Female Voice

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

Moderator: EMG

Female Voice

Postby tarantulaman1000 » May 25th, 2005, 1:23 pm

EMG is fine, but I think there needs to be more files with a female voice, especially for guys. The Goddess Spiral files have me go under incredibly easily and it's mostly because of her voice. Anyone agree?
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Postby danmalara » May 25th, 2005, 7:41 pm

I agree, I like the female voices. I like to think of them as a treat. But EMG's voice is fine with me! Any sex oriented files geared toward should definently be done by females. (I.E. Trance Sex would be better if it were a females voice)
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Postby Agriff » May 25th, 2005, 7:49 pm

I wonder if EMG resents this change. If 98% of the people on here are men, and men prefer women's voices, perhaps he maybe feel pushed away from his role as leading hypnotist.

You guys are making him feel unwanted!! >=(

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Postby lostrose » May 25th, 2005, 11:01 pm

I like the EMG's voice.
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Postby EMG » May 26th, 2005, 1:25 am

I fear I'm far too thick skinned to resent that, but I also don't have a female voice and Lady Rio just doesn't do that many files so until I find a volunteer with lots of time on her hands I'm afraid you'll all have to survive with my meager attempts at hypnosis.

Agriff wrote:I wonder if EMG resents this change. If 98% of the people on here are men, and men prefer women's voices, perhaps he maybe feel pushed away from his role as leading hypnotist.

You guys are making him feel unwanted!! >=(

Ps- (j/k)
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Snorting "coffee" through one's nose?

Postby sandy82 » May 26th, 2005, 9:55 pm

How many people are invited out for dinner and then tell the host and hostess that the food could have been more skillfully prepared? Or tell someone at Christmas that he really could have provided something they'd have liked better?

Someone's time and money go into this site. And almost everybody in this thread says they would prefer a female voice...in some or all the circumstances that suit them.

In the meantime, think about a few mundane matters.

--The cost of bandwidth.
--Dollar value of the expertise needed to set up a site like this.
--Time, equaling money, to maintain the site.
--The goodwill to agree to make changes that users ask for.
--Functioning forums/journals, the quality of which Yahoo has never seen.
--Electricity bills.
--Personally purchased computer equipment, editing equipment.
--Time spent writing scripts.
--Years of experience in doing the vocalizations.

Beyond all of that, there's the self-restraint and tolerance. You see a great example of that, a few posts above this one.

Still, I have heard that there's a sexy-sounding hypnotesse whose quality has "improved" during the last two years. I know everyone will be happy to trust her with their name, address, and charge card number. Maybe she has the "Good Housekeeping Seal" branded on her butt. Maybe she mails in plain brown wrappers. Or maybe those of you who live at home can explain to your parents why you're getting a package from Dominatrix DeVonda.

If your credit card number is later used at Fifi's House of Relax in Manila, how can you complain...or explain? Let's see how it would go. "Well, officer, I guess they got the card number after I ordered a penis enlargement CD from a hypnotesse with a P.O. Box in Tijuana." :)

I'm all for "meager attempts" at hypnosis. First of all, they're not meager. Second, they're a damned sight better than meager attempts at thought, gratitude, and--all too often, lately--even self-control.
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Re: Snorting "coffee" through one's nose?

Postby loony28 » May 26th, 2005, 10:23 pm

sandy82 wrote:How many people are invited out for dinner and then tell the host and hostess that the food could have been more skillfully prepared? Or tell someone at Christmas that he really could have provided something they'd have liked better?

Someone's time and money go into this site. And almost everybody in this thread says they would prefer a female voice...in some or all the circumstances that suit them.

In the meantime, think about a few mundane matters.

--The cost of bandwidth.
--Dollar value of the expertise needed to set up a site like this.
--Time, equaling money, to maintain the site.
--The goodwill to agree to make changes that users ask for.
--Functioning forums/journals, the quality of which Yahoo has never seen.
--Electricity bills.
--Personally purchased computer equipment, editing equipment.
--Time spent writing scripts.
--Years of experience in doing the vocalizations.

