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Postby mone » August 5th, 2005, 2:38 pm

wo ho you the man jerm not only did you do one of the curse lucid dreams but u did the two and lts of other files u the man.i wish i had dsl getting it next year though.what kinda speeds u have?
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Postby sandy82 » August 6th, 2005, 11:06 am

Jerm, I would like to add my thanks to those expressed by mone...and earlier expressed by vienna68, Rascal, and slavekaye.

You are doing a generous, time-consuming, and high-quality favor for a large number of grateful site users!

I hope you're finding time to enjoy the weekend. :)

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Postby EMG » August 6th, 2005, 10:51 pm

As of this time I have not recieved your files.

Jerm wrote:Hi again all. I have recently submitted the following files to EMG. I have submitted a total of 7 files in one day so don't expect them all to be up tomorrow. DSL is awesome.
Here are the files I have submitted:

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Postby Jerm » August 7th, 2005, 6:02 am

Thanks for letting me know EMG. Everything has been worked out and the files are already on the site. Cool.
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Postby Typhon22 » August 11th, 2005, 2:10 am

Any way we could get a Sub version of Trigwoman or trigwoman2?
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Sublimtrainfeline and sublimfurry

Postby ebaker » August 11th, 2005, 6:29 am

It would be great for a subliminal train feline file and a sublim furry transformation file.
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Postby Jerm » August 11th, 2005, 6:39 pm

Those are both good suggestions. Thanks for the requests. I will probably be adding more subs either later tonight or tomorrow. Naturally, I'll keep you posted on which ones are submitted.

On another note I have recently recieved a complaint about one of the sub files I made and I was wondering if anyone else had a complaint. Are the tones too distracting for any of you? Or do you find that they help make the suggestions sink in deeper?

post here or PM me with replies.
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Postby Zerakis » August 12th, 2005, 12:53 am

I think you should make the binaurals a constant 7hz(a good meditation frequency) instead of having it gradually lower. This would help looping as you wouldnt constantly be going back to a higher frequency after youve been brought down.
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Postby Jerm » August 12th, 2005, 10:37 pm

That's a great idea Zerakis. I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner. All subliminals I make now will loop more smoothly. If anyone wants me to modify a subliminal I have already made so that it loops correctly PM me and I will send you a link to download it at.

NEW SUBLIMINALS (Submitted Today)


As usual the files may take a few days to get posted on WMM depending on EMG's schedule.
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Postby DazDude » August 13th, 2005, 2:52 pm

i'd definitely like to suggest a sublim TrigFurry as well :)
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Postby Rakeela » August 13th, 2005, 2:54 pm

I'll second a vote for a subliminal version of the furry transformation file, and I'd also like to see a subliminal of "visualizehelp" to aid in the effectiveness of the furry transformation one. These two seem like a fun thing to experiment with, but I hardly have time.

Thanks in advance. These are a lot more useful than the standard hypnosis files, because although they work a bit less effectively, they can also be played while doing other things. It solves the time dilemna quite cleanly.
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Postby misfit » August 16th, 2005, 7:36 am

Jerm, I'd like to add my thanks for all of your hard work...and I'm not even asking for anything. LOL I've been listening to the TrainNippleOrgrasm, and it is definitely having an effect. Thanks again.
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Postby GuardianAero » August 22nd, 2005, 2:39 pm

how about Sublim Erotic dreams?
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Postby Jerm » August 23rd, 2005, 6:31 am

Im glad to hear some of you are enjoying the files I've made. Thanks for all the new suggestions. Good News! 9 new subliminals have been submitted. As usual it may take EMG a few days to post them on the site, so be patient. Also, if anyone has requested a sub that I have not done yet please let me know and I will get on it right away.

Here's a list of the subliminals submitted today:


Wow, as of right now I have submitted a total of 28 member requested files. Ahhh, the memmories. 'Good times. Gooood Times....'

p.s. If anybody else has had success with the subliminals I've made, I would love to hear about it.
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Postby tercota » September 3rd, 2005, 9:00 pm

Thank you for the work you've done. I would like to request some more of the transformation file. Specificaly, TrigMorph and LRHousecat. I don't know if you can do LRHousecat, since it's not made by EMG, but I think you could get some interesting rusults with a sublim of that file. I can almost get a Trance, but until then, I would like to work with those files. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Postby EMG » September 17th, 2005, 8:14 pm

Because I've been busy, they'll be up this weekend.

Stewie wrote:Hey does anyone know why EMG hasn't posted the the latest sublims Jerm submitted, it's been almost a month?
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Postby sandy82 » September 17th, 2005, 10:12 pm

misfit wrote:Jerm, I'd like to add my thanks for all of your hard work...and I'm not even asking for anything. LOL I've been listening to the TrainNippleOrgrasm, and it is definitely having an effect. Thanks again.

