Special Pregnancy Help

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

Moderator: EMG

Special Pregnancy Help

Postby pregnancyfetish » October 8th, 2015, 5:01 am

I have a challenge for anyone willing to take it on, however it will need your real voice.

I have fallen in love with the idea of EMG's pregnancy file, specifically the one that states you will go through 9 months of pregnancy and labor within an hour.. my only problem is that I often find my mind wandering during the induction and by the time I can correct it, i'm not nearly deep enough for the hypnosis to work.

That being said, I don't know if I need a longer induction, or a shorter, 'speed' induction, but one of these will be needed. On top of that, the actual contents of the file would be a bit different too.

I'd have the effects take you from conception to labor, with every month in between, within an hour, two at the most, but it wouldn't be with just one child. The amount would be absurd, 10, 12--hell, even 20. So big you can't move, you're just stuck there, growing, tending to unborn children that are eventually all going to have to be pushed out. Giant, engorged, milk filled breasts that are so full you constantly have to express them or else they'll ache and burn as they dribble and force milk out anyway.

And then you go through the labor of them all. At first it hurts. The first two or three are painful, agonizing even, but eventually it becomes pleasurable. Orgasmic even. And as you birth the last one, you reach total bliss.

There is definitely a lot going on in this, hence why the duration might need to be extended a little past an hour. The only catch is, I don't have money right now. I'm barely able to feed my cat and make my car payments, but I'd be forever grateful if someone could make this happen.

If you'd like anymore details, feel free to ask me. Either here or PM.

Also, if you have any ideas for pregnancy files(including non-human), being fucked or raped by something that results in pregnancy, or big breasts, and you'd like someone to try them out, or read over a script or something, feel free to contact me as well. I'd love to help.
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Joined: October 3rd, 2015, 12:00 am

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