Beyond all of that, there's the self-restraint and tolerance. You see a great example of that, a few posts above this one.

Still, I have heard that there's a sexy-sounding hypnotesse whose quality has "improved" during the last two years. I know everyone will be happy to trust her with their name, address, and charge card number. Maybe she has the "Good Housekeeping Seal" branded on her butt. Maybe she mails in plain brown wrappers. Or maybe those of you who live at home can explain to your parents why you're getting a package from Dominatrix DeVonda.

If your credit card number is later used at Fifi's House of Relax in Manila, how can you complain...or explain? Let's see how it would go. "Well, officer, I guess they got the card number after I ordered a penis enlargement CD from a hypnotesse with a P.O. Box in Tijuana." :)

I'm all for "meager attempts" at hypnosis. First of all, they're not meager. Second, they're a damned sight better than meager attempts at thought, gratitude, and--all too often, lately--even self-control.

:twisted: All good points sandy. EMG is great though I have yet to have any success with any files but that's just me. You will notice that most of the ones asking for more female voiced files are probably male and they think that by listening to female voiced files, those files will work better. :twisted:
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Postby WinterRose » May 27th, 2005, 3:55 am

Too bad I don't have the time. EMG was nice enough to host a few of my audiostories on his FTP server a while back. I got a few questions from folk asking me who the woman was doing the reading. They were rather surprised to find that was me as well. I've just always had this high baritone that edges around the boundaries of being a tenor. Handy when say... a telemarketer or someone I don't want to speak to calls up and asks for me by the wrong name. I edge up my voice and let them know they have the wrong number. They say 'Sorry ma'am.' and leave me alone after that.

Still, there's the awareness problem. Could you get into a female sounding voice if you knew it was actually a guy beforehand? I have no point here. Just talking on my first post to these boards...

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Postby sandy82 » May 27th, 2005, 11:28 am

An excellent, thought-provoking post. Many thanks, WinterRose.

I started to answer your question, and it started to become a book. Some veteran Forum users will breathe a sigh of relief that I haven't posted it. :)

The question really opens...er...Panorama's box. It touches on dominance and submission, male and female egos, innate competitiveness versus an unwillingness to acknowledge authority in certain others, levels of self-esteem, the inescapable fact that submission to hypnosis is...submission.

All those topics must be borne in mind before reaching the question of foreknowledge that the female-sounding voice is coming from a male.

I would have problems with that on several levels. Call it prejudice, if you will; but I wouldn't consider the speaker as authoritative, in much the same way--admittedly overdrawn--that I wouldn't hire Tiny Tim as my CPA. In addition, hypnosis is like theater: it requires a willing suspension of disbelief. Rather difficult under the circumstances. Finally, on some level hypnotism is a form of seduction/power transfer followed by suggestion. My first reaction is that the crosscurrents would be so great that very few would get to the suggestion phase.
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Postby JungleCat » May 28th, 2005, 1:26 am

that_guy_812 wrote:Meager attempts, EMG!! I find EMG's voice ok for most part, but the one thing I can not stand, is the cuts in audio, strange thing interupting and other junk. The only file that is clear, is the trigamneisa file.

Im sure everyone appreciates what EMG is trying to accomplish here, and it would take a very narrow minded person not to realize what an ambitious undertaking this is.

I for one, however, agree about the audio quality. Im a budding recording artist, and every cut, buzz and distortion distracts me from going under. Im not unhappy with it at all, quite the contrary now that ive been listening long enough to start feeling the effects. But you saying that you 'cannot stand it' is a bit rude, even tho im with you on the opinion.