My thanks to Jerm and to misfit. You both help restore a person's faith in humanity....even if we have to share humanity with certain unnamed politicians. :wink:

Seriously, here's a long-time friend of the site, acting from gratitude for EMG's efforts through the years. Here also is a new member, who is grateful for Jerm's efforts.

This is the way the world should work. Thanks to both of you for giving us all even a small glimpse of those possibilities.

And while we're at it, ....Stewie....., how about some loud thanks for EMG for the time-consuming and free work he does to keep a really great site up and running! Not only that--if that weren't enough--but someone who makes this site feel like a refuge, an oasis, a place where you can be you, a place of mutual respect.

Thanks to EMG. And my apologies for not saying that often enough.
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Postby BobbyS » September 18th, 2005, 10:48 am

Aye, the fact that this is the only place on the net I know of that does this all for free says something about EMG's efforts. Thanks man.
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Postby sandy82 » September 19th, 2005, 8:12 pm


No problem! I feel that we have come to know each other over the months, and you are a considerate, level-headed person. This thread has lots of good people in it. I only wanted to remind a whole range of people that EMG, Jerm, and others do many constructive things around here.

Incidentally, I have learned the technique on approaching Jerm for something. :) First, you thank him for something...and then you quickly suggest something outrageous. I have been practicing the method so that it will sound realistic when I use it on Jerm.

Here's my latest practice attempt:

"Dear Jerm,

"Thank you for the blended CD which makes it sound like Kate Smith is singing God Bless America to the background of KoRn's fetching melodies. I would like a hunting-green Bentley (the kind that Ian Fleming depicted for James Bond). A set of crystal tumblers for the back seat would go well with a lifetime's supply of single malt scotch."

I'm getting there, but the transition is not yet seamless enough. :wink:

Jerm will realize I'm kidding...I hope!

- - - - -

Stewie, EMG knows you, too. He understands you meant no offense.

Best, Sandy
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Postby nicosali » September 22nd, 2005, 9:50 am

I been using the sub version of the suceptible file and it seems to be working so I want to thank you for making that file, I think is working too well :) . I want to ask you if you could make a sub version of the increase metabolism thanks in advance
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Postby Jerm » September 23rd, 2005, 3:38 pm

My beloved warped friends... It has been many moons since I last posted. Due to a death in the family, I was out of town for a few weeks. Now I am back, chomping at the bit & raring to git. As the country folk used to say.

Stewie, No Worries. Im sure that at times all of our clamoring for progress or change on the site to EMG must sound like so many teenagers asking for money... If we all try to keep in mind that he is not fused directly to his computer 24 hours a day, like some of us might be. LoL.

Sandy, LoL! Getting the hunting green Bentley was not too difficult. However, a friend of mine got ahold of a few of the bottles of single malt scotch and ended up smashing most of the Edinburgh crystal tumblers I had acquired for you. As for your request to own the island of Jamaica, I have discussed it with the locals and they will consider selling at a fair price.

nicosali, Glad to hear that you are enjoying the subs I've made. A few people have told me that some of them are working 'a little too well' and Im elated to hear that. EMG has made some great files. We are all fortunate that he started this site. As for new subliminals, with luck I will make more to submit within the week.

I bid you farewell my fellow travelers. Until we meet again.

Clearly the last and greatest frontier is the human mind.
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Postby nicosali » September 23rd, 2005, 6:35 pm

sorry to hear that Jerm , Just a month ago one of my best friends of mine died of cancer at the age of 29 so I can relate to that situation. I Knew him since I was 10 , I miss him and its not fair, he was a great person. sometimes in the most frustrating days I cant help to be happy just for being alive, to have the chance to grow old, to have a future for worrying about and the problems of each day. I dont want to be sad about insignificant things again. If the life makes you suffer, punish it by living it with passion, living each instant. At least thats my way of thinking.
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Postby Jerm » September 27th, 2005, 2:17 pm

Sorry to hear about your friend. My fiance's grandmother passed away recently. It is never easy to lose a loved one. Like you said though, perhaps the afterlife is a better place then the mortal world. I also think that it is better to honor those that have passed on by living a good life, and remembering how they affected your life. Mortality is an unfortunate inevitability. But since we could all go at any moment, live like there's no tomorrow. And love like you'll never get hurt.

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Postby jeremiah » September 27th, 2005, 3:35 pm

Jerm, can you make me a subliminal file to

one of those 3?

or all?
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Postby ThierryTNG » October 5th, 2005, 1:12 pm

I have a question, and please do not take this the wrong way, as I am not accusing you of anything, but how can one check what is being said in the background of the file? For all I can hear anything can be said there...

