Anyone want to do as the site suggests

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Anyone want to do as the site suggests

Postby assthroattoy » October 20th, 2014, 7:48 pm

21m cute with cam and toys, open to suggestion. Anyone want to mess with me?
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 21st, 2014, 7:11 am


You posted in Feminizations Forum, so I suggest you listen to ViVe's Feminine Conditioning -- -- for a few weeks. There's no turning back ... :twisted:
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Postby Marchasfun » October 21st, 2014, 9:35 am

He should do Female Takeover if he really wants his mind warped
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Postby davina_sissygurl » October 26th, 2014, 6:27 am

im looking to get my mind totally fucked, like mostly thinking, craving being fucked and sucking cock above all else even to total obsession,that is making all else fade into background

anyone know any subliminals to do that!!
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Postby chris_uk » October 27th, 2014, 5:37 pm

Davina, I would love to have my mind totally fucked too, so that I am totally obsessed and can't escape. (And would love to be obsessed with and craving for cock.)

After seeing the recommendation I've downloaded Female Takeover and will start listening to it tomorrow.
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Postby Plaat » October 27th, 2014, 11:11 pm

I would also point you to the journal of izgirl for an account of someone who really went far with doing that; be careful though!
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Postby davina_sissygurl » October 27th, 2014, 11:14 pm

where do I get female takeover from?
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Postby Marchasfun » October 28th, 2014, 5:19 am

Davina i would recommend the bimbo files for you. You should probably do lots of the feminization files as well.
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 30th, 2014, 2:14 am

chris-uk wrote
After seeing the recommendation I've downloaded Female Takeover and will start listening to it tomorrow.

davina_sissygurl wrote
where do I get female takeover from?

Nobody has recommended Female Takeover on this thread. It is an excellent way to screw up your own mind ... not necessarily in a pleasant way, though. If you really want another personality in your head, I recommend Your Other Half, which creates another -- more femme (female) -- personality (besides you, that is). The personality created by Female Takeover starts at ten years old, ages one year per week, and takes over your body totally when it gets to be as old as you are now. It's all in the description:

Instead of feminizing you personally, this curse would create a second persona inside your head. This persona would be a normal, average girl about 10 years old, would have the memories of always being a girl, would act like a girl, talk like a girl, have a girl's name, and be one in all ways. At first, this persona would only 'speak' to you in your head, making observations or suggestions like any 10-year old girl. However, every week after listening to the curse, the persona would age one year, until she is the same age as you. Each week, when she grows a year older, she will also act like a girl of that age. So, in five weeks, she will act like a fifteen year old girl. Also, as she gets older, she also gets stronger inside your head. Over time, she will be able to influence your actions, take temporary control of your body, slowly alter your body to look more like a girl, influence how you speak and act, and even take control of your body away from you entirely. Eventually, you would become weaker and weaker, eventually turning into a 'voice' yourself, while the girl would take over entirely. (emphasis mine)

So if you want to commit mental suicide ... listen. Otherwise, don't. The price to commit mental suicide is $30.00. The length of time to create mental suicide is (your age) minus (ten years) = (maximum number of weeks till the current you vanishes).
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Postby davina_sissygurl » November 9th, 2014, 6:15 am

do you retain knowledge for work, as in continue doing your job?
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Postby danny1988 » November 9th, 2014, 6:24 am

davina_sissygurl wrote:do you retain knowledge for work, as in continue doing your job?

Depends, most cases I would say no. Look up Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Unless you know full well what dissociative identity disorder is dont listen, this isnt a file to listen to on a whim.
Sometimes this file is alright but its so rare ive only seen that happen twice.
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Postby davina_sissygurl » November 9th, 2014, 7:12 am

danny, can you give details of what you seen please,
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Postby danny1988 » November 9th, 2014, 7:36 am

Okies from what ive seen and talked about with a few people here are the facts. I am by no means an expert but after seeing what has happened the good and bad and researching hypnotherapy and talking to friends who have disocciative identity disorder hypnosis induced or not here is what ive found.

The Bad:
1. Never use this file to satisfy some erotic desire. This has a tendancy to make the personality it brings out insanely dominant and shows little or no remorce for you.
2. Out of everyone ive seen listen some lost themselves to the new personality totally and the key thing here these personalities were not nice and quite sadistic. One even laughed about trapping the original personality in a cage in his mind and was enjoying his crying.
3. The file may or may not do what it says, its a bit of pot luck you could just end up having a new personality take you over and then be asleep forever. So basically you would black out and never live again.
4. You could just be a voice in your/her head for the rest of your life, could you handle that?
5. Could mess up your mind causing mental illness.

The Good:
1. If you would like a female personality in the lead.
2. If you wouldnt mind living the rest of your life as a voice as she lives her life.
3. You may get a lovely caring female personality.

Key Facts:
1. The new personality is not YOU, common mistake here. They are esentially seperate people with their own dreams, desires and feelings.
Its not changing you its creating another person in your mind.
2. Its pot luck as to the personality you get, all depends on your mind and subconcious.
3. No guarantee as to what will happen.
4. If you have loved ones/friends you may end up loosing them. New personality may not see them as that.

I wont say this file always turns out badly, but its probably one of the most dangerous files on this site.

The best place to look at how bad this file can go is here, be warned its not a nice read.

I hope this answers any questions.
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