Effects on Heart?

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Effects on Heart?

Postby Brittanyan » March 20th, 2014, 9:58 pm

Daddy's been giving me some hypnosis lately. I'm normally a stressed person, but I've been chilling out a lot lately and trying to enjoy trance.

I've enjoyed two 20 minute files in the last day. On both occasions, when I've gone down, I've felt totally normal. However, when I come back up, my head is very, very foggy. Then when I try to move, I can feel my blood pressure trying to pick itself back up a lot. I feel pressure in my head and chest, not too bad, but I can feel it trying to get back to normal. And I got quite a few palpitations after.

It's very strange. It's like my heart has to re-adapt after I sit up from laying.

Is this a regular effect of trance? I got warned of this by my previous hypnotherapist, who said these effects might be experienced. I never experienced this in the past.

Thanks. :3
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Postby Endo » March 21st, 2014, 9:24 am

Check with your doctor, there is a possibility you have a heart issue.

I've never experienced this, as my heart is young, healthy, and slow as it is.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have a slower awakener?
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Postby diode168 » March 21st, 2014, 8:22 pm

If this is only related to hypnosis it could be anxiety or excitement triggering adrenaline. What your describing sound's like high blood pressure or a normal response to getting up.

It may be that your hypnosis position is different to your sleeping position. This isn't about when you go to sleep as it's more to do with how often you move during sleep. If you are a active sleeper (wiggling) and you rest on a bed for neck pain a similar thing can happen, your body is not use to inactivity.

Arrange a blood pressure check would be advisable.

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids as it is also common symptoms for dehydration.

In the mean time you may want to try compression stocking.

Try resting on the bed without hypnosis for a similar amount of time. This can help isolate if it's a side effect of file usage.
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Re: Effects on Heart?

Postby obey_evolution » December 21st, 2014, 8:27 pm

Brittanyan wrote: However, when I come back up, my head is very, very foggy. Then when I try to move, I can feel my blood pressure trying to pick itself back up a lot. I feel pressure in my head and chest, not too bad, but I can feel it trying to get back to normal. And I got quite a few palpitations after.

(I'm NOT a doctor so this is speculation) Definitely time to go to your family doctor and ask about a cardiologist IMHO. As you'd expect, your heart rate drops greatly in trance but but if you are very foggy, it could mean that you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain while you are down. Your heart rate would jump as your body tries to catch up which could increase blood pressure if you have other problems. Blood Pressure + Resting Heart Rate = useful info IMHO. Good Luck.
As an aside, I'd like to see a study where congestive heart failure treatment was augmented with frequent deep trances prior to surgery to see if it resulted in a meaningful reduction if fluid accumulation. If so, it could increase the length of time someone could survive waiting for value repair/replacement.
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Postby diode168 » December 21st, 2014, 10:08 pm

You should go to the doctor if you are concerned.

However what you're describing is probably. Your very stressed and hypnosis makes you relaxed then when you move again your body is not use to the relative low.
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See a Doctor

Postby Maleko7 » December 26th, 2014, 3:54 am

Not related to hypnosis, but I felt a bit off last year (was it smog or heartburn?). The doctor did a EKG and didn't see anything abnormal. He scheduled a stress test for me the next month. This was a year ago January. I did the stress test and after a few seconds, they asked me if THAT was the odd feeling I had? Yes, I said. We know just what that is, they told me. They immediately called for a crash cart and gave me nitro tablets. Long story short, they admitted me and did a quadruple bypass 3 days later.

I can honestly say that if you feel anything odd, get it checked out. I was in relatively good health everyone thought. That was until they suspected I was minutes away from a heart attack or stroke.
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