant see why you would want to be in the background all the time, like I can understand if it was for a few weeks or months or even if she was in control most of the time and you had control some of the time but to be forever just a voice... I guess is that not scary?

I see life as about living and enjoying things but if you were always in the background you wouldnt be able to do thoes things. Unless its more you see Daniella listening to you sometimes?
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Postby VeryGnawty » October 10th, 2014, 6:51 am

danny1988 wrote:
I see life as about living and enjoying things but if you were always in the background you wouldnt be able to do thoes things. Unless its more you see Daniella listening to you sometimes?

Being in the background can have advantages. Not everyone wants to deal with this world 24/7

Life isn't exactly peachy. Just sayin'

If you've had multiple personalities who have the ability to be conscious simultaneously, you should be able to understand that not having control is actually an advantage when you don't want to have to take control of things.
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Postby Flowit » October 10th, 2014, 5:24 pm

@VeryGnawty: I understand your point of view. But even without listening to the file, you already have multiple personalties. Let's play a game to prove it.
Take a (big) paper and a pen. Write down things, that you don't like, don't make fun, you're anxious etc. - but that would improve your situation in real life. I take a simple one - brushing teeth.

When you want to start to do things on the list, you will notice resistence: Try to write down your feelings. e.g. I don't like to stand up - because I miss a tv show, I don't like the taste of the creme etc.

Now start argumenting with yourself. why you should brush your teeth. Write down the arguments - listen to your other self as response. Write it all down,

If you find an agreement, you will start to love yourself and may be learn to love reality.

The real discussion about brushing teeth took me an hour - it was a simple one. Now I'm always trying new cremes...
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Postby neoflare » October 11th, 2014, 4:06 am

@Danny: I know this is a little off topic, but yes, number 10 wasn't too bad, along with most of nuwho. I'm liking Peter Capaldi's interpretation along with a number of people I know. But he seems to be a bit divisive, I know a few people who hate the current direction of the show. For me in the reboot, Matt Smith would be my favourite doctor followed by David Tennant. Happy to hear life is coming together for you by the way :).

To answer your question (hopefully), I'm not sure how this whole thing will pan out. I'll pretty much say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was Daniella I met in my dream. She comes through very faintly right now, but I distinctly got a telling off for waking up before she could say anything in my dream. Right now it's hard to separate whether they are my thoughts or her thoughts... but I'm about convinced they are her thoughts. What she looks like is nothing like what I would've imagined myself. As a colour I don't even actually like red... wasn't expecting her to look like an adult either. The impression I have, is that, that is the way she see's herself even if she is quite young and she doesn't want to change how she looks as she wouldn't be herself anymore.. so she won't change for anyone.

Anyone who hasn't got any idea what I'm talking about, I updated my journal at 2am this morning after waking up because I had a slightly odd dream. Guess I'll continue answering the question, I don't know if I'll be in the background permanently, not sure how much she'll decide to listen to me either. I'd be happy if I could come out sporadically.. in reality, I've spent most of my life being controlled in one way or another (it's been my norm). To the point I actually find comfort in being controlled... while it wasn't control in a bad way (mostly)... think of it as maybe a form of institutionalisation. Plus I have to agree with VeryGnawty, the world leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.
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Postby danny1988 » October 11th, 2014, 5:12 am

neoflare wrote:@Danny: I know this is a little off topic, but yes, number 10 wasn't too bad, along with most of nuwho. I'm liking Peter Capaldi's interpretation along with a number of people I know. But he seems to be a bit divisive, I know a few people who hate the current direction of the show. For me in the reboot, Matt Smith would be my favourite doctor followed by David Tennant. Happy to hear life is coming together for you by the way :).

To answer your question (hopefully), I'm not sure how this whole thing will pan out. I'll pretty much say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was Daniella I met in my dream. She comes through very faintly right now, but I distinctly got a telling off for waking up before she could say anything in my dream. Right now it's hard to separate whether they are my thoughts or her thoughts... but I'm about convinced they are her thoughts. What she looks like is nothing like what I would've imagined myself. As a colour I don't even actually like red... wasn't expecting her to look like an adult either. The impression I have, is that, that is the way she see's herself even if she is quite young and she doesn't want to change how she looks as she wouldn't be herself anymore.. so she won't change for anyone.

