a new one's thoughts for the new

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a new one's thoughts for the new

Postby Dustpuppy » September 20th, 2005, 2:08 am

here, so I really do not know what I am talking about. I just noticed that there isn't a whole lot of accessible information for new people, so I figured I would share a little bit of my newbie insight for other curious newcomers that do not want to post yet.
1) don't listen to anything that you don't really want to happen. If it works, then obviously that would be bad. If it doesn't work, then it is a waste of time, or possibly even confusing when listening to other things. At the very least, download the script file if available and look through it to make sure there are no unpleasant surprises.
2) be careful of other websites. I found quite a few out there, many with free downloads or samples. Most if not all of them slip in somewhere about how nobody else but them can do it for you (generalization) and just want your money, and all I got from a few were virus attempts
3) being asleep, very tired (mentally), or drinking beer do not seem to be good ideas, at least as far as I can tell
4) I like the virtual hypnotist (poke around the forums and others have posted links) it is a big download on dialup, and the voice takes a bit getting used to, but you can play around with the settings, and the major plus is that it is easy to load up script files (basically text), so you can read them, add things you want, and delete things you don't want, and then click a button to change the text file into one that the voice is able to say.
5) Don't expect it to work right away. The first time you listen to something like this it won't be like hitting a switch (in my limited experience) Or the second, and so on. The biggest problems I have found so far are a) if it starts to work even a little, you get so excited that something is happening that you immediately snap awake and b) outside noises either confusing or breaking your concentration. So at first just try to relax as much as possible and focus on regular breathing and just listen. Try to limit outside noises if you can. From a stage show I have been involved with (very limited involvement), he includes a point about laughter and applause only reinforcing their concentration and deepening relaxation, maybe try editing a script to do this (still working on that myself)
6) Don't crank the volume. This will at best make things confusing or give you a headache, and at worst I imagine it will damage your hearing. If it is going to work, hearing it LOUDER won't make it work any better
7) Do read the forums, even click back a few pages. Alot of it won't interest you, at least right away, but chances are someone has asked the question you are wondering about.
8) While still being wary of websites, I should clarify that there is alot of information out there that I have found interesting. So feel free to google around, just watch out downloading unknown things.
9) Get comfy beforehand. Having to rearrange stuff right in the middle means you might as well just start over or give up for awhile.
On a personal level, I had problems with inductions and suggestions that were forceful or that I perceived as threatening, so far I have had some limited succes with changing the scripts to be more friendly and coaxing instead of demanding. I have had the most success with the seven plus or minus two induction, it is the only one that REALLY focusing on allows me to relax when it is done (math is hard heh). Play around and pick one that you like best, and then try to change it to suit your needs, some of them are a bit general, and can do with deleting things that do not apply to you. Same goes for deepeners and suggestions and wakenings. Basically what I have found is that you pretty much have to hypnotise yourself. I haven't had an actual trance (at least not that I know of) but I have learned to relax better (practice regular breathing, not hyperventilating, just breathing at a regular pace), and I think even began light hypnosis, or maybe just deeper relaxation. I am not sure yet. Some suggestions have had an effect immediately after listening, but the feeling quickly fades so I am not sure if it has actually worked, or I just wanted to play along so much that I just imagined that it worked. I have played around with changing the scripts to apply the trigger phrases only to the computer voice, seem to relax better knowing I won't accidently make a scene at the burger king or anything.
Anyhow, I just wanted to share a bit. Take from this what you will, and again I am in no way an expert, I just clicked in only a few days ago.
Oh, maybe keep a nice glass of ice water near enough to get to, but not close enough to knock over. Having a dry mouth can become uncomfortable, just pause whatever you are doing and get a drink. The temporary distraction seems better than a nagging thirst through the whole thing.
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Postby Dustpuppy » September 22nd, 2005, 12:36 am

*WARNING* this information was drawn by a newbie from several sources. It is intended for other newbies until they can find more reliable information. The following may not apply to all situations.

A little more basic info:

