Another Female takeover thread

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby danny1988 » November 15th, 2014, 10:25 am

rainbowgirl wrote:lol longish time without posting, guess i'll try and kinda rectify that now :D. everything keeps going awesomely smoothly :). so far I'm not able to be in control all the time yet, but I'm getting way way better. david is trying to let do as much as I can and I've got way more control then I did, but I'm still only able to manage bout an hour at a time.

every thing is perfect, lol I'm kinda thinking about getting a tattoo after xmas lol hopefully early next year :D, still tryin to decide on what I'd wanna get, got some small ideas for it but :).

This'll probs sound a little weird, but I'm kinda havign trouble just talking randomly bout myself, it's something that feels a teeny bit odd to do. it's a bit hard to do when it just feels kinda like I'm jus chatting away to myself, but anyways, thats why I've been a tiny bit slack wiv the updates. I dunno what ppls wanna know, an it feels weird just blabbing on aimlessly lol.

Yays :D nice to hear from you again Dani :)
Glad its going well for you both and remember you have come a long way in such a short time, you will both get there im sure. Enjoy the journey :)

Oooo nice ^^ I want a tattoo too hehe. Idealy I want two angel wings on each shoulder, one red and one blue. What are your ideas for yours? If your a big scifi fan you could get something like this haha combines a few scifi shows in one. In the shape of the deathly hallows symbol from harry potter :3

Dani dont worry about it I used to be like that I never could think about what to talk about, now I just splurge my brain on a page lol. If it helps I can ask questions and stuff ^^

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Do you like much in the way of music if so what? :)
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Postby BCaltGuy » November 26th, 2014, 1:58 pm

I'm very interested in reviewing a script of this file to compare to the script for the "Your Other Half" file. Both files seem to be very effective with similar but drastically different results and I'm very curious to study the words and techniques used to see that difference.

Does anybody have a script? I would make one myself, carefully, but I'm not going to buy the file just to prepare a script (and I have no intention of using the file myself, that's for sure!).
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Postby Stacie5959 » December 9th, 2014, 9:02 am

thoughts on Ghostly Feminization?
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Postby rainbowgirl » December 13th, 2014, 6:36 am

:) I'm thinking it's time for a way way way long overdue update on here :). lol in case people are interested i'm still going great and still continuing to get stronger. since my last message I've become quite a lot more mature and capable lol its soooo hard to believe it's been 8 or 9 weeks since I first made any kind of message on here.

pressing things to point out, *shakes head* no I'm not in complete control yet but if the file keeps working the way its meant to I'm reckoning in about 13 weeks i'll have become totally "dominant" over david.

I've got me some secrets from david, so I'm a little limited in what I can write on here otherwise it's possible for him to read them, which I'm not really wanting him to know yet lol.
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Postby mikethedonnie » January 15th, 2015, 8:16 pm

I don't know if this is really sucess but I thought I would post two strange things that happened to me. After the first week I had a moment I was getting into my car and I felt odd like I was watching myself get in and I had a full drink in my hand and I wound up feeling like I spaced out and spilling my drink everywhere. The other night I had a dream were a very sexy lady tied me to a chair with a video of some sissy getting pounded by a black cock and it had the audio from the file playing in the background of the video. Nothing since but I though I would share
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Postby Stacie5959 » January 23rd, 2015, 9:48 am

A Female TOOK Over file would be good to have now.

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