No offense meant, please know that. Just curious and a little cautious.
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Postby Lobotaru » October 6th, 2005, 12:31 pm

I don't normally talk much on these forums, but I think it would be a great idea to create subliminal versions of some of the female voice files. Goddess Spiral and Lady Rio both have a few files on here that would be excellent candidates for becoming subliminals. LRfemaleorgasm, GSeroticdreams, GStrigwoman, LRWomanly, GStrigexperience are all good ones. I'd prefer getting the erotic dreams or female orgasm ones if possible. Thanks for the help ^^
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Postby Jerm » October 6th, 2005, 5:15 pm

Hey all, thanks for all the great suggestions. With luck I will begin working on some new subliminals over the weekend.

Lobotaru, I agree, that would be great to have some of the female voice files as subliminals. However, without permission from the actual women that made the files I would not feel right about it. If I can contact any of the woman to ask them I will.

ThierryTNG, Good question. Now I have one for you... Would you prefer that there were 'secret suggestions' on the subliminals I make? As for how you can know for sure. I guess you'll just have to trust me. I can tell you that I have been a member of this site since long before the new look and I see no need to trick my fellow members. Truth is that every file I have made has the exact suggestions on it that the original files had. I have discussed the possiblity with EMG of making 'Mystery Subliminals' and I may decide to make some if enough people like the idea.
Last edited by Jerm on October 17th, 2005, 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby EMG » October 6th, 2005, 7:43 pm

A quick note, I have the rights to all the Lady Rio files, so you may turn any of them into subliminals.

Jerm wrote:Hey all, thanks for all the great suggestions. With luck I will begin working on some new subliminals over the weekend.

Lobotaru, I agree, that would be great to have some of the female voice file as subliminals. However, without permission from the actual women that made the files I would not feel right about it. If I can contact any of the woman to ask them I will.

ThierryTNG, Good question. Now I have one for you... Would you prefer that there were 'secret suggestions' on the subliminals I make? As for how you can know for sure. I guess you'll just have to trust me. I can tell you that I have been a member of this site since long before the new look and I see no need to trick my fellow members. Truth is that every file I have made has the exact suggestions on it that the original files had. I have discussed the possiblity with EMG of making 'Mystery Subliminals' and I may decide to make some if enough people like the idea.
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Postby Jerm » October 6th, 2005, 7:56 pm

Cool. Thanks for the info EMG.

Clearly the last and greatest frontier is the human mind.
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Postby tercota » October 6th, 2005, 10:53 pm

First, thanks for your hard work. I have been listening to the sublimfurry file for the last few weeks.

I requested the LRhousecat file before, and I would like to request it again. With the 15 minute stipulation, I think you could end up with some interesting results.

Thanks again to you and EMG for all your hard work, I really appreaciate it.
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Postby sandy82 » October 7th, 2005, 5:34 pm

Jerm wrote: ThierryTNG, Good question. Now I have one for you... Would you prefer that there were 'secret suggestions' on the subliminals I make? As for how you can know for sure. I guess you'll just have to trust me. I can tell you that I have been a member of this site since long before the new look and I see no need to trick my fellow members. Truth is that every file I have made has the exact suggestions on it that the original files had. I have discussed the possiblity with EMG of making 'Mystery Subliminals' and I may decide to make some if enough people like the idea.

First, ThierryTNG, you can trust Jerm. Full stop. No qualifiers.

Second, Jerm, there is a long thread started by trance01, in which davelowe, johnbohnrevenge and I participated. It goes into a lot of detail about potential liability for subliminal recordings when the full text of the recording is not disclosed to the user/purchaser. There is a significant chance that the applicable standards would be those of the user/recipient/purchaser's community. Don't rush into this one. It may be much more than a question of what people would like.
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Postby Jerm » October 8th, 2005, 2:12 am

Hmmm Sandy that is a good point. I do agree that it is unethical to not disclose the full contents of the subliminal script to the recipient. I also know the power of the human mind to create symptoms for things it doesn't have (i.e hypochondriacs), so a person suspecting that they have been given unwanted suggestions could simply be the victim of an overworked imagination. On the other hand, if a person was truly sure that they were acting in unusual ways due to a subliminal they'd purchased im sure (with an open minded judge) they could create a decent case against the person or company. I'd like to think that with today's audio technology it would be possible to isolate the suggestion portion of said subliminal to determine exactly what was being said.