A mild suggestion would be to look into better recording equipment, I can hear other things in the room occasionally (a fabric movement here, a chair creak there). Switching to a microphone that isn't omnidirectional could elimanate that unwanted, extra sound.
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Postby AnneOniMouse » May 28th, 2005, 8:19 am

Perhaps EMG should create a file Trigger Speak with Female Voice, listen to it a few times and then record some of the files[/b]
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Postby WinterRose » May 29th, 2005, 1:40 am

Why stop there? Do a trigger thing for the listener instead to imagine they're hearing the female voice of their dreams, should they want to hear one, during the induction, deepening and suggestion phase. Or perhaps the thing to do would be to come up with a file as an add-on or preliminary file for any innately sexual induction that the subject in question begins to hear the hypnotist's voice slowly changing. Changing ever so imperceptibly into the most seductive irresistable voice they've ever imagined or heard.

That they'll remember this voice so completely and thoroughly that in future sessions, when their trance triggers are used, and they're made to relax into a state of deep warm hypnosis, they'll remember that their fantasy voice is the only voice they hear now. And that no matter what is said to them by anyone while in hypnosis, that what they'll always actually hear is their ideal hypnotist/hypnoteuse's voice from now on.

There. No muss, no fuss. No frustrating trying to find female talent out there that isn't charging 200 dollars a session for voicing a simple trigger, now shopping around. Hell, something like that could be applied to the computer voices in the Virtual Hypnotist Program that's out there. You could write your own inductions for the computer voice to say, then when it says it, you HEAR your ideal Hypnoteuse. Or at least, think you do. -_o
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Postby enchant_me » May 29th, 2005, 7:27 am

Thanks EMG for having this site, it is unique and offers so much. I have listened to many of your files and will continue to do so. It is nice to be able to try to enter a trance with the tools you offer.

I am trying to figure out how to record a voice file, and might try recording one of your scripts for my personal use. If I manage to do that, I would be happy to offer my services to you if they are adequate or useful.

Many hugs for you EMG. And one day I just may send a pic!
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Re: EMG and WMM

Postby EMG » May 29th, 2005, 11:07 am

I hope your efforts go well, feel free to ask any questions you might have, and I never turn down pics ;)

enchant_me wrote:Thanks EMG for having this site, it is unique and offers so much. I have listened to many of your files and will continue to do so. It is nice to be able to try to enter a trance with the tools you offer.

I am trying to figure out how to record a voice file, and might try recording one of your scripts for my personal use. If I manage to do that, I would be happy to offer my services to you if they are adequate or useful.

Many hugs for you EMG. And one day I just may send a pic!
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Postby a3a2004 » May 29th, 2005, 11:20 am

enchant_me - just listen to showmeyourtits if you want to send a picture
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Postby Jack » May 29th, 2005, 11:30 am

Speaking of which, how long until the pic section is up?
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Postby Agriff » May 29th, 2005, 12:37 pm

AnneOniMouse wrote:Perhaps EMG should create a file Trigger Speak with Female Voice, listen to it a few times and then record some of the files[/b]

EMG has never been hypnotised and doesn't want to be :)
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Postby tarantulaman1000 » May 29th, 2005, 8:44 pm

I'm glad there were positive responses. Any females on the site, volunteer! We'd love it!
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Postby timberwolf » May 31st, 2005, 1:48 am

pleeeeeeease..... :P :P :P

oh and just wondering. cud u add a section that is exclusively 4 female voices or maybe other hypnotists so it is easier to find that kind of file...


thnx again
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Postby vecet » June 29th, 2005, 8:26 pm

emg some times your voice is doubled of echoing or matlic is this normal
ps. why don't u post more.
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Postby MRV35 » June 29th, 2005, 10:51 pm

EMG wrote:I fear I'm far too thick skinned to resent that, but I also don't have a female voice and Lady Rio just doesn't do that many files so until I find a volunteer with lots of time on her hands I'm afraid you'll all have to survive with my meager attempts at hypnosis.