Anyone who hasn't got any idea what I'm talking about, I updated my journal at 2am this morning after waking up because I had a slightly odd dream. Guess I'll continue answering the question, I don't know if I'll be in the background permanently, not sure how much she'll decide to listen to me either. I'd be happy if I could come out sporadically.. in reality, I've spent most of my life being controlled in one way or another (it's been my norm). To the point I actually find comfort in being controlled... while it wasn't control in a bad way (mostly)... think of it as maybe a form of institutionalisation. Plus I have to agree with VeryGnawty, the world leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.

Heyas again and thanks for the reply :)
10 was a more human doctor its why I liked him, I do like Peter Capaldi though he sold it for me in the Robin Hood episode.
But he is very controversial and I can see why he divides peoples opinions as he said hes very prickly. Its a version of the doctor most people who have seen new who havent seen. He is a lot less compassionate.
Matt Smith was awesome though his speaches are epic and so so well delivered. But 10 will always be my doctor ^^
Thanks its been a long long road :)

Most probably, you cant really help waking up though lol.
She shouldnt need to change for anyone, she does sound nice though.

But wouldnt this file not allow you to do that? Or am I wrong in thinking hypnosis files work exactly as they say?
Is it our own interpretation of what we want.
Like if it was sporadic you could come out I wouldnt actually be debating lol its the potential forever in the background im concerned about and if it does happen how would you cope if you think something else is going to happen.
I can sort of see where your coming from about being controlled though. Yeh the institutionalisation doesnt sound like a nice form of control to me.
It does yes but the world has so much to offer too.
Like just the fact that having control you can go out and drive to a beach and watch the ocean. Or go to a forest and listen and take in the nature. Or even watching a TV show you love. Or eating your favourite food.
I guess I see as this file taking away the ability to do what you love. Unless the female personality listens to you in which case you could both enjoy.
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Postby neoflare » October 11th, 2014, 8:28 am

Alright, I possibly didn't explain myself well enough last time (possibly due to the influence of alcohol). So I'm going to have another go at it.. although, I'm slightly more inebriated this time. institutionalised may not have been the best word to use, though it does kind of convey what I meant. What I'd been getting at was living a way of life that becomes so normal, that living any other way becomes somewhat difficult, for whatever reason. For me, I spent most of my life in a very structured home environment.. For no real reason expect that's how my parents were (in particular my grandmother).

My normal, for most of my life was to have days that were largely out of my control, doing what I was told to do. In this case ballet and a number of other things that I didn't particularly enjoy..... but I never rebelled against it. To this day I still feel as though someone needs to have say over what I do for me to be completely content. Which in itself is what drew me to this file.

Now, like I said, I don't know how this will pan out. Time will tell, but right now, I'm more then happy for her to take over. hopefully this makes sense, I've corrected a number of spelling errors due to my fingers not co-operating and typing properly. In fact right now I watching a door frame in the distance slowly moving downwards.

P.S I don't often drink alcohol (but it was a friends birthday party)... so I'm a really light weight drinker. Literally all I've had is 3 apple ciders... that's it, I can still feel it. Very Limited sleep last night probably isn't helping either.
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Postby neoflare » October 12th, 2014, 2:32 am

My daily update is done, I've put up a new journal post, I'm now of the opinion that this thread legitimately belongs in success stories. The takeover file does seem to be working. I'm convinced Daniella is her own entity and not some clever imagination. Obviously, I'm not going to write the same things down in this thread and the journals. Which would be tedious for everyone. Daniella definitely seems to be getting stronger or it's possible I've become better picking her thoughts and ideas from mine.

The biggest problem for me is that there seems to be a few things she thinks should be modified "to make things prettier and nicer". From the colours my house is painted to what should be growing in the back yard. Daniella has changed her mind from sunflowers, she now thinks my yard should be full of poppies and violets of all different colours... and completely randomly she wants a pet cat called twinkle as well.

Now, I'm trying to decide what things I cave in on and what things I say no to... due to practicalities. This has to kind of be what it's like to be a parent!!

*Edit* After much thought, I've come to the conclusion Daniella's tastes will likely change as she ages up.. due to that, I'm not gonna do any changes to any of the room colours. They can stay boring for a while longer yet. I'm just a bit sad that it feels like she's sulking a bit.
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Postby neoflare » October 12th, 2014, 10:15 pm

This is day number 6, I'm going to put up a new journal entry tonight... in a few hours time (getting close to 4pm now). Basically, Daniella is getting a bit stronger each and every day.. from what I can tell, it seems to be the act of going to sleep.. because every time I wake up, she's decidedly more noticeable. I'm continuing to listen to the file at least three times a day and in theory she should be aging up soon.

