Newbie in need

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Newbie in need

Postby Danzoo91 » August 2nd, 2015, 2:49 pm

Hi so im kind of new here :oops:
i have read the newbies guide but i still find it hard to enter a trance (I have been trying for arround 4 days straight) .. so i have some questions ..
I've been trying alot of diffrent files with no success or atleast REAL success, the first time i though it worked was with EMG's blanked where i tried triggering myself using a programm and my bain kind of hit the breaks for a couple of seconds but nothing really happend was that a good start?
I also always remember everything no matter what is that a bad thing? :lol:
Also only 3 times i felt like my body was displaced? like its rotating slightly by about 80 degrees that was wild was that a trance like state? because even then i still remember every detail.

PS: Sorry for my bad englisch as its not my native language
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Joined: July 29th, 2015, 12:00 am

Postby Mister_Marmalade » August 2nd, 2015, 4:38 pm

I think the best thing you can do is to keep trying. I know that when I first got into trancing, it took me a solid month to feel like I could enter a real trance. It's taken me even longer to learn how not to remember everything during the file, too.

Like any skill, the more you practice the better you'll get. Find some files that are specifically designed for difficult trancers (I would recommend Night Night Induction by Mistress Elena) and just keep listening!

Good luck
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Joined: April 6th, 2014, 12:00 am

Postby cardigan » August 3rd, 2015, 8:28 am

Being analytical is probably the worst thing you can be - if you want to learn how to go into a trance. Because every second while you are listening to the file or hypnotist, you will be wondering whether you are entering trance - or not. Your conscious mind will be asking all kinds of questions - like: "Do I feel anything special right now? - if I don't feel anything special, does this then mean that I am NOT going into trance?". And that means that you are using your conscious, analytical mind to find the answer to these questions - which will be pretty much keeping you from ever entering trance. Oh, and incidentally - being in a deep trance doesn't feel like anything special - just like being very relaxed with your eyes closed! So don't expect to feel different at all, because you won't.

The best way to go about this if you ARE analytical, is to listen in a casual - almost indifferent - way. Don't listen very much - just let the words enter your head without thinking about it. Your conscious will give up eventually, and everything that is being said is automatically being picked up by your subconscious anyway!

And then as Mister Marmalade pointed out: keep trying. Don't give up. I can tell you that only highly hypnotizable people are going to respond to the triggers or changes on the first listen. Everybody else - which is most of us :-) have to be a bit more patient. But we'll get there eventually. Another thing that is critically important: you need to believe that what you are trying to do is not only possible for you - but a given. You want it, you deserve it, and you can have it!

Keep going. Don't question. Don't analyze. Just keep on doing it!

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Joined: June 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Danzoo91 » August 3rd, 2015, 9:39 am

cardigan wrote:Being analytical is probably the worst thing you can be - if you want to learn how to go into a trance. Because every second while you are listening to the file or hypnotist, you will be wondering whether you are entering trance - or not. Your conscious mind will be asking all kinds of questions - like: "Do I feel anything special right now? - if I don't feel anything special, does this then mean that I am NOT going into trance?". And that means that you are using your conscious, analytical mind to find the answer to these questions - which will be pretty much keeping you from ever entering trance.

First of, thanks for the replys i was getting nervous but this is a really awesome community. and second yes i think ALOT but its more like "What am i gonna do after this? i still need to do this and that! should i listen to this in a loop? .." i keep geeting lost in thoughts and lose my focus and when im done i feel like i wasted time because my mind wont shut up, either thoughts or visuals running through my head. but i refuse to give up! thanks for the encouragement

Edit: Should i take breaks between sessions? for example im going to try getting in trance several times a day should i take breaks or just keep going?
Posts: 2
Joined: July 29th, 2015, 12:00 am

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