What you are listening to is basically several parts.
Part A: Introduction (optional)
The speaker gives you background on what hypnosis is and tries to answer what you might be wondering. Basically an FAQ. Also may explain what they are trying to accomplish and what the results might be.
Part one: Induction
This is basically where the speaker tries to help you relax as much as possible. Also they will try to give your mind something to focus on or imagine as they coax you to relax your body more and focus your mind on what they are saying.
Part two: Deepener
Now that you are hopefully relaxed and listening, the speaker tries to relax you even more, focusing your attention more deeply on what they are saying, hopefully allowing you to not be distracted by other things. More visualization and things to imagine. Now you may be so engrossed in the imagery that it feels like a dream or an actual experience. They check several times to make sure you are sufficiently hypnotised before moving on to part three.
Part three: Suggestions
This is where you run around doing silly stuff to the amusement of your friends. Depends on who is hypnotising you. Also where the hypnotist suggest to you things you (hopefully) want to change or do, ie quit smoking, feel better about whatever, behavior changes, etc. This is also where 'triggers' can be made, these are basically post hypnotic suggestions that you will remember subconsciously in the future after you awaken that are only activated by a certain phrase you hear or event you experience.
Part four: Pre awakening
The speaker prepares you for becoming aware and awake, further reinforcing suggestions made in part three, and (hopefully) further suggesting how much better you are going to feel when you wake up. Also where they may or may not tell you to not to be able to remember what you have been told or have done while hypnotised.
Part five: Awakening
You become fully aware and awake, more or less. There may be lingering effects depending on part three, but the session is pretty much over. Off you go.
Part six: Aftermath
Your friends take you to Taco Bell, where you attempt to pay with a paper napkin, while orgasming whenever you touch a doorknob. Also you hopefully quit smoking or whatever else you were visualizing changing about yourself.

*** This is my VERY unprofessional understanding of the hypnosis process. I also became a little silly with it to be entertaining, but understand that hypnosis is NOT a joke. You quite possibly can mess yourself up if you don't know what you are doing. I have not yet had it work much for me, but I HAVE seen it work on others, so have fun, but get all the REAL information you can and be CAREFUL with your brain.
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Re: a new one's thoughts for the new

Postby nicosali » September 22nd, 2005, 9:18 am

[quote="Dustpuppy"]2) be careful of other websites. I found quite a few out there, many with free downloads or samples. Most if not all of them slip in somewhere about how nobody else but them can do it for you (generalization) and just want your money, and all I got from a few were virus attempts

you are right some sites have free samples or downloads of full mp3 , but those not only have sugestion like you are talking about but also sugestion like recruit people from a domme like the mp3 destiny of Lady Lita. I found that kind of sugestion freaky but after all, most dommes are after the money but of course it wont be fair to put all the dommes into the same bag, at least thats what I think.
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Postby Dustpuppy » September 22nd, 2005, 9:15 pm

You make a good point. I would like to clarify my statement on websites such as those. If, like me, you are a curious newbie, be careful listening to things that you find if you are not ready for hypnotic domination in specific, or for arbitrary brainwashing in general.

I did not mean to imply it is bad. I can see the appeal, after all, I was curious enough to give them a listen, and of course they would not be offering a product if there were not people interested in what they have to offer. I just felt, that as a curious newbie, becoming bound to one person while you are still exploring may be limiting in some way.

Thank you for allowing me to reconsider my statement.

On a further note, I have discovered that it is better not to pause for water, so get well hydrated before hand.
Also, I have been giving the more forceful inductions a chance, and have discovered that being tired, mentally or otherwise, can have an effect on the amount of resistance I offer up to it, I can even get through a few of them now without spazzing.

Still no concrete results to share yet, however I have found myself becoming a much better listener when people are speaking, both in person or just watching tv. Noticing both changes in their speech, like tones and inflections, and also on gestures they make. Seems easier to focus on what they are saying without becoming bored or distracted. Maybe that -is- a result, I suppose, just not what I was expecting.

Sorry for combining two topics here, trying not to make too many posts.
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Postby Dustpuppy » September 25th, 2005, 11:51 pm

Been doing some googling, and I found this article interesting. It's basically an FAQ based on the author's opinions.


I put the url in brackets for cut and paste. Hopefully it shows up that way. I'm still getting used to the forums so please forgive me if I didn't get it to post that way.
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Postby cardigan » September 27th, 2005, 7:35 am

Hi Dustpuppy.

That is quite an impressive posting for a new user, I think. And I would hope that as many users as possible will read through it all. You have many fine points, have obviously done quite a bit of research, and your writing is easy to follow.

I have also tried using Virtual Hypnotist, and it is a good program. But I feel that it distracts me when the voice breaks up the words into fragments with audible delays between them. So I started recording stuff with my own voice and a microphone instead. And I find that this works even better. Some may ask themselves whether it won't be distracting to hear your own voice trying to hypnotise yourself. And the answer is, that if you think it will, then it will. As with all hypnosis: if you really think it works, it is probably going to work! :-)

Hope to hear more from you in the Forums.

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby xool » October 10th, 2005, 5:03 am

Hi Dustpuppy

As a newbie myself I have read all the above with some interest and I do agree with you there isn't a whole lot of accessible information for new people.

Maybe there should be one part of the site with information just for newbies!
and all newbies should read it as it should be full of warnings and infomation to stop newbies from doing things they might regret later on.

