I haven't tranced yet

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I haven't tranced yet

Postby subbradw » August 22nd, 2015, 3:26 pm

I have been listening to train nipple orgasm by EMG for the last month, first in the morning and then before bed. I haven't gone into a trance yet. I have tried listening to Madame-Y Book of Y and Deeper for Madame and I didn't go into a trance for her either. My mind tends to wander when listening. What are some good inductions I could try?
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Postby HornyDude » August 23rd, 2015, 10:03 am

"My mind tends to wander when listening. "

If you want to try and keep your mind more concentrated on the induction, you might find one of these to be helpful:

I enjoy this one by Chaos Mind:

You might like to concentrate on your breathing:

There are also a couple of recordings of the "Seven plus or minus two" induction. You will need to do two searches using both "seven" and "7" in the title/description box.

I hope one of these will help you.
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Postby ProfessorPig » August 23rd, 2015, 12:35 pm

i am of the opinion that its ok to let your mind wander because some part of you is listening to what is being said. now what i will suggest is that you try and daydream about the changes you would like to see. let your mind drift off into those fantasies that draw you back to hypnosis over and over again.

you mention that you feel like you have not gone into trance yet, what makes you think that?

there are certain cues to look out for that hypnotists use in the induction to tell if a subject is responding to suggestions. its been a long time since i have listened to the EMG file you mentioned, but most files use a progressive relaxation induction, where you will just slowly relax parts of your body from your feet up. many of those will have suggestions that you will feel relaxation, warmth, tingling, or a numbness progressing through your body. if you notice any of the feelings they describe you are responding to suggestions and are likely in a deeper trance then you think. if you are responding to suggestions then you can begin working on getting better results. some of this will just happen naturally as you practice hypnosis, and some of it can be improved by stuff within your control.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Variety is the spice of...something.

Postby Madame-Y » August 25th, 2015, 4:31 pm

1. Persist, and try to have a good time. The less you stress about the destination the better the likelihood you just wind up there.

2. Experiment with different voices. My voice is going to work perfectly for many people and not at all for others. It's just one of the ways in which brains differ. My programmer prefers the predictable droning of TTS to human, others the opposite.

3. Experiment with lots of approaches. A conversational induction or a fictional approach might be better than a traditional induction for you.

4. You may only recognize trance by recognizing a few "lost minutes" in a file. Not everyone goes into the same state.
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Postby subbradw » September 12th, 2015, 5:46 pm

I am sorry it took so long to reply. My neighbour cut my phone line by accident and fried my dsl modem.

I think I am not going into trance because I am not feeling anything that should be moving up my body like the EMG files says. I also sometimes get an itch and I can move my arm to scratch it. I am going to try Overloaded by thoughts Ericksonian theta waves and see what happens.

I will also try other inductions. I am a submissive male so I think I might respond better to a womans voice. Are there any other real womans voices besides Madame-Y? By real womans voice I mean a real woman speaking and not TTS. The file area doesn't filter by voice and not all files have a voice gender tag to search by. A quick search shows azureogon Massage induction might be fun.
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