I would normally place a poll here but the options would be a bit too restrictive given how varied the Furry fandom is, so i'll get down to the point.
What features in an Animal/Furry transformation or behavior file attract you?
Is it want of a tail? The need to bark or make other sounds representative of your Fursona? A suggested lack of human thought? Maybe you just like being called a good boy? What ever floats your boat i'd be interested in hearing your replies in the name of curiosity and research.
If not something you like about a file already in play, is their something you haven't found but have wanted from such a file? :)
Although not in the near future i do hope to use the information i'm collecting from these forums to create my own string of files but college and other "life" stuff must be dealt with first so that i have time.
Please be as honest and descriptive as comfortably possible please, thank you for your time! :wink:
So i'll start with myself, i like canine (wolf) behavior without a lack of intelligence (because i'm a programmer i kinda need my brain).
Fur, tail, eyes and ears are all good especially having to walk on all fours and growling and people/things i don't like.
I realize this may be more appropriate in the file creation/scripts forum but in all honesty, the last thread to be updated in here was in November so i'm bumping the active posts for Furries a bit, sorry.[/i]