Food Changer

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Food Changer

Postby Sirath » September 11th, 2015, 5:45 am

So I'm sitting in my caravan at 9:50pm eating doritoes and listening to music while sorting through things on my laptop and I was just checking my notes on this site and an idea came to mind for a file, I did saw a file by EMG few days ago on front page where if you chew gum, it makes you dumber and with that in mind and eating my doritoes, I thought "what if someone made a file where different/certain types of food does different things".

E.G; chewing gum makes you dumber, eating meat makes you more feminized, eating vegies makes you want to wear a diaper etc

What do you think?
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Postby Endo » September 11th, 2015, 8:21 am

Seems like a file would be better off dynamically connecting food to associated ideas instead of hard-coding certain associations.

For people who haven't been recently dunked in coding jargon: I think this file would work better-but would be more challenging to pull off-by seeding the idea that food will change you to how you perceive people who commonly eat such a food, instead of trying to plant the idea that a particular food would have a particular effect on a person's personality.
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Postby ParanoidLord » September 11th, 2015, 10:35 pm

Another possibly interesting avenue here is to associate a personality (new or old) with a food addiction - instead of gum -> dumb, how about dumb -> gum? You'd probably want to mix those suggestions in with the original idea, but I've heard a lot of good things about circular logic in hypnosis.
(Don't) avoid the noid.
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