On a side note, I have read a couple articles that theorize that around 80% of all 'professionally created' (meaning not free) subliminals are actually only background sound and in fact contain no real suggestions of any kind. If that is true then they are basically hoping that you will simply create the desired effect based on the alleged intent of the file. Suggestibility is an amazing thing.

Clearly the last and greatest frontier is the human mind.
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Postby goldragon_70 » October 8th, 2005, 11:57 am

Could you make a Subliminal of Curse CCP?
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Postby sandy82 » October 8th, 2005, 1:36 pm

Jerm wrote:Hmmm Sandy that is a good point. I do agree that it is unethical to not disclose the full contents of the subliminal script to the recipient. I also know the power of the human mind to create symptoms for things it doesn't have (i.e hypochondriacs), so a person suspecting that they have been given unwanted suggestions could simply be the victim of an overworked imagination. On the other hand, if a person was truly sure that they were acting in unusual ways due to a subliminal they'd purchased im sure (with an open minded judge) they could create a decent case against the person or company. I'd like to think that with today's audio technology it would be possible to isolate the suggestion portion of said subliminal to determine exactly what was being said.

On a side note, I have read a couple articles that theorize that around 80% of all 'professionally created' (meaning not free) subliminals are actually only background sound and in fact contain no real suggestions of any kind. If that is true then they are basically hoping that you will simply create the desired effect based on the alleged intent of the file. Suggestibility is an amazing thing.

Jerm, you've hit on two very good points. I knew you would understand the ethical perspective instantly (because you're ethical). The scenario in your first paragraph is a reasonable one. Let me change it slightly...still reasonable, in the sense of reasonable possibility. Suppose the site's subject matter and a rural or modernity-threatened jury. Then suppose a spoiled 16 yo and indulgent parents with lots of money to shower on junior. I have in mind a particular 16 yo, and I bet you know which one. Life is too short and you are too generous to contemplate having to buy liability insurance when you're trying to do a selfless service.

On the second point, I mentioned in the other thread seeing a CD in the local library, containing a subliminal by someone named Stephen Heffernan (sp?). I checked it out. The CD case gives the subliminal messages. I can barely hear some of them, but mainly because I know they're there. Demigraff mentioned a product s/he had, which gives all the subliminal messages, plus a quick summary of applicable laws in the jurisdictions where the product (a game, I think) is sold.

Finally, I tell you a quick secret. Why do people seek the opinions of lawyers? Partly to get the lawyers' advice. Increasingly, to tap indirectly into the lawyers' malpractice insurance. You get a legal opinion from the lawyer in a letter. You get sued. You lose. You write/sue him. He pays.

I hope you can make the tapes. I'm raising a yellow, cautionary flag. I would feel irresponsible if I didn't.
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Postby dvm258 » October 11th, 2005, 3:45 pm

I would like a subliminal version of trigfemaleform. Maybe while you are at it, it would help if while you are making the file you would edit the file. EMG accidentally mentions two different triggers in the file. One is female form time for you and the other is female time for you. If you can make EMG only say one trigger that would be appreciated.
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Postby Rascal » October 11th, 2005, 4:59 pm

I would just like to thank EMG for making the files in the first place and you making subliminal versions of them. I love the Sublim CurseLucidDreams2 and Sublim SuperFemaleWhammy a lot, the Sublim VisualizeHelp is great as well.

I have a few request when you have the time to make them, no rush or anything. A Subliminal version of Banish Pain, IncreasedMetabolism, MemoryImprovement, and SuperHumanMind would all be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all of your work and in advance for these subliminal files when you make them. :)
30 year old transsexual, male to female.

Varied interest but shy about posting too much. =/
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Postby Lobotaru » October 13th, 2005, 12:27 pm

I have a question. On average, how long does it take you to make these subliminal files? And what resources do you use when you are making them?
Also, you should make a subliminal version of the female dreams file.
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Postby Jerm » October 15th, 2005, 10:45 pm

Sorry to those of you that have been waiting for subliminals. I have had some family obligations to attend to in the last week. The circus should be over soon and I will submit the next batch of subliminals to EMG when I have a free moment.

Clearly the last and greatest frontier is the human mind.
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Postby easy_guy » October 25th, 2005, 8:01 am

Hey when you get a chance could you do a subliminal of TrainCumSlave?
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Postby Cairn » October 28th, 2005, 2:14 pm

I would like to humbly request a subliminal version of trigmass, thankyou very much in advance, I can now go back to being a lurker :P .
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Postby dynamite » October 29th, 2005, 6:59 am

sublim of instantly wet would be nice if u get a moment
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Postby ThierryTNG » October 29th, 2005, 11:11 am

Would you be so kind as to make a subliminal version of the thumbsucking curse please? Thank you in advance.
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