Review: EMG's Chronically Productive

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Review: EMG's Chronically Productive

Postby Calimore » January 5th, 2015, 11:06 am

After a recent bout with depression, followed by a case of pneumonia, I realized that I had fallen WAY behind on my work schedule. As I currently work for myself, I could not blame management nor could I ask the boss for an advance. It occurred to me that there may a hypnosis mp3 which could help me get on top of my obligations, so naturally I looked here first.

Sure, there are hypnosis files being sold by commercial hypnotists elsewhere on the web, but I was hoping that maybe I could have a little fun while I got caught up on things. Luckily, as usual, EMG had created a file which tied the effect that I desired to something sexual I might enjoy. So I downloaded Chronically Productive and gave it a quick listen.

Immediately I smiled at hearing that familiar Voice, once again. Then I grimaced, as the body of the file appeared to be significantly louder than EMG's previously recorded induction. Zooming in on my audio editor I saw another small issue - the DC offsets between the introduction, induction, body and awakener were all off, at times by as much as 5 decibels.

Memories came flooding back to me of editing so many other files from the site (EMGs and several others) and again, a broad grin broached my visage. It felt a little bit like coming home.

Fifteen minutes later, the file was completely normalized and centered. A quick save to my network drive allowed me to listen to the file in my lounge chair without having those critical issues arise in my mind, so that I could focus on EMG's Voice and perhaps go into a trance.

Having heard EMG's progressive relaxation induction countless times before, my mind quickly slipped into the groove and I felt my body growing heavier, the words echoing in my head, until I was focused almost entirely on the file. My current neighborhood can be rather noisy, so I began to wish that I had put a background file on, either into the file itself, or on a separate player, but I still managed to slip into a fairly deep trance. At first I was afraid EMG's file might not include suggestions to make the effects stronger the more work one did or from listening to the file. I'm happy to say that this was not the case.

A Comment on the original file (by Jeshi) had left me thinking that the mp3 would not have me taking on more difficult and time consuming chores with continued use, but those doubts were quickly swept away as EMG masterfully tied the level of my production into an escalating masturbation habit. The more I got done, the more I'd need to do. And that need would cause me to masturbate but my orgasms would grow more and more elusive as I took on bigger, more difficult tasks. The suggestions began to build upon one another in exactly the way I had hoped - EMG did not appear to have left anything out. He even suggested that listening to the file itself would make me masturbate! I could almost not help touching myself as I consciously considered the implications while being counted back up out of my trance.

Ignoring the small sticky spot the file had apparently produced on my pants, I went straight back to my workbench, almost unable to keep from completing the chore I had started. Bringing up my mixer again, I matched the edited version to a deepening binaural beats file, then added a silent sound subliminal to the mix (my 'Aural Seduction'), just for fun. The chosen subliminal reinforces the desire to go into trance, eventually making that state seem more natural to one than the waking state. While it doesn't cause the listener to seek hypnosis, I knew THAT effect would not be needed as I was already looking forward to using 'Chronically Productive'.

It then occurred to me that I had approached listening to a file this way as a chore, a task I felt I SHOULD probably do. But now I felt as though it were something I really WANTED to do. We hypnotists can be so suggestible!

Next thing I knew I was back in my lounge, listening to EMG drone on again, relaxing me even more deeply as the outside sounds, almost completely unnoticeable over the sound of the background file, slowly faded from my mind. It felt so nice to be under EMG's influence once again that I soon blanked out, my conscious mind now floating a million miles away.

I don't even remember where the file was when I became aware of a need to reach down and touch myself. I had completed a chore and EMG was encouraging me to reward myself through masturbation! I seemed unable to resist and began stroking myself, driving his suggestions deeper and deeper into my now vulnerable subconscious mind.

As I laid there, ready to explode, wondering if I was going to orgasm, EMG said he was going to bring me back up. Having had my orgasm under control for some time now (several years), my subconscious took the approaching awakener as a cue and rewarded me by making me cum, rather powerfully.

After being counted back up, I stood awkwardly, practically amazed at how well the file had worked for me.

A quick shower later, I set about doing the other things I had planned to do that day. In fact, I found many old work habits which had once served me well rising to the surface. It seemed that I couldn't help but multitask as I busied myself, even cleaning up messes I had made earlier while down with pneumonia. By the end of the day, I had been MOST productive but was quite tired when I finally laid back to sleep that evening.

A couple hours later, as I got up to go to the bathroom, it occurred to me that I could listen to Chronically Productive again before going back to sleep, which I did. As this post is already running long, I'll just say it was an even more satisfying experience than the previous times. When I rose the next morning, I went straight to the shower to clean up with a "To Do" list organizing itself in my head.

Listening to this file has been a completely unqualified success for me. EMG's competently written script and well-practiced delivery made it VERY easy for me to follow every one of his suggestion without question. With one exception (a day when I woke up with the flu), I have had nothing but productive days, thus far. While working, I sometimes get a sense of arousal just thinking about the reward that lies ahead. And, as warned, I find myself wanting to masturbate more than usual, sometimes touching myself in the middle of the night without realizing what I'm doing until I wake and think back on it.

Please note, dear reader, that I am quite experienced at trance having used various hypnosis mp3s for year now and also exchanging trances with other hypnotists, so your mileage may vary. I can often take suggestions from hypnotists I trust from just a single session, sometimes even from the mp3 files they might make (but only after reviewing the description and the end of the file, first).

So while more devoted fans of the hypnofetish might be able to experience the effects from this mp3 the very first time, some novices may need to practice for a week, perhaps two, to obtain the desired effect. However, if you are behind on your daily chores or need to find a reason to be more productive in your job, this file may be well worth your efforts.

Don't be surprised, though, if you find yourself going to the bathroom or to a closet to "relieve yourself" after you have completed a difficult task or several small chores. In time, you may even find yourself taking on more responsibilities and looking for other new ways to be productive. That's part of the Evilness; the reason why this file is a Curse. But Curses don't always have to be "bad" - it's a matter of perspective. If NLP teaches us anything, it is that it's "all in how you look at things". Regardless of that, though, you really should consider yourself warned.

Thanks for the file, EMG - you're the best!
Last edited by Calimore on January 5th, 2015, 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby darkenedav » January 5th, 2015, 11:40 am

as always Calimore, a great post :D thanks!
Posts: 391
Joined: July 15th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby Dofleini » April 1st, 2015, 12:27 pm

Could you share the processed and normalized file?
Posts: 7
Joined: June 6th, 2011, 12:00 am

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