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Postby goldragon_70 » October 10th, 2005, 8:14 am

Some of this, is in the FAQ on the site, but I think the rest should be added.
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Postby Dustpuppy » October 10th, 2005, 10:41 pm

Here's another link, actually an url for a links page. Sorry if it has been posted somewhere, I cannot remember where I wrote it down from.


Worth poking around, one of the general links is a pretty good FAQ.
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Postby sandy82 » October 11th, 2005, 11:12 am

Dustpuppy, your posts are excellent. Not just for Newbies, but for everybody. You've thought, you've researched; and you've started off with helpful personal qualities: objectivity and common sense.

Your first post may be too long for some people's attention spans; but that's their problem, not yours. Similarly, some orifices may be too deep or too tight for some people's flaccid equipment. That's not your fault either.

You can trust Cardigan's advice and observations. He has expertise, he has no vested interest, and he is impartial.

The following information you shared deserves emphasis:

"[U]nderstand that hypnosis is NOT a joke. You quite possibly can mess yourself up if you don't know what you are doing. I have not yet had it work much for me, but I HAVE seen it work on others, so have fun, but get all the REAL information you can and be CAREFUL with your brain."

For what it's worth, your line of thought there could be taken a step further. Do alcoholics actually like the taste of gin? Do smokers really enjoy all the aspects of cigarettes? Do gambling addicts get off on losing their money? Do people genuinely enjoy the 1,000th time they play the video game they bought last month? Whatever the real or feigned response to those questions, it seems that all those concerned have something in common. Either an addiction, a desire for escapism, or an obsessive-compulsive behavior pattern that blocks out unpleasant memories, thoughts, associations. Those are three reasons that come to mind; there may be more. Like taking a seriously wrong turn to get out of boredom.

Whether it's binge drinking, jaywalking, overeating, boasting (or even lying) as an ego-feed, watching TV programs of no interest, buying things you don't need, or any other projected behavior (many of which can be positive and helpful) -- ask yourself: WHY?
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Postby missypuss » October 11th, 2005, 12:19 pm

Sandy I read your post with interest..
It feels like the first time you have shown some thing in the forums as that which even hints at the hypnosis ..
The reason some if not a lot of members visit this site..
But u convey a warning in your post..
Watch out..
Pray tell me what you are doing on this site??
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Postby gurlbidesign » October 12th, 2005, 4:54 am

cardigan wrote:Hi Dustpuppy.

That is quite an impressive posting for a new user, I think. And I would hope that as many users as possible will read through it all. You have many fine points, have obviously done quite a bit of research, and your writing is easy to follow.

I have also tried using Virtual Hypnotist, and it is a good program. But I feel that it distracts me when the voice breaks up the words into fragments with audible delays between them. So I started recording stuff with my own voice and a microphone instead. And I find that this works even better. Some may ask themselves whether it won't be distracting to hear your own voice trying to hypnotise yourself. And the answer is, that if you think it will, then it will. As with all hypnosis: if you really think it works, it is probably going to work! :-)

Hope to hear more from you in the Forums.


Let me start by saying this is a great thread and I am impressed with everyones views and observations. The one thing that caught my eye that I have to disagree with is the comment above about if you really think it works..............heck, I know it works. I have seen my roomie go under and then follow the the suggestions/orders given to her by our Mistress. Or maybe I still think it won't work for me even though it does work for my roomie. Anyone still remember anything from Psych 101?
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Postby Dustpuppy » October 12th, 2005, 11:30 pm

Hello to everyone who has replied, and to those just reading. Just a couple things I've found helpful and a result to share.

Stockpile inductions. Even if they aren't exactly the right thing, having a variety to listen to seems to help break up the monotony a bit. Also, going back to the favorites afterwards seems to give them a fresher feeling, and at the same time more comfortable to experience. Kind of like sleeping in your own bed after spending a night on someone's couch.

After playing around with the virtual hypnotist, here are a couple things. Definately adjust the voice. In my case, having a higher pitch and a faster rate of speaking made it much easier to listen to. It will also play any mp3 as background music if it is put into the folder. You can also put your own video into the appropriate folder to have it as a choice. Some types are not supported, I didn't keep notes but it does play animated gifs, and I think wmv. If you make a script, listen through it 'nomal' and note anything that sounds funny. Sometimes changing the spelling will change how the voice says the word, and even where it will pause. Watch out for "..." If there is a space before them, you will hear 'dot dot dot' right when you don't want to.

I think I may have a result to share. This should be in the success forum I guess, but wanted to keep it here in this thread. I realize that hypnosis can be different for everyone, and that this will be no big surprise to anyone that has already experienced it, but I will try to describe it as best I can.