this site and its content is by no means MEAGER!! This is a one of a kind site. I have searched high and low and have not found a site like yours that offers free files of this caliber. I too have heard the clicks and changes in your voice on the recordings but it is not something that distracts me immensly so as to blame it for not allowing the files to work. I am new at hypnosis and it will take time for me to get a good trance going. For those of you that want a female voice, remember that this site is hosting these files and giving them to us for free. Someday we may have a volunteer to do some files. Until we find such a volunteer we should be happy with what we have. I have not had much success with the files but I have not found such a site elsewhere on the net. This site you have created not only has a variety of files for all interests and tastes but it also has a tolerant community that helps each other to try and achieve success with these files.

This is just my 2 cents.
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Postby enchant_me » June 30th, 2005, 4:13 pm

EMG wrote:I fear I'm far too thick skinned to resent that, but I also don't have a female voice and Lady Rio just doesn't do that many files so until I find a volunteer with lots of time on her hands I'm afraid you'll all have to survive with my meager attempts at hypnosis.

OK now, don't make me get ugly defending our sweet EMG.

EMG has been very generous with his files. The wonderful man has even done nearly all the work for you. In the event you don't prefer the voice on the files, he has also provided you with many scripts. (Click on Files, you will see Scripts as one of the categories.) If you prefer some voice other than what is provided, print the script, and go find someone with a voice appealing to your sensibilities.

from one who finds EMG's voice enchanting.
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Postby loony28 » June 30th, 2005, 9:46 pm

:twisted: First off I'm going to say that I think I'm starting to have some success with trance. I don't think that we really need to have a female voice for most of the files. I can see the point of having a female doing files that change male to female as only a female can accurately describe the unique feelings of the female body. Now onto the clicks and changes in EMG's voice in the files. EMG takes time out of his day to create these files for us. I'm guessing that it takes a while to get the suggestions right and EMG has to go through many drafts until he is satisfied with it enough to record. Now to sorten the time it takes for him to put up a new file, he has the inductions, the suggestions, and the wakenings seperate on his computer and he just splices together an induction, suggestion, and wakening to save time. I would think that he has a stationary mic and the change in his voice is due to his being at different distances from the mic. The mic also picks up noises in the room, I've heard the creak of a chair in one. :twisted:
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Postby pumpkin_king » July 10th, 2005, 3:40 pm

I have still to have any success as I have only tried the inductions and some otehr files a couple of times... I haver to say though that I haver not been in a full trance yet but I did feel closer to it with GS... I think it was the voice. I'm glad some of the good files have been recorded by GS. The GS-TrigWoman one is one I'm really hoping will work...

Fingers crossed!
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Postby dogsluttranny » July 18th, 2005, 4:42 am

I personally am grateful to EMG for making his files accessible to us for FREE... it must take a hell of a lot of work to make the files, not to mention updating the site and keeping it online!!!!

I might be crazy but EMG's voice takes me under quite nicely and rapidly now after a few years of devoted listening. The files take hold strongly on me and seem to be working beautifully.

I just wish I could afford to PAY for some of the files or at least to buy a custom fileto give a little bit of support... sadly this girl is poor so until she gets a good job or a porn contract she won't be able to....

Thank you EMG... without your genoristy with your gifts it would be exceedingly more difficult for this girl to realize her dream...
"Men are so much better when they're turned into women"

"Dog's are much better mates than men, they fuck hard, always make you cum, and once they start fucking and their knot locks inside you, you're their bitch forever. at least I am...
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Postby GrimIronMan » August 16th, 2005, 7:31 am

I said it once, and I'll say it again. You sure do your research sandy.

My view on this issue is that I, personally, have considered becoming a premium member, not just for the benefits, but for the pride in knowing that I have helped donate to EMG for keeping this site alive. I personally think that any guy who could take time out of his day and do this is a good guy, and whether his files help me or not, it's nice to see a guy thats not a jerk.