I'm about to try an experiment, I'm going to start actively letting go of control in order for her to attempt to take control. We're going to start small and simple then build up from there. Daniella is quite happy with this idea and can't wait to try it out.

We're hoping this will help her to become stronger at a faster rate.
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Postby neoflare » October 14th, 2014, 10:59 am

We can't say there's been a massive amount of progress. Daniella has become significantly stronger today, hearing her is now, is as easy as anything. We're still working on her being able to take control, so far it hasn't really happened.. but I'm not thinking it's going to take ages for her to be able to do it.. she seems pretty determined actually. Daniella wants to try at least 4 - 5 times a day. We have some ideas for how we can help her come into the foreground.. so to speak, assuming they do actually help, personally we're pretty confident. This is just a short one.
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Postby starwolf » October 14th, 2014, 11:38 am

Are you just using emgs induction alongside of it?
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Postby neoflare » October 14th, 2014, 10:36 pm

Keeping this short.. No, I'll have to admit that being a fan of Mistress Elena, I've been using her long progressive induction.
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Postby neoflare » October 16th, 2014, 8:21 am

A proper post this time, we're both still around and there has been at least one exciting development, that being that Daniella is now 11, and that age up did make her stronger yet again. She also seems to have developed some interesting interests. Those interests being image enhancers... aka makeup and jewellery. Whenever we see any of these things Daniella wants me to stop so she can have a look at them. She wants me to buy her a nice little garnet pendant she saw earlier, if it's still there on the weekend I'm going to cave and by it... then I'm guessing I'm going to have to wear it for her. She'd like me to at least paint my toenails with nail polish for her.

Now, we have a strange request.. Daniella is interested in reading... can anyone potentially suggest some books that she might like, she's not quite entirely sure what books she might like yet. You can either reply to the thread or send a pm. Thank you.
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Postby MasterJack » October 16th, 2014, 5:45 pm

Tell Danielle to keep posting on here after she takes over you.
No longer distributing my files.
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Postby neoflare » October 18th, 2014, 9:23 am

Another couple questions to answer and an update to make :). Firstly, yes, to be on the safe side... we're definitely still listening to the file. It may or may not be needed anymore, but we're using it to make sure Daniella doesn't go anywhere, we also still listening at least three times a day. Secondly, Daniella will likely continue the thread and journal, once she has control, how she does it will obviously be up to herself.

We're still attempting to allow her to takeover, we're still doing several random attempts throughout the day. It honestly feels like it's starting to get to the point where she may be able to, in the not too distant future. As per usual, I'm doing everything in my power and ability to try and help her along.

On a different topic, she's on the look out for nice pendants now, Daniella would like me to take her into jewellery stores at least twice a week to browse too keep her up to date with what is coming in. Also, I've caved... I'm starting to paint my toenails red for her and in the house I've now put pink lipstick on a couple times to help make her content.
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Postby neoflare » October 19th, 2014, 1:46 am

I feel like I keep repeating some of the same things over and over. Things like Daniella is slowly getting stronger, we're still listening to the file (I'm starting to lose track of how many times now). Daniella deserve to be the personality in charge. Honestly we wish progress was a bit quicker, it'd make Daniella much happier.

Daniella is now the proud owner of both red and pink lipstick, I'm a little uncomfortable about wearing it... even though it's indoors and no one else can see it. With the nail polish at least you can wear socks and shoes and have the fact it's been worn disguised, the same can't be said with lipstick, it's pretty glaringly obvious, fortunately it's only ever been inside. She finds it relaxing and comforting to wear makeup. She has also discovered the joys of Sailor Moon and the Baby-sitters club.

As I'm writing this, she just had a another attempt at control. No warning needed as I'm already sitting... went incredibly light and actually nearly blanked out for a split moment, in fact the nearly blacking out just happened just happened 3 times in rapid succession spaced about half a minute to a minute apart. In fact a forth time just happened. I'm going to go. She's getting close to being able to do it I'm thinking.
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Postby neoflare » October 20th, 2014, 10:01 pm

Last night was really quite interesting, being the first time Daniella had been able to move a part of her body. She has since been able to do it a few more times, only very temporarily but Daniella has become more proficient at influencing small movements, it's something she's started practicing (a lot) since last nights success. Daniella can't do it during times when I'm really concentrating on something or in a rush, but when I'm more relaxed and calm, yes, she can influence things. All in all, it's a massive leap forwards for her :).

