Moderator: EMG
Jack wrote:Timothy Leary said "Question authority."
I say, "Question everything."
gurlbidesign wrote:Jack wrote:Timothy Leary said "Question authority."
I say, "Question everything."
Why should I do what Timothy Leary said?
DaytonaMaster wrote:Propel, propel, propel your craft,
Placidly down the aqueous solution.
Joyously, joyously, joyously,
Existence is but an illusion.
(see My next posting for translation)
Only if it is a waterlesss dry swimming pool.gregi696 wrote:If you dry-hump the wall of a swimming pool while swimming in said pool is it still a dry-hump? :twisted:
He really ought to take an aeroplane like Paris and Georgia do.sandy82 wrote:Sydney dislikes Manhattan, but he still commutes from Albany by train.
I got 17 for the first five questions, and "Carpe Diem" for the last. How'd I go?sandy82 wrote:How many iterations are necessary before a behavior shifts from being a "by" to an "of"?
How many "-ions" before someone is considered an "-er", "-or", "-ist"?
How many donations, for example, before one is considered a donor?
How many stamps before one is a philatelist?
How big a collection before one is deemed a collector?
How long before actions are seen as character?
Mallic wrote:This is the point where I pull off the mask and yell "Ha Ha!! I'm am really that_guy_812!!!" you all go "Who's he?"
Edit: btw, this thread will never reach the lofty heights set by my other non-sequiter thread. 11,000+ veiw 100+ posts. that was teh shit y'all
Mallic wrote:Sandy, please, for the sake of humanity, DO NOT recreat the "Sex and motor oil - some thoughts" PMs or the "Letters to EMG" thread.
Only the torpid would say that.Mallic wrote:Fully sic
Why do the milkmen always get the blame, while those devlish insolent plumbers- er...sandy82 wrote:"A child by" could be a foundling...or the product of a milkman who enjoys his morning rounds.
johnbohnrevenge wrote:sandy82: I'm working on the fries, but it will take time... not because it's impossible... or because I have no idea what I'm talking about... this is certainly the righteous thing to- OH, LOOK, A CONVENIENTLY TIMED DISASTER TO DISTRACT YOU ALL!
johnbohnrevenge wrote:sandy82 wrote:"A child by" could be a foundling...or the product of a milkman who enjoys his morning rounds.
Why do the milkmen always get the blame, while those devlish insolent plumbers- er...
Please don't quote me on this.
Weakness is a sign of strength. Strength is a sign of commas.morrcomm wrote:Commas are a sign of weakness.
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