by OxyFemboi » June 18th, 2015, 3:58 am
[quote]Butch wrote
Dude! This test is totally not for measuring the male end of the spectrum, babe. I tried it and as a masculine, thoroughly cisgendered male I only scored a -400 mostly because there weren't any suitable answers for a manly man who doesn't cross dress (but gets massive wood for sissies) on a lot of the questions.
Fuckin A, girls, if you are gonna claim to test both ends of the spectrum make sure there are suitable answers for the non-sissies![/quote
Of course you got a really masculine test result. You aren't female nor are you interested in becoming one.
The author of the test addresses various criticisms of the COGIATI in her "Last Word on the COGIATI Test" page of the site, located here:
Basically, her response to the various criticisms are:
First off, the COGIATI, which stands for 'Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory', is partly inspired by three existing tests, the BEM, the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) and the Moire-Jessel. It combines elements of all these tests, hence the name. It has 65 questions, and the majority of them are all based only on supported and documented neurological research. Ten of the questions are in the sprit of the BEM, a very famous, legitimate, but -in my opinion- highly faulty test, for reasons I will get into. Those ten questions are indeed based on cultural stereotypes, but still, they are there for a reason. No one question, by itself can affect the outcome of the COGIATI, and only a fairly heavy weight will shift the results into one of the five classes of result.
The fact that male and female brains work differently, means that these differences will have real world, everyday, observable expression in the world. This is what has been exploited to create the questions of the COGIATI. The questions of the COGIATI reflect clear and observable averages of how male and female brains express their differences in the world, and these differences were used regardless of how I personally might like, dislike, or object to them. It does not matter what I WANT to believe about the world, what matters is reality.
That reality is embodied in the COGIATI. Except for a handful of questions, inspired by the BEM. Sandra Bem created a silly test that is now considered Gospel by the religion of Psychology. She created a list of words, and questioned most of the students at her college about what gender associations they had with regard to her list of words. Then she used that anecdotal result to make her now famous test, which was designed to determine gender affiliation by a measured degree of cultural absorption. In short, the BEM tests whether a person has been drawn to male, or to female, cultural indoctrinations. It is a test of the degree a person has 'bought into' a given set of male or female associations.
Her entire response deserves to be read. I quoted the parts which are relevant to your comment.
Peace Love Unity Respect
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