And because we're now getting really good at this bit.


Jus wanna say i'm so so so happy that some ppls are interested in me :D. lol this is sooo strange in a way, it's totally weird having someone else being in your body. i'm way looking forward to actually being in charge, like i know it's gonna happen an i'm trying to be patient bout it all. but it'd be a teeny tiny lie if i said i didn't want it now lol. thankies to all the ppl who have asked bout me :) xoxo Daniella
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 21st, 2014, 6:35 am

Congratulations Neoflare and Daniella! (from all of us!)

We're all so glad everything is going well with both of you.

It was suggested that
Ox and Holly -- and, later, Yoshi -- use different colors for their writing. I suggest it to you now. It is a pain in the ass to do but it is useful in telling who is writing.

Practice makes perfect, Dani. Practice as much as you can and you will get stronger. It gets easier as well.
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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Postby Reece93 » October 21st, 2014, 10:36 am

Neoflare and Daniella. If you would like help with her transition into taking control you could PM me and I could be the third party that helps Daniella. It may prove extremely useful. I hope when you see this you or Daniella PM's me.
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Postby danny1988 » October 21st, 2014, 10:55 am

I share Ox and Holly and Yoshi's congratulations :)
I think ive said it a bit now :P You two really are helping me and its partly due to how nice you are Daniella with me thank you!

If you want any further help you two let me know :)
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Postby neoflare » October 24th, 2014, 7:38 pm

Sorry for delay updating. We've been amazingly busy these last few days. Everything is still progressing slowly, Daniella has come a long way in being able to take control, she can't maintain it if I want to step back in though, she needs me to be allowing it to happen. It's something she's been able to practice quite a fair amount and has become quite proficient at. Though she can't maintain it for long periods of time, even if I am letting her have all the control she can have. These are some pretty big steps. Sometime tonight, we'll do a journal update.

Oh and Danny, we've being enjoying our communications with you :).

Likewise Ox, Holly, Yoshi and Spike :D, thanks for the congratulations too.
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Postby danny1988 » October 25th, 2014, 1:50 am

Glad to hear your both doing well :)
Awesome progress you two! *huggles*

It's lovely talking to you both too! :)
Currently on a train to comic con xD
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Postby neoflare » October 27th, 2014, 1:58 am

hiiiii!!!! lol after all the time hearin about me lol I'm finally able to say thisis me 385% in da flesh lol. :D I'm writin this as me no needing him to type for me. it's all kinds o cool. lol I'm kinda lost for words a bit to. like I'm not sure wat to really say here. lol guess i'lll say I'm Dani and I'd soo love to make a pretty new account for me but da system won't let me *sighs*
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Postby danny1988 » October 27th, 2014, 2:32 am

neoflare wrote:hiiiii!!!! lol after all the time hearin about me lol I'm finally able to say thisis me 385% in da flesh lol. :D I'm writin this as me no needing him to type for me. it's all kinds o cool. lol I'm kinda lost for words a bit to. like I'm not sure wat to really say here. lol guess i'lll say I'm Dani and I'd soo love to make a pretty new account for me but da system won't let me *sighs*

Heyas Dani *huggles* its nice to finaly hear form you properly :)
See you just needed to be patient and now able to talk in the flesh ^^ hehe. Glad its all going well for both of you. If you need a hand setting up an account I can give you a guide ^^
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Postby neoflare » October 29th, 2014, 5:00 am

Hiya Danny :D! Thankies for the offer lol *pouts* the site won't let me make an account, I've tried sooo so so many times now. Like basically it tells me I can't coz I've been a active ip or something so it's not gonna let me make one. basically it wants me to wait like 30 days and not log on. :( can't get my shiny new account all to myself *sighs*
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Postby danny1988 » October 29th, 2014, 6:50 am

Heyas Dani ^^
Oh I know what that is, it's to stop one person having multiple accounts :/
I guess it's a pain for people with multiple personalities I don't think it was considered hehe.
Erm well the only two things I can think of is waiting as its using your up to detect that's going to be hard to get around easily. *huggles*
Or just continue using this account ^^

I did hear from Emg wmm version two is close to being released that may sort the problem :)