P.S. Good gag sandy with the "Snorting "coffee" through one's nose?" trick. Good job getting loony28 on that one!

sandy82 wrote:How many people are invited out for dinner and then tell the host and hostess that the food could have been more skillfully prepared? Or tell someone at Christmas that he really could have provided something they'd have liked better?

Someone's time and money go into this site. And almost everybody in this thread says they would prefer a female voice...in some or all the circumstances that suit them.

In the meantime, think about a few mundane matters.

--The cost of bandwidth.
--Dollar value of the expertise needed to set up a site like this.
--Time, equaling money, to maintain the site.
--The goodwill to agree to make changes that users ask for.
--Functioning forums/journals, the quality of which Yahoo has never seen.
--Electricity bills.
--Personally purchased computer equipment, editing equipment.
--Time spent writing scripts.
--Years of experience in doing the vocalizations.

Beyond all of that, there's the self-restraint and tolerance. You see a great example of that, a few posts above this one.

Still, I have heard that there's a sexy-sounding hypnotesse whose quality has "improved" during the last two years. I know everyone will be happy to trust her with their name, address, and charge card number. Maybe she has the "Good Housekeeping Seal" branded on her butt. Maybe she mails in plain brown wrappers. Or maybe those of you who live at home can explain to your parents why you're getting a package from Dominatrix DeVonda.

If your credit card number is later used at Fifi's House of Relax in Manila, how can you complain...or explain? Let's see how it would go. "Well, officer, I guess they got the card number after I ordered a penis enlargement CD from a hypnotesse with a P.O. Box in Tijuana." :)

I'm all for "meager attempts" at hypnosis. First of all, they're not meager. Second, they're a damned sight better than meager attempts at thought, gratitude, and--all too often, lately--even self-control.
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Postby sandy82 » August 19th, 2005, 11:13 am

Commenting on posts made May 26 and May 27, GrimIronDan on August 16 wrote:I said it once, and I'll say it again. You sure do your research sandy.

P.S. Good gag sandy with the "Snorting "coffee" through one's nose?" trick. Good job getting loony28 on that one!

GrimIronMan, I think you've referred to my "research" under more than one screen name. A good reason for a number of people to watch you closely. Especially when you pay the compliment almost three months later. Incidentally, I didn't do research on either post. I used memory and judgment and a book called a dictionary.

Here's another reason that you've drawn unwanted attention to yourself. loony28 is a good person. That comment about "coffee" was directed to a former member who abruptly left. All his posts were erased, reportedly at his request. He's the one who said that EMG made "meager attempts." Loony28 has never made such a statement about EMG and, I'm sure, never will.
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Postby GrimIronMan » August 20th, 2005, 4:10 am

sandy82 wrote:GrimIronMan, I think you've referred to my "research" under more than one screen name. A good reason for a number of people to watch you closely. Especially when you pay the compliment almost three months later. Incidentally, I didn't do research on either post. I used memory and judgment and a book called a dictionary.

Here's another reason that you've drawn unwanted attention to yourself. loony28 is a good person. That comment about "coffee" was directed to a former member who abruptly left. All his posts were erased, reportedly at his request. He's the one who said that EMG made "meager attempts." Loony28 has never made such a statement about EMG and, I'm sure, never will.

I have never used a different account on this website other than "GrimIronMan". But I truly do respect the fact that unlike most, you put time and effort into your posts instead of just making them seem like one-word sentences. It is not something you see on every forum and it is nice to see a truly high-quality member.

As for the comment I made, it was about an expierence on another forum. The person pulled a joke by changing the subject to something that insulted whoever replied to their post by calling them a quote on quote "retarded moron". It brought back a memory of online friends I truly miss and wish I was still in contact with them all. I am still in contact with a few, but the other one's I wish I still could talk to. I was not at all intrested in insulting loony, it just brought back happy memories. Loony28, I also agree, is a good person and reading his posts are quite enjoyable. I also am not "GrimIronDan", for the future, unless you seem to think that the "other screen name" I seem to have is danmalara, which it's not. :wink: I also would like to say that my comments have never been aimed at the goal of insulting other members, nor will they ever be.

