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Postby DCo » October 3rd, 2005, 8:59 pm

I'm interested in this file... are the results actualy possible? Reading minds? Telepathy? Skimmed Knowledge? I know that the mind is capable of many things, but this seems to be... well pretty extreme and unrealistic in my oppinion, although it would seem to be a really useful file if possible.
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Re: SuperHumanMind

Postby sandy82 » October 4th, 2005, 10:22 am

DCo wrote:I'm interested in this file... are the results actualy possible? Reading minds? Telepathy? Skimmed Knowledge? I know that the mind is capable of many things, but this seems to be... well pretty extreme and unrealistic in my oppinion, although it would seem to be a really useful file if possible.

Valid question, DCo.

Think about the kinds of questions you may have. Or I may have. All, or most, may be legitimate questions. Almost without thinking, we choose a person likely to answer those questions with some authority and with a reasonable likelihood of accuracy.

If I want to know where a book is, I ask the librarian. Or the bookshop manager. If you have recurring and unexplained headaches, you ask a doctor. If my electricity goes off, I call the electric company/authority. If you have questions about your income tax forms, you ask an accountant.

For the question you ask above, my substantive credentials aren't any higher than yours. Maybe lower. I am the wrong person for you to ask. Most potential readers don't find any post interesting enough to answer. Otherwise, each post could have over 18,000 replies. But among the much smaller number of people who may answer yours or mine, maybe some will be up front and tell you what their credentials are.

It appears to me that it's part of the human condition for many people to believe what they want to believe--for whatever reasons, known or unknown, reasonable or unreasonable. Depending on the number of responses you receive, you may hear what one person or another wants to believe. It's up to you to decide whether a recitation of someone's desires are responsive to the question you asked.
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Re: SuperHumanMind

Postby InsaneCPRClown » October 4th, 2005, 11:07 am

DCo wrote:I'm interested in this file... are the results actualy possible? Reading minds? Telepathy? Skimmed Knowledge? I know that the mind is capable of many things, but this seems to be... well pretty extreme and unrealistic in my oppinion, although it would seem to be a really useful file if possible.

i can answer 2 of em... the telepathy and reading minds is very possible... even without that file anyone can do that... skimmed knowledge seems a bit... unrealistic... the only real way to learn somethin is to read up and research it... i can give the file some test drivin if ya want... to see if it really works since im done with the SFW file now... which wasnt a perm. curse as stated as i was able to get rid of it thru healing... but id be more than glad to test this one... even tho telepathy and reading minds i can do very very little of right now... maybe this will help me out a bit wit that... screw it ill give this file a go... ill let ya know about the skimmed knowledge part...
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Postby nicosali » October 5th, 2005, 1:53 am

Interesting file . Perhaps I will try that file . I think that telepathy and reading minds is posible also. I sometimes can do a little of both . Like I said before I find that file very interesting but a little scary also. The idea of knowing what people really think , thats the scary part (at least for me)but of course it can be usefull for example for knowing who is a liar, I sometimes have a strange feeling when someone is telling me a lie a really not pleasent feeling. I will tell you something that happened to me a month ago, I dont know if you know the game Magic The Gathering,a game of cards, one day I bought a booster, in that booster there were a card called Umezawa's Jitte I didnt know if the card was good or bad or if the value of the card was high or low. So I am playing the game when a guy show up and he asked me if he could saw the cards I had for trading, I said ok and show him the cards I had which include the cards of the new booster and he tells me that want to trade Umezawa's Jitte , before that I told him that 2 cards of his was an excelent combo , to control the turn of the oponent over and over, it was pretty good. After he tells me that he want the Umezawa´s Jitte he offers me those 2 cards telling me that the value of those 2 cards was $45 pesos argentinos (15 dollars), after that I just could think of one word : no , all the time I was thinking no , no , no , Dont give him that card, so I end up telling the guy that I wasnt going to trade that card. He was the next hour and a half trying to convince me to trade that card, of course he faills. A few weeks later I find out that the real value of those 2 cards is 21 pesos argentinos (7 dollars) and the value of Umezawa's Jitte is 60 pesos argentinos ( 30 dollars), I couldnt believe the diference of the value , since I just begun to play the magic again I didnt know the prices or what cards were popular. well that's it , sorry if I did some typo errors but here is 4:55am and I am a little sleepy.

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Postby InsaneCPRClown » October 5th, 2005, 5:31 am

i hear ya on that... i use to play it alot... sounds like u have empathy... which is being able to feel how someone feels... if ur not prepared for it u will get bad feelings cuz that persons feelings are intermixing with ur own... which sux... but im not too sure on that yet if u might have it... it could just be called a gut feeling but... yea ima shut up now cuz im confusing myself lol
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Postby Noin » July 26th, 2006, 10:18 am

My thoughts on it:

I listened to it yesterday the first time, nothing changed
I listened to it today, something was weird this time, i dono maybe it in the file but i was hearing stuff, some voices, sounds, and stuff, also when i was in trance ive got a white flickering after the hypnotist said things about my mind working at its full potential, also i felt very dizzy after it, PLUS - watch that, i moved a small corn (as stated in the file, i would be able to move small th ings, from a feather to pens and bigger stuff), im sure it wasnt wind, all windows were closed and no fan was running, i just wanted the corn to move so badly that it moved, b ut after i noticed it i lost my whole concentration and cant do it again now, really weird...
I have to do it again this night
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Postby fringlinin1 » September 28th, 2006, 5:05 am

any more news on this one? i'm severely interested (yes, such a state of mind is possible... who are you, a patron of this site, to say that certain states of mind are not possible?)
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