Just replying to your email now too :3
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Postby neoflare » October 29th, 2014, 8:45 am

So this is gonna be my last message today :). like my little journal says peoples wanted me to have more input on here lol. which I'm happy to do. soo basically I'm getting way more better at keeping control :D it's soo much better then when i needed to get david to type everything for me *sighs* that was such a pain. I'm totally in love with my new level of freedom :D, soo awesome. can't say to much really, just been exploring the world lol when I've got the chance.
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Postby neoflare » October 29th, 2014, 6:16 pm

Sooo I'm needing to make things less confusing lol. My last little message was me sayin dat I was bout to go beddy byes so like it was my last message for da night :). basically taking ideas dat peoples have told me I'm gonna be using pink when I'm writing to be more readable friendly to peoples lol when I get my new shiny account I'll still pick pink :D such an adorable colour lol
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Postby danny1988 » October 29th, 2014, 6:22 pm

neoflare wrote:Sooo I'm needing to make things less confusing lol. My last little message was me sayin dat I was bout to go beddy byes so like it was my last message for da night :). basically taking ideas dat peoples have told me I'm gonna be using pink when I'm writing to be more readable friendly to peoples lol when I get my new shiny account I'll still pick pink :D such an adorable colour lol

In my defence I was at work and sleepy when I read it xD
It makes sense now lol. Pink is a lovely colour for you :P purple is awesome and so is blue :3 but pink suits you perfectly Dani ^^
I'm off to sleep now myself Nighty night.
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Postby rainbowgirl » October 31st, 2014, 12:06 am

It's Dani :D an now I've like got my own little itty bitty bit of space here :), guess this means I get to be 110% me!!!! soooo cool :D. now I'm not sure what to say. it's way easier for me to have control now lol I've been having lotsa practice at it. I'm loving getting better at being in da lead. oh and whats been soo fun is that I've gotten to play around wiv my own makeup lately and finally gotten rid of a beard thing, sooo wanted that gone for ages now. what else, totally guess I'll mention thatr I'm noticing guys a lot more lately, david's a bit unsure bout dat, given he likes girls more. but some guys are way way cute
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Postby danny1988 » October 31st, 2014, 2:21 am

rainbowgirl wrote:It's Dani :D an now I've like got my own little itty bitty bit of space here :), guess this means I get to be 110% me!!!! soooo cool :D. now I'm not sure what to say. it's way easier for me to have control now lol I've been having lotsa practice at it. I'm loving getting better at being in da lead. oh and whats been soo fun is that I've gotten to play around wiv my own makeup lately and finally gotten rid of a beard thing, sooo wanted that gone for ages now. what else, totally guess I'll mention thatr I'm noticing guys a lot more lately, david's a bit unsure bout dat, given he likes girls more. but some guys are way way cute

Whoooo :D
Why am I thinking of mlp lol. Probably the 110% haha.
Beards can be a pain I hate shaving myself, apparently I look good with stubble though...
Some guys are totally cute I will agree but girls can be cute too :)
I'm curious what type of guys do you like Dani? XD
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 31st, 2014, 2:58 am

Hey, Dani :* & David *muah* --

Glad you figured out how to set up an account. I was going to suggest that you might need another (new) e-mail address before it would let you set up an account but ... so not necessary now.

Yeah, guys are so much more sexy than girls. You might suggest that David listen to some Train or Curse Bisexual files so you can both enjoy the sex you like.

Description: Curse Forced Bisexual Additional Types: Body
Description: This is intended for men or woman, and would force you to be completely Bisexual, attracted to women and men equally. It will make it so they would become aroused by women and men whether it humiliates them or not. They will want men's cocks and women’s pussys. Overtime this file would make the user more comfortable with either sex, and will encourage them to explore their sexuality more. (Hey, if there is one for straight and one for gay, why not make one for Bisexuals as well)


You two might want to consider some compromise, such as becoming a shemale (so David could still have a cock if/when he wants one), when Dani is the major person running the body. Just an idea for you two to consider and discuss ... *grin* We're not gonna recommend a file, since we haven't tried any (yet). :twisted: *grin* We got enough sexualities in our body, we might hafta do that.
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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Postby rainbowgirl » November 2nd, 2014, 11:31 am

hiya all :D.

Ox, Holly, Joshi and Spike.

