subliminal penis growth

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subliminal penis growth

Postby Fireheart » March 12th, 2015, 11:07 pm

I noticed there were a lot of subliminal breast growth and other but no subliminal penis growth ones. I have a hard time getting into a trance. I think it's due to my ADD. My mind is constantly going, hell even sleeping is difficult. but I had an idea. I thought to myself: I'm on my computer an awful lot. maybe I can find/get a file that I can just play on loop just barely audible and go about what I'm doing. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Postby Alvin » March 13th, 2015, 2:11 am

Dude, just go find your fav penis growth file so far, take a few hours to slowly transcript it and bam, 3 months of premium. Then just check the penis growth files on WMM and see if they have a 'Subliminal' tag on it, and download it if they do. Basically subliminal versions of the files themselves, nearly each if EMG's files should have them.

After that, just sit down and listen to them while doing that while interesting, can take up your attention and concentration for a few loops for the file, like drawing, writing or reading, depending on what you enjoy. I personally habe a habit of getting entirely engrossed in drawing until my eyes burn, which is why I favor drawibg on paper instead of digital art despite my obvious better talent at the latter. If your ADHD persists and prevents you from being able to concentrate, use these files to help. I haven't personaly tried them, but I hope the best for your predicament.
Last edited by Alvin on March 16th, 2015, 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: January 18th, 2015, 1:00 am

Postby ProfessorPig » March 13th, 2015, 1:28 pm

based on the few that i have chatted with, people with ADD do seem to respond better to brainwashing than traditional hypnosis. there are many more complicated types of subliminals out there, but if all you want to do is turn the volume down it should be incredibly easy to do that yourself with a free program like audacity. i think there is even a way to change the default volume a file plays at in itunes.

i was chatting with someone the other day who also struggles to go into trance for files that demand a quiet mind and a still body. i think trance states can also occur when the body is incredibly active. i found a little bit of evidence for it here but as far as i know there is not too much research on the subject. but it is my suspicion that people who struggle with sedimentary trances might do better at highly active trances.
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