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Postby sandy82 » August 20th, 2005, 8:19 am

You express yourself well, from a procedural standpoint. I have now paid you a compliment, and you have paid me three. Enough of that, especially when one was erroneous and almost three months old. Please, no apologies either. (LOL, the last person to receive an apology received further slurs in the text of the apology.)

GrimIronMan wrote:
sandy82 wrote:GrimIronMan, I think you've referred to my "research" under more than one screen name. A good reason for a number of people to watch you closely. Especially when you pay the compliment almost three months later. Incidentally, I didn't do research on either post. I used memory and judgment and a book called a dictionary.

Here's another reason that you've drawn unwanted attention to yourself. loony28 is a good person. That comment about "coffee" was directed to a former member who abruptly left. All his posts were erased, reportedly at his request. He's the one who said that EMG made "meager attempts." Loony28 has never made such a statement about EMG and, I'm sure, never will.

I have never used a different account on this website other than "GrimIronMan". But I truly do respect the fact that unlike most, you put time and effort into your posts instead of just making them seem like one-word sentences. It is not something you see on every forum and it is nice to see a truly high-quality member.

As for the comment I made, it was about an expierence on another forum. The person pulled a joke by changing the subject to something that insulted whoever replied to their post by calling them a quote on quote "retarded moron". It brought back a memory of online friends I truly miss and wish I was still in contact with them all. I am still in contact with a few, but the other one's I wish I still could talk to. I was not at all intrested in insulting loony, it just brought back happy memories. Loony28, I also agree, is a good person and reading his posts are quite enjoyable. I also am not "GrimIronDan", for the future, unless you seem to think that the "other screen name" I seem to have is danmalara, which it's not. :wink: I also would like to say that my comments have never been aimed at the goal of insulting other members, nor will they ever be.

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Postby GrimIronMan » August 20th, 2005, 1:37 pm

sandy82 wrote:You express yourself well, from a procedural standpoint. I have now paid you a compliment, and you have paid me three. Enough of that, especially when one was erroneous and almost three months old. Please, no apologies either. (LOL, the last person to receive an apology received further slurs in the text of the apology.)

Sandy, let me set the record straight. Looking at my posts, I can count two (2) times where I have complimented your posts. Furthermore, I'm going to say it AGAIN, and for the LAST time. I have never had another account other than this. My join date is July 31, 2005. Last I checked, I haven't been a member for even one month.

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Postby controled » October 18th, 2005, 7:30 am

Personally I would love it if we could find a female voice for going really deep. That would be bliss.
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Postby joey_jojo » December 19th, 2005, 6:02 pm

my 2 cents on why it sounds like peices welded together is this: it is
EMG probably doesnt want to have the effects of the hypnosis on him, so he recordes it in 2 sessions, so he doesnt get hypnotized and become bladder incontinent, or whatever is the file he is doing. that is all.
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Postby jd1967 » December 24th, 2005, 11:27 pm

EMG wrote:I fear I'm far too thick skinned to resent that, but I also don't have a female voice and Lady Rio just doesn't do that many files so until I find a volunteer with lots of time on her hands I'm afraid you'll all have to survive with my meager attempts at hypnosis.

Agriff wrote:I wonder if EMG resents this change. If 98% of the people on here are men, and men prefer women's voices, perhaps he maybe feel pushed away from his role as leading hypnotist.

You guys are making him feel unwanted!! >=(

Ps- (j/k)

I promise NOTHING; but I will look into finding a female voice. Perhaps some hypno-newbie would like to gain a little perspective/exposure to the rest of the process. Of course, one person's perfect (or simply available) female voice is bound to grate on someone else's nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard.
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