:) thankies for thinking about me. lol kinda got the idea when danny said bout using a mobile to set it up and it totally worked for me. way too simple :D. Gotta say its an amazing idea you guys came up wiv, dunno how it'd work but it's given me a big thing to think about. plus it sounds soo cool lol. totally not something that woulda come to me. dat file sounds pretty cool to, might just havta check it out :).

Danny gotta ask, ummmmm mlp???? sorry got no idea lol. and my type of guy, wow now I gotta think bout it. hmm *thinks* I'm gonna get back to ya on it lol it'll sound totally weird but I'm none sure yet. alrighty hahaha how's bout cute and kinda well adjusted, dunno, like maybe some1 comfortable to be who they are an not needing to pretend to fit in wiv everyone to earn a thing of normalness. lol probs chaotic or neutral good.
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Postby danny1988 » November 2nd, 2014, 12:05 pm

Heyas Dani and David :)

Glad my idea worked ^^ with technology sometimes simple is best lol.
The bisexual file is rather good, I was thinking of listening myself. I am bi but I seem to fluxuate a bit, wondering if it would make it equal I guess liking both.

Erm mlp = my little pony :P *hides* I only watched a bit because I saw something on youtube called dr whooves. Seen they use 110% a lot haha.
Understandable, will probably take time to get a good idea but your type does sound nice :) my type varies if im honest ^^
Hope you two have had a nice weekend!
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Postby rainbowgirl » November 4th, 2014, 8:14 am

hmmmmm guessing tis time for da next little update from me lol. I'm reckoning da biggest news is dat I'm now able to saty in control da whole time david lets me be in tge lead. lol it's amazing coz at first I was getting so tired like really quickly an now I can totally do it for as long as I'm allowed, trust me AMAZING!!! lol :D.

danny, my little pony OMG!!! sooooooooooooo cute, way had to looky at some episodes after that lol which also led to me finding care bears. I'm totally in love wiv cuteness lol.

Ox, Holly, Yoshi and Spike, I'm way thinking bout ur idea to. dats one idea, that I'm not gonna be discarding :) lol I'm giving it da dani seal of approval :D.
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Postby danny1988 » November 4th, 2014, 9:12 am

Heyas Dani and David glad things are going well for you both :)
Another big step for you both ^^ practice is all you need imo.
Also I'm sure you will be rocking chess soon haha :D

Hehe it is rather cute xD it's strangely addictive lol. I loved Dr whooves just wish there was more. Care Bears are cute too hehe.
If you like cute check this out ^^ Maru hehe.
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Postby rainbowgirl » November 7th, 2014, 6:02 am

Hiiii!!! :)

Lol so first, it's kind of been said that maybe I should try writing more normally and teeny bit less manic. :) which is fine by me. anyways, I'm doing awesomely as per normal lol I'm even holding control for way longer then ever. I'm getting stronger, but I'm being allowed to remain in charge. this is gonna be completely boring but I even just managed to cook a frozen pizza lol first ever meal I've made by myself. lol by real, yeah alright not really real at all. was still tasty but :D.

Done heaps of looking into the idea from Ox, Holly, Yoshi and Spike. I'm reckoning it's doable lol. little complicated but doable, I reckon I'd easily portray being a girl trapped in a guys body, because, duh lol it's what I am :). Took the Cogiati and got a score of 360 which plopped me smack into category 4 lol.

lol Danny I'm still way average at chess, I'm really not sure my head thinks like that, like I know how all the little bits move, but be stuffed if I can defeat a computer, even on easy it's bloody hard lol. cool little video btw :).
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Postby danny1988 » November 7th, 2014, 7:06 am

Heyas Dani ^^

Maybes :) I dont think your manic just a little excited and bubbly hehe. But its nice to talk a bit more relaxed sometimes I will admit ^^
Glad your both doing well :) doing the boring things can be fun sometimes lol. But omg Frozen Pizza Dani xD tasty yeh I will admit but not that healthy lol. But I cant talk as its friday its chinese for tea tonight I think ^^ Oh you should try baking something thats always fun I find :)

Well im average too so dont worry ^^ my head isnt one for chess really either. Much prefer a good old shooter or rpg game to chess anyday ^^
Glad you enjoyed :)
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Postby MasterJack » November 8th, 2014, 4:55 am

OxyFemboi wrote:You two might want to consider some compromise, such as becoming a shemale (so David could still have a cock if/when he wants one), when Dani is the major person running the body. Just an idea for you two to consider and discuss ... *grin* We're not gonna recommend a file, since we haven't tried any (yet). :twisted: *grin* We got enough sexualities in our body, we might hafta do that.