I had taken a break for a bit due to an unpleasant cold. After getting over it, was just lying there listening to a set I had put together for the virtual hypnotist, from things I had found and modified. Wasn't expecting much, and was just laying there listening and trying to relax. About half way through the induction, out of the blue, there was a tightness at the base of my neck, and kind of like a vibration that started moving forward over my head. As it reached the front, I felt my eyes roll back all on their own and my eyelids seal shut. Could still hear the voice speaking, actually it seemed to increase in volume to where that was all I heard. Of course this experience was a bit freaky, as I've never had my eyes just roll back like that, and by the time I thought to just relax and let it happen, the adreneline was pumping and that brought me out of it. I've been able to attain close (sort of) to the same feeling with practice, but not exactly that intense. Also while the feeling itself was pleasant, the tightness of the muscle contractions was not, especially afterwards.

The conclusions I can draw so far are: One, when it happens, you will know, so don't worry about missing it. Two, it may just sneak up on you when you least expect it. And three, get someone to massage your neck beforehand. Oh, and apparently taking a break now and then doesn't hurt.

Sorry for such a long post, but I wanted to share with other new people what was, for me, a pretty amazing experience.
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Postby sandy82 » October 13th, 2005, 3:18 pm

A very interesting post!

The part about changing the spelling of the words caught my eye. You used the practical and workable solution. Complete with the chance for some experimentation with the spoken language, the written language, and the programming.

I have downloaded VH, but I haven't used the language feature yet. I had wondered how it would deal with English, of all languages.

Where, wear, ware, were, whirr, we're, weir, wire.

Great insights, dustpuppy, and very clear explanations. Thanks! :)
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Postby Dustpuppy » October 13th, 2005, 7:21 pm

Here is another link I found interesting. The top part is general links to websites, and down towards the bottom are direct links to scripts, mostly labeled by what their intent is. Non-erotic scripts, but lots and lots of self help types, and some inductions. I just looked through it today, so haven't had time to look at everything, but the links I did click on all seemed to be functional.


Also a question, is it okay to link to other forums? I found an interesting psychotherapy forum with a large hypnosis sub-heading, but I'm not sure if posting that would violate any rules here. The link I posted above came from a post in those forums.
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Postby sandy82 » October 13th, 2005, 8:01 pm

Dustpuppy wrote: Also a question, is it okay to link to other forums? I found an interesting psychotherapy forum with a large hypnosis sub-heading, but I'm not sure if posting that would violate any rules here. The link I posted above came from a post in those forums.

Dustpuppy, I have seen active links here in WMM, but I don't have a definitive answer to your question. Only EMG can give you that. For what it's worth, I can mention two things that come to mind. If the site you mention is a commercial site, principally aimed at selling stuff, that might not be good. But from the sound of it, the site you're talking about seems like it's on a much higher level. The other thing is that there may be some concern about posting "live links" to other sites. I don't know whether that's a problem or not. I have done a work-around in the past. I have posted a link but inserted spaces or dashes that would keep the link from "going live." Then I have explained to readers what they need to do in order to see the real address. Then they can type the real address into the address/url line themselves. Probably best to wait and get the absolute answer from EMG.
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Postby Dustpuppy » October 16th, 2005, 9:20 pm

Occasionally, I've had vivid (anywhere from unpleasant, disturbing, saddening, or alarming) thoughts or images 'pop up' from nowhere while practicing. The following caught my eye so I wanted to share it. Apparently this kind of thing happens, so be prepared and ready to deal with it if it does.

"It is likely that deep relaxation will encourage suppressed negative feelings to release into consciousness. Allow feelings to emerge spontaneously. These feelings are usually behind any illness or adverse condition, and must be addressed for healing to occur. When negative feelings come up, do not be discouraged or think that you are having a "bad" meditation. Instead, recognize that these feelings are emerging from their suppressed place in the subconscious for clearing, even if they seem to be triggered by a thought of some current issue or by an apparently unrelated event in your environment. Welcome the negative feelings, whatever they are, whether anger, loneliness, fear, grief, or any other feeling. Shift your sense of self from the feelings to the witness, so that you welcome the feelings but do not identify with them. Find peace in the witness, not by needing to change your feelings. Process the feelings - take responsibility for them, accept them, move into direct experience of them, witness them. Allow yourself to revisit painful experiences, and open to those feelings. As you continue with the process over a period of time, deeper levels of the suppressed subconscious will be revealed."

I am not endorsing this as gospel, just that reading it allowed me to realize that I am not the only one this has ever happened to, and is no reason to be distressed.

Note: The author of the words in quotes above is selling a bin-aural beat cd, which he was decribing in detail, including the quotation. I feel I should include the url, as I have directly cut and pasted the author's words. Be aware that even though I felt this site to be informational, it's intent is to market a product.

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