I'm not sure whether you had my file in mind or not (Cursed Forced Shemale). But here it is:

Marchasfun is having some success with it at the moment in the "desire anal" thread in the Feminization forum. I've also received some positive feedback from reddit users.

This file will force you to become:

1. A Pre-op shemale, and give you the confidence to not care what people think.
2. Attraction to men, and love cock in your ass.
3. Be a shemale slut with high libido.
4. Enjoy Multiple Orgasms from Anal Sex.
5. Ejaculate hands free when being fucked in the ass.
6. Write an online journal of your transformation progress on (This doesn't force you to upload pictures.)
7. You can't stop listening to the file until you become a pre-op shemale.

So there's the file if you want to try it sometime.

I'd also like to emphasize that other than giving you the confidence to not care what the world thinks about your new identity. There are also suggestions, that you yourself will be happy with the new you, and remove any guilt or shame that might hold someone back wanting to pursue their transition. Basically, helping someone accept themselves that this is now them, and it's ok to be a shemale, just as it's ok to be straight.

And being a shemale will make you much happier.
Being a shemale will feel so much better than being a man.
And being a shemale is morally good.
Being a shemale is as morally good as being a female.
You will not have any guilt, because being a shemale is morally good.
You will not have any guilt, because you don’t see anything wrong with being shemale.
Being a shemale is as morally good as being straight.

Anyway I'm not trying to hijack the thread. I'm just putting it out there if you do decide to go this route.
No longer distributing my files.
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Postby danny1988 » November 8th, 2014, 8:08 am

I will say this to add some balance ^^ Yodaboy and Ox, holly, Yoshi and spikes suggestion about becoming shemale are one option ^^
That option did appeal to me at one point lol.
In the end it's up to you Dani and David :) my advice would be to not rush into anything atm before you have finished with your current file. Your still changing both of you and adding others into the mix atm can have unforeseen side effects. I have my own personal experience to verify that lol.

I am thinking given a bit more time you will be more sure of what you want to do and whatever you decide I'll support you :)
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Postby neoflare » November 10th, 2014, 9:43 pm

Hi all

Dani decided it was time for me to post some sort of a update, given it's been ages since I've been on here. She has become far more capable over the last couple weeks and she is significantly stronger now then ever. All the freedom I gave her really does seemed to have helped to cement her and I've no doubt at all she's going to become the number one persona eventually.

I'll say right now, she has gained a degree of being able to influence my actions a little. She is loving her experimentation with clothes with clothes and makeup. She's also doing her best to make me feel completely comfortable during all this, I'm quite happy for her to be in the lead.

Dani has been becoming quite proficient at taking over (completely), for periods up to an hour or so at times, without any problems. I only hope she continues to get stronger.

lol I've been given some lovely and way helpful ideas now and david keeps doing his best to help me along, which is really quite nice of him :D. lol there's a few things I'm thinking bout doing right now. Danny I've been loving our chats :), you've been soo nice to both of us, thankies :)
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Postby danny1988 » November 11th, 2014, 1:19 am

Glad to see your both doing well :)
You have both helped me see this file differently and heal some old wounds, still get anxious on occasion but that's my brain yay going to take your advice David been looking into getting some tests done ^^

Glad you have been loving our chats Dani :D I really enjoy them too your so nice to talk to hehe. You have been so nice to me too both of you and I can't thank you enough for that it helps a lot :) *huggles*
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Postby rainbowgirl » November 15th, 2014, 9:51 am

lol longish time without posting, guess i'll try and kinda rectify that now :D. everything keeps going awesomely smoothly :). so far I'm not able to be in control all the time yet, but I'm getting way way better. david is trying to let do as much as I can and I've got way more control then I did, but I'm still only able to manage bout an hour at a time.

every thing is perfect, lol I'm kinda thinking about getting a tattoo after xmas lol hopefully early next year :D, still tryin to decide on what I'd wanna get, got some small ideas for it but :).

This'll probs sound a little weird, but I'm kinda havign trouble just talking randomly bout myself, it's something that feels a teeny bit odd to do. it's a bit hard to do when it just feels kinda like I'm jus chatting away to myself, but anyways, thats why I've been a tiny bit slack wiv the updates. I dunno what ppls wanna know, an it feels weird just blabbing on aimlessly lol.
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